My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 512: Relieves aging fruit trees

Blue sky heart nodded, how much blue sky heart can know.

Ecosystem, to put it plainly, is an oxygen production zone.

Normally, oxygen is provided by a pure oxygen tank, but as much oxygen as that is used, there is not much.

The ecological circle is a completely self-circulating oxygen zone, which can self-circulate to produce oxygen.

Eighty percent of the oxygen on Earth is released by plants.

For three years, Zhu Lan spent a lot of money and manpower in order to find plant species that can survive in the harsh environment of space and can release a large amount of oxygen.

In fact, a tens of meters long ecosystem is enough oxygen for tens of thousands of people, but it takes time.

Plants produce oxygen, and 30 percent is absorbed. The remaining 70 percent will circulate in the air. The longer the time, the more oxygen will be in the air.

On the earth, millions of years ago, the earth ’s oxygen was five times or even ten times. At that time, the green coverage rate on the earth was more than 80%, and now, it is only more than 20%. Just a little bit.

A four-fold reduction in forest cover has led to a doubling of Earth's oxygen.

Although the lunar base is huge, the existence of the four ecosystems can fully use the lunar base.

You only need to build one, but Zhulan is building four in order to prepare for the moon city in the future.

It takes time for plants to produce oxygen to the circulation.

And now build four ecosystems, when the moon city is built, the lack of oxygen can be transported from here.

After all, the moon is 380,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Oxygen is a little more harmless.

If you are not worried that the construction of the base will be too large, it will affect other people. Zhulan also wants to build ten ecological circles and create a 30-kilometre, ten-kilometre-wide super lunar forest area!

However, huge forests require too much light, and with current capabilities, such huge forest areas cannot be built.

Plants need sunlight, and the bigger the sun is needed.

The moon does not have the protection of the atmosphere like the earth, and it blocks the sun's ultraviolet radiation.

If you want to use the sun to illuminate plants, you need a conversion system to isolate the ultraviolet rays of the sun from various cosmic rays. At present, this set of equipment is just installing one, and it is very reluctant to meet an ecological circle. Forest, that's impossible.

However, in the project of the lunar city ring, there is a super city, which will plan a forest area with a length of tens of kilometers, which will be a miracle. However, at the current progress, it will take at least five years to start construction.

"It seems to consume a lot of oxygen, and I feel even purer than on the earth!" Blue Sky took a deep breath, and the smell of the forest came to his face.

"This is natural!" Speaking of this, Zhu Lan was very proud.

"These plants are adapted to grow in harsh environments, and under the same conditions, they release 2.3 times the amount of oxygen of other plants. In addition, the plants themselves have been genetically optimized to achieve the oxygen release of ordinary plants. Six times as much, and more adaptable to the environment. The more than fifty kinds of plants here require only one hour of light per day, and the amount of water required is not much. plant!"

Lan Tianxin nodded "I have seen this before, but I didn't expect them to spend three years to get such good results!"

"Come and show you something good!"

Zhu Lan took Lanxin's hand and walked into the path between the forests.

Blue sky flushed and said nothing, followed Zhu Lan, and Zhu Lan did not find anything about it.

Through a kilometer of forest to a place

This is already the innermost part of the ecosystem, and if you go through it, it will be the next area.

"This is it?" Looking at the fruit tree in front of him, the blue sky froze.

In a row in the past, ten fruit trees were planted here. What shocked Lan Tianxin was that each of them was huge, and the variety of fruit trees Lan Tian Xin, no, it should be said that every Chinese person will be familiar with it.

Ginseng fruit tree!

Ginseng fruit more than ten meters high and seven meters in size.

In order to transport these fruit trees, it took a lot of traffic, and fortunately, the King Kong's hangar was large enough. It was originally considered to be a high-end hangar. The height reached 25 meters. Some places even reached Thirty meters high, King Kong can transport these huge towering trees.

"I said Zhu Lan, are you sure you didn't make it with a mold?"

Zhu Lan smiled and shook his head. "No, this is completely true, but it was an accident. You also know that during the construction of the ecosystem, I set up a biological gene laboratory."

Blue Sky nodded "I know this, is it the product of an experiment?"

Zhu Lan looked up at the ten ginseng fruit trees and nodded. "It can be said that these ten ginseng fruit trees are a strange fruit tree found in the depths of the Amazon jungle, because the fruits they grow will release some neurotoxins. We pulled it back. After research, we used genetic technology to eliminate the neurotoxins of this fruit tree. After the mutation, some mutations occurred. A researcher was curious to modify the appearance of the fruit in the plant gene chain itself. Ginseng fruit. "

"You admire so much, this fruit must have a special effect, right?"

"That's right, the reason why the researcher changed the gene growth of the fruit to modify the appearance of adult ginseng fruit is because the fruit that removes toxins has a function that accelerates human metabolism and enriches the ability of human gene activity. Simply put, The ingredients contained in this fruit can make people alleviate the aging of the body, so there is no difference between it and the ginseng fruit in the myth, but it is too noble in the myth, this ginseng fruit can only relieve the years! "

"Can't synthesize?" Blue sky felt strange. Can't synthesize with the current blue technology? Or is it extraction?

Zhu Lan reluctantly shook his head. "Since it was discovered, this research has been going on. Now it has moved here. The next area is the special research center for ginseng fruit. This is a priority research project. This fruit tree is based on Our test, at least since the earth has existed in ancient times, we are thinking whether it is because of the problem of earth ’s oxygen that all these fruit trees are transferred to the lunar base, because in the future, the oxygen here is stronger than the earth, I believe it can be restored to It looks like it! "

"You mean, this ginseng fruit is not the original?"

"After millions of years of change, many have been degraded, and all we need is to return them to ancient times."

"This is really good news, if it can be successfully applied, it is one step closer to your goal!"

Zhu Lan smiled and nodded, "Let's go!"

Leaving the ecosystem, Zhu Lan returned to the King Kong, and found that several people in Cheng Xue had changed their space suits, and several all-terrain vehicles had been driven to the open space.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Zhu Lan, you are back, we are going to take a look at the moon, will you go?"

Zhu Lan reluctantly shook his head. "Forget it, I still have something, you play it yourself! Huang Yunyin, optimistic about them!"

"Understand the boss!"

Zhu Lan is also not good at breaking their interest. There is no danger on the moon anyway, and there will be no problem with the protection of the all-terrain vehicle. At present, the only danger of the moon may be meteorite from the universe, although the defense system is still Not installed, but the war mech has been standing by over the base 24 hours a day, and any approaching meteorite will be destroyed.

A squadron has twenty war mechas, and four mechas are usually on duty for four to six hours.

It's boring, but for a small number, it stays the same temporarily.

Now that the second batch arrives, duty time can be reduced.

And there are rulers here, even if you encounter large meteorites, there will be no problems.

Under the premise of not guaranteeing the meteorite threat, the construction of the base is very difficult!

Before the construction of the base ~ ~ Constellation has cleared all meteorites over the base up to 50,000 kilometers to ensure that no meteorites will affect the construction of the lunar base, and release quantum satellites, and constantly monitor the back of the moon For all meteorites within 100,000 kilometers, once a meteorite is found to be attracted by the collision or the moon ’s gravity, it will be destroyed by the war mech. If it is large, tens of thousands of kilometers away, it will be destroyed by the constellation or King Kong. .

Every time it is transported to the moon, the constellation and the Vajra will deal with large threat targets before returning to Earth.

"You can relax, too!" Zhu Lan smiled to Lan Xinxin.

Blue sky thought for a while and nodded.

Zhu Lan watched a few people leave and turned into the control center.

King Kong, constellation, Luo Yan, Luo Twin, Red Queen and Zhenhai are already here.

Except for Zhenhai and Houhou who are remote virtual delivery, the other four are here.

"Well, now closed!"

"Yes, it's closed!"

The door of the control center was closed, and a virtual conversion was performed, and a starry sky appeared.

"Is it serious?"

There was no speech after red, and a starry sky changed rapidly. "This is a picture captured six days ago, because the distance is too far away, so it is not very clear. We reluctantly obtained it with the help of the Hubble Telescope in the United States and our zoom. A picture. "

Zhu Lan looked at the picture. The picture is on the ring of Saturn, on the ring of Saturn, a black hole. No, it should be that the wormhole is expanding.

Whether it is a black hole or not, because it does not have a huge suction force, it only pulls a small part of meteorites and other things. All this is a wormhole. "At present, it is only a wormhole with a diameter of four kilometers. We do n’t know how big it is. , After all, we are too far away from there! "(To be continued.)

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