My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 573: Crazy Doomsday Plan

"Why don't I know about this?" Zhu Lan left and Xu Dezheng asked to look at Dongfang Ping. "What is the seventh area? Why don't I know these exist?"

"Lao Xu, you don't know this is a normal existence!" Dongfang Ping did not answer, but Mi Xiangtian answered.

Xu De was looking at Mi Xiangtian and wanted him to give an answer.

"I also know that the Doomsday Plan is not long before. This plan was the Doomsday Plan proposed by Zhu Lan to the heads of state of China, the United States, and Russia. The plan did not pass, nor was it rejected. Neither the United States nor Russia has spoken to the outside world, even to the inside, about the doomsday plan. "

"The doomsday plan is divided into three parts. The first part, as you already know, is to gather the power of the world to build a fleet for the final blog."

Xu Dezheng nodded "What is the second step?"

Mi Xiangtian didn't answer and was silent.

"The second step is a very crazy existence. Build a planet cannon and carry out a devastating attack!" Dongfang Ping said solemnly.

The first step of the doomsday plan is crazy, but it is not impossible. The second step is not something that ordinary people can think of. When I heard Zhulan ’s doomsday plan, whether it was Dongfang Ping or he thought that Zhulan was crazy. .

"Star Cannon? What's that? Can make you all change color?" Xu Dezheng frowned. Although Dongfang Ping said lightly, Xu Dezheng could feel Dongfang Ping's fear of this Star Cannon.

"The Planet Cannon is a super cannon with a diameter of 100 kilometers. It directly uses the core energy of the Earth to provide it. You are welcome to say that one gun can destroy the sun, and the maximum strike range is up to one billion kilometers. Any Nothing can resist the attack of this cannon! "

"His ~~" Xu Dezheng couldn't believe it and turned to look at Dongfangping.

"Crazy?" Dongfang Ping laughed.

Xu Dezheng nodded silently. "It's a crazy idea."

It is not impossible to use the core energy of the earth to provide energy for the artillery, but once this is done, it is equivalent to aggravating the destruction of the earth, which is simply the same ability!

Once the core energy of the earth is gone, then the earth can no longer operate and cannot operate, and everything on the earth will go to death.

"Hollow Earth Day", a Hollywood movie, has explained to the world what the concept of a planet stops, as well as "Heart Rescue" and so on.

And these are just one-tenth performance.

Once the earth stops rotating, no more than a week, 80% of the animals and plants on the planet will die.

Even the microbes tens of thousands of meters deep in the sea are the same.

"Crazy? If you know the third step, you know what madness is!"

Mi Xiangtian no longer laughed.

"The third part of the doomsday plan, directly on the earth, the moon is equipped with a planet engine, directly driving the planet into the enemy's struggle to regenerate space to become a local tyrant

!! Dongfang Ping said very plainly the third step of the doomsday plan.

Xu Dezheng was silent, and no longer knew what to say about it.

Planet engine?

Before the change, everyone might be a joke.

But now that the earth ’s technology really installs engines on the earth, it is not impossible to manually drive the earth.

Especially the engine technology developed by Pale Blue can already do this. Although one engine can't do it, what about one hundred? What about ten thousand?

"What's going on in the seventh district?" Xu De is not complimenting the doomsday plan. The first step is okay, and the second step is completely suicidal. Even if it is in desperation, no one will use it.

"The number of colonial city projects led by Fantasy Group is more than 200, and one third of them are used for colonial cities, and the rest are used for research, manufacturing and plantation of colonial stars. The colony star project is currently divided. There are nine regions. The first region is the region between the earth and the moon. It is composed of about six colonial cities. These six colonial cities will be important areas for the earth to connect to the moon in the future. "Mi Xiangtian explained the colonial cities to Xu Dezheng Planning.

"If it comes, the seventh zone is the existence of special R & D?" Xu Dezheng knew what concept it was.

Mi Xiangtian nodded. "The seventh zone is located in the cosmic region in the west of the earth. It is the back of the earth. Any existence that enters here needs to cross the earth. This will be the largest rear existence of the earth. Here is the sixth place. Colonial Group Seven. "

"The Sixth Colonial Group is a colonial city planned and manufactured by Pale Blue, and it will also be the region where the future headquarters of the United Nations will be located!"

Xu De was startled. "UN headquarters? Not New York?"

"This is the means of the Americans. The one in New York manages the earth, and the sixth region manages the universe! American ambitions are not small!" Dongfang Ping said with a sneer.

By moving the United Nations headquarters to space, you have the power to control space in name.

Moreover, the Blue Star Fleet is originally a joint fleet, similar to the existence of the United Nations security forces. Once the United Nations headquarters is located in space, it will be time. The Blue Star Fleet may have to plan for joint management.

The strength of at least 21 large fleets, I am afraid that no country can fight against it. Russia can't, neither can China.

Although the chairman of the United Nations is now a Chinese, no one would underestimate the influence of the United States within the United Nations.

"Zhu Lan, can he agree?"

Mi Xiangtian and Dongfang Ping glanced at each other and shook their heads helplessly. "This issue is still a proposal. Let us be more worried that the current blue, including Zhulan, has not issued any opinions. As if by default, once the United Nations really The establishment of a space headquarters in this area is a source of unrest for us and for the earth! "

"Have you ever asked Zhu Lan to say this?"

Dongfang Ping sighed "I have found it, but Zhu Lan avoided this problem directly. This is my uneasy existence, and now I am even more worried that Pale has surrendered something intentionally or unintentionally. The United States, NATO, When you went on the expedition, you continued to move. Although you have n’t done it yet, within the United Nations, there has been a direct confrontation of power. NATO has led various political scams. We lost four seats, and the Russian side also The loss was great. Of course, the other party's loss was also not small. Now the UN is very turbulent, and Cang Lan's attitude is unknown ... "Dongfang Ping has no idea what to say.

Xu De is quite aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Dongfang Ping can have a headache, enough to see the severity of the problem.

Zhu Lan took the spacecraft to the Great Wall Orbital Station and took the elevator down to the earth.

Zhu Lan can give himself permission to allow the spacecraft to fly directly into the earth, but Zhu Lan does not, because Zhu Lan understands that once this head is opened, there will be second and third [comprehensive] how to calmly face the old lover ( Master HP)


After the construction of the Great Wall Orbital Station was completed, Cang Lan joined all the nations of the earth, and it was stipulated that no aircraft should be allowed to enter the atmosphere on the earth.

And monitored by the Earth Defense Fleet, no matter who it is, once the aircraft directly passes over the Great Wall Orbit Station, it will be shot down.

Therefore, everyone, including Zhu Lan, the president of the United Nations, and the heads of state of all countries, must dock at the docking point of the Great Wall Orbital Station and take the orbital elevator down to the earth, otherwise, no matter who you are, destroy it directly.

Not only that, the aircraft, even warships, built on the earth are all transported to the Great Wall Orbit Station on three channels, and then transferred to the port. It is absolutely not allowed to fly directly on the earth. Once found, the United Nations The security forces stationed on the four-track elevators were directly destroyed, no matter who it was.

This can prevent an enemy from stealing a warship from the earth and leaving the earth, or an alien race spacecraft leaving the earth.

The aircraft leaving the earth must be transported by orbital elevators. Large-scale vehicles can be directly pulled to the orbital station by hoisting the orbital station at the specified place, and then transferred to the port. During this period, the aircraft and the warship must not have anyone. Exist to prevent unnecessary accidents.

Out of the orbital elevator, Zhu Lan smiled.

"Welcome back!" Blue Sky Heart, Cheng Xue, Ji Ruxiang, Tang Xuejian, and Tang Xueli all stood outside the elevator.

"Dad!" Little Candy saw Zhu Lan, came down from Tang Xue, and rushed towards Zhu Lan ~ ~ Zhu Lan crouched down, grabbed the small candy, and hugged it.

"Good or bad at home!"

"Good, grandpa calls me naughty! Dad, am I good?"

Zhu Lan is short, naughty? be good?

Blue sky heart several people covered their mouths and laughed.

Little candy didn't feel anything, grabbing Zhu Lan's beard and pulling hard.

"It hurts and hurts ~" Zhu Lan patted and patted off the hand of Little Candy. "No wonder you're naughty, it's really naughty!"

Although it hurts, Zhu Lan is not angry, because this is her only son, and the pain does not come in a hurry! What anger?

"Let's go!" Zhu Lan said to the five.

Blue Sky Heart nodded.

Get out of the orbit elevator lobby and get on board the suspension car of Fantasy Group.

No, it should be said that the hovercraft is more appropriate.

This newly-developed floating spacecraft is used in the planet and can easily sail tens of thousands of kilometers. It is the latest long-distance transportation on the earth and the existence of business aircraft, which has begun to be gradually eliminated.

The most exaggerated thing is that Boeing has developed a super international business spacecraft based on levitation technology, which can carry more than 1,000 people.

Suspension spacecraft does not need wings. It is a rectangular shape. Suspension technology provides takeoff and landing. Particle propulsion system provides powerful power. Compression energy technology can directly compress oil and electricity. The previous ten tons of aviation oil can be directly compressed into A one-meter-sized piece of petroleum, and the combustion power it can provide is equivalent to the presence of fourteen tons of aviation oil.

In the past, aviation oil has become the mainstream power, and oil is still useful. However, more energy blocks that have compressed electricity and light energy have become the dominant source of energy. After all, oil is almost exhausted, and the exploitation of oil is also very large for the earth. Damage, while electrical and light energy is almost unlimited. (To be continued.)

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