126. the only continent

In fact, I thought the case itself was over. Apparently, Tana’s method of refusing her family’s proposal was a bit radical, but it’s her life, isn’t it?

She thought she was coping well, but another lesson that life is not so easy was forced upon Tana.

“So you want me to fight these two?”

The emotion contained in the act of asking was a sense of helplessness. I didn’t ask because I didn’t understand what I just heard.

Rather, I was discouraged because I heard it properly, and the meaning of negation I hope it is not the truth. But a firm answer came down like a verdict.

“Okay, show yourself why you should stay at AOS Academy. My father, the head of state, said that if I did that, I would not ask you any more.”

A fifth grader who no longer has lectures at the academy, only preparing his graduation thesis. Among those 5th graders, Belin Mayas, who was the busiest and most anticipated, declared without emotion.

“But I…”

Eyes turn back

Seeing the twins standing in front of Belin is terrifying. They also take Tana’s actions for granted.

“If you are not confident, just give up.”

“Yeah, you know it won’t work anyway.”


Even if I wanted to answer something, I couldn’t. because it was true The record so far is 16 matches and 16 losses.

Tana had never won against her brother, Ben, or her sister, Bathory.

Because they’re from Meias’s family.

In the second year, I had heard rumors that Meias had twins several times. Tana’s expression wasn’t good at that time, so I never bothered to mention it.

“Wouldn’t it be better to just pack your things from now on? Why don’t you insult the family by making useless things?”

With his hands in his pockets, Ben Meias leans forward threateningly.

Now, Tana is not the easy-going yet confident person she usually showed us, but she went back to the time when she was bullied by her old friends.

‘I said trauma.’

Next to Eve, who was restless and still contemplating what to do, I kept my mouth shut and checked Tana’s condition.

I had already heard that Tana had scars and trauma to the twins of the Meias family, a year younger than herself.

In addition to the disastrous history, she even said that she would have a forced sparring hosted by her family in the next week.

Belin Meias, who secretly looked at me secretly, came to me and told me everything.

To save none other than Tana Christa.

‘I couldn’t be that stupid when I confessed to my sister and saw the difference. It’s different because I’m holding weight like that.’

Certainly, people say you can’t tell just by looking at one side. It was pitiful when I saw him collapsed and collapsed on the ground like the wind, but now he looked trustworthy, befitting the next heir to a prestigious family.

“Swordsmanship is bad, magic is average. Noona knows that you can’t go anywhere and say you’re from the Meias family, right?”

Ben laughs at the intimidated Tana. In words, she called her older sister, but there was no respect in her attitude.

“Let’s just go happily, unnie, don’t waste your time for nothing. Don’t have any strange expectations.”

Bathory tidying up the already neat collar of the school uniform once more. It seemed more important to her to recheck her already neat clothes than to deal with Tana.


Fear built up over time and experience, she placed her hand on Tana’s head, who was about to nod her head.

Because of that, my head was bowed because of me, not Tana’s will.

“Did you say a week later? Because you are twins 2:2. We go out with Tana and Eve.”

“I, me?”

Eve’s bewildered voice was heard from behind. When I turned my head slightly and glanced at her, I exclaimed, pushing my chest out to see if I had gained confidence.

“Damn it!”

Apparently Eve’s chest was a strong stimulus, Ben immediately blushed and stared at him, and Bathory wrapped his arms around his weak body naturally.

First of all, this is a landslide win in terms of charm.

I chewed and ate only Eve.

Belin Meias from the back responded with a faint smile, saying he would rather take the place of the twins.

“Okay, in a week. I hope it will be a Dalian without regrets. You Ben, Bathory. Will you accept it too?”


“I’ll make you some rice cakes.”

Bathory stares at Ben and Eve, who smile brightly. It seems that Eve’s violent body made her feel a sense of entitlement.

But after that, a rather unusual declaration of war flew.

“What would be different if I received Yawang’s teachings?”

“Homme fatale in 3rd grade. That magic won’t work on me!”


As I said before, the act of asking a question does not only mean that you really want to repeat it again, but also contains subtle negative emotions.

Feelings of wanting to hear you wrong.

However, the bold twins in their second year began to unravel the story without notice.

“The scoundrel who sees women only as their tools! The boldness of changing a woman every day of the week! Near the Yawang’s room, it vibrates with the scent of a woman’s flower!”

“I don’t flirt with my looks, I flirt with my unique charm. The ghost of the rumor that he not only defeated the Emerald Rose and Seria Deloa on the cliff of the fourth grader, but also took possession of the elves!”

Oh, I got it.

“You must come.”

I clapped my hands and smiled.

“It’s not me, it’s a kid named Ares.”

Then Bathory tilted her head and answered.

“Ares Helias-senpai is handsome.”


“Leave this! I’m going to make it just for a week or so!”

If Eve and Tana hadn’t caught on from both sides, they would have made him lie in the hospital room until the day before Dalian.


“Yah king Daniel?”

“If you say that one more time, I really won’t let you go.”

I was relaxing with the sound of a rooster crowing at dawn, but at Hayun’s question, I immediately blinked my eyes and threatened.

She said yes, but ripped her legs apart to show off her flexibility.

“anyway. We’re going to have a match a week later, so Tana and Eve are practicing the match instead of the physical training?”

“Yeah, just because you’ve been training for a week doesn’t mean you’re going to improve your basic stamina.”

In addition, the two of them have been working hard on physical training with me until now. He already had enough stamina to fight the battle.

Hayun puts both hands on her left big toe with her legs torn. I see it all the time, but it feels like my crotch is hurting for nothing.

But Hayun is a yangban. In terms of flexibility, Sen was the level of a clay puppet that a child could pat at will.

Hayun was sitting and tearing her legs, while Sen stood up and stretched out her legs and raised them over her head.

“Ben Meias, Bathory Meias. Both are at the top of the sophomore year. Both swordsmanship and magic are excellent.”

“Can’t we talk if we can in that state?”

He frowned as he looked at Sen talking like a broken corpse, but Sen inflated his cheeks in reverse.

“Pliability is life for an assassin. It can hide in places the target couldn’t even imagine. For example, under a narrow bed or between bookshelves.”

It’s not flexibility, isn’t it thin body?

After stretching, I stood in front of Tana and Eve, who brought wooden swords for the first time for training.

“Let’s put the diet aside for a moment and start getting ready to f*ck those wild twins.”

“All right!”


Eve raised her hand uncharacteristically and responded like a brave warrior, but Tana did not.

“Daniel, is this really possible?”


“These children are direct descendants of the Meias family. My background from growing up is completely different from me, who was neglected because of a separate family.”

I’ve never seen Tana like this lately, but this child was originally strong. Because I didn’t have confidence, I smiled more at the people around me and felt my worth.

“These are children who have been devoted since they were infancy with a family knight and professional wizard as tutors. In just one week…”

The same look as when he was bullied by the tricks of the May gang. I just realized now that Tana’s words that she had grown up yesterday were actually lies.

“In addition?”

So I asked.


“Is there any more reason to lose? They’ve been taught by great people since they were little, and they’re direct descendants of Meias. What else is there besides that?”


To Tana, who kept her mouth shut, I answered with arms crossed this time.

“Can I tell you why we have no choice but to win this time?”

Tana raises her head with her head down and makes eye contact with me. I smiled slightly at her.

“Because I teach you.”

It must have been a great help to the twins to learn from a knight who was united by will and ambition.

The posture, mindset, technique, etc. that they hold the sword now.

It must have resembled that of a veteran knight.

Being taught by a magician who seeks knowledge and truth must have melted into the skin of a boy or girl.

How to deal with mana, how to breathe, how to use it effectively and how to do it yourself.

I must have learned things that I couldn’t learn even if I paid a thousand gold.

But I’ll be honest.

As for the teacher’s rank and class, I was confident that this side was overwhelmingly superior.

As rice ripens, it lowers its head.

However, no matter how much I bow my head, the top of their head comes into view.

Numerous knights are scattered across the continent.

It may be less than that, but even so, sorcerers are spread enough to be caught.


“Trust me.”

Sherpa, who wandered the forests of the demon realm, was a title that only I could have on the continent.

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