267. Lin

Memories of all rounds returned to the continent.

People had experienced their own deaths three times, at least indirectly, so it was not strange even if the continent fell into great chaos.

However, since it came in the form of a dream, it was difficult to fully accept it.

It could have been a kind of nightmare that people usually have.

It has grown on a continental scale, so it was difficult to dismiss it as a simple dream.

Anyway, the phenomenon that was called the continent’s nightmare and noisy was gradually being diluted within the people after three years had passed.

There were certainly people who still couldn’t forget the memories of that time.

The woman who must have suffered the most as she recalled all the memories of the previous episode.

The villain who killed a lot of people in his dreams, on the contrary, was the one who had a hard time even living a normal life because of the guilt.

It was Lynn.

In episode 0, he destroyed the continent and killed the man he loved the most, Daniel MacLaine.

It wasn’t that she lost her body to the goddess of death in the second episode.

Of his own will, he killed everyone except Daniel McClane.

Because it was Rin who knew that to save him was no excuse for the people of the continent.

I tried to live as quietly as possible.

Alone in the dark, even in the midst of being broken, distorted, and twisted.

He endured the pain without any screams, only shedding tears without groaning.

I wanted to see Daniel.

I missed you so much, but I thought I didn’t deserve it.

The blood on your hands is too thick.

The wet, clinging blood covered his entire body, and the reverberation of the blood, which could not be erased no matter how much he washed, lingered at the tip of his nose.

I just wanted to die alone and quietly.

Daniel was not in this world anyway, so there was no reason for him to live.

Wouldn’t it be possible to meet Daniel if he committed suicide?

The thought made her rather reluctant to commit suicide.

He didn’t want to show Daniel this ugly side of himself. Like a vampire, he didn’t want to show his dirty self that squeezed out the blood of the continent.

A life of wandering aimlessly continued.

For two years, I didn’t see anyone and didn’t eat properly, I just wandered around.

As I continued to go to the place my footsteps reached, I left the Kingdom of Phrygia and reached the strange land of the East.

“Girl, you are born with a strange fate.”


It was a woman with a unique appearance that covered her entire body with a purple cloth. A person who calls himself a fortune teller and who says he can fortune people’s fates.

Rin, who destroyed the world twice as an apocalypse, recognized it immediately with the insight she had.

This fortune teller has the blood of the Witch of the Black Forest.

not direct

I don’t know how that blood flowed to this point, but the fortuneteller who said he could see the future didn’t seem to know where his past came from.

Have you ever had an accident somewhere?

Lin wasn’t too interested.

The blood was thin, so it’s safe to say that it was virtually non-existent.

“Are you missing your ex-lover?”


There were times when it almost would have happened.

If the god of life hadn’t dropped a meteorite in the first playthrough, it would have been connected with Daniel.

Thinking about it pisses me off, but I can’t turn anything back.

The continent has already been saved, time does not return, and everything has reached an end.

It was the end taken by Daniel MacLean.

“If you could meet the dead, what would you do?”


When Rin slightly turned her head, the fortuneteller laughed and continued her explanation.

“I can make it possible for you to have a conversation.”

“What are you trying to talk about?”

crackling sound.

Was this your original voice?

The scratching voice, reminiscent of a dry, crumbling tree, was annoying, but it seemed like he had not spoken for so long.

The fortune teller extended his hand as if he had been waiting again and continued the explanation in a verbose way.

“Sometimes in the world, a single word that seems insignificant can change your life. A word of love from a departed lover, or a word of separation that can be broken up cleanly can change your life.”


“Are you going to keep living like that? I really want to hear it.”


Lin clenched her fist.

The yangban in front is just a rookie who doesn’t know anything, but just like a stone thrown by accident hits a frog.

Her words were stimulating Rin’s heart pounding.

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Just one word?

Would that be enough?

Could it be greedy enough?

Even if Rin ran away with her broken body, that didn’t mean that her greed was gone. I missed you.

I always wanted to talk, I wanted to meet, I wanted to hug.

However, he was just averting his eyes from that desire.

“Just one word.”

That’s enough.

It seemed like it could be a fresh start by escaping from this painful path of ascetic wandering aimlessly.

The shackles of the end of the continent will not come off easily.

It might have lost some weight.

“thank you.”

Lin changed her outfit and turned around.

“uh? uh? Where! Will you let me see?”

What can a young con artist who can’t even be called a witch can do?

Lynn was planning to do it herself.

Suddenly, her eyes were once again filled with the old gun.


I needed to prepare.

After returning to the Kingdom of Phrygia, the place that Rin visited was none other than the Ren family of Nirva.

It was Ha-yoon.

I was thinking of going to the witch Adrina, but I stopped.

Now, his skills in magic and his knowledge of life and death were far superior.

I hate to admit it, but the knowledge at the time when the continent was destroyed made Rin explode, and she only had to follow the path she had already walked again.

There was no power of death.

Rin already had the talents of an Archmage.

Even if it was said that he could not deal with the undead army, it was not a big problem.

Why did you visit Hayun?

To be honest, I was a little bit selfish.

‘I don’t think it’s going to take my time with Daniel.’

Sorry about the other women.

Although Rin knew that if given time to talk to Daniel, everyone would raise their hands and turn on the light in their eyes.

This is your only chance.

I didn’t want to lose it to anyone.

In fact, upon hearing Lin’s story, Ha-yoon said that it was bittersweet, but that he understood it and would give full support.

Ha-yoon also wanted to talk to Daniel, but she had no choice but to concede because of Rin’s condition.

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Just as a traveler desperately longs for even a drop of water while crossing the desert.

The broken Lynn desperately needed a word from Daniel MacLean.

about 1 year.

With Hayun’s support, Rin locked herself in her room and devoted herself to research.

A problem that could only be solved by her, who had the level of magic knowledge of an archmage, but also had a connection to the underworld where the goddess of death resides.

It’s been 3 years since Daniel died.

Rin figures out a way to peek into parts of the underworld.

“Let’s practice.”

So, I practiced in Nirva’s sky for about 2 minutes. It was only a short time, but Rin was sure.

that it was successful

It is said to be connected to the underworld.

Of course, it wouldn’t be possible to have a conversation with Daniel unconditionally, but Rin continued to try, holding on to the slightest hope of seeing him.

“In case you don’t know, let’s call the Paladins.”

This was Hayun’s suggestion.

There may be some enemies in the underworld.

Lin, too, had simply received power, and the underworld was full of doubts, so she accepted Hayun’s opinion.

He summons the paladins as a bait to prepare for any catastrophe.

So the paladins came.

Rin connected the underworld to Nirva’s sky again.


Seeing Daniel McLain in three years.

There is a possibility of failure, but Lin was willing to try again and again.

Because that was the only goal in life.

I thought I couldn’t get enough of the first drink, but surprisingly, the underworld was quiet and Rin was able to see the two people.

In the underworld that crosses and crosses the pitch-black sky.

Daniel, a 10-year-old boy, was struggling while being hugged by the goddess of death.

“Than you think.”

The words are spit out like vomiting.

The tears that had been shed in sorrow flowed away.

As she naturally recalled her past, where she had been living desperately for the past three years, a terribly bitter sneer sneered at Rin’s lips.

Her heart was boiling and hot like lava, but the words she spoke were cold like frost.

“How are you?”

What should I say about this feeling?

Being an innately good-natured Rin, I’ve never felt this kind of emotion towards others, so it took me a while to define it.

But I soon found out.

It wasn’t too difficult either.

It was anger.


And that, for the first time in my life, the anger I feel toward Daniel MacLean. With the idea of what he would have done if he had been in front of him.


I wanted to tear apart the goddess of death right away, who had the expression of a young girl in love for the first time, while showing off a voluptuous body that even adult women could fold.

“Yes, yes, this is it.”


A cold laugh takes over.

“Daniel always gives me goals.”

Originally, I just wanted to end the conversation.

Along with the last goodbye, I wanted to apologize for many things.

Such dramatic emotions have long since burned out.

Right now, Rin was burning with the will to live.

“Which of the two… first…”

Rin’s eyes, where the gun had circled, lost their vitality again.

“I’ll see you soon, Daniel.”

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