Sihyeon and Chaeyeon at the cafe for 30 minutes on Gongnyangdae-gil.

The two looked at each other affectionately, exchanging words of love.


“Chae Yeon-ah…”

Due to the sweet atmosphere created by the two of them, the arms of the surrounding customers are sprouting chicken meat.

When the gaze of envy and jealousy grew stronger in the eyes of those who were watching, dissatisfied protests slowly came out of their mouths.

“Sihyun-ah, it seems the rain has stopped outside?”

“Really. Let’s get out soon.”

Fortunately, the two were able to get out of the cafe and avoid their anger.

Then I went to the road and got into a taxi.

“Chief, please go to the Busan Aquarium.”


The taxi driver pressed the meter, answering with a sullen accent.

In the meantime, the two are chatting about what to expect from the aquarium in Busan.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

But the pleasant conversation never lasted long.

“Uh, huh?”

The driver stepped on the accelerator hard at the same time as he departed.

As a result, Chaeyeon and Sihyeon’s bodies naturally began to lean backwards.

“What is this!”

In the midst of Chaeyeon’s astonishment, the taxi driver sounded the horn when the car in front hesitated for even a moment.

It’s kind of rushed, if you press it, it lasts more than 5 seconds.


Chaeyeon went into Sihyeon’s arms with the thought that she had taken the wrong taxi.

He grabs his girlfriend tightly with a sad smile.

Shihyeon was deeply enjoying the sense of speed as if she was playing a racing game.

“Don’t, don’t! Your eye color is a decoration! Don’t drive smart, just close your eyes!”

A double bath that you spit out as if you were saying hello while lowering the car window. A manly man’s drive that doesn’t follow the lane.

However, the speed was so fast that we were able to arrive at our destination 7 minutes earlier than the expected arrival time.

“Tae, thank you for the ride.”

Chaeyeon, who greeted politely, stumbled as soon as she got out of the car.

She wandered here and there with her vision turned round and round, and then she came to Shi-hyeon.

Shihyeon asked, holding her girlfriend’s shoulder.

“Are you very dizzy?”

“Yeah.. But after getting off, I think I’ll buy some.”

Chaeyeon, who had been whining for a while, had a healing time while leaning on Shihyeon’s body. At the same time, the skeleton said in a voice.

“When I take a taxi in the future, I have to ask them to go slowly.”

“Yeah. It’s good that you came quickly, but the aftereffects are no joke.”

“Yeah.. I hope we don’t meet that knight again.”

After that, when Chaeyeon got better, she entered the aquarium with Shihyeon.

The on-site payment fee is KRW 29,000 per adult.

Two people who neatly paid Dutch pay entered the aquarium on the escalator.


The colorful lights are installed wherever the eyes reach. In addition, encounters with unknown sea creatures.

From the beginning, Chaeyeon, whose heart was filled with anticipation, took Shihyeon’s arm and went forward.


The first thing I saw was a cruel fish that I only saw in movies. piranha.

Chaeyeon said, looking at her sharp teeth as if curiously.

“These little kids eating people… Maybe the movie is exaggerated.”

“You’ll know if it’s an exaggeration or not if you try it yourself, right?”

Sihyun grabbed Chaeyeon’s wrist tightly.

Then, I played around by shaking it back and forth to see if I should put it in the piranha tank.

“I’m sorry! Don’t do it because I was wrong!!”

“Why. Do you think it will work if you put it in?”

Chaeyeon managed to pull her hand out and nodded her head with a weeping face.

As if slightly twisted, she moved forward without looking back, and stopped while looking at a tank.

《Black Piranha》

[Description: Black piranhas with a violent personality attack other fish and live alone.]

A fish slightly larger than a human fist. Is it the same type as the one we saw in the movie?

Chaeyeon tilted her head and distanced herself from the tank as soon as Sihyun approached.

“Don’t run away. I won’t play like that in the future.”


Si-hyeon nodded and Chae-yeon approached only then.

However, whether trust had been completely restored, he was only holding onto the hem of Si-hyeon’s robe.

“Chaeyeon-ah, what is there?”

As I was walking, there was a foothold in the place where Shi-hyeon was pointing.

Judging from the description, if you move up there, the penguin on the screen seems to imitate the gesture.

“Would you like to go up?”

Chaeyeon nodded her head and climbed up on the stool.

wobbly wobbly. As Chaeyeon shook her limbs back and forth, Shihyeon, who felt it was cute, started taking pictures with her phone.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

But Chaeyeon, unaware of this fact, came down from the scaffolding only after pulling out the mulberry, shaking her hips gently.

‘The existence of this video should be kept secret.’

It’s obvious that the moment you get caught, you’ll be embarrassed, so you’ll have to delete it.

Sihyeon moved forward with Chaeyeon, wriggling the corners of her mouth.

“This seems to be a photo zone.”

“Yeah, let’s take a picture here.”

Sihyeon immediately agreed to Chaeyeon’s request.

A space made of leopard print from the wall to the ceiling.

A picture of a swing placed in the deep sea.

Even where the dressing table and wardrobe are placed, like a women’s room.

After taking pictures in various places, the two headed straight for the next course.

“Welcome customer. There are various marine creatures here, including sea cucumbers and starfish, would you like to try them?”

A space modeled after the rock formations of the sea.

There are starfish and sea cucumber. And there were also small cattle that inhabited the water space.

“Chaeyeon-ah, would you like to touch it once?”


Shihyeon immediately touched the starfish.

It feels as hard as touching a stone. It was a different feel than I expected.

‘Then I…’

After much deliberation, Chaeyeon decided to touch Gunso.

I put my hand in the water, and after a while, I succeeded in touching it.

‘It’s like jelly.’

It was a familiar feeling somehow.

Chaeyeon’s eyes were focused on Shihyeon’s lower body without her realizing it.


Something to look at while stroking the sea cucumber back and forth. After immersing herself for a while, she…



Only after Sihyun sang number 3 did he come to his senses.

“I called because I wanted to slowly move to another place. Is there anything you want to touch more?”

“No! I touched it enough to touch it. So it’s okay…”

Chaeyeon’s face was blushing and she washed her hands in the sink next to her. Could it be that his own nefarious thoughts were discovered?

While washing his hands, he looked into Si-hyeon’s eyes, but luckily he didn’t seem to know.

‘Have I really become a pervert?’

After taking a long sigh, Chaeyeon shook her head to shake off her thoughts.

Then, towards the shark he met later, he laughed and pretended to be a tiger. Then, the predator of the sea opens its mouth wide as if it is a pity.

Even though she knew it was not dangerous, Chaeyeon hid behind Shihyeon with a short scream.

“Are you sure you’d be eaten?”

“Well, it can’t be.”

At Shihyeon’s playful remarks, Chaeyeon blushed and patted his back.

After that, after carefully approaching the shark, I invited Shi-hyeon to take a picture with her.

“Then I’ll take a picture. One two..”


The memories of the two of them are packed in the gallery.


After a fun time at the aquarium, Chaeyeon held the penguin doll that Sihyeon had bought.

“Hey… it’s so cute.”

Chaeyeon likes dolls so much that Sihyeon gets jealous.

After rubbing her cheeks against the doll, she looked at the scenery ahead.

“Wow.. the night view here is so pretty.”

“Well, it’s good that you got here.”

The last place they visited was Gamcheon Culture Village in Busan.

It was already late afternoon when we arrived, so it was possible to see the night view after waiting a bit.

The two people, located in a high place, could look down on the scarlet lights at a glance, and gradually became emotional due to the beautiful sight.



“I’m really happy to be able to live in such a nice place with you…”

Sihyeon sympathized with Chaeyeon’s sincere remarks over and over again.

“It’s all thanks to you following me. I’m really happy that I can be with you too.”

“Yeah, now that we’re married, everything will be perfect, right?”

“Yeah, of course.”

Silence lingered between the two of them at the end of this conversation.

bean. bean.

Chaeyeon patted the ground with her feet while looking at the night view.

At the same time, while carefully examining Shi-hyeon’s eyes, I slowly approached him.

Is it because of the calm atmosphere? Today I felt my heart beating stronger than usual.

‘Me and Shihyeon are going to be married in the future..’

I felt as if I could overcome any hardships and adversity that came my way.

His love for Shi-hyeon was infinite, and he will treat him with respect until the end.

Our relationship will last forever.



As Sihyun looked at him, Chaeyeon put her hands on his shoulders.

She raises her magpie feet to touch his face.

He tapped and touched his lips with his own, and smiled brighter than ever.

“I wish you all the best in the future. Honey..♡”

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