My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 120: Small flame

The next morning, when Chen Xu arrived at the first floor of the company building, he met with colleagues from other departments to greet him warmly. Out of politeness, he smiled back.

After I walked upstairs, people I met along the way, whether they knew him or not, knew him well. He didn't expect that yesterday's incident would have such a big impact in the company.

He seemed to be a celebrity of the company overnight.

When he entered the e-marketing department, other colleagues gathered around and asked eloquently about yesterday's events, making him a little difficult to fight. It wasn't until Luo Xiyun came in that they dispersed and returned to their seats.

"Chen Xu, that two-person tour, who are you going with?" Dai Zixin said ridiculously.

"Of course it is discounted."

Chen Xu returned without thinking.

I do n’t talk about who to go to first. As far as he knows, many of these tours have traps in them, and they do n’t even explain whether they include round trip tickets. Who knows how many pits are inside?

I will wait for the darts competition next year, earn a lot of bonuses, have money and leisure, and go wherever I want to travel.

After discounting, there are 50,000 yuan. Even if the tax is deducted, there are 40,000 yuan, plus a year-end prize of 20,000 yuan, plus more than 20,000 yuan earned by opening a noodle restaurant for more than a month. This month's salary is about 100,000.

还是 His deposit is more than six digits for the first time, which is really beautiful.

After opening the regular meeting, Chen Xu was going to inquire about how to receive yesterday's award, and Director Liu of the Finance Department came over to talk to him about receiving the award.

旭 Chen Xu was very surprised. It was just a lottery for an annual meeting. He actually asked a director to take part.

This should be the impact caused by Luo Xiyun's surge yesterday.

The two went to the meeting room to talk. Director Liu was very polite and asked if he wanted to participate in the two-person tour or discount it.

Chen Xu said that he wanted to discount, and the other party immediately took out the relevant documents and asked him to sign, and said that the money could be received within today.

Chen Xu felt unprecedented efficiency, and could not help but sigh, the feeling that someone was covering it was different. Finally, ask the question of paying taxes.

Director Liu said with a smile, "Five thousand yuan is after tax."

For a moment, Chen Xu's thoughts on his resignation were shaken. In the company, there is Luo Xiyun's thigh to hold, which seems very promising.

Such thoughts are also fleeting. Even if there is any future, it depends on others to make things happen. How can it be compared to a career built on its own abilities.

I didn't have a choice before, I could only work for others. Now he wants to decide for himself.

Uh ...

The next ten days, Chen Xu became more and more laid-back, and the work at hand was taken over by Don. Old Tang had done similar work before, and was quick to get started.

For the first time since I was at work, he became idle and, to be honest, a bit boring.

Fortunately, these days are over soon.

当天 On the day he finished the resignation procedures, he invited all colleagues in the department to come to the noodle shop, cook in person, and made two tables of dishes for them.

"Chen Xu, I didn't expect you to be so good at cooking."

子 Dai Zixin, who has the closest relationship with him, was stunned after he tasted his dishes. "No wonder you want to open a restaurant, and your craft will definitely succeed."

Other colleagues agreed, and some suggested, "At that time, if there is any party in the department, just go to Chen Xukai's restaurant to eat."

"Agree, this level is not comparable to many big restaurants."

Chen Xu smiled, "Okay, I will give you a discount at that time."

Someone teased, "I said Chen Xu, you are really not interesting. With such a good craft, you have been hiding it from others."

Dai Daixin said, "That is, if I knew it early, I would go to your house every day to eat."

Lao Tang quietly added, "I and his colleague have been cooking for two years without knowing him."

All of a sudden, other colleagues verbally attacked him. They didn't let him go until he promised to open the store, and they would definitely ask them to have another meal.

I ate a meal and it took more than an hour to finish.

The Tatars soon left, and only Tang stayed and helped him clean up the mess.

Chen Xu washes the dishes inside, and Lao Tang sweeps the floor outside.

"Chen Xu, the garbage can be dumped outside ..." Old Tang took the garbage shovel, walked to the door, looked up, couldn't help holding it, and forgot the words behind him.

"Well, just down there." Chen Xu replied, wondering why there was no sound, looked up, and froze, and saw Luo Xiyun walking towards this side.

"Luo, President Luo." Old Tang was too surprised, speaking a little unfavorably.

"Um." Luo Xiyun nodded at him and walked towards the door.

Chen Xu never thought that she would appear here for a while, I wondered what to say.

那个 "Well, I think of something at home, go first." Old Tang quickly dumped the garbage into the trash can and said, then slipped away.

There were only two of them left in the noodle shop, and the original noisy barbecue stall next to it suddenly became much quieter. Those male customers were attracted by Luo Xiyun. Some came boldly, some sneaked at them.

Luo Xiyun stood in the doorway, holding a white bag in his hand, and looked at it slightly, and said, "I just come to see." After speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Xu then reacted, and blurted out, "Here comes everything, eat a bowl of noodles and leave."

She stopped, glanced back at him, nodded, walked to the newly cleaned table, glanced at the stool, and sat down.

But within a few minutes, Chen Xu came over with the noodles and put it in front of her, saying, "This is the signature fresh noodle in my shop." After that, I added, "I just took the chopsticks from the disinfection cabinet. from."

Luo Xiyun took the chopsticks silently, picked up the noodles and tasted it. In his eyes, there seemed to be some slight changes, and there was a noticeable pause in the movements of his hands.

"Why, isn't it right?" Chen Xu asked her like this.

She shook her head and said, "It tastes good."

Next, she didn't talk anymore. She finished eating a bowl of noodles slowly, put down her chopsticks, took out a paper towel from her bag, wiped her mouth, stood up, and said, "I wish you business prosperity."

"I'll see you off." Chen Xu said, got up and pulled down the roll gate of the noodle shop, and told the owner of the barbecue stall next door to let him take care of it.

"Let's go."

The two walked out of the alley together, with a distance of twenty centimeters between each other. Luo Xiyun didn't speak, and Chen Xu didn't know what to say, so he went silently to the intersection.

Carring a red Ferrari by the side of the road, he couldn't help asking, "Have you changed?"

"Yes." Luo Xiyun walked to the door.

Chen Xu looked at the red sports car, and once again deeply felt that there was a huge gap between the two that was invisible and intangible, but it really existed. This gap was so deep that it was daunting.

Luo Xiyun pulled the door and got into the car.

A cold wind blew, shaking Chen Xu's hair and tingling his cheek. After a while, it became numb again.

"Why do you help me?" He opened his mouth, and when he spoke, he blew a white mist, and was immediately scattered by the wind.

Luo Xiyun has grasped the doorknob and is about to close the door. He heard his question, looked at the dashboard, and said, "I just can't read it."

"Isn't there a little bit out of concern?"


The car door closed, with a buzz, the low engine roared as if venting.

After two seconds, the window suddenly opened a seam, and the sound of the engine became lower. Her voice came out. "Now ask, isn't it too late?"

As soon as the words came out, the red Ferrari had rushed out and disappeared into the night.

Chen Xu looked at the direction in which the car disappeared, with a smile on his face. In the cold wind, his heart seemed to have a small flame, warm.

PS: This book is written here, it is close to 250,000 words. I feel that my style is uniform.

一直 I always feel that reading a book is like having a love relationship with it. When you fall in love at first sight (watched in one breath ~ ~) to get along with each other (chase more), you will gradually find that it has some shortcomings (slow rhythm, not fast enough update), this is normal, who still No shortcomings?

Your heart is not slowing down, you start to complain, and even quarrel, it is normal. Until one day, you find that you can't stand its shortcomings, and you threaten it, and if you don't make changes, what will happen to me. But if it did change like you said, would it still be the book you liked?

Did you like it at first, didn't it because of its unique temperament? It may not be the most beautiful, nor the tallest, nor the most amazing. But it must be unique. In the vast sea of ​​books, you can recognize it at a glance. Now, you want to make it like other vulgar powder, sorry, it can't do it.

If you can't stand it, you can try to let it go and let the relationship cool down. You can leave it somewhere in your pocket (shelf), or you can leave it behind. Wait until one day, you suddenly think of it, or meet again in the sea of ​​books. Perhaps, we can continue the frontier.

If you are disgusted. Well, you can tell it clearly, or you can leave silently. But please don't speak evil. After all, it has left you a great experience, hasn't it?

Peaceful break up, everyone can leave good memories.

Don't turn your head against your enemies, that will hurt each other.

If you do too much, maybe it will disappear into the vast sea of ​​books. Maybe a few years later, you dreamed back at midnight and wanted to get back the original book with a unique temperament. In the end, you could only regret it.

Finally, thank you to those who have always liked this book. It is your love that has made me enjoy writing.

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