Dark cinema interior.

In the audience, only Yerin was left alone, looking straight ahead.

‘Where is this…’

There were trailers for movies that I had never seen on the screen.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

But he probably never went to the cinema. After eating the popcorn next to her, Yerin realized that it had no taste and realized that this was a dream.

‘It’s like a lucid dream. It would have been better if Shihyeon was with me as well.’

Yerin got up from her seat with a short sigh. She followed the emergency exit sign and headed for the exit.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

But seeing that the door was not open, it seemed that this was the only space allowed to him.

“Are you going to watch a movie quietly?”

It’s in your dream, so the movie in your memory is going to be screened.

Yerin tilted her head and returned to her seat.

I ate the popcorn that was next to me and drank cola, but I felt the same way as before, but I didn’t feel full.

[When there is a fire…]

The fire evacuation route is indicated, so it looks like it will start soon. Yerin adjusted her posture and leaned her head back.

And when the movie started. I jumped up when I saw the character.

“Wait, why am I over there!?”

Unlike reality, Yerin on the screen was smiling brightly like the sun.

The location is Park 228, Dongseong-ro. She was tidying her hair while looking in her hand mirror, and after a while she waved and exclaimed.


Yerin’s eyes widened at the familiar name. Could it be that the owner of that name appears in a movie?

As a result of looking intently, the image of Shi-hyeon actually began to be reflected.

[Yerin-ah.. I still have 40 minutes until my appointment, but what if I’m already waiting?]

[Hehe, I missed you that much.]

Are the two people on the screen dating?

Yerin rubbed her face against Shihyeon’s chest, and pulled her arm together saying “Let’s go.”

‘If there is something like this, it’s not a movie, it’s a direct experience..!’

Yerin was jealous even when the target was herself. As she chewed the straw, she watched their love affair.

Sihyeon sat in the couple’s seat at the cinema to watch a sweet romance movie, at the cafe, Shihyeon wipes the cream off her mouth, and at the arcade, he pulls out the doll.

Yerin became more immersed in that scene than when she watched the morning drama. She was staring blankly at the screen, not knowing that the popcorn bucket had fallen to the floor.

‘How great would it be if that were real..’

Yerin shook her head as she wished so much.

Let’s not think of the gutter-like reality now.

It was her main idea to enjoy this happiness even in her dreams.


As I continued to watch, night came in the movie. The two looked at each other with affectionate eyes.

Seeing the dazzling street they were heading towards, Yerin let out a short sigh and said.

“Are you going to finish it?”

Yerin crossed the chair and took a seat in the front seat a little further.

Watching the two of them mix their tongues in front of a motel, they swallow their saliva.

“Ji, you’re really in.”

The two went into a dreary room. They talked about who to wash first, and eventually they washed up together and left.

What will happen after that? Yerin, who had her mouth wide open with anticipation as if her heart would burst…

[Did you enjoy it enough? I want to get Shihyeon back soon.]

I was startled by the voice of Yeonjeok, whom I didn’t want to hear as much as I do now.

[Sihyun-ah, come this way.]

Chaeyeon and Shihyeon, who appeared suddenly, called in with a seductive gesture. As if fascinated by this, the man approaches her.

Yerin looked at the scene from the other side of the screen and was terrified.

“Lim Chaeyeon, why are you disturbing me even in my dreams! Please leave me alone!”

Yerin got up from her seat and walked to the front of the screen. ‘Cause it’s not too late yet

If you hold on to the self in the movie even now, you will be able to stop him.

“Han Ye-rin, grab Si-hyeon right now. Is it okay for you to lose Si-hyun like this!?”

Contrary to Yerin’s request, herself in the film did not resist.

With a shallow smile, I just kissed him goodbye, saying thank you for giving Si-hyeon good memories.

Yerin screamed at the unbelievable sight.

“That’s not me! Why do you hand over Shihyeon so easily? Then what’s left of you! What’s left in your empty life!!”

Is it because of the feeling? For a moment, I felt as if my eyes met on the screen.

The eyes that look at you as if you are sorry for sleeping. Seriously, it was a very unpleasant look.

“Go back to Si-hyeon again. Your mood was good.. Be fair and take Si-hyeon from Lim Chae-yeon..”

As soon as Yerin finished speaking, herself on the screen shook her head.

Was it possible to have a conversation? When Yerin realized this, her own voice came from the speaker.

[Look at Shihyeon.]

The screen was switched. It was a scene where Si-hyeon and Chae-yeon were facing each other with their hands clasped.

Among them, Shi-hyeon’s face was enlarged, and his expression was in a state of immersion as if he was looking at Shi-hyeon.

“Don’t show me this. I don’t want to see you.”

[I don’t like handing over Shihyeon either. But if Si-hyeon can be happy, I can be satisfied and bear it with that alone.]

“Satisfied? Damn it..! You just gave up. You just admitted that you couldn’t beat Lim Chae-yeon and gave up!”

[Yes, you are right.]

Yerin looked at the woman’s quick acceptance, with empty eyes as if she couldn’t believe it.

[Sihyeon likes Lim Chaeyeon more than me. If I hang on to it any longer, only I will be ugly and Shihyeon will be unhappy.]

“Chu, it’s okay to be ugly, so don’t give up.. You too know what kind of life you’ll be without Sihyun in your life.”

[know. Even if I knew it, I was letting Si-hyun go.]

“No way. What the hell were you thinking, making such a choice?”



Yerin woke up from the dream without hearing the last words.

In case someone is not a movie, the timing of the cut was also very speculative.

“Cee.. there is a degree to dog dreams.”

He could hear the crowing of a chicken in his ears, and the salty smell of the sea from his nose.

She must have been sleeping next to her, but if she saw something she couldn’t see, did she go outside?

While Yerin was thinking about that, the door swung open.

“Are you awake? I’ve made breakfast, so let’s go eat.”

At the grandmother’s invitation to eat, Yerin shook her head lightly and nodded.

She sat down at the table and quietly ate. I opened my sleepy eyes and asked my grandmother again.

“Grandma, I have to go to Incheon. I don’t have time to be here like this.”

“I’m not saying it’s not okay. Don’t think about going anywhere else, do some granny work for a while and dob drawing”

“Oh, Grandma!!”

When Yerin screamed, Grandma showed a bitter smile.

“Is it not enough to be with my grandmother?”

“I mean, that’s not what I mean…”

“Or I’ll tell you.”

Yerin was speechless and only opened her mouth.

I wanted to run away for a moment, but the threat of taking responsibility for what happened afterward made me unable to do this.

“I’ve finished eating Grameum, so let’s go for a walk.”

“I was just asking for help.”

“Oh, it’s good to take it easy on anything. Don’t talk too much and follow me.”

Yerin grumbled and followed her grandmother.

Yesterday, I couldn’t feel it because I was not in a good mood, but seeing the town after a long time brought back her nostalgic feelings.

jerk. jerk.

Two people walking along the road along the sea.

Yerin, who watched the calm waves, widened her eyes as she saw the buoys floating in the sea.


Flippers rose and disappeared around the buoy. A sight I’ve been seeing for a long time.

As the grandmother shouted, the men in haenyeo clothes from the sea came up to the shore one by one.

“Oh, my Yerin is here!”

“I drank city water, but I grew up pretty.”

“Did you go and have a boyfriend?”

Haenyeo in the West Sea who taught Yerin to swim. Yerin answered their greetings with an awkward smile.

“Yeah, everyone was fine.”

“Wow, I’m asking for the obvious, Grano.”

“You’re really thinning out. It looks like there was nothing to eat there!”

The haenyeo had a long conversation with Yerin, whom they had not seen in a long time. what’s so fun

While continuing to laugh. One of the haenyeo asked Yerin.

“Daegu doesn’t even have an ocean, so I don’t know if my swimming skills are rusty.”

“I’m still good at swimming.”

“Oh, then, shall we go in together?”

“Yes? Now?”

Yerin opened her eyes and looked at her grandmother.

Then the grandmother chuckled, telling her to go, and as a result, she received an extra haenyeo suit.

“We’ll be in first, so you too, change your clothes cheaply and cry”


Yerin went to a nook on the beach and started changing clothes. Then he took a deep breath and said.

“What am I doing here…”

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