229. pirates

“I thought it was an island.”

The dragon god Shakalim floating on the sea.

No, it’s a bit much to call him a god now, so he was just the lizard grandfather Shakalim.

“Maybe he’s dead?”

“If you’re going to die like this, it’s not worth coming here.”

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Jane poking her head out from the top of the wyvern to check. First of all, the wyvern is also very tired, so he carefully lands on top of the dragon.

“Thank you, you worked hard.”

While Jane gently caresses the wyvern’s cheek with her hand, I sneakily step on Shakalim’s head and head towards his eyes.

My sword still stuck.

“If I take this out, will I wake up?”

If I take it out right away, it will get up again and cause a riot, so it seemed right to leave it as it is for now. It seems like it will take quite a while to wake up from the shock of the fall.

“What should I do? Shall we wait?”

“I think we will have to wait quite a while. After giving the Wyvern a little rest, let’s go back to the island. I can’t run away because I don’t have wings anyway.”

“Yeah, it’s almost over.”

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Jane sighs and sits down. In the old days, he would have shouted blasphemous from above the dragon god, but now he doesn’t seem very impressed.

“Ha, but the dragon god… If Shakalim rises, will you listen to us?”

“I will listen. Because I knew I could really die.”

I was about to sit down to get some rest, but Jane tapped the seat next to her and signaled her to come.

“I’ll give you a massage. I cut off the dragon’s wings, but that’s what I have to do.”

“What a massage.”

“Hurry up.”

Once you say you know, you take a seat next to her. Starting from the shoulder, I pressed it pretty hard, but it was noticeable that I had never done it a few times.

Still, I’m doing it with my own attention to other things.

“Your body is very strong!”

“Try a little harder.”

“Did you say you did it for nothing?”

During Jane’s massage, I think of Shakalim underneath.

Although he had the grand name of Dragon God and was receiving absolute trust from the dragons.

In fact, in the second round of death, I couldn’t be so servile and shabby.

Shakalim finally fell to his knees in the pincers of Sharqal and Kulika.

In the end, with all of his wings torn off and all of his forepaws blown off, he bowed his head to Rin in the second playthrough and begged for his life.

Of course, Rin killed Shakalim to bring me back.

As he lived for a long time, he had the illusion that his desire for survival had been diluted. In fact, it was the other way around.

Living longer than anyone else is not very different from saying that you have a stronger commitment to life than anyone else.

It reminded me once again that I could die.

The gaze on the other side, which looked down excessively, was also corrected.

I took a little drastic method of cutting off the wings, but if it wasn’t like this, I don’t know when or how Shakalim would escape.

‘Now we can have a proper conversation about the end.’

At best, it took quite a bit of effort to put it on the table.

Now it really feels like the end is in sight.

Eris tried to persuade Yggdrasil, and if she succeeded, it would be safe to say that almost all preparations for dealing with the disaster were completed.


“What do you think?”

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Jane quietly rests her chin on my shoulder.

It felt strangely close to the sense of distance, but since we risked our lives together, it seems that comradeship is welling up.

“I was just thinking about what to do next. Even though I feel helpless when I think that even after defeating the Dragon God, this isn’t over yet.”

“Even if you want to?”

“Now I have a feeling that the end is really nearing.”


“Then what do you do? I lost my title as the Dragon Goddess and learned the truth about the Dragon Gods. In fact, aren’t you the one who’s in the most trouble right now?”

Then Jane slowly leans back. The blue sea background and the fluttering red hair harmonized to create a picturesque scene.

“It’s liberation. I like it because it’s cool. I don’t know how to tell the Yongin about this, and honestly, I’m worried.”

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Jane said quietly looking at me.

“Isn’t that my responsibility?”

At the answer that was not really answered, laughter flowed out without me knowing. I wonder if people have changed so much in such a short time.

“So you have to think about it first. Well, it seems like I had a bit of a dream when I was younger, so I have to think about it.”

“It will be fun.”

frankly it was embarrassing

“Is that right? In order to do that, you must prevent the end of the continent well.”

He shut his mouth for a moment. Jane glanced at me, wondering if she had said something wrong, but I smiled and nodded.

“Of course you should.”


The people who welcome us back to the island on the Wyvern with Jane. In particular, Eve and Sen ran right into me.

And even the members of the choir who strode after them and the elders crouching behind them.

It didn’t seem like it had been that long, but the complexions weren’t very good.

“Uh, how have you been?”

In response to Eve’s question, I raised my thumb with my hand, and Eve and Sen smiled and raised their thumbs.

“I completely cut off one of the Dragon God’s wings. I’m fainting right now and I’m floating in the sea, so I’ll just go there at my leisure.”

Then I see some of the elders in the back rolling their eyes and collapsing with crab foam.

In the case of an elder with a strong personality, he pushes people away, comes forward, grabs me by the collar, and yells out loud.

“Yes, you bastard! You really did something unworthy of our god! As God’s agents, we condemn you…!”


The elder’s cheek turns rough.

He blinks several times in that state and then looks at Jane who slapped his cheek.

“You’re crazy as well…!”


One more blown cheek.

This time I went quite orthodox and the elder fell backwards.

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Jane declared, sticking her horn forward as if she were going to run into it at any moment.

“There was no such thing as God. The ones we served as gods were just lizards living their own way.”

“Yo, Dragon Goddess! Do you know what is coming out of your mouth right now! Your position…!”

“How many times do I have to say that I am not a Dragon Goddess?”

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Jane kicks the dirt on the floor and scatters it over the fallen elder.

“You guys don’t think the Dragon God is important. It must be scary to lose the power that used to act arbitrarily with that prestige on its back.”

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Jane, who looked at the dragon goddess, who was supposed to have been recently chosen, shrugged and clenched her tongue.

“A dragon goddess who can’t even handle proper magic? Just look at choosing a woman that suits your taste. How do you know the dragon goddess? And to be honest, the visuals are much better on my side.”

The woman chosen by the elders was, to say the least, very obscene. The clothes they were wearing seemed to reflect the elders’ personal sexual orientation.

The new dragon goddess bowed her head in shame as she knew the elders’ intentions.

‘But that’s not the case for Eve.’

If she found out that she was thinking like this, Eve would say something, but what would she do?

Today, Eve was a winning streak.


Suddenly, Jane taps from the side.

I said something out of nowhere.

“I am better.”


To be honest, my taste is a little bit more than plain like Jane…


When I turn my head to be sorry for nothing, Jane’s gaze quickly follows me, but I forcefully ignore it and pretend I didn’t see it.

“ah! what. Tell me.”

“No, you are much prettier.”

“I thought about it a while ago, but it’s really bad for comfort or praise.”

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Jane grumbles and goes to the Wyverns. I’m just shrugging my shoulders, and I can feel the voluminous weight behind me.

Having felt it several times already, I naturally knew that it was Eve.

A softly enveloping voice.

“You haven’t forgotten your promise, have you?”

“promise? what promise?”



A fierce gunfire was heard interrupting Eve’s speech.

Surprised, we hurriedly headed towards the beach.

There were dozens of pirate ships surrounding the island, preparing to bombard them.

In the center of it all, a man from a huge pirate ship let out a mana-filled cry.

“This island now belongs to me, the pirate lord!”


Before the pirate lord reached the island, they were naturally looking for the source of the sudden huge waves.

If, in preparation for a storm or whirlpool, the entire pirate ship had not been enchanted to block the waves, it would have sunk and become a ghost ship rather than a pirate ship.


When I saw the huge dragon god’s body from a distance, I thought it was just a small island.

It was only when I got closer that I could only open my mouth in amazement.

A dragon with its wings cut off is floating in the sea!

The pirate lord felt the thrill and pleasure of pouring gold like rain.

So, leaving a few pirate ships on purpose, they headed to the island, and the rest were catching dragons.

“Wow, how much is this?”

“But is there anyone who buys this?”

“I don’t know. Anyway, if it’s a dragon, it won’t be quite expensive.”

The pirates hung hooks on the dragon’s scales, and they were enjoying the harvest like farmers.

“But are you sure you’re behind?”

“Then does it look like he’s swimming here?”

It was Shakalim who fainted so hard, and the pirates were also seeing dragons for the first time, so they were afraid to check it properly.

In the meantime, a pirate mustered up the courage to go to the dragon’s head.

“Is it dead?”

It was a strangely blowing nose wind, but the pirate found something more striking than that.

“Wow, what is this?”


It also pierces the dragon’s eye, like the legendary warrior’s treasure sword.

In fact, the sword itself wasn’t much of a big deal, but just by piercing the dragon’s eye, it felt like it was of great value to a pirate.

dragon sword.

Well, can you give it a name like that?

Slowly look around.

No one knows that a sword is still in the dragon’s eye.

So he drew his sword with the intention of stealing it secretly.


The dragon woke up screaming in agony.

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