My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 519: The shock from the lunar base

"Sit down, everyone, we are ready to take off!" Zhu Lan's voice passed to every corner of Tenglong.

"Mr. Zhu, is this really okay?"

Omarton said unsurely.

"President Omarton, please don't worry. I won't make fun of everyone's lives. Besides, am I here too?"

Omarton nodded, while Hank on the side nodded, "Mr. President, don't worry, if you don't believe it, you can look outside!"

Many people saw Hank's words.

Tamron has taxied to the runway.

On the side of Tamron, two fighter-like planes are on the side, but these planes are very large, like bombers.

"Don't worry, this is the sky fighter. They will **** us to the moon base safely. There will inevitably be some meteorites along the way. They will be responsible for cleaning up!"

Space fighter.

The word instantly appeared in everyone's mind.

The people near the window stared at the two huge space versions of the sky fighter outside.

Dongfang Ping and Xu Dezheng also looked outside.

This fighter Xu Dezheng is very clear that this is the second generation orbital fighter of the sky, but now it seems that it is not just as simple as an orbital fighter, it is already a space fighter. According to Zhu Lan, the fighter can fly to the moon, which means , The diameter of at least 400,000 kilometers of existence


The Tenglong suspension device started and slowly flew up.

At the same time, the two sky also took off simultaneously.

Began to **** the Tamron.

Tenglong soon got rid of gravity and got close to the orbit.

Almost all national leaders have not seen the earth in person.

Inspired by Zhu Lan, the Tamron specially circled the earth three times, so that everyone can clearly see the earth.

In this regard, nothing was said to be opposed.

"Everyone, we need to speed up, please sit down!"

"Zhu Lan, is this really okay? After all ..." Xu Dezheng was a little worried.

"Relax!" Zhu Lan gave Xu Dezheng a comforting look.

"Dear everyone, please rest assured that the g-force generated by acceleration will be completely offset by a system. You are just like flying, there will be no dilemma!"

"Start the gravity system!"

As soon as Zhu Lan said this, everyone felt that there was something different around them, but how could it not be said.

Tamron began to accelerate.

And close all the windows.

"You guys, you can watch TV in the seat, you can also access the Internet. If necessary, the quantum communication technology in the seat can be connected to any place. We need three hours to reach the moon base!

After speaking, Zhu Lan sat down.

On the edge of Zhu Lan, Dongfang Heping and Omarton were three.

"I'm so anxious, I'm sorry!" Zhu Lan apologized to the three.

Dongfang Ping looked at Zhu Lan and did not speak.

It does not matter, but also operates the virtual computer in the location.

Each seat is very wide and can even be stretched, as a bed, and a virtual computer is installed. The transmission via quantum satellites is just like home, and the Internet is connected at high speed at any time.

Although Omarton had opinions, he did not say what Zhulan's understanding was.

"Mr. Zhu, I want to know, what is going on this time?"

"I can only say that it is no worse than the crisis of Yunhe civilization!" Zhu Lan knew that at this time, it was time to say something.

Once Zhu Lan said this, the three were instantly frozen.

What kind of crisis the Yunhe civilization brings, the three are very clear. If there is no blue to destroy that space wormhole, what are the consequences? The three can imagine, but they will never think about it. At that time, no matter whether Russia or the United States, the ultimate human weapon, the nuclear bomb, has been activated, and it has already been used. Although the effect is not good, if there is no way to solve the problem The United States and Russia will surely drop tens of thousands of nuclear bombs into that area, even if it is all turned into a radiation zone, it doesn't matter if they can't live for tens of thousands of years.

Under the crisis of all mankind, it is feasible to give up in some areas.

Now, Zhu Lan is no worse than Yunhe civilization, and the three are completely silent.

Although it is not easy to know why Zhu Lan is calling for various countries, I did not expect such a thing to be fine.


"Is it the one found?" Omarton asked unsurely.

Zhu Lan shook his head. "No, it is greater than the crisis of civilization that I found. At present, I can't make it clear. I will explain it to you at the moon base! Now I think you can explain to your country at this time. Maybe in the future. In a few days, you all need to go to the moon base! "

All three frowned.

"Each seat has a closed cover that can be isolated, and the communication is connected by an absolutely secure quantum network, and equipped with intelligent auxiliary devices, which can be easily used!" Zhu Lan said to everyone.

"All of you, next, you will spend a few days on the moon base, I hope you can explain the Earth's affairs clearly, not to be surprised, of course, there are telecommunications technology on the moon base, but some things still explain Better!"

Many Zhulan words were silent.

With the first closed hood falling.

Soon, leaders began to communicate with their own countries.

Three hours later, Tamron reached the back of the moon.

When Tamron came to the back of the moon, many people had already stood up from their chairs.

"It seems that you have prepared for a long time!" Looking at the quantum satellite outside the moon, Xu Dezheng looked at Zhu Lan with a smile.

Zhu Lan shook his head. "Since the meteorite event, the lunar base has only begun to be planned. It has not yet been completely completed, but the main body has been completed. Because of the importance of this event, we bring everyone and feel this event up close Deterrent! "

Zhu Lan said, Tenglong began to land.

When it landed to more than 10,000 meters, everyone had vaguely seen the huge lunar base below.

Hank touched Omarton's shoulder "Mr. President, at four o'clock!"

Omarton heard this and looked in the direction of four o'clock.

Take a breath.

A huge battleship was quietly docking there.

Many people also found the constellation not far away and took a deep breath.

The huge tonnage of the Constellation can feel its horror even from afar. The dense main guns on the battleship represent the horrible firepower of the battleship.

Tamron soon landed on the moon base.

After the deck was closed and oxygen was restored, Tamron's hatch opened slowly.

"You guys, please!"

"Li Zheng! Salute!"

In front of Tamron, the small blue team welcomed.

Everyone was wearing decent military uniforms, white and blue uniforms, looking like naval uniforms.

The universe was originally a huge sea, and it was normal to use navy-colored uniforms.

What attracted everyone was the tall mech behind them.

The blue space mech is completely black and looks very deterrent.

"Welcome to the Moon Base!" Zhu Lan smiled and gestured to everyone.

Everyone was shocked by the moon-based earthquake


Huge, huge.

And many people find that the gravity here is no different from the earth, which is very shocking.

Zhu Lan and the others did not go to the control center, but visited the lunar base.

In the ecosystem, research area, living area and in the restaurant, Zhu Lan entertained everyone.

Looking at the moon scenery outside, many people feel that they are not sitting on the moon.

Although it has been eaten on the earth, Zhu Lan still let everyone eat first, after all, some people are a bit older and have some problems with digestion.

This meal also made many people more curious about the lunar base.

Judging from the previous visit, the moon base is very perfect.

Facilities for living, oxygen, work, research, and entertainment exist.

In particular, the ecosystem has made many countries shine.

"Well, everyone, let's take a break first, we will talk about the meeting tomorrow!"

After listening to Zhu Lan, many people were silent.

"This time, you also need to digest it. Besides, everyone has worked hard along the way. This time, it is more important to invite everyone to come. I think, let's talk about this problem when everyone is better!" Zhu Lan Didn't wait for Dongfang Ping to speak ~ ~ Speak out directly.

"They will take you to the corresponding room. By the way, if not necessary, please do n’t leave. There are some places on the lunar base that have not been completed. It is dangerous. If necessary, you can call our people and they will Taking you where you want to go, even if you think about going to the moon, it's okay! "

Many of Zhu Lan's words light up.

Look on the moon.

This is no small temptation.

Zhu Lan smiled and turned to leave here.

"Please, follow us, your room is already arranged!"

"What the **** do you want to do!"

Xu De was taking off his coat, hung up, and frowned.

"No matter what he wants to do, you don't think Zhulan's approach is a bit ...." Dongfang said flatly.

Xu Dezheng was dignified.

"Now that's not important. Old Xu, would you like to go to the moon to see it?" Dongfang Ping didn't care what Zhu Lan wanted to do, what Zhu Lan wanted to say, Dongfang Ping already knew about it.

Dongfangping was not worried because the sky was falling and there was a tall man standing.

Dongfang Ping is more concerned about the immediate interests. Now that Canglan has built a lunar base, can Huaxia plan a territory on the moon with the help of Canglan? This is the thing that most deserves Dongfangping's attention.

Xu Dezheng hesitated, then came to understand, nodded, took out his clothes and went out.

When they came to the hangar, nearly half of the country's leaders were here, and all-around lunar rover vehicles were already waiting here.

Dongfang Ping sighed. It seems that he is not just a smart person, but Dong Ping is not disappointed. He has an advantage that other countries do not have, that is, the fantasy group's headquarters is in China.

(To be continued.)

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