My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 529: Stop exploring the tunnel?

What Zhu Lan is saying is not false, completely true.

Since the last time the energy crystal was found in the restricted area, Zhu Lan did let the post-red investigation investigate whether the earth has any energy deposits.

The time when the earth was born is 4.6 billion years. According to scientific investigations, the earliest evidence of human beings is between 7 million years. Some unwritten, that is, investigations without scientific basis, the earliest people may be born at 14 million years. It has doubled from the seven million years currently found.

The Gandaya civilization as the first solar age was the first civilization that existed about 800,000 years ago, the second civilization was the Muria civilization, and the third civilization was the Atlantis civilization and the fourth civilization. Mayan civilization, and we are at the stage of the fifth civilization.

In Maya's calculations, in fact, the earth has crossed the fifth solar age and entered the sixth solar age.

In the long years, the secrets of the earth have not been discovered, even if they were discovered, it is only a few skins.

The pale blue archeological team has found many mysterious existences around the world, such as murals of that tribe found in South America.

Then, based on the existence of the mural, Pale finds some other evidence.

It is 80% possible to be sure that the earth has huge energy deposits.

Since the incident in the restricted area, after a targeted investigation, many fossils that have lost energy have been found for more than half a year, and after opposing opposition, it has been found that these are the existence of some energy crystals, only in the long years Later, energy disappeared, which changed matter into the shape of a stone.

More than thirty geologists in the pale blue have discovered that the underground connected in many parts of the earth has a huge energy response, and the continental shelf detection device placed after the red can also explore the underground energy response. There is an energy crystal somewhere underground The existence of this, blue is very convinced.

Zhu Lan showed the report and data of Cang Lan's discovery to some energy crystals one by one.

Everyone was stunned. Although Huaxia is also researching in this regard, it is not the main research object, because this is basically the existence of a bottomless pit. How to invest in Huaxia is just a small research, most of which are found in China. After some, I dispatched an investigation team to do research.

It is not just Huaxia. Many countries have not done detailed research on it because the amount of knowledge required is too large, and the technology of the earth cannot support such research.

You are welcome to say that without the existence of blue, it may be another 100 years, 1,000 years, or even 10,000 years, and humans will be destroyed. Humans cannot know that there is an energy crystal inside the earth.

"The earth still has such a secret, it is really shocking!" After reading the information given by Zhu Lan, Mr. Zheng had to say with emotion.

The others nodded.

"According to what you mean, the support area below is exactly the same as the restricted area?" Zhang Moren looked at Zhu Lan and asked.

Zhu Lan didn't say anything. He walked in front of a computer, operated it a few times, and after the displayed data graph, he was silent.

"give up!"

Zhang Moren and others frowned. "What do you mean?" A professor was dissatisfied. If it was not for Zhu Lan's identity, Zhu Lan would have been kicked out.

"Zhu Lan, you should understand what this represents?" Zhang Moren had to remind Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan nodded "I naturally know what this stands for. It is for this reason that I say let you give up!"

"Cause?" Shang Tong was not angry, but looked at Zhu Lan lightly.

Zhu Lan didn't say anything. On the edge of the large pit toward the space-time tunnel, others frowned and looked at Zhu Lan.

"I believe you also know that as the space-time tunnel goes down, the backlog will be stronger. At present, the depth of arrival you are talking about is 1410 meters, right?"

"Yes, so what?" Zheng Zheng was interested.

"We used to detect the largest depth of 1879 meters in Antarctica, and the problems there are more serious than you. You are calculating from the mid-levels. We are calculating from the ground level. It should be a depth of 2415 meters! "

"I'm not talking about the level of science and technology. As the depth deepens, we found a problem here. I wonder if you have recently felt that the Earth is different?"

"Not the same?" Shang Tong frowned.

Go to a computer and keep operating.

Many people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences also responded and kept working on the computer.


With the first confirmation, others also discovered the problem.

"Our side is just a little bit of trouble, coupled with the monitoring of the earth after the red, this can quickly find some problems, and you do not have global geological survey, you can know inside China, but outside of China , It will be difficult for you to know. "

"I counted here. Since the discovery here, the earth ’s environment has undergone drastic changes. This change is mainly reflected in the ocean. According to our data, the ocean has declined on average in the past four months. At the level of 1.4 meters, the speed has increased by 0.8 meters, and the speed of decline has accelerated. "

"At the beginning we thought it was because of the influence of the moon, the development of the pale blue and the countries on the moon, and the ecological operation that affected the earth, but our subsequent investigation found that the fact is that some energy in the depths of the ocean is absorbed by something And we started looking for the cause. "

"Because we turned on this?" Shang Tong said, looking at Zhu Lan, letting go of the keyboard.

"Not only you, but also our side. Bermuda, we have dropped a lot of detection devices. The repair of the earth itself consumes some energy, and the performance of these energy is above the sea. Relationship, but it has begun to affect the balance of the earth. Before I arrived, I had ordered to stop related research until the report came out, so I also hope that you can temporarily stop and wait for our report to see the earth Is there any harm first! "

The words of Zhu Lan are half true and false. The Bermuda test did affect the earth, but it was not as serious or not as serious as what Zhu Lan said. It is just that Zhu Lan was very cold about this space-time tunnel, and on Saturn Because of the wormhole, Zhu Lan doesn't want anything to happen on Saturn, and the earth will go out first.

Zhu Lan's proposal was not accepted, but Zhang Moren also ordered to suspend research.

The time-space tunnel has brought a lot of achievements to Huaxia.

That night, Dongfang Ping returned from the United Nations overnight.

Since the Pale Blue Agreement, Dongfang Ping has rarely been able to stay at home. There are too many things in the world. China, the United States, and Russia are the three great powers to take the lead.

To this end, Huaxia also sent about 200,000 troops to various places to perform deterrent tasks.

Not only Hua Xia, other countries have also sent troops to the once chaotic Middle East, Africa and South America as strategic deterrents, and assisted the new government to operate. Only after ensuring the security of the new government's operation will they withdraw their troops.

And this coordination requires the existence of a person who can speak. The senior military members of the country that Xu De is in need to go to the moon to do battle. This matter can only be handled by the president and the president of the country.

Not only Dongfang Ping, but also Mi Xiangtian, the chief of staff.

When Zhu Lan saw the two men coming, they were also very surprised. It seems that it is really important for Huaxia.

A conference room at Tianshan Airport.

None of them spoke.

Dongfang Ping and Mi Xiangtian already knew the situation, but after arriving here, Zhu Lan printed a report on the earth's change and energy crystal survey, and both of them were turning over these materials.

After reading, the two put the materials on the table and looked at Zhulan. "Zhulan, can you tell me, is it really important to the earth?"

Zhu Lan put down his tea cup and watched Dongfang Ping "the harm to the earth is not great!"

Dongfangping frowned. "Why do you say that!"

"Anyway, it ’s not my relationship with the dangers of the Earth. I ’m concerned with the stability of the human rear. Everyone present knows the existence of the blue agreement and the situation on Saturn. At present, the Mir has flown to Saturn ~ ~ Regardless of the outcome, the planet must be prepared for the worst! "

Dongfang Ping was surprised for a while, Dongfang Ping was not a fool, and naturally understood the meaning in Zhulan dialect.

The harm caused by the space-time tunnel may not be high, but in the current situation, the earth needs to face the situation on Saturn, and this knot must not cause the earth to mess up because of something, which is why the blue agreement After that, all the prejudices are set aside, and all the important reasons for making the earth peaceful.

If the situation on Saturn is really the worst, at this time, the earth will have an accident due to the space-time tunnel. If it drags the earth, the earth will face a very difficult situation, and if possible, it will be delayed because of this trivial matter. Of things on Saturn.

Dongfang Ping can clearly understand, Zhang Moren and Mi Xiangtian can naturally understand.

"I see!" Dongfang Ping finished, thinking.

Neither of them said anything.

The situation on Saturn, not to mention serious or not, is just that the huge wreckage of the warship there is a huge asset. Regardless of the most dangerous situation facing all humankind, the technology contained in the countless warships alone will allow all countries Enthusiastic.

More than a dozen countries are ready. As long as they have sufficient technology, they will definitely go to Saturn to plunder the technology of these warships. At this time, if Huaxia cannot extract the power to plunder for some things, it is equivalent to lagging behind others. State step.

Huaxia has fallen behind in the last century. It took several generations of efforts to chase it back. Now if it lags again because of this matter, it may be that you are the sinner of Huaxia. Even if you go down to Huangquan Road, you have no face to build the country. !! (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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