Receiving a letter, Xiao Jun read it with a small smile before handing it to Yun Long. "Let's make a small show, hmm? It's time for mother to be shameless again." she laughed, cooing at her twins.

Liying happily rolled on the bed and Yifeng raised his head up to look at Xiao Jun, bursting out into giggles at just the littlest thing.

Yun Long chuckled and brought his arm around her, "Indeed, it's been a while since I've seen you be shameless."

On the day of the banquet, the twins were left back at Suo with Mei'er and Yue as they were still too young to attend banquets and it would be unsafe to take them along.

Climbing out of their carriage, Yun Long and Xiao Jun wore attire of the Suo Kingdom. Everyone could see the strong physique of Yun Long but Xiao Jun's physique lacked in comparison to them.

[A: pfttt, lacking where??? such blind people -.-]

All the young unmarried girls gazed at Yun Long and fawned at his strong looks and they admired Xiao Jun for his scholarly. Even if they both wore masks to hide their looks, they naturally gave off noble auras.

Since they were 'princes' of a foreign country, they were treated with the most respect in order not to offend anyone.

Everyone saw the daggers hanging from their waists and didn't dare go near it.

Yun Long glanced down at the dagger and then he looked at Xiao Jun, who then gave him a smile before winking.

[A: remember the dagger? Hehe]

They put their fist over their chest and greeted the Crown Prince, "Prince Hong and Prince Feng greets the Crown Prince." Yun Long said, raising his eyes up to look straight at the Crown Prince.

[Hong is for the color red because Yun Long's surname is Huo, meaning fire in chinese. Xiao Jun is just Feng since it means 'Phoenix']

Standing back up, they went to their seat and waited for the banquet to begin.

"So many people, looks like they've all been waiting to see the princes from the Suo Kingdom." Xiao Jun whispered, earning a nod from Yun Long.

From the corner of her eye, she could Hua Zhi Ruo and Hua Yang standing together, one was looking around for potential husbands and the other was just there to watch his sister.

[A: Also to say, Hua Zhi Ruo is now 13. She just turned 12 not long after Xiao Jun turned 18 and when a year passed, she had turned 13. So, Xiao Jun is now 19 and Yun Long is 23. Mei'er is 15 and Yue Qi is 18.]

When Hua Zhi Ruo set her eyes on the two princes, she was naturally inclined to Yun Long, having been attracted to him before.

In this day and age, girls at 14 and 15 in Han were already looking for husbands and getting married. Some even had children by the age of 16! Just the thought of that made Xiao Jun feel uncomfortable and sick.

She made her way over with Hua Yang as they conversed quietly.

"Why must you attract so much unwanted attention with that strong physique of yours?" Xiao Jun whispered, pinching Yun Long's arm. Yun Long simply shrugged and chuckled a little.

"Greetings to Prince Hong and Prince Feng." Hua Yang said, cupping his hands and bowing politely. Xiao Jun looked at Hua Yang and laughed inside, "And you two are?" she asked.

"This one is Hua Yang and this here is my little sister, Hua Zhi Ruo." Hua Yang answered. Laughing lightly, Xiao Jun then asked again, "I asked who you two are, not what are your names."

Yun Long held a straight face while listening to Xiao Jun, his lips curled up just slightly at his wife's words. She was indirectly asking for their ranks.

Hua Yang's face turned dark a bit before he answered, "We are the children of Prime Minister Hua.."

Nodding, Xiao Jun then smiled, "Go ahead and sit. No need to converse anymore."

She simply reminded them of their rank, especially Hua Zhi Ruo, and cut them off. The other children of nobles that were of higher status snickered and laughed behind the siblings' back and pointed at them secretly.

The banquet began as soon as it was noon and many performances were put out.

Xiao Jun stood up with her wine cup in hand and she bowed towards the Crown Prince, "Here is a toast to the Crown Prince as a greeting."

The prince smiled and naturally toasted back but then said, "Prince Feng, how is your Emperor and Empress of Suo doing?"

He was implying about the incident that had happened a year ago, the incident that had sent Yun Long and Xiao Jun to Suo.

Smiling, Xiao Jun gazed at the prince with a small smirk, "Thank you, your highness for your words of consideration but my Emperor and Empress are doing completely fine."

The Crown Prince frowned at her words, not knowing the meaning behind them, as Xiao Jun sat down, completely unfazed. In her palm sat a needle and when the Crown Prince was distracted with another conversation, Xiao Jun sent the needle into his chest. This was her only needle she carried on her in order to not get caught.

Watching as the Crown Prince's face faltered a bit, she smiled slightly while drinking the warm wine in her goblet. To the side, Hua Zhi Ruo still looked at them and her eyes were drawn to Xiao Jun, having recognized her body shape. 'He' oddly looked like that one male that was with Yun Long at the restaurant a couple years ago.

Xiao Jun glanced to the side and sent a look to Hua Zhi Ruo, making the girl's face flush in embarrassment and she hid her face while drinking her tea.

Lazily sitting there and ignoring the banquet, Xiao Jun mainly conversed with Yun Long, making the Crown Prince irritated. The more irritated he became, the more his heart beat faster and when his heart beat faster, more blood was being pumped. The result of that was him spitting up blood due to the needle currently in him.

Xiao Jun had hit one of his meridians, making the blood flow slow down and giving him chest pain as well as the spitting up of blood after blood has been pumped quickly.

The people who had attended the banquet stood up in panic and watched as servants ran around, running to go get the physician, dismissing people, and guarding the Crown Prince.

Being escorted out, Xiao Jun gave a little smile as Yun Long glanced over at her before getting in their carriage, knowing what she had done.

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