243. city date


As I glanced at Sen with his face out of the window of my room, I stretched out casually. If you don’t like the reaction, inflate the ball.

“Why aren’t you surprised?”

“No, I can’t be surprised anymore because I’ve done so much.”

How many times Sen went in and out of my window.

Now, Sen has become a body that is not surprised at all no matter where he comes out.

In fact, to put it a little harder, I couldn’t miss Sen’s movement itself because my senses were so active now rather than familiarity.

When I open the window, Sen skilfully climbs over and comes in. It may feel like there is no problem with taking it so casually now, but in fact, it is about 5 stories tall if you count the number of floors.

Hanging from a window carelessly was an act that could misunderstand the people around you.

“So what happened?”

“I heard rumors that your brother has turned into a public good.”


What did he say to me now?

When I asked the question again without realizing it, Sen exclaimed, loosening his throat, and said it again.

“I heard you spend time with people. With Yves and with Hayun.”


It’s not wrong.

However, it has turned into a public good, isn’t it?

“So everyone is waiting for their turn.”

“That’s another scary word.”

The back of my head stings again at the thought of making me have strange expectations. I meant to spend as much time as possible, but I didn’t mean to make you wait.

“Today I came to take the lead. So send it with me.”

“Well, yes.”

I didn’t have any plans to spend with anyone, so it didn’t seem bad to be swayed by Sen’s atmosphere who came so proudly.

“But I don’t really have any plans, do I?”

I thought it would be a simple chatter, but Sen is more serious than I thought.

“I’m going downtown. Change your clothes first.”


“Yeah, downtown.”

It was too sudden, but I felt it even more out of the blue because it was Sen who said that I should go out into the city. But Sen was already out the door.

“See you at the front door in 30 minutes.”

“Do you need 30 minutes to change clothes?”

I wondered what it needed so much, but Sen looked at me with a sharp gaze.

“It’s my first time going out after becoming an older brother, so just dress up and come.”


Sen closes the door and leaves.

There was no need to look around the closet while scratching the back of my head.

After all, the clothes here were only about the clothes most of them wore when training.

“Even if you tell me to choose.”

In the first place, I have no sense for clothes.

I thought that I had received an order that was more difficult than I expected, and as I was pondering in front of the closet, the maids rushed in.

Bertia, who was at the forefront, politely folded her hands and greeted with a smile, while the maids following behind her were carrying hangers full of clothes on their shoulders.

“Hello, Daniel. I brought it because the princess said she would probably need it.”


A situation where you just breathe out.

But Bertia skillfully passed my reaction with a smile and asked.

“If you need help choosing, we are here to help.”

“No, that’s fine.”

Then, Bertia’s eyebrows gathered slightly and she chinned to the ladies-in-waiting. They moved quickly and brought the clothes hanger right in front of me.

“If you don’t mind, can you tell me what kind of clothes you will choose when you go to meet Sen?”


are being tested

I slowly reached out my hand, feeling a slight sting on my back.


Bertia’s hand briefly hit the back of my hand and fell off.

“Sorry, I didn’t know.”

You’re wrong.

I picked out one more pair.



“If this is the case, why did you bring a pile of clothes?”

They just need to bring the clothes they want, so why are they giving me this ordeal?

But Bertia sighs and accepts my words casually.

“There are clothes that fit the situation, so I have prepared several sets. It’s not something you’ll just wear today. Besides the strong students, there are quite a few female students waiting behind you.”


“Then, is it the end of being a tough student?”


what to say about this

I was going to spend time with other people if possible, but when I say it out loud, it feels like garbage.

“Princess Elysee is already preparing.”

“It’s scary to ask, but what are you preparing?”

“That, I can’t tell you.”

“Oh, what is it? So it’s even scarier!”

“Hey, Daniel.”

A soft, gentle touch of Bertia’s comfort comes up on her shoulder. I never knew she could have such a kind smile.

“The princess is capable, but she is far from the right to the throne, and she gets along well with other brothers and sisters. So, even if you join the royal family, you won’t get involved in internal political battles or anything like that.”

“No, are you kidding me?”

What the hell is this

He was suddenly afraid to meet Elysee, but the smiles of Bertia and the other maids spread like a net.

Coughing loudly, Bertia picks out a few clothes and puts them on me naturally.

“Let’s wear it in one color. It’s cold these days, so it’s much more comfortable to wear something like a coat.”

“Are you passing words like this?”

“Hmm, you’re getting better clothes than I thought. It sure looks like you’re in good shape. Would you like to take off what you are wearing right now?”


Only when I have this full-faced skin can I become the exclusive maid of Elysee. I nodded and stretched out my hand.

“I’ll change in the bathroom.”

Indeed, after about 30 minutes had passed, Bertia and the maids behind me were looking at my clothes with satisfaction.

“You look great.”


I just wore it normally and put on a beige coat, but I received unexpected compliments.

“Let’s go. If you go ahead and wait, you will like it.”


“You are welcome, sir.”


“It’s nothing, Daniel.”

Seeing him play a prank that wasn’t reprehensible, I was a little upset, but I helped him, so I’m going to move on.

I opened the door and was going to go straight to the meeting place.

Outside, there were two people standing in awe.

Eve and Hayun.

“Daniel! It’s finally out!”

“Let’s talk for a second.”

“yes? What’s up?”

I wondered what was going on with the two people we had spent time with just yesterday, but the two of them took one step at a time and came in.

“If it was a date, you should say it was a date! I wanted to see Daniel dressed up like this too!”

“By the way, Eve spent time together at the library. I’m just done fighting!”

“No, it’s not like a date. Don’t get me wrong.”

I try to roll my head and think of even poor excuses.

“That’s it. Talk time to boost morale. Before you fight the end, you shouldn’t be depressed or anything.”

“Then do it one more time!”

“Right, me too.”

“You already know that morale is fully charged through conversation. I believe in you.”

As soon as you raise your thumb, Eve rushes at you.

“Give me your fingers! I will break you!”

“Isn’t this supposed to be fair?”

these are real

I managed to separate the two and head to the rendezvous, and Sen was staring at me with his hands on his waist with his legs crossed.


“Sorry, there was an accident.”

I didn’t know that Eve and Hayoon would stick together like gum. If it wasn’t for the high-end clothes Bertia had prepared for you, it would have torn right away.

“Well, I like the way you look, so I’ll take a look.”

Sen smiles with a satisfied smile as if it wasn’t too bad.

“How am I? Tana helped me.”

Checkered bread hat and check Mooney coat. Inside, she is wearing a white sweater. Seeing this, who would call her an assassin belonging to the Extermination Squad?

“It suits you, it’s pretty.”

“Hey, I didn’t expect to give such an honest answer.”

I smiled bitterly at those words.

“I decided to be a little honest.”

“okay? good.”

Sen immediately clasped her arms. At first, I was a little surprised, but now that we are siblings, there is no reason to refuse.

Perhaps he noticed that, but Sen clung to him even more, making it a little uncomfortable to walk.

“So where are you going?”

I wondered if he would have called me because he had something else in mind, but Sen smiled and answered with anticipation.

“I’m going to buy some tableware. Like bowls or cups, for example. And a blanket too.”

“Well? What’s inconvenient about using it in a royal family?”

I thought it was a bit out of the blue, but Sen smiled and put his head on my shoulder.

“If you live together after graduation, you will need my things. I want to buy it in advance.”


I see

Now that Sen is McClain, he lives with us. Although the original purpose of bringing her in as a younger sister was to create a place for her to return to after graduation.

Unknowingly, I turn my head away from the bitter feelings that come over me.

“Do I really need to live now? You still have a lot left.”

“There won’t be a lot of stuff here. And I want to buy it in advance. Just looking at what I bought makes me feel good!”

“…Okay, let’s go then.”

My steps following her hand leading me toward the city are strangely heavy.

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