My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 135: Dinghaishen iron

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Art students are particularly cherished, so basketball-like sports that are easy to get injured in the hand, most art students are trying to avoid, but the animation team basketball team is barely coming out, and other departments are similar.

Like the four departments of the School of Animation and Media, the number of basketball players is very small. As for the photography department, there are a lot of people in the high school and there are not so delicate requirements for the hands, so they have a team of ten people.

The animation system is the least, and only a total of six people.

The first game of the opponent's online game is slightly better, eight people.

From the perspective of height and body size, the online game system is obviously possessed, and there are two of the one meter and eight or more, which seem to be extremely fine.

Before the kick-off, the warm-up around the field, the online game is one person throwing the basketball to the backboard. When the basketball bounces back, it jumps up and then puts the basketball on the backboard. The people behind are squatting up and down, and there is a model. It caused the cheers and screams of the students on the court.

One of the boys who wore the No. 3 jersey in the one-eighth-one-two-two, after the empty connection, made a provocative action on the neck of the animation department, which attracted a screaming and youthful flying.

"Come, recognize people."

The animation department is very well-prepared here. The head of the anning team took out the coaching board and called out six players. The main reason is that the five people outside Meng Fan said: "I have said the situation of the main players on their side. Now you recognize Just now, the No. 3, who wants to commit suicide, is the freshman who joined the school team. He is more arrogant and likes to break through. The ability to make fouls is not bad. When you defend, you should pay attention to it. Others should deal with the original plan. ""

"Another freshman is No. 9 and belongs to the middle of the rules. The insider's position is not necessary. Anyway, there are no results. In addition, there are two old students, 11 and 23 respectively. number……"

Meng Fan’s most heard words on the side were handled according to the original plan. As for what the original plan was, Meng Fan did not know.

It’s not that the Aining senior is not willing to tell Meng Fan, but it is useless to tell that Meng Fan’s task is only one, that is, shooting one shot and hitting each other is unprepared.

"Ok! The goal of the first half is to bite the score, try to drag it within ten, to the second half, you know."

The Aining master took a clap and then slammed the five **** of the starting players to catch them.

The morale of the five players is still OK. After all, I know that Meng Fan is a killer, and his mentality is good.

As for the ass, take a picture and take a picture, at least the Aining schoolmaster does not have women's clothing.

The game is divided into the first half and the second half, each twenty minutes.

I don't know if it is because the mentality is flat, and the kick-off is ten minutes. From the strength, the animation system is a lot worse than the online game.

The breakthrough of the online game system No. 3 can be strong, but the hit rate after the breakthrough on the 3rd is not high.

On the contrary, the performance of a junior in the online game department is more eye-catching. Although the number of times the ball is not much, the number 6 is the same as that of the 3rd.

After ten minutes, the enthusiasm of the online game on the 3rd is higher. I don’t know if I don’t want others to steal my own limelight. After the ball is basically a single break, the ball is also entered, but the turnover rate is also Got higher.

At the end of the first half, at 24:22, the animation department was actually 2 points more.

The animation department is here, everyone’s face is smiling, and the Aining senior also gave encouragement. The online game system is different. Some of them are dejected and some are angry and angry.

"Pick-and-rolls? Will the pick-and-rolls go? Stand one by one with wood, stand up!" No. 3 looked angry.

"You still have a face to say, only know that you want the ball to break through, you can't hit it hard! You won't pass the ball?"

"That is, how many **** are given to you, and you score a few!"

When the other players heard it, they suddenly became angry.


The temporary coach of the online game department screamed, and then did not dare to talk more at this time, endured it, barely squeezed a smile and said to the 3rd: "You give more points to A Xin, he feels good. As long as He is open over there, and his attention will definitely go to him. When he returns to you, it will be easier to break through."

No. 3 perfunctory nodded.

On the animation side, the Aining school leader gathered the players and said with a smile: "It seems that my guess is correct. The 3rd loves the limelight. It is this level of competition. I can’t look at my eyes. I am proud of it. See 11 The score is more than him, and he will not do it directly. This intermission, if they adjust over there, then the second half, the other party will definitely not cooperate, we play well, this game may not need Meng Fan to play to win According to the original plan, if the opponent's No. 3 is still the same in the second half, then the 11th has the opportunity to take the ball."

Meng Fan was able to understand some of the content this time. In a simple basketball game, Yaning’s seniors can analyze the human nature and use it. It is also convincing, and it is aimed at success only for one point!

This school hegemony is really terrible.

After ten minutes of intermission, the second half began. After getting the ball on the 3rd, he hit it hard and turned a blind eye to No. 11 who had no defense at all.

Hit in!

No. 3 provoked a smile on the 11th and ran back to the half court defense.

Face No. 11 was very unattractive, but on the 3rd, he couldn’t say anything.

Next, on the 3rd, he continued to play three consecutive goals, but did not enter.

"Give me the ball!"

On the 11th, roaring against other players.

"give me!"

No. 3 is also called.

On the other hand, the animation department is steady and steady, and it is quite satisfactory. Unconsciously, the score is gradually opened.

time out!

The online game department shouted a pause.

After the pause was over, it started to be a bit effective, but it didn't take two minutes to return to the original track.


The online game coach's response was not slow, and the team's most optimistic scoring ace 3 was directly replaced.

"You are in a hurry, calm down and go on." The online game coach still barely squeezed a smile.

"The few **** gave me, the points are catching up!"

On the 3rd, the ball suit was taken off directly.

The online game department has changed a person here, the ball skills are definitely not as good as the 3rd, but after the arrival, the whole team is a lot more harmonious, but this kind of total score can hit 50 points, even a good game, already behind In the case of a dozen points, it is not easy to catch up.

No one can be a chopping machine.

Plus the animation department there is high morale with more and more skilled, and then there is the unique command of the Aning senior, now the two teams are not too much level, although chased A few points, but still won the game with a 5-point advantage.

At the end of the game, Yaning’s senior is quite nervous. After all, this is a elimination game. If he loses, there is no chance, so he has been staring at the score. If the score is caught within 4 points, he will let Meng Where to play.

The result is not as if.

"Iron brother, thanks to you, we won hahaha!" After the cheering of the red-headed brothers and other players, they all looked at Meng Fan.

Meng Fan is speechless: "I have not played."

"With you, we have a bottom!"

"You are called Dinghaishen Iron, Nuclear Warfare!"

"The old iron is not sick?"

"This is quite iron core!"

In comparison, the animation system is much more harmonious inside.

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