177. goddess of time


With the roar of the sudden explosion, Ha-yoon fluttered a little and flew backwards in the fierce wind, but the Archwitch held out her staff to her.

“Catch it!”

Hayoon managed to snatch the archwitch’s staff. Then, with the impact of the aftermath that I had just felt, my legs, which had floated up, fell to the ground.

“Huuu, can’t you be called a great witch?”

It was as if a transparent curtain had drooped around her, and she was calm alone in the aftermath of the storm. Of course, that’s what it says. Actually, the Archwitch was struggling to stand with her wobbly legs.

“I will support you.”

“Thank you.”

“I am more grateful.”

If I made a mistake, I would have been wandering alone in the middle of the forest of the Demon Realm where I don’t know where it is. I was dizzy just imagining it because I knew enough about how dangerous this place was while coming with Daniel.

Hayun caught the archwitch from behind and supported her.

She, too, was still throbbing with fatigue from her double feet, but there was no one who wasn’t having a hard time.

It’s a short-lived relationship, but even so, the fact that they dealt with a strong enemy formed a consensus of their own.

A situation that supports each other.

The Maiden of Time was no longer visible. She had already been caught in the explosion and seemed to have disappeared.

‘I didn’t run away. It was definitely right.’

Of course, it was a bit far from the explosion, but I was still hit with this much power. It didn’t seem like she would be safe even if she was a priestess of time.

The last smile, which was strangely mischievous, gave Ha-yoon a strange assurance that she was still alive.

But now, there was no time to worry about the priestess of time. Hayoon asked in a slightly exasperated voice without even realizing it.

“Daniel. Daniel is…”

I look around, but Daniel is nowhere to be seen. It seems that they were fighting ancient demons, but what the hell was the situation?


The voice of the Archwitch descended heavily.

It was Hayoon who seemed to know what to say, so I wanted to tell her not to say more.

“It sounds like it will be difficult.”

The archwitch told Ha-yun with bitterness.


“……What’s this?”

Sharqal’s self-destruct hit the right way. In the past, the explosion was huge enough to envelop a third of the Demon Realm’s forest, but this time the power was rather small.

When dealing with the earliest apocalypse, was it because he sincerely prepared for death, and was it the difference that he was not prepared this time?

But that didn’t matter to me at all.

Big or small.

Because he didn’t have the talent to survive the archmage’s self-destruct attack. Yeah, of course I thought he was dead.

However, when I opened my eyes again, which had been tightly closed in the white light, all I could see was a world where everything stopped.

I wondered what kind of situation this was, but I also wondered if the shaman of time was interfering. But I couldn’t even feel her presence, let alone her appearance.


As I looked around in doubt, I heard a woman’s voice suddenly ringing in my head.

– Can you hear me?


What is this?

It felt like my brain was tickling. I looked around, but there was still no one there. I’ve heard that wizards have a magic that conveys their intentions without saying that they are electronic, is that true?

– Can you hear me?

“who are you?”

-If you can hear me, tell me that you can hear me.

slightly shriveled voice.

When she clenched her fists as if urging her to explain quickly, she coughed a few times, cleared her throat, and suddenly spoke with a benevolent voice that was different from the one before.

-Hello, I am the goddess of time.


There are times when my head is hardened when I hear too outrageous words, and that’s exactly what it was. For reference, I had experienced it once when Elise called me Master for the first time.

– Are you familiar with this? that I have chosen you

“What do you mean by choosing a shaman?”

I thought it was nonsense, but on the other hand, the other side sighs and answers. If he had been in front of him, would he have been shaking his head?

-I ‘choose’ that child. In the old world.

“In the old world? So now?”

– You threw it away. Don’t you know too? kill yourself

What is this?

It’s a bit jarring to talk about. I’ve met all kinds of people, but it was the first time I had a conversation with a being called God, so I was embarrassed.

-But the goddess of death picked up what I threw away, right? Well, Miko thinks I’ve joined forces with death, but that’s not possible.

“How do I know that?”

-is that so? Sorry. It’s been a while since I talked to a person, so I must have been a little excited.


Why do you feel like talking to a kid? When I thought so, my voice actually sounded like a child.

-Anyway, the goddess of death picked up the child I abandoned and is using it.

it was better

If you talk like this, there are many things you want to ask.

“Why did the Goddess of Death bring the Maiden of Time back to life?”

-Yes? Ah… you don’t know. Well, to put it simply.

The Goddess of Time gave an easy-going answer, as if it was a bit cumbersome to explain.

-Because it was the shaman who awakened the earliest end in the world last time. I tried to stop him, but in the end I found Rin and he killed him.


The Maiden of Time killed Rin in her previous life.

There was a lot to gain from that fact alone. As long as I stop the Maiden of Time, Rin won’t end even after 10 years.

At the same time, it was the moment when my hypothesis that she would awaken to the end when she died was confirmed.

-So it seems that death is trying to use the shaman to do something in this world, but it’s not going anywhere. because you are

“Didn’t I get anything from you?”

-Yes? you’ve been revived Do you think reincarnating with memories is easy? It was my first time too, so I had a hard time.

It’s a bit strange.

“When the priestess of time saw that I was reincarnated, she called me heretic. It’s a god’s disgrace that will never fail.”

– Isn’t that funny? They know that God is omnipotent, that child. Thanks to you, I suffered quite a bit. I build up my image on my own, and I believe in it.


-I reincarnated myself, but I gave up completely when I saw that I was trying to kill you, saying that there was no way I could fail.

A goddess who continues to appeal to me that she has nothing to do with the Shrine Maiden of Time.

“Why did you choose me?”

-Are you going to keep asking me this? It’s pretty hard for me to stop time right now.

“Just answer this.”

I wondered why he chose me living in the forest of the demon realm, but the goddess of time answered this too easily.

-To be honest, I didn’t pick the existence of Daniel MacLean. When the end of the world came, I chose the last ‘survivor’, and that was you.

It wasn’t too surprising.

Because it was one of the answers I was expecting.

‘Then if I died first, then Eris…’

A vain imagination came up, but I shook my head to erase it. It’s already past.

– There is only one reason I came. Because you can’t die here.


-I planned to bring the next last survivor back again when this world is over. But seeing you changed my mind. You can do it. enough to prevent disaster. Let’s finish with the first room!

“Why do the gods bring an end to the continent?”

-Ha, I thought it was the last time.

grumbling goddess. It’s obvious that he’s shrugging his shoulders. If you were in front of me, I’d just bang my head right away.

– It’s a re-creation. It’s obvious, right? Didn’t you feel it as you looked around the world? too bad it’s too dirty Rather than cleaning, I decided to just move.

Is it possible to talk about the death of the people of the continent so simply?

-If the goddess of death cleans the world here, right? Then the cornerstone of the next world will be death.

“you are?”


“Are you trying to destroy us too?”

I had a feeling that the goddess of time was smiling at my question.

-If that’s the case, I wouldn’t have brought you back with me, right?

That’s right.

If she wished for the end of the continent, she would have left it as it was. There was no need to turn back time and start over.

-I like this world. There are a lot of things I don’t like very much, but I don’t think a world where other gods are the cornerstones would be any better than this.

is it.

I thought this was fortunate.

Still, among the absolute beings, there was still a person who was hoping for our survival. Even if we didn’t like the intention itself, the result was on our side.

-Ah, I spent all my time answering. This is the last time I’ll save you like this. It was because the goddess of death took the shrine maiden and continued to use the foul play, so I was able to interfere once.

“All right. But don’t I give you a stamp or something?”

If you look at Rin or Ares, they show their strength through imprinting, but I wondered why they didn’t give it to me after being chosen.

-No, it’s enough to have a regression. What more do you want?


-You’re so shameless. He saved me and asked me to bring my luggage. What is it? I’m excited!

Annoyed like a child, she said goodbye to me in a whisper.

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