My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 570: 2 defeats, Blue Star Fleet!

Behind the Tixis fleet, space fluctuations occurred.

And this point, Ti Si Fleet can certainly be found in peacetime. Now, Ti Si Fleet's eyes are attracted by the constellation and Zhenhai in the past.

It was not until Aihua crossed the space to the rear that he was found.

And it was too late.

As soon as Aihua appeared, a large number of eroded warheads were fired.

The main gun guard weapons all attacked. In the erosion missile, five neutron bombs were mixed, and three were directly on a device composed of the dozen or so warships.

After the launch, Aihua directly accelerated and rushed in one direction.

Masses of fire were rising.

A larger explosion followed.

The neutron bomb exploded, and the explosion was terrifying.

Each can destroy nearly ten warships.

Of the five neutron bombs, except for two that attacked a dense warship group, three directly attacked that strange device.

The explosion of neutron bombs directly destroyed everything.

No battleship can withstand the explosion of neutron bombs.

The battleship of Tisci civilization in front of it was directly anchored, and many people including the Blue Star fleet were anchored.

Although it is tens of thousands of kilometers away, the huge explosion can still be seen.

Ayihua did not stop.

Accelerate into the enemy group.

One by one the neutrons were released.

Exploding one by one.

Each explosion will destroy five to ten battleships.

The Titan fleet reacted and turned the gun tube. Aihua had released ten neutron bombs. The number of warships destroyed by the neutron bombs reached more than eighty.

This is almost double the number of Blue Star fleets destroyed since the war.

Tang Shengjun naturally knew Ayihua's methods. When he saw that Ayihua worked, he immediately let all the warships directly press it, without giving the Titan fleet a chance to resist.

All Dragon Guards unlock the Battlefield Mode directly and rush into the battleship group.

"Damn, I don't believe it!" Vanai completely darkened.

"Captain, the signal of the flagship has disappeared, the Earth Fleet has been pressed up, and now you have the highest rank, we can't fight anymore!"

Several people anxiously told Vanai to rebirth Dong Efei


Vanai listened and frowned.

"Start the command system, take over the command authority, order the remaining warships to retreat, and let those warships sacrifice it!"


Vanai's warships activated the command system, and other Titan warships immediately received new orders and began to retreat.

The 14 warships not only did not retreat, but rushed towards the Blue Star Fleet.

Du Ming frowned when he saw the Titanic battleship rushing forward.

"Attack the fourteen battleships in front of it, absolutely not give each other a chance to breathe!"

"Yes, attack!"

Wuzhishan attacked with all strength.

A large number of beams of light hit the front battleship.

But it did not explode like other Titus battleships, but directly offset them.

Du Ming is dignified. Except for a few battleships that have energy defense systems, the Titans have no defense system at all, and all fourteen battleships have defense systems.

Directly offset the Wuzhishan attack.

However, Du Ming saw a little more. The opponent ’s energy defense system did not have the strength of the Aegis level. Even the daybreak level could not be reached. Although it was offset, the energy defense system was almost on the verge of collapse.

Although Du Ming was a little disturbed, seeing this situation, he was not in a hurry. After another wave of attacks, the fourteen warships were finished.

"Warning, warning! S-level energy fusion detected!"

Just when Du Ming thought it was safe, the warship's intelligent assistance system suddenly sounded.

Twenty-six warships in the surroundings sounded advanced alarm systems.

The crowd did not respond, and instantly, a huge explosion lit up.

It rises like the sun.

The shock wave from the explosion destroyed everything around.

One, two, three, fourteen Titanic battleships exploded.

Produces an effect no less than a neutron bomb explosion.

Destroyed everything around.

Even the Aegis-class battleship's energy defense system cannot withstand five seconds.

The energy defense system was instantly broken, the shock wave of the explosion was destroyed, and the entire battleship was lifted directly.

Some even set off warships that slammed into the side, causing a bigger explosion directly.

"No!" Zhu Lan's eyes flashed instantly.

"Boss, go!" Wang Sheng fell beside Zhu Lan, pulling Li Angel's arm and dragging Li Angel away.

Others fled quickly.

However, the scope of the explosion was too large, directly covering tens of thousands of kilometers, and the Blue Star Fleet was directly pressed to prevent the Titanic Fleet from counterattacking, and it was very dense.

Once the explosion occurred, the battleship was unable to respond.

Gundam and Ryuwei quickly escaped from Ryuda Hidesha


They are mechs, and turning around is easy, but the battleships turning around are very difficult.

Can only rely on the energy defense system to resist.

The big bang, such as the universe, destroyed everything around.

In the absence of oxygen, the fire light from the explosion quickly disappeared.

Leave a messy battlefield.

Looking at the effect of the explosion, the survivors were silent.

After the Tixis fleet was reorganized, there was no way to launch an attack and turn to leave.

After reorganizing the fleet, although Aihua was powerful, it was impossible to fight against a fleet.

Can only be allowed to leave the fleet.

The Blue Star Fleet was exploded by the Titans battleship, which directly lost most of the battleships.

Not to mention chasing, the ability to continue fighting is gone.

Zhu Lan closed her eyes. "It's over. Search! How much can you save!"

Tang Shengjun nodded in silence and immediately ordered to start searching for these destroyed warships to see if more people could be saved.

King Kong and six Dawn-class aircraft carriers approached and went directly to the battlefield to search.

At the end of this battle, there were only six Daybreak aircraft carriers, two Daybreak battleships, and one Aegis battleship and seven Canton-class cruisers.

The huge fleet of nearly a hundred battleships is now less than one-fifth, and cruel as it is.

The loss of the Titus fleet was also very large. Only less than thirty warships left, and the rest became a piece of cosmic garbage here.

In particular, Aihua's fifteen neutron bombs directly destroyed more than 120 warships, which was too dense.

From the angel of strength, Zhu Lan suddenly felt powerless.

The paramedics rushed to the sides of Zhu Lan and helped Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan waved his hand "No need, save more people!"

Zhu Lan turned pale toward the bridge.

Along the way, everyone started to live.

The Blue Star Fleet lost too much.

All efforts must be devoted to rescue.

At the bridge, Tang Shengjun saw Zhu Lan's situation and immediately stepped forward to help Zhu Lan.

"Since it's all like this, take a good rest!"

Zhu Lan waved his hands and sat down with the assistance of Tang Shengjun.

"How's it going?"

Tang Shengjun sighed. "The loss is very heavy. Fortunately, the strength of the Aegis-class battleship has withstood the explosion. Although the battleship has been destroyed, most of them still survive. Now I have sent all my power out. How many people can be saved, I don't know yet! "

Tang Shengjun said, the others inside the bridge were silent.

Pro, John, and Xu Dezheng were all silent.

"This is the cruelty of Star Wars!" Xu Dezheng said helplessly.

The Blue Star Fleet, which has nearly 700,000 people, may currently survive. Less than 200,000 people, especially the combat force, have almost lost. The remaining sky fighters, even a squadron, cannot make up the history of grave robberies.


Long Wei, Xuan Jia also lost very much.

Gundam did not lose anything, except the village rain scrapped.

"What about the Titan fleet?"

Pu Luo nodded to one person.

The man nodded and manipulated, the virtual reality star map was displayed.

"Titanus fleet detached directly, and now evacuated in the direction of Saturn. There was no stay, and it was detached at the maximum speed. We ..." said Pro. There was no way to continue.

Everyone listened and was silent.

"Report to the lunar base! I'm tired!" Zhu Lan stood up sadly and went out.

"I help you!"

Zhu Lan shook his head and pushed off Tang Shengjun's hand.

Leaving here alone.

On October 27, 2022, on this day, it was permanently recorded. The first interstellar war of mankind temporarily won. Although it was a terrible victory, it always won.

After receiving the announcement of victory, no one in the lunar blue base ~ ~ was a little happy.

The situation reported was so miserable that no one could imagine that the war could be so cruel.

700,000 people, less than 180,000 people survived, and how much is this time? Less than a week.

Dongfang Ping, Omarton and others all understand very well that this is just the advance troops of Tisci civilization. What if the big troops of Tisci civilization arrive? How many people do you need?

November 4, 2022.

The Blue Star Fleet returns.

Everyone stood on the blue star military port.

When those wounded warships were towed back, many people cried.

The battleship docked, and the prepared soldiers stepped forward, carrying bags one by one from above.

All the staff, soldiers, and even officers of the Blue Star Naval Port played in person. It took nineteen hours to remove all the corpses.

Black sacks filled the entire hangar on the hangars at each berth of the Blue Star Military Port.

324,157 black bags, representing 324,157 corpses.

Losing more than half a million people, it is already very good to be able to retrieve 300,000 bodies.

"Salute!" Chen Jinzheng said in a serious voice. Although small, everyone in the hangar heard it.

Everyone took off their hats and bowed to the 320,000 bodies.

At the same time, the situation in the Blue Star Naval Harbor was all informed by current affairs.

The Blue Star Fleet has triumphed, but the cost of the victory is so great that people everywhere can clearly see it.

The flags of all the nations were all halved, and in silence for the sacrificed soldiers, this day will be recorded forever. Humanity won the first interstellar war, and the price of victory was the cost of 50,000 soldiers.

(To be continued.)

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