155. Red Wave (5)


It was the first name that came to Maxim’s mind when he heard about the situation from Emil. Maxim then looked back at the first prince’s palace. If he ran to the first princess’s palace and evacuated the people, everything could have been delayed when he returned. There is no time for hesitation. Maxim quickly ran into the first prince’s palace. After conveying the message to Louise, I had to rush to the First Princess’ Palace without delay.

Unlike Christine and Theodora, Marion had no means of protecting herself. Maxim’s heart raced.

“Sir Maxim! Wait a minute… !”

“Get out of the way!”

Maxim pushed the attendants away and reached the first prince’s sleeping quarters. The escort knights tried to stop Maxim, but Maxim reluctantly pushed them away and opened the door to the bedroom.

“You should avoid it.”

Those were the first words Maxim uttered as he broke through all the attendants who suddenly blocked him and entered Louis’s bedroom. The armed forces hadn’t entered the palace yet, so it was fortunate that there was still a little time left to evacuate the prince and princess. Prince 1 seemed dazed as he looked at his own palace.

“Maxim? What are you doing all of a sudden at this hour?”

Lewis blinked his eyes and looked at Maxim with a bewildered expression. It’s not uncommon to see one’s teacher lose his composure, so Louis looked even more flustered.

“I don’t have time to explain, Your Highness. Everyone in the palace is in danger now.”

Saying that, Maxim raised Louis to his feet. Louis awakened his spirit as he watched Maxim ordering various things from the helpless attendants. Cases in which Maxim showed an urgent appearance passed through Louis’ mind, and among them, the case with the highest probability came to mind.

“… Could it be that Kyle caused the incident?”

He could have been more flustered and lost, but Louis quickly grasped the situation. Maxim had to nod his head without a moment to admire the insight.

“Yes. I had a reliable source of information. So, you must evacuate immediately.”

“If you say so, you are right.”

Louise’s eyes cooled coldly. Then he summoned the flustered attendants and began to give them direct orders. Maxim looked at him and said with a mixed heart.

“majesty. We must hurry and get out of the palace. If you use the side road behind the palace, you will be able to get out without being noticed.”

Saying that, Maxim, who took the lead, was summoned by Louis.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“… 1 Run to the princess’s palace without delay and tell them all this news. Then, get out of the palace with Michelle and meet again.”

When Louis immediately mentioned the words first, Maxim’s eyes widened. Louis asked Maxim in a serious and heavy voice. There was a ripple in Maxim’s heart, who had been worried about Marion all along.

“Your fiancée is also with Michelle, so it’s a relief that I’m not in the form of forcing you to do this. He’s looking like he’s impatient to run.”

Louis patted Maxim on the shoulder with a smile that he couldn’t tell whether it was a bitter laugh or a genuine one. Maxim shook his head as he looked at Louis, who smiled again as if he was looking into his heart.

“Your Highness, even if Marion hadn’t been Her Highness’s exclusive maid, the fact that I would have gone to rescue Her Highness after I let Her Highness escape doesn’t change.”

Louis let out a laugh at Maxim’s words. Even if he didn’t mean it, Louis was very uncomfortable with Maxim’s words that he would protect the princess.

“I understand, Maxim. How can I regard your words as lies and ignore them?”

“Your Highness, I won’t give up on a favor I made as a close friend so easily.”

Lewis nodded. close friend The words spoken directly from Maxim’s mouth gave Louis a sense of security for no reason. There was no more panic left by the urgency of the situation. Louis returned to his usual robust first prince appearance and gave Maxim an order like a request.

“Please, Maxim. Please rescue Michelle safely from this situation. And, save the person you love together. As I promised you, I will fight until the end.”

Maxim looked at Louis quietly. I never thought I would have to fulfill my promise to this prince so quickly. Maxim was troubled by the fact that he had to send the first prince without an escort. Maxim gave Louis the last piece of advice he could give.

“I’m presumptuous, but Your Highness. No one in the palace can be trusted right now. Who is liaising with Leon Benning and who is giving them information. It is a situation in which everyone must be suspicious, so please entrust the escort to someone you truly trust.”

The first prince nodded with a firm expression.

“… The knight commander of the 2nd Guards is a man you can trust. He’s someone who can’t even think of betraying, so it’s okay not to worry too much. And aren’t there knights of Marquis? Don’t worry about me, hurry up and run to rescue Michelle and Marion.”

“Always look around. I will make sure that God returns as soon as possible so that I can serve Your Highness again.”

“Where would be a good place to meet?”

After a brief silence, Maxim informed Louis of the place of evacuation. If the king also escapes, he will surely go there. Going to the bar ‘Lily’ was a gamble. In a situation where there might be reinforcements, if the hiding place was discovered by Benning’s forces, he couldn’t think of anything else. It would be much safer to go to the adventurer’s guild, which is lined with armed men.

“I’ll see you again at the adventurer’s guild headquarters.”

“As long as Michelle escapes safely, I won’t hold you guilty even if you don’t come back. So, come on!”

Louis pushed Maxim’s back and left the first prince’s palace. The knights following him looked at Maxim and silently wished him luck. Maxim nodded in response to their support. While watching Louis leave like that, Maxim soon turned his steps to the 1st Princess Palace.


The vague anxiety gradually began to take shape with the roar of a door collapsing. Before the fear became more pronounced, before it manifested itself in fire and blood, Maxim accelerated his run. Not long after, he began to see the first princess’s palace.

“Sir Maxim?”

One of the maids recognized Maxim’s face and summoned him to stand.

“What are you doing here at this hour?”

“The first princess? Marion is… Where are you now?”

The lady-in-waiting replied as she wiped her hands on her apron.

“… You will still be in bed. Sir Maxim, so what is this?”

“We need to evacuate people quickly. It’s urgent. Please don’t ask me more and follow me, come on.”

At Maxim’s words in a frozen voice, the lady-in-waiting involuntarily nodded. Maxim left the lady-in-waiting and entered the first princess’s palace. Maxim could see a familiar face walking out of the First Princess’ Palace fully armed. Maxim sighed briefly and greeted her. As someone from Count Agon, she was at least someone he could trust in this situation.


“Maxim Appart? What are you doing here all of a sudden?”

“Leon Benning will lead an army to invade the castle.”

Yvonne Monet’s expression froze. It seemed that he was trying to interpret Maxim’s words in his head.

“… Wait a minute, it’s so sudden right now. Are you saying that Count Leon Benning will attack the castle now? so suddenly? 1 What should I do with the prince… .”

“It is the order of the 1st Prince that I came here, Yvon. Her Highness, the 1st Prince, is already in the process of taking refuge outside the palace, and has given orders to take care of Her Highness, the 1st Princess.”

Maxim wrapped his arms around Yvon’s shoulders.

“Hurry up. Please, before it’s too late.”

As if he had read the earnestness in Maxim’s voice, Yvon nodded and ran to find the first princess. Soon after, Princess 1 came down the stairs, I thought she would be in confusion, but other than her pale face, she had a perfectly calm expression.

“Maxim… .”

1Marion, who was coming down by the princess’s side, sighed in relief when she saw Maxim. Since he was in front of the princess, it seemed that he couldn’t openly approach Maxim first. Maxim nodded his head in relief with a relieved expression as well. To Princess 1, who was still watching the silent reunion, Maxim quickly bowed his head and bowed his head.


1 The princess raised her hand and stopped Maxim from showing her respect.

“I will listen to the explanation as I go. For now, we have to prioritize getting out of the castle.”

“God will lead the way and open the way. There is a byway, so we had better get out there.”

Maxim nodded heavily.

“If we leave the castle now, is there another place to stay?”

“I think it would be better to head to the Adventurer’s Guild.”

“Isn’t Count Agon’s residence not acceptable?”

Unlike Louise, Count Ray Argon, a supporter of the first princess, had been living in the royal capital. However, to raise an army and act like this, there was a high probability that Count Agon had also been sent a force to check. Maxim shook his head, saying it was too dangerous. As if understanding Maxim’s explanation, Michel sighed.

“Isn’t Louis coming there too?”

“Yes, I promised to join you there after rescuing Your Highness.”

Michelle looked around her palace and ordered one of her maids to do it.

“Set the palace on fire. It will be able to divert the attention of the enemies a little.”

When Maxim looked at Michelle with surprised eyes, Michelle just shrugged her shoulders.

“Anyway, if they were on their way into the palace, wouldn’t it be a ruined palace? To see my palace burn in their hands, I will burn it with my own hands and leave.”

A fire soared from the entrance of the palace. 1 The princess nodded her head in satisfaction as she saw her palace emitting black smoke and burning.

“Okay, then let’s start.”

The knight commander of the 3rd Guards couldn’t hide his bewilderment. It was because the knights in black overalls were glaring at him as if they were enemies, without even flinching.

“… let me say it again Arm yourself now, and respond to the Count’s forces that will soon arrive outside. The 2nd Prince will also rise up with a sword.”

A man who was extremely savage moved towards the knight commander of the 3rd Guards. Paola Simon shook her head with a crooked smile on her lips.

“Then, let me say it again. I, and the Knights, do not listen to your orders.”

“You cheeky bastard… Will you listen to me if you set an example here and go?”

As the knight commander growled, Paola’s mouth burst into a sigh and a laugh.

“No, sorry, but this is not my opinion.”

Paola turned her head slightly to the side. The platinum-haired knight leaning against the wall sighed.

“Isn’t that so, Captain?”

The knight commander of the 3rd Guards contorted his face. Then he raised his voice and started shouting at Paola, ready to punch him.

“What, are you talking nonsense!”


There was the sound of clothes brushing against the wall. Theodora lifted her back from the wall and slowly turned her head towards the knight commander of the 3rd Guards. Seeing Theodora exuding unusual momentum, the knight commander broke into a cold sweat and took a step backwards involuntarily.

“All right, Captain. why are you like this The captain’s father is still… .”


It was a speed you couldn’t even see. Before he knew it, Heilang was baring his black teeth and growling at the knight commander’s neck while sounding a low sword ring. The knight commander of the 3rd Guards sharpened his teeth. Pushed by Theodora, who gradually advanced with her sword, the knight commander hesitated back.

“I think it would be better to make it clear at this point.”

Leone and Paola followed behind Theodora. And the raven knights drew their swords in unison.

“We, the Knights of the Ravens, will never mix with the band of traitors.”

Behind Theodora, Paola sighed.

“You’re finally saying something right, Captain.”

“Let’s help the 1st and 2nd and 4th escorts. Paola, take the members outside and prepare to face the enemy.”

There was no sign of wandering anymore from Theodora. Paola gave a grin, a grim smile. You show up a little earlier and do this, Maxim.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

The knight commander’s voice lowered. Even as he said such threatening words, his eyes were constantly going down towards the tip of Heilang’s sword pointed at his neck, and then back up again.

“There is no reason not to.”

Theodora said calmly and pushed Heilang forward. The knight commander tilted his head and barely escaped Theodora’s sword attack. Blood flowed from his slit face.

“Damn it!”

The commander of the knights spat out curse words while defending against Theodora’s sword attack. The plan, the Count’s plan, was going awry. Even when the Knight Commander lowered his sword and tried to counterattack Theodora’s attack, Theodora’s sword continued to attack him. If she continues like this, that black sword will start to hack at her before she has time to manifest her aura-

“So far.”

Theodora’s sword stopped. Her gaze wavered. A mature man who suddenly appeared, blocked his sword too lightly.

when? Where are you? how?

It was not long before Theodora recognized the face. Bernardo Lennon had quietly appeared there from some time ago, splitting Theodora’s sword with the Knight Commander of the 3rd Guards.

“Bee, Bernardo.”

“You, hurry up and go see the 2nd Prince, His Highness.”

Just as Bernardo had said, the knight commander nodded awkwardly and ran to the second prince’s palace with his sword at his waist.

“My lady, I want to solve this without conflict. It’s not too late now, gather the members of the Jackdaw Knights and join the count’s army.”

Theodora looked at Bernardo with narrow eyes. There were times when my father, the knights led by Leon Benning, sometimes felt rejected for unknown reasons. It seems that he serves the count with loyalty, but he seems to have left his own soul somewhere.

“I don’t like it. I have made my intentions clear. I will never be with traitors.”

Bernardo made no further attempt to persuade Theodora. Instead, he took out the sword at his waist and calmly faced Theodora.

“… Then there is nothing you can do.”

Bernardo’s eyes, looking at Theodora, had the same light as when looking at an enemy.

“According to the Count’s order, I will bring the young lady to the Count even by force.”

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