My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 505: Invitation from the president

September 27, 2019.

Zhu Lan arrived in Yanjing, received by Qin Jun, and checked into Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

This is where foreign leaders can live.

Diaoyutai State Guest House is a place where Huaxia welcomes foreign leaders to talk, eat and live.

It is the most important place of Huaxia, and it is also one of the face of Huaxia.

Many leaders who visited Huaxia live here.

Existence here, even if you have power again, it is impossible to move in, because all the important leaders of various countries live here, and the security here is absolute.

"Zhu Lan, just rest for a while. You can just call me directly. The sixth stage of the phone at the bedside is my number. What's wrong, just say!"

"Are you responsible for security?" Zhu Lan looked at Qin Jun strangely.

Qin Jun nodded with a smile.

There is nothing strange about Zhu Lan.

"Okay, I can do it yourself, you go first!"

"Find me if there is something, if there is nothing, you are the least! It is better to go out less!"


"Nothing, this time the military leaders from more than 200 countries and regions around the world will be chaotic. The State Guesthouse can no longer accommodate so many leaders. Some people can only arrange to go to other hotels. People pick things! "

Zhu Lan came over and understood. "I see. These days, I will go out as little as possible!"

Qin Jun nodded "then I still have something to do, I'm busy!"

Zhu Lan nodded.

"BOSS, it seems that the country is very generous to you!"

Blue Sky said with a smile.

Zhu Lan shook her head. "Where's your sister?"

"My sister? It's still in the company, it may take two days to come over!"

"Okay, go ahead and do yourself a favor! Virtual remote delivery can make no surprises. The success of our fantasy group depends on this one!"

Blue Sky is willing to pat his **** "Relax BOSS, I will personally supervise!"

Zhu Lan sat on the side, looking at the garden below, and had to be sighed. The scenery of the State Guesthouse was good, and it was indeed the presence of foreign leaders.

"Ancient emperor would really enjoy it!"

Ding 咚 ~~

Zhu Lan looked at the night scene outside, at this time, the doorbell rang.

Zhu Lan frowned. The taste of being interrupted was not good.

Raise your head and operate a few times, and the situation outside the door is displayed.

The application of virtual technology has become very common, and places like the State Guesthouse are naturally applied.

Seeing several foreign men in black suits outside the door, Zhu Lan frowned. "Who are you?"

"Mr. Zhu, we are from the Russian Secret Service. Our president would like to invite him to the room to tell him. I wonder if he is willing?" The three outside the door were very respectful.

Zhu Lan turned over and looked at the information of the three. From the database of the State Guest House, the three were indeed the bodyguards of the Russian President. Zhu Lan was surprised this time.

Three days before the military parade, will the leaders of the great powers arrive?

"No problem, please wait a moment!" Although I didn't know how to find myself, Zhu Lan was still willing to communicate.

The State Guest House has already replaced the virtual host. Anyone who enters this area will automatically enter their identities. People with certain permissions can check their information.

And Zhu Lan's identity is special and naturally has such authority.

After changing his clothes, Zhu Lan opened the door.

"Mr. Zhu, please here!"

The three already waiting outside the door said respectfully.

"If it's not for your body shape and complexion, I must think you are a Chinese!"

"Mr. laughed, this is the language skill that our secret service department should have."

Zhu Lan laughed and said nothing, followed the three people to take the elevator and went upstairs.

The place where Zhu Lan lives is the second stage of the State Guest House. Generally speaking, this is the area where first-class national leaders live. The country is still very good to itself.

In the first stage, only a few people could live, and they were generally those who influenced the world.

Even the British Prime Minister is not eligible for the first phase.

Unless the Queen of England comes.

All there are generally only two people, the President of the United States and the President of Russia.

It seems higher is more dangerous, but it is not.

In Yanjing, no aircraft can approach the State Guesthouse area, even the military's own aircraft.

Within 500 kilometers of the entire Yanjing Center, there are more than 300 monitoring centers that monitor everything in the sky, ocean, and land.

Even a bird cannot escape this surveillance system.

No one can attack Yanjing in the air or in the ocean.

On the ground, under the supervision of the National Security Agency, the Military Intelligence Department, the police, the special police, and the community security committee, it is almost impossible to launch an attack in the capital of China.

And there is a guard division in Yanjing, and there are three special forces stationed in them, all of them are top-notch.

And in case of hardships, the Air Force and Navy support are always available.

Therefore, in Yanjing, it is absolutely safe. As the Diaoyutai area to welcome foreign leaders, Zhongnanhai and Xishan, these three places are the safest places.

Foreign media once commented that in these three places in Yanjing, even a nuclear attack would not be possible.

On the top of the State Guesthouse, there are only five houses, and by design, it can only accommodate up to five people.

Came to the first room on the right, and the special service staff let Zhu Lan wait here.

Zhu Lan looked around and understood the vigilance here. The corridor has three steps, and a special security officer of the Huaxia military is responsible at the door, while special agents from leaders of various countries are in charge.

Everyone carries light weapons.

Of course, this is a treatment that only big countries can enjoy.

"Sir, please take the next check!"

Several people approached, holding some instruments.

Zhu Lan frowned. "What if I say no?"

As soon as Zhu Lan's remarks came out, the scene freezes instantly, and the special service personnel in the corridor have put their hands on their waists.

"What are you doing, close up! Mr. Zhu, I'm really sorry, professional habits, Mr. President invited Mr. Zhu to come in, Mr. Zhu, please follow me!" The door opened, and those who went in to report before came out and saw this situation in Russian immediately Speak, then speak to Zhu Lan in Chinese.

But Zhulan all heard it very clearly. Zhulan's biochip can translate any language of the earth at any time.

Entering the room, Zhu Lan finally understood what the presidential suite meant.

This is simply an emperor-level enjoyment, yourself? Even at the vassal level.

"Sir, Mr. Zhu is here!"

Stand up on the sofa, turn your head and look at Zhu Lan, "Just heard the name!"

"Good evening Mr. President!"

"Sit down, if you count, I can only be a guest!"

Zhu Lan nodded, no worries, and sat down on the opposite sofa.

The bodyguards around did not have any expression.

"Sure enough, he is a person who is doing big things. Looking around the world, apart from leaders of several countries, I have never seen anyone else so natural in front of me!"

"Oh? I'm grateful then!"

He stunned, then laughed.

"Do you know? What would happen if an ordinary person was in front of me?"

Zhu Lan leaned on the sofa and looked at him. He didn't do anything because of his identity, and didn't put down the points.

"I don't know, but I know what the result is!"

He smiled and nodded, waving his guard, "Mr. Zhu, have something to drink?"

"You're welcome, just give me a cup of tea!"

"Well, give Mr. Zhu a cup of tea and a cup of coffee for me!"

"Yes, Mr. President!"

Soon, hot tea and coffee were delivered.


Zhu Lan took a few sips and set down the tea cup.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Curious?" Zhu Lan said strangely. "Should I be curious?"


"I'm so embarrassed to invite you here so abruptly."

"Mr. President, let me know what you have to say! I, the one who doesn't like the politics of turning!"

"I appreciate you more and more!"

"Is it my pleasure?"

Smiled, not so tough.

"Please take the liberty to come here this time! Mainly I want to meet the chairman of the fantasy group of the famous world!

"Mr. President ~ ~ But you are a bit unhappy!"

He froze and nodded. "Yes, this is really my fault!"

"This time, please come, mainly for a period of time, we Russia wants to cooperate with your fantasy group!"


"Yes, you know, the destruction of the International Space Station has weakened Russia's status in the world. We hope to return to that position again! At present, your blue space technology is the world's top existence. , We have the basis for cooperation! "

"This? I'm afraid you're looking for the wrong person. Huaxia has already reached an agreement with us to develop the universe together, but there is an agreement that new members must agree with Huaxia!"

He smiled. "There is one more point that must be agreed by you, which is equivalent to the consent of both of you, isn't it?"

Zhu Lan narrowed his eyes. "It seems that Mr. President has cleared the way for the Chinese leaders, has he sent me?"

"Smart people speak with ease. I arrived in Huaxia three days ago and did a lot of communication with the main leaders of Huaxia!"

Zhu Lan can understand why he arrived here so quickly.

It turns out that this thing is still in it.

If Huaxia does not publicize it, and Russia keeps it secret, few people will arrive at Huaxia.

Zhu Lan's current focus is on the moon, and he is no longer concerned about the earth. Unless it is related to the shake of the fantasy group, the nightmare will report to himself, otherwise, he will not disturb himself.

Looking at Zhulan, waiting for Zhulan's answer, not nervous, but drinking coffee leisurely, it is expected that Zhulan will not refuse, or already know the answer! (.)

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