My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1849: The legs are all squatted!

Carlos tilted his head suspiciously, and sensibly told it that this was the guy who had just helped the owner, but the sixth sense of the beast made it feel that the man in front of him had no good intentions.

Although he did not evade, Carlos's body became tight unconsciously.

And the lightning speed is so fast, Huo Yichen stood on Carlos's back in a flash, only a step or two away from the nearly paralyzed Yun.

The reason behind this two-step distance is because Huo Yichen has misogyny.

Huo Yichen is tall and straight, standing proudly, looking down.

Yun Qingyan lost his mobility, and could only lie on Carlos's soft back, raising a pair of clear black eyes to look at the people coming.

It seems that one is the fish on the chopping board, and the other is a person who holds a sharp weapon in control of everything.

The corner of Huo Yichen's mouth raised, his eyes fixed on the embarrassed person not far away, his right hand raised, a ray of thunder entangled up, "Long time no see, woman."

When he speaks, he is full of malice.

The thunder light on his hand made a crackling sound, threatening.

The heart of Yun Rong and others beat...Why is there something wrong with this tone?

"It's not too long, only seven or eight days." Yun said lightly with his upper eyelids drooping, his expression faint, with a trace of laziness.

He didn't seem to take the threat in his tone of mind.

Huo Yichen's eyebrows rose high.

Still so calm?

His figure flickered, enduring the discomfort in his heart and instantly approached Yun Qingyan, Zhan Zhan's eyes were threateningly narrowed, and he squatted down to stare at Yun Qingyan, "What do you think, how am I doing these days? "

Yun said lightly in his heart.

Naturally, it was a very...feeling soft-squatting in a pit and squatting for so long, it's strange if your feet are not soft!

I spent seven days in the latrine, wondering if his chrysanthemums can be guaranteed?

A smile appeared on his small face, and Yun said lightly that he would naturally not say what he was thinking, and said with a seriousness, "City Lord Huo Shao has just woke up from his deep sleep, his strength has been improved, and his future is open.

This day... naturally lived a very moisturizing life. "

A trace of impatience flashed across Huo Yichen's face, he stopped playing Tai Chi with her, and a thunder light fell on Yun Qingyan's head half a meter away.

Squinting is very dangerous, "Don't tell me about him.

Have you done anything in the Bailian Good Fortune Pill! "

He still can't think of how Yun said that he had diarrhea for seven days!

Thinking about it, all he can think of is the white lotus pill that he swallowed!

Yun Qingyan looked at him blankly, "City Lord Huo Shao said and laughed, that Bailian Good Fortune Pill was made by me in the eyes of City Lord Ling Tian.

Each step is carried out strictly in accordance with the medicinal materials provided by the city lord, how could it be tricky? "

Huo Yichen frowned, indeed...

If her father was so astute, how could she not see if she had done some tricks on the Bailian Good Fortune Pill?

"Then how come I wake up..." Huo Yichen raised her voice and asked fiercely, but thinking of the embarrassment of the incident, she pressed down again.

"Why do you have diarrhea? It has been a full seven days?!"

The legs are all squatted!

Even a half-step to punish the gods, an iron-struck body, can't withstand this kind of pulling method!

But he searched all the alchemists in Lingtian City, and no one could solve it!

That's it... he spent almost seven days in the latrine... so much so that Lingtian City is now rumored-

The Young Lord has fallen asleep for three years and contracted a quirk, so he likes to settle down in the latrine!

Whenever he thinks of this, Huo Yichen gritted his teeth, wishing to thwart the person in front of him!

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