167. ghost town nirva

Coolica is running.

That fact alone was enough to put a lot of pressure on the whole body.

I bit my lip, feeling stuffiness rising deep in my chest.

Why the hell is he in Nirva?

The ancient magic beasts try to hide their appearance as much as possible.

It’s been a long time since I’ve come to realize that there’s nothing good about being known, and that was the rule set by the ancient demons.

Of course, there were demons who did not observe this, but all those who stood out were buried deep in the forest of the Pandemonium and became food for other demons and insects.

However, among the ancient Witch Beasts, Kulika and Sharcal, who can be called the highest ranking, are in the middle of the kingdom’s city.

‘Even if something goes wrong, it’s still wrong for a long time.’

I cried so confidently.

“Run towards the geek! Get out of Nirva!”

It was too dangerous to be here now. Even if I was alone, I didn’t know how or when I would lose my life, but it was unreasonable to protect students like Rin and Ares together.

Rin and Ares immediately rushed out the door as if they had waited for my words. He felt a strange sense of déjà vu when he saw the huge rock that split the mansion in half, but for now, he chased after the two.

Anyway, Sharqal wouldn’t die like this.

In fact, the standing rock gradually shook and began to crack, then jumped up, spewing magical power.

“How dare you act in the land of the main throne, Kulika!”

An angry shout spreads out. Sensing that immense magical power was gathering behind my back, I was able to meet my older sister who was running towards us. A little tired of dealing with users until now.

“All right, Daniel? What the hell is going on inside right now?”

The senses of the older sister, who became Yongin, were several times greater than those of humans, so she was authentically feeling the life and pressure that Kulika and Sharkal radiated, and her face turned pale.

“It’s okay, calm down, sister. Let’s go right back, Nirva is too dangerous right now.”

He grabs the shoulder of his trembling older sister and takes her as if to support him. The great mansion of the Ren family that began to completely collapse in the clash of two beasts.

Once outside, there were Hayun, Sen, and a geek who were watching the battle between Kulika and Sharkal blankly.

“Is that possible?”


Hayun and Sen watched their battle with terrified expressions, but the geek side was a little different.


He was watching the battles of the beasts with ecstatic eyes that had witnessed a new world.

“Why are you invading the realm of the throne, lord of the beasts!”

“If you don’t want to play with the pranks of the gods, get out of there, Sharcal. Everyone knows that the earliest apocalypse is here!”

earliest end?

Me and Rin looked into each other’s eyes at Kulika’s loud cry. Kulika is looking for Rin. One strange thing.

‘How does he know Lin is here?’

there is no way to know

How can the emperor, who is confined to the forest of the demon realm, know that a girl he has never seen is the earliest end?

Anyway, it’s dangerous now.

Because I didn’t have any weapons, so I couldn’t fight Kulika.

“geezer! Go to Aeos right now!”

I hurriedly gathered people and shouted. The geek was still watching the beasts with an ecstatic expression.

“hey! Calm down!”

Finally, after clenching his shoulders and shaking them strongly, the geek nodded his head. Sen glared at him with strange eyes, but the geek hastily used warp magic.

“Where are you going!”

Kulika, who had not missed us during the battle, roared towards us, but it only gave us a prickly feeling of pressure on our skin.

In the blink of an eye, we were standing in the hallway of Aeos Academy.

“Ha ha.”

I breathe a sigh of relief without realizing it. Maybe it was the same for me as well as the other children, my legs became weak and eventually I collapsed, or leaned my back against the wall and barely managed to hold on.

I met two of the strongest beasts of the ancient times, so this reaction would be natural.

It was truly fortunate that no one died.

I understand, but I couldn’t stay still. He took a deep breath and said calmly.

“I have to go back to Nirva.”


“What are you talking about! Are you crazy?”

Rin and Dina noona immediately oppose it. Even if it was a natural reaction, I answered firmly.

“I have to go. It’s not what’s going on in Nirva right now.”

At first, everyone hesitated at my words, but soon after, they expressed their intention to be together as if they were determined, but of course they refused.

Now, Nirva was a place where even I wasn’t sure I could survive. However, if you take other people with you, it will only become a burden.

Especially in the case of Rin, Coolika is directly targeting it.

I don’t know how he got to Nirva while hiding his huge size, but he said it’s best to hide in his hometown first.

In the end, the parties that were completely torn apart.

In the case of the geek, he took the money and left, saying that the coordinates he had taken at the crossroads of the square, the symbol of Nirva, could no longer be used.

Sen decided to go to my home town with Lin and Daina.

In the case of Ares, he went to Arni’s hometown first because he had an appointment with Arni Duratan, but he promised to return to his hometown soon.

And the last Hayun.


“Unconditional, unconditionally waiting outside the city.”

“I know, I’m going to put a tick on my ear.”

They were following me towards Nirva. Because he showed a stubborn will that he would never fall out of this case involving the Ren family.

This time, instead of riding the warp directly into the city, we are planning to rent a horse and head, so we can approach the situation slowly from a safe distance.

I was planning to leave Ha-yun as far away as possible and enter the city by myself.

Leaving the empty academy, borrowing horses from the stables, we continued to speculate about what had just happened on the way.

The city of Nirva has turned into a gray street, and the reason Hayun’s parents, who passed away, welcomed them in the form of a ghost, is my guess because of Sharkal.

It is something that only Sharkal can do, no matter how much he thinks about it, to have such an impact on a city of that size.

Then the question is, why did Sharkal come out of the Demon Realm Forest and stay in Nirva? Also, how did Kulika know Rin’s location and come to Nirva?

“Ha, I have no idea what the hell is going on.”

“……Hey Daniel.”


Ha-yoon carefully asked me to hold my head on top of the horse.

“Why the hell was Uncle like that?”

“Heven Len?”

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Just like Hayoon said, if you think about it, it was like that. Given the circumstances, it seemed that Sharqal had killed everyone in Nirva.

Due to his personality and characteristics, he would not dare to spare those weaker than himself, and of course he would have slaughtered everyone, regardless of soldier or civilian.

‘Then why did Heven Len live like that?’

As I thought about it, a strange sense of deja vu began to bite my tail and follow me.

‘Wait a minute, why was Sharqal using the people he killed?’

He who despises the weak, instead uses the weak as ghosts to stand in our way?

No, I never will.

For a wizard like Sharqal, it’s much more effective to just swing a staff than to spend mana to cast magic in such a place.

However, it was clear that the city was a magical operation of Sharqal. that I could be sure of.

the question is why?

In the end, I can’t answer the question of why.

The reason Sharqal is in Nirva.

The reason why he attacked Nirva and ruled it.

In addition, the reason why Kulika was able to visit Nirva.

Rather, if Nirva had been near the Demon Realm Forest, he would have been able to understand at least a little bit of the existence of the two beasts.

On the contrary, Nirva was in the completely opposite direction to the Forest of the Demon Realm, and as time passed, doubts were bound to increase.

In the end, none of the answers came out, so me and Ha-yun couldn’t do anything other than watch the horses running hard.

So it took us a few days to get to Nirva.

“……what’s this?”

“All right, Daniel? Am I looking right?”

Nirva has turned into gray dust and has become a desolate city of ghosts.

“Oh? Are you new to Nirva? student? couple?”

“Isn’t that the daughter of the Ren family?”

“Well? Did the Ren family have any children?”

The voices of people around you. Lively people with the noise unique to the city mixed with this and that noise.

Nirva, which had become a ghost town, was now back to its original, very peaceful appearance.

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