Moreover, there are more or less supernatural events, things that cannot be explained by ordinary people.

Of course, there is another important place in this world, and that is...


The momentum that a nuclear bomb can create is also extraordinary. For a simple and rough comparison, the Spiritual Sea Realm and the Divine Soul Realm are not enough. Only those who possess the Dharma Formation can resist it.

Of course, it's not a problem to be able to resist nuclear bombs like those with powerful strength in the same realm, like their own apprentices.

On the one hand, spiritual power can also create effects like dharma.

In fact, if I have to say it, the dharma is equivalent to an external avatar, and each person is different and has different abilities. As the master of the avatar, practitioners can also add other effects.

In short, there are too many factors to consider, and there is not much to say.

Moreover, in the future, this great world will also usher in earth-shaking changes.

The golden ball emerged from nothingness and floated beside Chen Ye.

However, this time, it was not summoned by Dao Zun, but it came out on its own initiative.

Xiaoqiu trembled slightly, as if he had done something wrong. Xiaoshi's nervous voice sounded from Chen Ye's side: "Dao Zun..."

Chen Ye's eyes were deep and indifferent, and he glanced at it, the meaning of which could not be more obvious.

Say something!

Frightened by this look, Xiao Shi hurriedly whispered: "This time the mission is a bit special. Although you have come to the mission world, you still need to wait in this world...a year, a year later. , is when the heavens invade."

It forgot to tell Chen Ye this reminder before, but after Chen Ye got here, he just remembered it, don't mention how nervous he was at that time.

After thinking about it in the end, if I don't go out and say it, Dao Zun will definitely find out. It's better to just be conscious and stand up and admit the mistake. At least it can save some time from being softly collared, right...probably?


However, something unexpected happened to the little teacher. Chen Ye just responded casually, raised his hand and flicked it, and threw it back into nothingness, and it fell into the space of his mind, and nothing else happened.

Eh? !

Dao Zun... Could it be that he has changed his temper?

You didn't choose to ravage me this time? !

Wuhu! !

In his heart, he cheered and sighed that he had escaped the catastrophe. Immediately, the little teacher thought about it carefully.

Could Dao Zun be in a better mood today, so he didn't choose to do it?

Hey, who cares, anyway, Dao Zun didn't do it, that's a big happy event!

You can rest easy again!

A year is fleeting for Chen Ye, but with a flick of a finger, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes. Tens of thousands of years have passed in this world, but he still stands still.

The most important thing is one point.

His mood is indeed quite good.

Although this is not the earth, it is very similar to the earth. It feels like returning to the homeland. Although it is a little unfamiliar, it is better to change the perspective and look at it as a distant returnee who has not returned for a long time. It is also a different kind of Feel.


Ps: The first update, ask for a monthly pass, a new volume starts! !

Chapter 2 Heaven Changes!

Time flies, a year is at the flick of a finger.

The towering Tianque Peak is still standing in the middle of the mountain range, and it will always be so eye-catching.

Frost and snow are bone-chilling and cold, and can penetrate people's body and mind.


Senhan's icy wind whistled in the sky, and the clouds slowly drifted along with it.

Chen Ye's figure was still immaculate, but the black Taoist robe moved with the wind, fluttering gently, making subtle sounds, as if feeling the nature of this world.

His eyes were closed, his handsome face was expressionless, except for his robes blown by the cold wind, the Dao Zun at this time was like a sculpture, sitting still.

But just sitting still can give people a very strange feeling.

No matter from any angle, this handsome face is flawless, with the tall and slender figure, and the black hair scattered down the shawl, a very attractive charm will naturally come out. .

It's just a pity that this 10,000-meter-long Tianque Peak has very few existences that can climb up now, so naturally no one can appreciate it.


At this time, outside the Tianque Peak Mountains, on an extremely long road, a heavy black iron pickup truck was turning four wheels and driving on the frozen road.

The dull engine sound echoed in the empty environment.

"Huh, do the math, this is our second visit to Tianque Peak, right?"

Leaning on the car window with one hand and turning the steering wheel with the other, the man grinned and chuckled. The white air in his mouth was clearly visible as he spoke, but he didn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

"This is the second time, but the last time we climbed this 10,000-meter peak ended in failure."

Sitting on the side is a woman, wearing a black trench coat, wearing a tight butt, outlining slender legs, although wearing sunglasses, but from the fair skin, the sweet voice, and the soft Judging from the jaw line, at least the beauty is guaranteed.

"This time is different. We are fully prepared and our strength has improved. There should be no problem."

The man driving the car grinned, with confidence in his tone, and stared at the Tianque Peak through the wind and snow.

The two people were driving, and the cold wind blew in from both sides of the open window, but there was not much discomfort in the wind and snow. Walking, the infiltrating cold feeling was forced away. Although the wind and snow were still stinging and pressing, their bodies were like a furnace, and they were not affected in the slightest.

There is no doubt that the two of them are warriors, and their strength is not weak. If they were ordinary people, they would have closed the windows and turned on the air conditioner to warm up in a place like driving.

Naturally, this is one of the rare cultivation systems in Shui Lanxing that Chen Ye mentioned earlier.


The man's name is Li Xuan, and the woman's name is Qin Yue.

From the conversation between the two, it can be seen that in the past, they had climbed Tianque Peak once, but failed in the end. Now they are climbing again, and they are fully prepared.

"Don't be too happy too soon."

Qin Yue shook her head, climbed Tianque Peak and looked at the world. There were only a handful of people who could do it, so it was very difficult, but that was not the reason for her to say this.

It's a feeling.

She has always had an inexplicable feeling of ominousness all the way here, but she can't tell. Qin Yue herself is not the kind of person who gives up easily. Naturally, it is impossible for her to choose to retreat because of such an inexplicable feeling.

So, she simply didn't think about it.

"Why don't you be too happy, this time, if we climb Tianque Peak this time, we will not only win glory for ourselves, but also win glory for Daxia!"

Li Xuan was not like her, he felt something was wrong, and his tone was still so confident.

Soon, the two drove to the outside of the Tianque Mountains. After some preparations, they planned to enter the mountain against the snow and wind, and then start to climb the Tianque Peak.

Also at this time.

Sitting cross-legged on the top of Tianque Mountain, the Dao Zun who stood still for a year, finally opened his eyes.

Huhuhu~! !

It was also at this moment that the wind and snow drifting between the heavens and the earth was chaotic, and he was so frightened that he ran around in an irregular manner, and fled directly from the category of Dou Zun, and the space around Chen Ye was immediately cleared. Snow did not dare to approach.

A very strange scene was formed.

Obviously, sitting alone on the top of the mountain is already very inconsistent. As a result, the wind and snow in the sky, not only did not come close, on the contrary, they ran straight away, leaving a large space, empty.


Chen Ye also seemed to be full of laughter by this scene. The corners of his lips were raised and he slowly opened his lips. The wind and snow that had fled in all directions stiffened for a moment, and finally carefully returned to Chen Ye's vicinity and began to drift slowly.

It is said that all things have animism, but this naturally formed situation does not refer to all things.

But heaven and earth.

Although Shui Lanxing does not have any spiritual energy, a practitioner, but this piece of heaven and earth has consciousness, but it cannot be called the way of heaven.

Obviously it is a world without spiritual energy, but heaven and earth have consciousness. Looking at the heavens, it can be regarded as a rather strange thing.

However, although there is consciousness, this ray of consciousness is extremely small, and people in this world may not be able to perceive it, but for Chen Ye, there is no need to say more.

From the very beginning, this ray of consciousness of heaven and earth has already paid attention to him.

But he didn't dare to get too close.

How terrifying Dao Zun is, although Little Consciousness has not experienced it, he can feel it.

This mysterious person from outside the sky can directly put himself to death.

So it wasn't until Chen Ye closed his eyes and completely entered the state of meditation that he finally dared to move.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Ye woke up, and he naturally wanted to run away.

As a result, now that it has been discovered, it can only be honest.

After calling again, Chen Ye did not continue to choose to ignore this consciousness, but turned his eyes to the blue dome, crossed the heaven and earth, and finally condensed in the vast universe of stars.


In the starry sky, a huge ripple suddenly appeared, and it swept out in an instant, shattering countless meteorite fragments!

The huge fluctuations caused at the same time made the water-blue stars tremble slightly.


Earthquakes suddenly occurred all over the world, causing countless people to panic!

Even the area around Tianque Peak shook together!

what happened? !

In the mountains, Li Xuan and Qin Yue, who were walking in the wind and snow, changed their expressions. They looked up and stared, but they found that it was not an avalanche. The feeling started to spread from the bottom of my heart.


The wind and snow whistled and was stopped by Chen Ye. He honestly became aware of the world and became uneasy.


All of a sudden!

A melodious dull sound rang between the whole world, echoing in every corner of the world!

The incomparably huge shadow covered the sky and covered the sun, almost obscuring the light of heaven and earth, and the world was plunged into darkness!

Only Chen Ye's expression did not waver, and those deep eyes became the brightest and most dazzling existence in the darkness at this time.

The huge world was spit out from the nothingness of the starry sky. It is so large that it is not known how many times that of the water blue star, but the speed of movement is indeed extremely fast, and it is approaching the water blue star!




Ps: Second shift, the cold and cough are still not healed, my head is so dizzy, good night~

Chapter 3 Chen Lan

Any light and shadow are blocked, the stalwart world wrapped in a majestic breath, crossing the void, seems to be extremely slow from a distance, but its size is huge.

Then a scene was formed, a huge light group surrounded by rays of light, with only a faint outline of which could be seen, and there was an azure star spinning automatically below.

Moreover, as the big world above approached, the speed of rotation became slower and slower, and the entire star even began to tremble, as if it would collapse from the starry sky anytime, anywhere, crumbling and falling into the endless void.


Thousands of miles of clouds were surging, swept away by the majestic and vast air machine, and dissipated in an instant!

Darkness shrouded!

Whether it is human beings, animals, or anything on the water blue star, they are all in boundless panic.

The wisp of consciousness surrounding Chen Ye let out a mournful whimper.

It is the consciousness of this piece of heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth are equivalent to the body that carries it. Now that side is attacking from an unknown world, everything in the world is changing, and the majestic Qi machine is mercilessly beating on its body.

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