Xiao Jun sat in the carriage with a now asleep Liying and a quietly playing Yifeng. They had stayed another day before making up their minds to go back. Their job here was done.

"Yue Qi, when we go back, make sure you watch your surroundings in case of bandits or ambushers." Yun Long warned.

Mei'er was in another carriage behind and was simply eating some dried fruits, happy that she could do so without anyone saying anything.

Yue Qi gave a firm nod and climbed up onto the carriage as Yun Long did the same.

Opening the door of the carriage, Yun Long smiled, "We'll be on our way home soon."

Xiao Jun nodded and in her sleeve, she carried a dagger.

With a loud yell the group was off and on their way back to the Suo Kingdom.

Almost out of the city, another carriage stopped them and Yun Long pulled the reins hard and it resulted in Xiao Jun hitting her head as she rushed to hold the two babies safely.

"What are you doing?! Don't you see us coming through?" Yue Qi yelled, jumping off his carriage and walked over to the opposite one.

Mei'er got off and quickly made her way to Xiao Jin's carriage and took Yifeng as she helped Xiao Jun down, gasping as she saw blood running down.

From the carriage came a familiar face.

Hua Yao.

"You! You dare have the face to show up in front of my master!" Yue Qi exclaimed.

Yun Long came over and pushed Yue Qi back a bit, nodding.

"What do you want? Have you not had your face slapped enough?" Xiao Jun said, walking over with a now awake Liying in her arms.

Hua Yao looked up and then a female figure came out from the carriage as well.

She stopped as she saw Xiao Jun with a child.

"It's not possible... you're not alive. Why are you still alive?" She said.

Others stepped out of their buildings to watch what was going on.

"Why can't I be alive? Is there a law that states that I should be dead?" Xiao Jun asked, Liying looked intently at what was happening, slightly crabby.

"They said you were dead... You're the cause of his downfall. If you had never married him, he wouldn't have been targeted by the Crown Prince!" Hua Zhi Ruo yelled.

[Hua Zhi Ruo is 14 by the way!]

Xiao Jun laughed and caught Yun Long's worried look before giving him a smile and she walked towards Zhi Ruo with Liying in her arms.

"Whether or not I married Yun Long, he would've still been targeted. The grand Crown Prince that you tried to curry favor to is now gone and has been replaced with a Crown Prince that'll make Han prosper. What are you going to do? Kneel in front of your dear big brother and beg him to let you marry Yun Long? Let me remind you, Yun Long doesn't want a concubine and even if he did, it wouldn't be you." Xiao Jun rolled her eyes and handed Liying off to Yue Qi.

The young couple brought the twins into the inn nearby to shield their innocent eyes from whatever was about to happen and kept them occupied.

"You! What do you know?! I grew up with Yun Long and I know everything about him!" Hua Zhi Ruo exclaimed.

From her sleeve, she pulled out a dagger and aimed it at Xiao Jun.

"Hua Zhi Ruo! Don't be so rash!" Hua Yao yelled.

"Be quiet! You've been absolutely useless to me this whole time!" Hua Zhi Ruo snapped back.

Xiao Jun had a smirk of amusement on her face as she backed up. She looked at the dagger and took note of how blunt it was.

"So what if you grew up with Yun Long. I'm the one who'll grow old with him. Why don't you take my advice and marry a man more suitable for you? I don't have the time to battle with girls and boys who cry over trivial matters." Xiao Jun turned and walked to Yun Long, turning and dodging the dagger that came her way.

"Little girl, why are you fighting for an adult? Is it worth it? Will you be satisfied when you finally marry the man you want, but receive no love?" Xiao Jun asked, back turned to the other.

"Be quiet! What would you know?" Hua Zhi Ruo attacked again, but this time, she faltered and the dagger was hit out of her hands by Yun Long.

"She knows more then you. I don't see my wife acting like a spoiled twelve year old and crying over a man. Also, she knows how to treat her relationships and doesn't take advantage of those who care for you. You're just a pampered, low ranking, and spoiled daughter from a small minister family and yet you try and go against a princess who has done nothing except for marry the man you wanted." Yun Long spoke, voice low with anger.

Hua Zhi Ruo became speechless and she had tears in her eyes.

"We grew up together! How could you treat me like this?!" She screamed.

"So what? Does that give you the right to claim me as mine? Imagine if this was opposite, imagine if I was the one who wanted you and forced you to marry me. Would you be happy?" Yun Long asked.

Annoyed with all this, Xiao Jun let out a laugh.

"How annoying. Yun Long, there's no point in talking to a wall. You can keep talking but nothing will go through. Quick, our children want to go home soon."

She turned and was about to go get the twins when there was a white flash and the sound of a horse and whinnying as it stopped.

"Oh? What is happening here?"

Xiao Jun bowed slightly as Yun Long did as well.

"Crown Prince Ling, there's just a small issue between...old acquaintances." she said.

Everyone present got onto their knees and the two Hua siblings stood shocked.

Did he just say Crown Prince Ling?

Wasn't it Crown Prince Ning?

"Not bowing down to your Crown Prince? You siblings are exactly like your father, Minister Hua. No wonder why Imperial Father dismissed him." Prince Ling chuckled.

Hua Yao's eyes widened, "Dismissed? What are you saying? My father went to morning court just fine!"

Hua Zhi Ruo fell to her knees as she heard what happened. Her nobility...her wealth..it was all going downhill.

"Lies... you're speaking lies! You're colluding with Yun Long and that...that wench!" Hua Zhi Ruo exclaimed, pointing her finger at Prince Ling.

"Wrench? Who? All I see is General Yun Long and Madam Huo. Guards! Escort General Yun Long and their party out of the city safely and if there are any troubles, let General decide what to do." Prince Ling ordered, four guards running in front and accepting said orders.

"Thank you, Prince Ling. We'll be on our way." Xiao Jun smiled, she curtsied and was met by a polite nod back as Mei'er and Yue Qi came out with the twins.

Getting back on to the carriage, Xiao Jun frowned as she heard the yells of Hua Zhi Ruo and Hua Yao.

Such people were bound to have their fall one day.

Who told them to be so arrogant?

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