158. time and death

“I’m sick of riding a wagon.”

The competition was over yesterday. The time has come to say goodbye to Byrne, a city that has stayed longer than expected.

I was happy that I had finally gotten out of sharing a room with Ares, but I felt helpless because I had to go a long way to get back to Aios by carriage.

“Sit next to me, I’ll give you my shoulder.”

Eve smiled and cared for me by my side, but I politely declined.

“You’re trying to see if I’m reading a book.”

“……Ah, no.”

Look at me pouting my lips while averting my eyes for no reason. I feel strangely relieved to see that Eve has become small again from yesterday’s forgiveness punch.

“students! Grab a drink and a sandwich here! thank you for your effort!”

A big smile appeared on the lips of the dean as he prepared a simple meal before getting on the carriage. Would it have been that good to have won the contest?

Aios Academy won a come-from-behind victory by winning a landslide victory in the big match of the 2nd day, mana volleyball and captain match.

Not only did the legend of 13 consecutive losses end, but it was the second day that showed Aios’ unmistakable potential.

Especially since my stomach pretending to have a broken right hand was discovered, I, who was full of substitutes, played in most of the games.

Dean Pals looked at me and said with tears in his eyes, “Let’s review a plan to limit the number of alternate players next year.”

“Heh heh.”

Sen sneaking up from the side. The medal hanging on her chest was given to the team that won Mana Volleyball.

Sen, who played an active role as a perfect joker pick in Mana Volleyball.

In fact, it was not easy for her to win the victory alone, but the situation changed when Elise, who was a candidate player and did not show her face in the competition from the middle, joined.

It is said that she participated because of me, but thanks to that, her reputation as a princess with citizens has improved considerably.

what’s the big fight

Because I went out, of course I won.

“sen! I think the medal on my chest is very pretty.”

“thank you.”

“How many times has that been since yesterday?”

When Eve praises, Sen replies with a strange smile of satisfaction. Tana points to the two and asks, but I just ignore them.

Sen has teamed up with many people many times, but it was the first time that he had accomplished something other than an assassination, so he seemed quite happy.

I heard that he accepted the offer of the mana volleyball club captain and decided to join the volleyball club from now on.

‘Well, good is good.’

Seeing him come out of the shadows of the Reaper’s Squad and join the people, I thought that the future ahead of Sen wouldn’t be so bleak.

“Hey, let’s switch places with me.”

At that time, Mei catches my eye, who is shooting at a male student in Class E from the side in a half-threatening manner.

When a bully suddenly starts talking to her, she sneaks in between the confused male student and Mei.


Like a kid caught stealing, Mei immediately averts her eyes and tries to whistle, but she can’t do it properly because of the lollipop in her mouth.

“What are you doing.”

“Will you watch me if I tell you?”

“Tell me at once.”

“I was going to get into the carriage with you.”

“Go back.”

He sighed and pointed at the carriage on the other side of Class A. Mei stuck out her tongue, saying it was mean, and walked away grunting.

So, I can’t be careless at all.

“Master, Master.”

Elise, who sneaked up to her side, said as she gently offered her sandwich.

“Eat this.”

“You want me to eat? you?”

As far as I know, this is lunch today?

If you give it to someone else, you will have to starve until dinner. Did you eat a lot of breakfast?

“It’s okay, so eat.”

It turns out that she is a princess, so she whispers while being aware of the eyes of the students around her. I looked at Bertia behind the proposal that felt uncomfortable.

“The princess also skipped breakfast.”

Bertia, who provides only fragmentary information. I couldn’t betray the owner right in front of me, so I spoke briefly, but I knew immediately what was going on.

“You must be very hungry?”

At my question, Elise shouted with her eyes sparkling.

“That’s the good thing! If master eats my lunch, it’s no different than the more hungry you are, the more pain you inflict on me!”

“Bertia, stay next to this bitch and make sure to feed her a sandwich. Eat whatever else you have.”

“…You’re asking a difficult request.”

While saying that, Bertia nodded in agreement. Elise’s mad plan was avoided.

Originally, when you accomplish something, you should feel satisfied or accomplished, but there is nothing like that, just fatigue.

“Oh, I’ll just sleep right in the carriage.”

The other students still had time to chat outside, so I slipped into the E class carriage and sat in the corner, leaning my head against the wall.

Perhaps because the carriage did not move, I soon fell asleep.



Forest of Demon Realm, deep place.

The ancient Witchbeast, Coolica, who had been sitting quietly in an upright position, slowly opened her eyes. His eyes, which glowed softly like moonlight, began to read subtle auras.

Go outside, elves and dwarves, beastmen and even witches.

Having completely destroyed a very unique party, he was cooling himself off from the light heat of battle he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Apparently today, the time has come for his claws to be bathed in the moonlight once more.

Unlike the wind passing by, the heavy sound of the bush echoes.

This is the deepest part of the demonic forest.

I don’t know how he came here ignoring the other ancient demons, but he welcomed guests anyway.

A woman wearing a different black priest’s uniform.

The pocket watch he was wearing before, the minute and hour hands stuck in his ear were all burnt away, and his right arm was also empty.

From the energy she felt, Kulika realized that she was a strong person he hadn’t seen in a long time. The fact that he came all the way here alone and unscathed in the first place was announcing that he was extraordinary.

“Kulika, storage keeper of the forest, I came to see you.”

Heavy remarks from small mouths.

Kulika unknowingly wrinkles her brow and looks at the woman.

“You’re putting in things that shouldn’t be put in your mouth carelessly.”

The priestess of time replied with a benevolent smile to Coolika who warned her amid hostility.

“It is my job to preach the wisdom God has given me. Even if it is the deepest secret of the world.”

“Are you discussing God in front of me?”

Slowly, the claws of Kulika, who raised the giant, reveal themselves.

It was one turn.

Like a predator crouching down before attacking its prey. Coolika rushed forward in an instant and completely tore the Maiden of Time apart.

A priestess of time whose entire body was torn apart.

Her corpse will become a simple piece of meat and become a special treat for the surrounding witches.

Coolica thought so.

A darkness deeper than the darkness thickly covered in the forest of the Demon Realm flows from the priestess of time.

The darkness began to gather her body, and it became visible quickly. I got her body right again.

In the end, the priestess of time returned to her original form. However, one difference was the imprint on his forehead.

Kulika, who opened her eyes for the first time, clenched her fists.

“The Goddess of Death?”

You can’t stay still.

Thinking that the author was the ‘earliest end’, Coolica thought about doing her best for the first time in a while.

Something was strange.

Its power was too weak to be called ‘the earliest end’.

“The gods make a choice. I don’t know what their intentions are, but I was chosen by the Goddess of Death according to the intentions of the Goddess of Time.”

“Did the Goddess of Time want it?”

It was Kulika, who had lived for a long time, and he had kept secrets that could not be said to the world, but it was difficult to understand what the Maiden of Time was saying.

However, the shaman only gave a subtle smile and didn’t say anything more.

She slowly reached out and reached out to Kulika.

“The king who became a beast himself because he possessed great power, the uninhabited man who was trapped in a wretched forest due to the irresponsible pleasures of various gods and guards a warehouse that no one knows about.”


“I need your help. I am the savior who came to save this world. A representative of the Gods where the goddess of time and the goddess of death coexist.”

Two goddesses coexist in one body.

Kulika wondered if that was really possible, but it was clear that she knew something she didn’t even know herself.

“Join the crusade to kill the ‘earliest apocalypse’ that will devour the world.”

“You mean you know where the ‘earliest end’ is?”

The priestess of time smiled strangely at Coolika who growled and asked back.

“Did you know that the King of Bugs is dead?”

“Yes, I believe he died because he left the forest to keep his oath with the witches.”

Even though they were the same ancient witches, they didn’t have a camaraderie with each other, so Coolica replied calmly.

Rather, it was welcomed that there were fewer large bugs crawling in the forest of the Demon Realm.

“According to the oath, the witch proved her strength. Judging that we can handle the taboo, we no longer discuss it.”

What if the witch conversely kills the ancient witch who came to execute the witch who had violated the taboo? She didn’t pursue it any further because it was tantamount to earning the right to handle taboos.

Of course, Kulika didn’t know that Adrina, whom he had recently defeated, was a witch who had violated a taboo.

However, the priestess of time clicked her tongue and shook her head.

“Abbiel was not killed by the witch.”

“You weren’t killed by a witch?”

If you think along the flow of the story, the conclusion that comes naturally. Kulika asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Could it be that the ‘earliest end’ was involved in his death?”

With a twisted smile, the shrine maiden answered as if giving an order.

“My lord, come with me.”

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