132. witch of time

“Mr. Daniel? Do you have to clean here too?”

“…do you really do it in moderation?”

“Huh? Is it possible for a servant to tell a maid like that?”

As I get irritated by wiping the window frame with a rag, Tana laughs and jokes around. I’m in a bad mood because I’ve had a bad dream since this morning, but this earns me a hawk.

“Even if it’s your own villa, you have to be careful of surveillance. It seems like a very harsh life.”

There is only one reason Tana and I are washing the windows here even though we are camouflage. It was because I didn’t know who would be watching from where in the royal family.

Especially if Prince Oliver found out that I was in the royal family, I don’t know what he would do. Elise doesn’t really like that expression, but since she’s Elise’s older brother, her behavior is unexpected.

‘I can do crazy things beyond imagination.’

Even if you think about it again, Tana’s decision to come inside her skirt in the crisis situation of a checkpoint where her identity can be discovered was excellent.

“Think about it, in our case, people just randomly enter the dormitory room and watch it. Ugh, I really hate it.”


While I was mopping, I slowly turned my head to look at Tana.

“Don’t you too?”


I’m making an expression that I don’t really know, but since I’m starting to think of this one, I keep thinking about it with my tail on my tail.

“You guys, I didn’t even tell you to come in, but you just come into your room and play. Even if Rin locks the door, she just picks it up and comes in, and Sen comes in through the window.”

“This is the fate of a popular man!”

“Is that an excuse?”

“Me, Eve and I still go in normally.”

“I am proud.”

What’s the difference between saying that we hit each other and lose one hit and he hit two hits?


“What, why? Are you really pissed off? Okay, I talked to Eve…”

“Continue talking naturally. Someone is watching us now.”


It was out of the blue, but Tana didn’t get nervous or stiff and moved her hands vigorously. Without looking away, he gestures to me to wash the windows, but his mouth moves differently.

“where? What can I help you with?”

“Take a picture of the toolbox over there and gesture for me to bring you something.”

Tana immediately points to the toolbox in the distance with a nervous expression on her face. I pretended to be sweating and ran right away, disappearing from the window’s view at the same time.

As soon as you leave the window, immediately go up the stairs. I arrived at the roof of the villa in an instant and checked underneath, and there was a man standing behind a tree who was still spying on Tana.

“I can’t let you go.”

It will be a bit difficult for Prince Oliver, but Elise will be able to handle it on her own.

He jumps right off and lands on the tree he’s leaning on. Because Princess Illina de Freesia was so frugal, it was possible because the number of floors in the separate palace was not high.

“Wow, what!”

A spy who was bewildered by the trees shaking violently and the falling leaves in the aftermath of the landing. I had saved mana in the soles of my feet, so I jumped right down once more without any shock and stood in front of him.

“Prince Oliver Kinaful? I’m sorry, but since you’ve seen me, I don’t think you can just send me back.”

The main reason I was here in a servant costume was to naturally wander around the royal family. Even if there was a risk of being caught by Prince Oliver, I was confident that I would not be caught.

“Living in the basement of the detached palace for a moment. I’ll take it out later.”

When he raised his hand to stun this poor spy right away, he fell to his knees and slammed his forehead into the ground.

“Oh, it’s not from Prince Oliver, it’s from Princess Inis!”

“Princess Inis?”

Are you talking about the second princess and the older sister of Elysee?

The agent started pouring out things I didn’t even ask if he had any intention of hiding it.

“Ah, I am the maid who was brought in by Prince Oliver’s order, so if Princess Ellis ever becomes in danger, she has sent me to help…”


I heard that after Princess Ilina’s death, the relationship between the two remaining princesses grew stronger. This time, it seems that he was afraid that the eldest son’s magical powers would extend to the youngest.

“If that’s the case, there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll tell Princess Elise, not Elise… I’ll pass it on to Princess Inis.”

“……Ah, I understand.”

He put on a puzzled expression, but he didn’t say anything and left right away. Looking at his back, I exhaled and tried to go back to work.

“Meeting Kiin is always exciting.”

I didn’t feel it.

To be precise, I didn’t notice at all that she was standing on a tree beyond and looking at me, until she opened her mouth to reveal her true identity.

For priestly clothes, the atmosphere is a little different from what nuns wear. Silver hair like a constellation that runs down her shoulders.

Because her wrist was tied to the chain on which several pocket watches hung, the watch was always in her hand, and the distinctive sound of pocket watches colliding with each other spread out whenever she moved.

“Sorry, I offended you by talking too suddenly.”

youthful appearance.

No matter how many times I hit her, she looked like she was only in her late 20s, but what I could feel from her way of speaking, her voice, and her apologetic gesture was an age that couldn’t be seen at that age.

I was embarrassed that I hadn’t noticed, but thanks to her unique features, I had already told Elise yesterday who she was.

Because she was now, Prince Oliver’s closest aide.

“I heard that it was the priestess of time…”

“You know me, it seems the princess told me.”


The priestess smiled benevolently. As if the world welcomed it, the sunlight and leaves naturally paved the way.

In order not to lose the initiative, I ask questions about things I’ve been curious about since yesterday.

“What exactly is a shrine maiden? Are they different from saints and nuns?”

“Ah, many people are curious. Of course I will explain.”

I was the one who asked, but the one who explained it seemed a little excited.

“Nuns and saints are those who hear the word of God and speak for it. They, too, live with a noble, sacred mission.”


I have no choice but to be very pessimistic about God.

“In the case of a shaman, we are ‘with’ the gods. My will is their will, and their will is my will. That’s why they are called gods or shamans.”


With a look on her face as to whether she was telling me to believe it now, the shaman chuckled and laughed out loud.

“Everyone sees it that way. I didn’t believe it at first either. But in the end, my life always follows their will. It is still the same today.”

“Are you still talking?”

I wondered what he was talking about, but her words hopped in and stabbed me in.

“I am here because God asked me to meet you, Daniel MacLean. I have already waited an hour.”


do you know my name

You already knew I’d be there?

no, more than that.

‘You mean I didn’t notice for an hour?’

I was embarrassed, but I didn’t try to show it on my face.

Suddenly, one of her tinnitus names Elise had told me about yesterday passed through my head.

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Jeon Jeong-do

It means that she has reached the end of the road in advance, and I heard that it was given to people who are leaving the road to see her, who has already reached the end.

‘Since she said she was a divine shaman, is it the power of the imprint?’

The conviction that I shouldn’t let them live here has gradually risen. To be honest, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a difficult time predicting victory or defeat.

A subtle energy flowed behind her, the same feeling she felt when meeting really dangerous monsters among the ancient witches.

‘It’s been such a long time that I’ve been careless.’

Even though they were hiding their power, there were several characteristics of those who shed it without being able to control it.

But she smiled and shook her hand.

“I didn’t come to fight. Please reap the speculation.”

“Then why did you come?”

Why is she, who is known as Prince Oliver’s aide, come here? There was no way such a big man would come directly to monitor Elise, and he thought there must be another reason.

“Didn’t I tell you, it’s because of you. Daniel MacLean. A boy who received the mercy of the Goddess of Time just like me.”


I was speechless for a moment.

But she comes up to me, her eyes shining, and she sniffs me, or she spins around and scans me.

Then he smiles with a more satisfied smile.

“Seeing this in person makes me even more confident! You are with me, the savior who will save this world! Yes, a savior!”

Are you talking about regression?

You must know something about ‘the earliest apocalypse’.

“I know who I am…”

I tried to measure the liver by bouncing, but she started approaching me like a cousin I haven’t seen in a long time.

“You just have to figure it out. The Goddess of Time is the chosen savior, but is it evil? Come on, you talk a lot with me.”

“…I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m going to help Princess Elise, and I heard that you are Prince Oliver’s entourage. To put it bluntly, we are enemies.”

Rather than making it difficult to deal with later, I tried to surprise him right now.

“Then throw it away.”


She declared, laughing so lightly and resolutely.

“I will abandon Prince Oliver and stick to your side. The only thing that helped him in the first place was to show mercy because he was a pitiful candle that wanted help. There was nothing more.”


“Do you have a moment? There are so many things I want to say! Oh, do you know about the boy named Ares from Aios Academy? He is the savior chosen by the sun god…”

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