111. a handful of mercy

There were indeed many ways to win people.

Of course, the best way is to share each other’s affection, share the will, and be righteous and strong.

Don’t be a bird in the world.

How can a person live a life fulfilling everything he wants and wants?

It was just me and Prince Oliver.

No matter how hard he tries and treats me with sincerity, I will never become his subordinate.

The prince’s collar will never touch me.

So the prince brought me another way. It’s much less time consuming, effective, and just the way I get my false allegiance.

“It was actually a coincidence. A child named Sen was brought in to be executed by the Extermination Corps, and a child named May was kidnapped because she seemed to be close to Elise and needed it.”

The prince’s low voice has provoked me without much effort. I also felt a slight vertigo as I struggled to calm the anger that soared in an excessively short time.

“Lynn and Ares thought they might have something to do with the murderer of Demeter’s nun, so they pursued them, but they saw the tokens of the gods on them and brought them back.”

In the end, he was saying that everything happened by chance, but his attitude wasn’t.

The world revolves around you.

He was insisting on me that it was inevitable and not coincidental.

“From what I heard from Elise, I heard that you care for quite a few other children. Originally, I was going to threaten you in the academy, but thank you for coming to Bhatian like this.”


“Come on, lion. A ferocious beast that roamed the fields.”

He slowly reached out his hand to me and smiled confidently.

“Now it’s time to put on the leash.”

“……one thing.”

open one’s mouth

I force myself to swallow the feeling that something is about to spill out.

“Let me see if the children are all right.”

Then the prince smiled even more satisfied and nodded his head.

“Ah, not good. If you hold my hand, I will guide you directly to those children. However, I also have to confirm one thing.”

At the same time as he said, Penicilla clapped her hands once, and the door opened and people wearing masks rushed in.

All of them had their mouths covered with the same white bandana, a sign that they were nothing other than full-fledged members of the Extermination Squad.

“I want to see how ferocious my lion is.”

I thought he would direct me to fight right away, but Prince Oliver untwisted his legs and summoned the man with the red design on his hood alone.

“Where is your lady? Did you want to see her fight?”


first name you hear.

Some frowned as they felt they were treating the lady too lightly, but the man called responded with a cold voice.

“Your Lady is now outside pursuing the perpetrator who assassinated Sister Demeter.”

“Hmm, okay? I’m sorry.”

Although he was a prince who was truly regretful, the members of the Guards were forced to loosen their body excessively, as if their pride was quite damaged.

It seemed that he was dissatisfied with the prince who needed not only this large number of people, but also the existence of a lady when dealing with me.

The man beckoned him to go back, but he added that the prince forgot.

“If that boy wins here, I’ll take the kid Sen.”


The man who did not respond to insulting the lady, turned around and expressed his clear dissatisfaction.

“Sen is a traitor who belonged to our exterminator. To lose that child is a great disgrace for the entire Swordsmanship.”

“Pay more gold coins.”

“This is not a matter of gold coins and quests.”

Prince Oliver, who made a displeased expression as he watched the troop coming out quite proudly, and Penicilla who finally took out the dagger hidden in his thigh.

I intervened, trying to suppress my emotions in an instant situation.

“Start, you bastards.”

Thousands of gazes instantly focused on me.

I couldn’t stand it any longer, as I couldn’t move even one finger properly due to the feeling that it would explode if I did something wrong.

“You can beat me. Then you can take Sen as you like.”

“But claiming ownership of Sen just because you win…!”

“only once.”

I warned him, glaring at the man who was trying to argue with me, with the intention of tearing him to pieces.

“If you take one more shot and say things like ownership and stuff like that, you die. That child is not yours.”


A heavy tension presses the entire room intensely.

Prince Oliver crossed his legs again saying he was having fun, Penicilla handed him a glass and prepared wine, and the man with the highest rank among the Scouts was in deep thought.

“Chief, let’s just do it. If you win anyway, that’s it.”

“That’s right, only our numbers are ten. Besides, we are under siege.”

“I’m embarrassed to be honest.”

Is it because the man called the leader was too defensive? The dissatisfaction of the members leaked out.

“Yes, I understand.”

The captain sighed and drew his dagger.

In a spacious room, ten elite assassins stand around me. With the clear sound of Prince Oliver flicking the glass he had received.

They ran towards me.


I felt like I had opened up the dam that had been forcibly blocked up until now.

He grabbed the collar of the guy who was the first to rush in from behind and handed it over to the front.

Thanks to this, the two members who rushed in front retreated back, but the other members were already attacking from both sides.

I immediately leaned back and grabbed the wrists holding their daggers in both hands and pulled them back roughly towards me.


At the same time, you can hear the sound of the flesh being crushed and the dagger digging in. The blood of the guys who stabbed each other’s chests, unable to withstand my strength, poured out and wet the red carpet even more.

The assassins said nothing.

However, the situation itself was shouting too much.

anger towards me.

A disgrace to struggle in such a situation.

The fear of losing any chance.

Feeling all of that with my skin, I calmly organized the members who kept rushing at me.

Even cleaning the room would be more exciting than this.

My face is swollen, I vomit blood, and my bones are shattered.

I did it to the point where I wouldn’t kill him because if I killed him, it might get in trouble again.


“You’ve been waiting for me all along.”

He grabs the neck of the man called the captain who is standing until the end and breaks his arm.

The man didn’t let out a single sound of breathing even though his arm was broken, as if he was used to pain, but rather it annoyed me.

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Just give the hand that is holding the man’s neck and slam it forward. Thinking he was being pushed against the wall, he tried to escape in a hurry.

Why don’t you just stick it on the wall and still see it?

Glass breaks and shards scatter.

The curtains that had been hung were torn off, and the sunlight from outside pours down into the room where only the soft light was flowing.



“Sah, someone fell!”

There seemed to be a commotion outside because of the captain who fell out of the window, but he did not dare look down.

clap clap clap.

Rough applause pours out towards me.

It was a modest and poor cheer, unlike when he had performed on the stage before, but for Prince Oliver, it was nothing short of praiseworthy.

“excellent! great! Beast! my lion! On the day I ascend the throne, you will roar by my side!”

“Okay, let’s show the kids.”

“Ahh! then! That’s right!”

As if waiting for the prince’s words, Penicilla took out thick iron handcuffs from the bag on the bed.

“Give me your hand.”

It seems that he had prepared in advance that he did not know what kind of sudden action he would take if he had just met me.

The anger that seems to melt the whole body that rises up again from the emotions that had been a little bit angered while cleaning up the members of the Elimination Team.

However, I decided that there was nothing I could do right now, so I reached out my hand. The iron handcuffs bound my hands in an instant.

“Go. It’s a reunion, so let Penicilla get out of it.”

“All right.”

With Prince Oliver drinking wine with a satisfied smile behind us, we headed down to the hotel’s basement.

Of course, I thought we were going to another place, but there were rooms in the basement of the hotel, just like the ones upstairs.

However, it was not a luxurious wooden door, but a room without rough iron bars and common cheap furniture.


“It is a hotel made by renovating a building that was used as an old prison cell. It has a close relationship with the royal family.”

Penicilla provided me with minimal information.

I followed her along the echoing footsteps.

“I don’t bother putting them in multiple prisons, but I put them in the largest prison, so it will be easy to talk to them.”

“Stop shut up.”

I thought what would happen to me if I listened to Penicilla any longer, but she was a very strong woman.

“Also, be careful what you say in front of the prince from now on. I will teach you the basic etiquette and etiquette you should do when meeting the prince.”

“Mr. Lee……”

I was about to spit out a curse, but I managed to hold it in.

Going against her nerves here, there was no benefit.

“Come on, there it is.”

So Penicilla pointed to the greatest prison with her hand.


There were none of my close friends, either hungry or exhausted. The warmth that someone was there was faintly felt, but there was actually no one there.


Even that Penicilla had a distorted expression on her face and didn’t seem to understand what was going on.

“Come on, wait a minute, I can’t do this.”

In haste, Penicilla tried to report to the prince, but could not. Because the blow that came in the stomach broke my back and threw me on the floor of the prison.


Take a heavy breath.

I hit the bars with my hand and started breaking the handcuffs.






The handcuffs were so hard that some of the old iron bars could not stand it and collapsed.


All the restraints that bound the lion were broken.

“Let me tell you clearly.”

He declared to Penicilla, who was still running away with an expression twisted in pain.

“Do nothing.”

While fighting the Reaper, it was only a slight loosening of the dam. He was still struggling to suppress his intense emotions.

As the handcuffs that wrapped around my wrists were broken and toppled on the prison floor, countless chains of patience within me flew into dust.

“Do not run away.”


“Don’t cry.”

he is also useless

“Never get down on your knees, beg for your life, or hide.”

Any effort will not be able to use it to its full potential.

“Even my handful of mercy has missed you today.”

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