My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 578: Ancient city under the Antarctic

ps: Full-booked friends can click on the light of the great **** after the author name on the pc terminal (webpage) to receive the light of the great god! (perturbed!)

There are still nine days left. On October 10th, the new book needs everyone's support. The author, Jun Qiu, begged everyone to appreciate his face, even if he clicked the collection!

`` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` The dividing line of the text `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `

"Can you handle it?"

After hearing the news, he shook his head. "No, judging from my knowledge, this is a whole. If you don't pay attention, it may crash!"

Zhu Lan did not have much hope, too little understanding of energy like Reiki.

Zhu Lan walked to the corner of the channel and looked from the beginning.

The mural paintings are very real. What makes Zhu Lan more puzzled is that the paintings are in the ancient style, but also in the Chinese style.

Ancient Chinese in Antarctica 30,000 years ago?

is it possible?

Zhu Lan didn't know about this issue.

The frescoes are long, four kilometers long, and cover several passages.

Along the way, many transparent wolves emerged.

But under the super black Gaussian machine gun, it couldn't resist at all and became a corpse.

After the appearance of the transparent giant wolf, no trace of Qin Suming was found. /

"It's really shocking!" After reading the murals, Zhu Lan had to be moved.

"After the red, can you find the existence of that city?"

After the red did not speak, all the murals were projected on the super black armor, and then turned to the earth, the same comparison.

"Boss, I checked the addresses of all latitudes of the earth, and found no existence of this city. From the stargazing city of the last book, no information on the earth has recorded the existence of this city, and the probability is not a city on earth!"

Zhu Lan nodded after hearing the words of Hong Hou.

The mural tells the story of a person who lives in a stargazing city. The city is like an ancient city, but the city is a very huge petting forensic lady


The area is not worse than that of modern first-tier cities.

You should know that in the modern first-tier cities, they are very huge. In ancient times, only the existence of a capital city can be compared, and it is also a capital city of the dynasty.

The mural tells a lot of ancient existence, including some similar cultivation, as well as monsters, ghosts and so on.

What makes Zhu Lan more unfortunate is that there is no record of related cheats.

"Is the record good?"

"Relax! Boss, I have already recorded it, and it has been transmitted to Ayihua, there is no problem at all!" Lu Feng said.

Zhu Lan nodded "Go ahead and let Ayihua send down people to collect samples, especially about the existence of Reiki!"

Lu Feng nodded.

After a while, "boss, it has been notified, the sea fog base has been sent over, it is expected that it will take three hours!"

"Go ahead!"

After walking a dozen passages, I never encountered the previous murals, but a very quiet passage, and even those transparent giant wolves never appeared again.


"What's wrong?" Zhu Lan asked in confusion.

"We're on a loop ~!" Said Hou Hou, sharing the map.

I found myself and others, always walking in a circle, just from a small circle to a large circle, each circle gradually expanded, without realizing it.

"Let's go!" Zhu Lan looked at the map after the red, nodded, although it is circulating, but here is such a circle combination map.

Everyone else saw this and said nothing.

Continue to move forward.

After walking two more long passages, some light suddenly appeared.

Stepping out of the passage, a huge underground space appeared in front of Zhu Lan. After seeing what was in the space, Zhu Lan was stunned, and the others were not so good.

Because presented to them is an ancient city. The high walls are clearly visible. Although it has been broken, you can see from the corner how spectacular the former city was, because there are more than thirty in the highest place. The height of a meter is the wall of an ancient city. Generally, ten meters is already very high. Even some war fortresses, that is, about 20 meters, and this one is more than 30 meters high.

"It's spectacular!" It's different from the stargazing city on the mural, but Zhu Lan can still see it. This is the stargazing city shown on the mural.

It's just that the city is very worn out.

"Boss, at eleven o'clock, 3,427 meters!"

Zhu Lan looked in the direction of eleven o'clock.

Seeing a few people lying there, these people Zhu Lan are very familiar, because the mechs on them are exactly the same as those seen in the channel.

"Check it out!"

"Yes!" Lu Feng nodded and ordered the two to come forward to check.

"Report captain, man is dead!"

Hearing safety, Zhu Lan and others walked towards the city to regenerate Qi Yue


Squat down and take a look, and found that this time the death method is a bit different, because there is no damage on the shell, and they look in through the mask, their death is very calm, if they have in common, they are all smiling.

"Release the micro drone, I need details about the city!"


Three mini-UAVs were launched.

Began to observe the city.

For image sharing, Zhu Lan manipulated the images and looked at this huge city.

After the drone took off, it was discovered that the city was incomplete.

Only about one-tenth exists.

Although this underground space is huge, it is a completely closed existence.

"Stop, No. 2 turns 4 degrees, zoom in!"

Zhu Lan seemed to see something and ordered immediately.

The drone started hovering and turned.

After zooming in, a special courtyard appeared in front of Zhu Lan.


The city is not complete, and soon, Zhu Lan came to this courtyard.

What attracts Zhu Lan is a huge stone in the middle of the courtyard, and some blue light flows on the stone.

When he came to the courtyard and saw the stone, Zhu Lan felt a panic.

"Boss, we can't go any further!" The Red Queen stopped Zhu Lan.

"This stone has huge energy and is not stable."

Zhu Lan nodded and looked at the stones in the distance.

"Look around and see if you find anything!"


The crowd dispersed, looking around for its existence.

"Boss, found a basement with new footprints!"

When he came to the spot, Zhu Lan looked at this small basement and frowned.

"After the red?"

"No problem, the surrounding oxygen and temperature adapt!"

Zhu Lan nodded and manipulated, Xuanjia Mecha opened.

Get down from the black armor.

Red Queen and Lu Feng also came down.

"Leave four people outside, others follow me!"

Zhu Lan said to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng nodded, turning his head to explain things.

Zhu Lan walked to the Xuanjia mech, opened the weapon system, took out a huge stick, waved it down, was very smooth, nodded, and went to the basement.

What Zhu Lan took was not a long stick, but a laser dagger equipped with super Xuanjia. Super Xuanjia is naturally very short, but when put on a person, it is very large.

Lu Feng and five other soldiers also took some weapons, but they were the way to regenerate the hegemony of some small Gauss machine guns and several magnetic explosive bombs.


The two entered the basement, and Zhu Lan and others then entered.

After entering the basement, I found that there was a light on top of the basement's head. Looking up, Zhu Lan looked down, because it was a round stone, the night pearl!

"It's really style!" Looking at the night pearls where the long passage was not clear at all, Zhu Lan had to be moved.

Go deep into the passage.

Everyone was very careful and worried about the existence of any traps here.

But through the entire passage, there was no change, so that everyone was scratching their heads.

Through the passage, a huge hall appears, and in the middle of the hall, there is a coffin. This coffin is very special because it is cast in gold and there are a lot of fragments of gold and silver jewelry.

Zhu Lan stepped aside, picked it up and looked at it, and frowned, because these fragments seemed to be left over because of time.

Looking at this burial chamber, which is not smaller than the basketball court, Zhu Lan sighed, there are debris everywhere, and there is still some soil and the like, it should be some ceramics and so on, but now, all have turned into gray because of years, only a few Can survive, but none are complete.

"Boss, there is a passage here!"

Zhu Lan walked over and found that under the seat behind the coffin, there was a passageway, the passageway had been opened, and a downward staircase appeared.

"Go in! Qin Suming may be in there, and everyone is ready to fight!"


This time, it ’s not so easy to walk down, because the stairs turn downwards and are very steep ~ ~ Many places are 80-degree stairs. If you are not careful, you must fall. .

"This is forged from bluestone. Although it is a bit different, there is still no difference in essence, but it is denser than the bluestone of the earth and it is infinitely close to the existence of second-level strength!"

Zhu Lan nodded and continued to walk down.

The rotating aisle was very long, and it took more than 3,000 steps to come under the aisle.

"What awesome work!" Zhu Lan looked at the depth, and now he and others have come to a depth of about 1,400 meters underground, no wonder it has been circulating.

Here is the depths of the Antarctic. Below is the Antarctic continent. No one knows what exists under the Antarctic continent. Even if it is the data held by various countries, the understanding of the Antarctic continent is just beyond the surface. Two eyes are black, let alone the condition of the Antarctic continent, which is deep beneath the Antarctic.

Because of the night pearl, the surroundings can be seen very clearly. The structure here is completely different from the above. The structure above is mainly made of stone and soil, but below it is a metal structure, especially living in the science fiction world.

After red, she walked to the edge of a passage, her hands emitting light.

Without a subsequent response, Houhong punched up.

The entire metal wall was damaged, revealing some structural diagrams of similar lines inside.

After pulling out a few roots, the comparison after the red is very fast, and a similar virtual interface is presented.

"This is it?" Zhu Lan was shocked by the virtual interface that appeared, but the text shown above was in Chinese, but the difference was that it was not a simplified character, but existed like a traditional character, and it was a little different from the current traditional character. Under the Antarctic continent, there are traditional Chinese characters, or are they displayed on a virtual computer? Did a high civilization exist here 30,000 years ago? (To be continued.)

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