254. exercise time

“Come on, come on.”

The Goddess of Death approaching me with her brash purple top out. He realizes that the one who had just embraced him so softly was just trying to scratch the inside of the Goddess of Time, but there was no emotion in excessive skinship.

The Goddess of Death came to me with a sincere desire to amputate me. That commitment was too light to compare with my limbs.

The first time you hugged me tight, I had a slightly different thought. I wonder if she might have a crush on me.

But, of course, that couldn’t be the case. There was no reason for her to look good on me.

‘First of all, you have to take that chain away.’

If you take away the chain that is wrapped around the goddess’ right hand, you can run anywhere.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

With clenched fists, I walked in front of the goddess.

The goddess looked down at me for a moment as if my actions were a little surprising. Then with a grinfully ripped smile, he tried to grab my right wrist.


straight away with the back of your hand.

“What all of a sudden? If you give up, do you go easily?”

Thinking that I had not yet given up on my regrets, the goddess of death once again reached out her hand, but struck it off as well.


The goddess of death, who now understands my intentions, clenched her teeth and glared at me.

He is not quick enough to give up and extend his hand to a woman who wants to cut off his limbs. I believe in myself that this is an unmanned battle.

Rather than giving the chain a distance to be pulled, rather read the movement of the goddess up close.

In a way, it was a very risky operation, but I had confidence.

After all, he was the strongest man on the continent.

Tuk tok tok.

After knocking off the goddess’s hand several times, he fixed it as if he was angry, then abandoned the thought of cutting it off and snatched the saw he had placed on the bed.

“It’s something you brought on yourself. I tried to cut it as neatly as possible, but try to live a messy life!”


The saw that has been cut down cuts through the air as it is and crashes into the floor. Twisting her body slightly to avoid the saw, the goddess bites her teeth.

“Yeah, where can you avoid doing that for the rest of your life!”

Caang! Caang! Caang!

He wasn’t a true uninhabited person, and he wasn’t someone who learned anything. Because she was just a goddess who dealt with darkness, it was so easy to dodge the weapon she was wielding recklessly.

‘After all, you can’t use darkness now.’

I was puzzled from the moment I pulled the leash that was hung around my neck. Originally, it would have imprisoned me through the darkness or swallowed me up, but why did I have to prepare such a leash?

And a conversation with the goddess of time.

The Goddess of Death said they were comrades who lost their strength together.

“Are you using too much energy for the disaster and now you can’t handle the darkness properly?”


The goddess of death swung the saw even more violently, as if it had been stabbed at the pinnacle. However, the more I did, the more prepared it was and the easier it was to dodge.


Kick the saw stuck in the ground with your foot and blow it to the side.

Even if I pull the chain wrapped around my hand, nothing changes except for the sound of the chain hanging down because I am close to it.

I tried to pull the chain from the end as if winding it up, but I kicked that hand and made it impossible to move.

Earlier, I couldn’t escape because I was hugging with the weight of my entire body, and I’m not pushed too far because I’m fighting with my strength like this.

“this! this!”

The goddess of death who lost her words in the rising rage. He immediately finds other torture tools and walks around making noises.

And I followed, keeping a distance, and without hesitation kicked the cabinet where the torture tools were displayed.


The hand of a goddess lost in the air.

I stared blankly and swung my clenched fists wide, but I leaned slightly to avoid it.

Since I turned 10 and my body got smaller, it was easier and easier to avoid than I thought.

“you. It would be better to do it in moderation.”

“You didn’t exercise at all?”

“Why does God exercise?”

I tried to stretch out my hand, but the goddess’s lack of movement did not allow me to pass even the slightest bit. Up until now, I was embarrassed and pushed back because of the difference in weight.

I was confident that I would never be caught in a situation where I calmed down.

“Huh! Whoops!”

In the end, the goddess, who had been trying to catch me for a long time, got tired of the weeds and lay flat on the bed.

“Huh! Hey, it’s hard!”

“It’s because I’m locked up in my room all day. Now that I see, did you use your abilities to solve simple things?”


“It’s just like Lynn did.”

It reminds me of Rin, who was locked in a room in the kingdom. At that time, Rin would also stretch out and lie down on the bed while using the Power of Darkness to eat or clean.

The goddess of death would have lived her whole life like that, but there’s no way she could move her body properly.

Her voluptuous breasts came up and down regularly, driven by rough breathing, her thin legs looked like they would break at any moment, and her sagging forearms seemed to have no muscle whatsoever.

“You, you! If I ever get my strength back, I’m really dead.”

“That would take a very long time.”

“Dah, if you wait just a thousand years, you’ll come back!”

“Wait a thousand years?”

Maybe it’s because he’s a god, but his concept of time is a bit different from ours. Sitting next to the goddess, I crossed my legs and laughed.

“Well, if you have a thousand years left, there is no need to be afraid from now on? Then why do you abuse your power so much?”

Why did he forcibly resurrect the Maiden of Time and forcibly awaken Rin and lose his power like this? I couldn’t understand

“If you don’t do that, the opportunity to recreate the continent will be lost because you can easily get the dagger from Kulika! Was it my own gamble? I thought I was going to win because I even got a coolika!”

But the goddess of time lent me power, and I won. It’s not a very old story in terms of time, but I felt like I was remembering a story from the distant past.

“The order was the problem, the order. I thought I could finish the continent easily, so I insisted on doing it first.”

“Did you not think that the goddess of time could turn back time?”

“Couldn’t you have done that? I did it because I thought that taking that into account wouldn’t change the result! What god would have thought that a monster like you would return!”


Having said that, there is nothing more to say.

The Goddess of Time also tried to find a suitable returner by repeating it several times, but I got caught right away and said I was lucky.

“Hey, I really hate it. Too annoying. You just turn it off.”

The goddess who murmured while putting her chains on her face and covering her face with her hands. Originally, goddesses were wondering if they were living their lives like this, but shrugged and asked in secret.

“I want to turn it off, is there any way to get it back?”

Then the goddess of death jumped up and responded with anger.

“Is there such a thing? If you die, it’s over!”

That’s right.

It wasn’t an unexpected answer, so I slowly got up and looked out of the room. I wondered if there were other dead people besides me, but the inside of the castle didn’t seem to be popular at all.

I thought there were even ghosts and demons roaming around, but there was none.

“If this is the underworld, there will be no other dead. Where are you?”

“I know that the underworld is a meeting place.”

A goddess who answers to me with only her head tilted to see if she really has the strength to move.

“Dead humans remain unconscious and after a certain amount of time they lose their memories and reincarnate. If you destroy the continent and create a new one, you will be reincarnated.”


Is the structure working that way?

“Then what about me?”

“Are you special? There are some stains on the hands of time and years, so I guess I can’t fall asleep that easily.”

Does that happen?

It was difficult for me to understand, but to the Goddess of Death, it seemed natural to me as a level of knowledge about using a fork and knife when eating.

Since the goddess of death is hanging around, there is nothing to do. I seemed to have forgotten the tirade that I had just threatened to cut my hands and feet off.

Actually, it may not matter too much.


“How hard is it that you only moved it for a moment?”

“It’s the first time! It’s the first time I’ve ever moved so violently in my life!”

The goddess who only moves her mouth now feels a bit pitiful. The fact that the continent was destroyed by such an existence is a little embarrassing.

It is dangerous to go anywhere.

The hallways are too dark to walk around in the pitch-black darkness. It seemed that if I made a mistake, I would lose my way forever.

So, there is fire.

To be precise, this place was a safe place to be, even with a bonfire for heating the iron.

‘I’m still a little bored.’

He’s not in bad shape, except that the chain is dragged around his neck every time he walks.

I’m not even hungry, so I’m naturally bored.

I glance around and pick up a black wand. It seems to have been left for torture, but I have no idea where it is being used.

Is it used in a way that twists the skin?

Or it could be used to break bones by hitting them.

Anyway, I held it balanced with both hands and started lifting it up from my thighs to my chest.

“Sup, ha.”

After repeating it several times, was the sound of breathing bothering you? The goddess did not get up from the bed, but turned and looked at this side.

“What are you doing.”

“Exercise. Don’t talk.”

“What are you going to do after you die?”

The goddess stretched out and sighed.

“Hang in there. I’m going to cut off your leg again when I’m up.”

“How much is a little?”

“One, three years?”

damn it

I don’t know what the hell it is to be lying in bed for 3 years just because it worked feverishly for 10 minutes.

After roughly one set, I approached the goddess.

I had a good idea.

“Hey, wake up.”

“hey? Did you say hey to the goddess just now?”

It reminds me of Yves and Tana desperately not wanting to exercise early in the morning, so it makes me laugh.

“Member, it’s time to exercise.”

He grabbed the goddess by the wrists and pulled her out of bed.

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