124. childhood friend

“uh? Yes?”

Embarrassed, Eris tried to pull herself back, but she couldn’t move as she wanted because she was holding my hand.

“Come on, wait! I! That, a little bit like this, no, me too…”

As soon as I let go of the broken Eris hand, she immediately turns and shows her back. She cools her bare face with a fan.

Did you push too hard?

Come to think of it, Eris was on the older side. If we add up the ages of the students in Class E where we are now, we’ll probably be pushed back.

Besides, I’ve never been in a relationship before, so I’m not used to this kind of stimulation.

Eris glanced at me and inflated her cheeks slightly. I guess I don’t like the soft smile that I put on my lips.

“Where did you learn that?”

“yes? What, here and there?”

“Don’t make fun of me.”

Somehow, I felt that this was the first time I was leading a conversation with a woman. If you think about it, yes. Guys like Rin and Elise are so scared of the atmosphere that I can’t treat them carelessly.

May and Eve quietly wagging their tails lately makes me feel like I’m being swung around.

Such a novel yet fresh feeling like a village girl came from the eldest elf!

“They say that being active like this works these days. Different from the old days.”

I said it with the feeling of a professor teaching, but Eris’ hand pinched my side as it was.


“You mean I’m old?”

“……No, it’s not like that.”

“I was just a little slow to respond!”

Angrily, Eris pushed her face in as it was, then, realizing that her body had leaned forward, she cleared her throat and pulled her body back again.

“To put it another way, don’t misunderstand me when I said this. I want to take off the overlay on me and see the real you, not you who was overly kind to me.”

After Eris said that, she turned around and left the classroom. I’m just doing that because I’m ashamed right now.

“Go with me!”

“……Come quickly.”


While Eris and Daniel were talking inside the classroom, there were female students hiding outside the classroom watching them.

Eve, Sen and Rin.

“Looks like you’re having an important conversation?”

Eve and Sen nodded at Rin’s question.

“But I don’t think it’s a very good atmosphere.”

“That’s right, I rather don’t like Daniel’s expression.”

Rin also agreed with the two of them, staring at Eris. Then, when I glanced at Daniel, he had something shocked on his face.


It hurt.

It felt like a hole was being punched in the chest with the pattern written on it. Why does Daniel like that elf?

In the past, I tried to respect Daniel’s heart, but seeing him with that expression made me want to run right away.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

What stopped her from rising was the slightly light female voice from behind.

May, with candy in her mouth, approached the three with her hand in the hoodie zip-up. It seemed that she, too, had wandered all the way here looking for someone.

If everyone pretended, it was pretend.

Mei, quick-witted, noticed that Daniel was in the classroom, and immediately lowered herself to Rin’s side.

“what? Are you with that elf?”

Mei immediately frowned upon seeing it. For a moment, Rin thought he was right.

‘If Mei rushes in, I can naturally go inside.’

Thinking so, Rin hoped that May would quickly open the classroom door and enter, but May’s expression began to grow serious, and she slowly stood up from her seat.

“I’d better not intervene now.”


It was embarrassing, but Mei let out a sigh as she rolled the candy in her mouth.

“It’s easy to be hated by Daniel for interfering. One step back for two steps forward. It’s a pity, but today I have to turn over to that elf.”

Eve, who was next to her, also gets up and shakes her butt.

“That’s right. Judging from Daniel and Elf’s expressions, it doesn’t seem like a normal thing, but today we’ll just go.”

Eve basically has a habit of being considerate of others. Although I came to like Daniel, and after declaring war on him, many of these parts disappeared.

If Daniel chooses someone in the end, Eve will be the first to let Daniel go and wish him happiness.

After all, for her, Daniel’s happiness was prioritized over her own happiness.

“I told Hayoon not to interfere.”

Sen, who had been advised in advance by Ha-yun, who cheered Eris and Daniel Seonseon, followed Eve with a slightly regretful expression.

Rin clenched her fists and slowly stood up.

I wanted to go and tear the two apart right away.

I didn’t want to see the two of them together.



It looked like a serious mood until just now, but now Daniel is smiling. He was smiling brightly, but he was in a lot of pain inside.

‘Don’t you know that Daniel is in pain like that?’

you’re forcing yourself to smile

You’re trying hard to be considerate of you.

‘What the hell is that for? What makes you so sad?’

I already knew that Daniel liked Eris. As I said before, at first, Lin thought it was Daniel’s choice and tried to respect it, but something was strange.

He had told Eris that he already liked someone on the rooftop.

‘Because I saw the future?’

Knowing that his future self will become a bad person, Daniel tries to contain himself by keeping him by his side.

Then what about Eris?

‘What was your relationship with Daniel in that future?’

Why is he being pushed back by a future that hasn’t even happened yet?

‘The future me must have loved you too, right?’

Why did Daniel reject his heart because of the elf he had not yet met?

“Lin, aren’t you going?”

At Mei’s voice, who was paying close attention, Rin slowly turned her head to look at her. It was the first time I had walked so heavy.


Lin eventually followed them.

“But you’re a bitch. Bad bastard, Ji is flirting with another girl.”

“Okay! right! Just show me your cool side and make me like you! Open your heart and comfort me! Even so, are you really a friend? Isn’t this really annoying?”

May and Eve start talking one word at a time.

Rin’s expression, which had not been lit until the switch had been turned off, suddenly filled with vitality.

“That’s Daniel’s strength! You know one, and you do not know two!”

When she takes advantage of her childhood friend’s strengths and gains a subtle edge, May and Eve stare at Rin with an annoyed expression on her face.

“I just like that we lived in the same town.”

“Right! What matters is not the past, but the present and the future!”

Rin immediately responds in an angry way.

“I know things like Daniel’s secrets and memories that you don’t know! I even washed with Daniel!”

Can not be done.

According to memories and experiences, Lin had an overwhelming advantage. In the end, May and Eve joined forces.

“Hey, am I your childhood friend? Daniel and I weren’t at the academy. You must have been living with only two children already? At this time, the kids were napping and I was making the third one!”

Mei, who competes with a very shallow delusion.

“You know what? Will your childhood friend eventually lose? It’s been like that in a lot of the books I’ve read. In the end, the childhood friend congratulates the heroine while crying after being taken away by a newly appeared woman. Is Rin ready?”

Eve mentions the love fantasy you’ve seen in books.


Sen, who had lived in the Extermination Squad, turned his head left and right, completely unaware of this, and in some ways became a spectator in a meaningless fight.


late night.

Seria Deloire, a female student who is very cautious even though she is opening her own door. Her hands were smeared with cotton protruding from the torn pillow, which shows how violently she beat the blanket and pillow.

‘Daniel MacLean!’

It was the first time in my life that I had experienced such humiliation.

Although she was not a princess, she always gave all women a sense of shame with her beautiful appearance like a princess, and put men under her feet.

But today.

‘That elf’s name was Eris?’

The name of the character she played in the play is Eris. I didn’t call Eris by name at that time, but he complained that he wanted to see the elves!

“Turn it off!”

can’t stand it

Seria could never stand such humiliation.

That’s why, all day long, he hit the bed as Daniel, the pillow as his heart, and finally ripped it apart.

In the end, I couldn’t stand it and went out.

‘Yeah, just go to his room and pretend you’re the victim!’

At the same time, Daniel McClane had heard somewhere a secret that he had almost been framed as a sexual harasser before.

There was no separate operation.

Although it was literally just getting excited and acting emotionally.

To prevent the students from wandering around, a deeper darkness shimmered in the darkness without a single light.

Even Seria’s eyes, adapted to the darkness, couldn’t see it properly, but if you dare to give that shimmering shape.


Butterflies fluttering in the dark.

I don’t know if it’s really a butterfly or something similar, but it definitely had a destination anyway.

end of the hallway.

It was holding a parasol.

Since color is relative, it seemed as if the darkness of the corridor was blocked with a parasol. Because even this darkness seemed so bright to it.

If you paint black over black again, it’s the same.

No other colors appear.

But it was different.

had a different color.

Deeper, gooey, dark.

Wouldn’t it be like that if the word fear was moved to a color?

“Uh, huh?”

Seria Deloire took a step back, but before she knew it, she was standing in front of Seria wearing a parasol.

Really, even without blinking an eye.

The woman wearing a parasol and a dress slowly approached Seria.


In the end, Seria had no choice but to shed tears and scream.

One day, the lights turn on.

Not only the professor who was on duty, but also the children who had been sleeping in the room came out with eyes glued to the sudden screams, but the one that had been standing just before disappeared with the darkness.

“Seria? Why?”

“Heh, hehe! what? What did you just say!”

The professor approaches and calls out, but Seria only shakes her head and shakes.

“uh? Everyone, go to your room! Seria wants to go with me. You now…”

After checking the floor, the professor noticed that it was damp and realized that it wasn’t just tears that Seria was shedding.

The other students must have realized the seriousness of the situation, and even the professor’s words caught Seria’s rudeness in their eyes.

She didn’t have time to worry about that, just shouting that there was a ghost.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a ghost.

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