Mei'er practiced diligently in the courtyard whilst Xiao Jun sat off to the side with a paint brush in her hands, painting the scenery around her.

These days, her mind kept wandering to the time when her twin brother was still alive. Oh how great it would've been, he would've grown up into a smart prince.

"Mei'er.. go and buy some new tea for us to brew later. Also, go and buy some more greens."

Mei'er stopped and nodded before leaving, she changed into clean clothing and stepped out of the house with a basket in hand along with a small pouch tied to her waist that contained money.

Once Mei'er left, Xiao Jun picked up the sword Mei'er held before and took a deep breath before beginning. She flicked her wrist with a quick movement and her strides were agile and elegant.

Moving with all her might, Xiao Jun poured all her feelings from her 7 year old self into her sword, the anger, the fear, the sadness.

Doing this for at least an hour, her strength had been drained and she fell to her knees.

"Big Brother.. soon, I will not be able to keep up this identity anymore." she whispered, she may of wanted to be a prince when she was younger due to her stubbornness, but now, she was getting tired of disguising herself. She would have to come back and be a princess anyway, she wanted to start her own family with someone she loved.

Pushing herself back up, she put the sword away and went to wash up before night fell and when Mei'er came back.

"I made us the night meal, come have some. I also bought tea that has a sweet aftertaste and is quite refreshing for the summer nights." Mei'er smiled, walking alongside Xiao Jun. They walked into the main room and the food was all set up.

While eating, Mei'er looked up and saw that Xiao Jun was zoning out again. "Big Sister... are you alright? What has distracted your mind?"

Xiao Jun looked up with wide eyes and shook her head, "Nothing... just.. thinking. Continue eating."

Mei'er frowned a little and just nodded, she didn't want to push Xiao Jun to say anything that was upsetting.

Xiao Jun helped Mei'er clean up and then went to take a rest after as her head began to ache. Mei'er helped her back and then left to go retire for the night.

Changing out of her clothing, Xiao Jun laid on the bed in her white undergarments, her chest binding had been taken off and her hair was down.

Rubbing her forehead, she felt groggy and her head continued to throb.

'Was it something she consumed?'

Falling asleep, a look of discomfort came across as she slept.

Halfway through the night, she felt a weight on her body and some sinister chuckling. Opening her eyes, her vision was blurry, but she could make out the body of a male. His shirt was open and he was beginning to tear at her clothes.

In alarm, she moved her hands to push him off, but her strength seemed to have been depleted.

"Hoho~ I see that you're awake, Prince Xiao Jun, or should I say, Princess Xiao Jun." he chuckled.

Summoning all the strength she had, she managed to push him away but her sleeves were ripped and her skirt had been torn short.

Sitting up slowly, she watched as the man stood back up with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Let me play with you, Princess. I wonder how you would feel under me, screaming and begging for me to stop. It would sound so wonderful."

Glaring, Xiao Jun could feel the effects from before starting to wear off but quite slowly.

"What did you do to me? Where is my sister?"

Xiao Jun wrapped her arms around her and felt vulnerable like this.

"Your sister? She's alright, except she bought tea from one of my men, specifically for you. We knew that you would ask to go buy tea so we prepped tea that had sleeping powder in it along with some strength depleting powder. You killed my men that night in the forest. We want you dead, and soon your family in the Suo Kingdom will be dead too."

The man advanced towards her but she shakily got up and jumped off the bed, she lost her balance and fell to her knees. He went towards her and lifted her chin with his fingers, stroking her skin slowly and then he leaned close, taking in her scent and kissed her neck.

"So sweet smelling. Such soft skin."

She leaned close and then bit his ear hard, resulting in a yell from him and he smacked her hard, holding his bleeding ear. Xiao Jun grabbed the sword in the corner and ran outside. She stumbled a bit but when she ran outside, she was surrounded by five men covered in black clothing.

"Kill that wench! Kill her!" the man inside yelled, he stood at the door and he was fuming in anger.

The five men advanced towards Xiao Jun, she defended but sustained some cuts as she wasn't quite cleared from the powders in the tea. She yelled out a battle cry and began to push herself to fight harder, to clear her mind.

Regardless of her getting injured, she fought harder and killed three of the men. She breathed heavily as she ran towards the last two and launched herself into the air and struck down on one of them.

She cut his face and and then stabbed him in the stomach. Taking care of the other, she stabbed him straight through the chest. Blood covered her white clothing and painted her face and hands in red. She began to see red in anger and then dropped to her knees again, no longer able to fight. Her head dropped and she couldn't see clearly.

The man at the door took steps towards her but stopped as something protruded from his chest and he fell to the ground, eyes open wide in shock, as he died. It was Yue Qi. Yue Qi had stabbed him from behind and Yun Long went over to Xiao Jun's side. He draped his cloak over her and picked her up, carrying her to her room. She had fainted in exhaustion.

Yue Qi left to go check on Mei'er and Yun Long started to wipe Xiao Jun's arms and face clean of the blood but when he saw part of her shirt torn, his face flushed and he stopped, looking away as he took a few steps back.

'He was actually a she?!'

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