136. Emile Bordain (2)

There was no time to think. Emil roared and stopped two carriages passing by. The wagon stopped first and ran to the ward with the servant who had lost consciousness. The sounds coming from all directions became muffled, and tinnitus lingered in my ears, shaking my head. The coachman looked at Emile, who looked as if he had lost his mind, and asked, lowering his head.

“No, sir, are you okay?”

Emile stumbled and grabbed the coachman’s collar. The coachman waved his hands in the air in confusion as a man who appeared to be a court noble suddenly grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down. The coachman was startled when he realized that Emil’s eyes were not looking at him.

“lily! Dangerous!”

“… to the street.”

“Yes? lily?”

Emil’s voice broke out in an instant.

“To Le Mans Street… ! Drive this damn wagon!!”

He already seemed half insane. The people around them were buzzing among themselves as they watched the scene. The coachman, sweating profusely, tried to calm Emil. In any case, since he was an infrequent guest, there was no way he wouldn’t accept it. The coachman quickly jumped off the driver’s seat and opened the carriage door.

“Sir, please get in the carriage first. And, the fee… .”

In case he reached his destination, he might just pretend to be busy and run away, so the coachman rubbed his hands and tried to collect the fare first. Emil rummaged through his pockets and put every gold coin he could find into the coachman’s hand. The coachman wide-eyed, quickly put the gold coins in his pocket, and climbed into the coachman’s seat.

“Then, I’ll see you right away!”

Emile Bordain’s vision continued to waver. The carriage rattled and passed the streets of the royal capital at great speed. Emile poked his head out of the carriage window. The people of the royal capital ran in the same direction as the carriage was running, or looked in that direction and giggled.

please, please don’t

Emile Bordain gritted his teeth at the fact that he couldn’t get there faster. My wife would probably be away from home at this time after attending a meeting of court aristocratic wives. servants, children.

The carriage turned around the alley and pulled out onto the main road. Emile Bordain’s eyes saw black smoke billowing. The noise on the roadside was getting louder. Emile stared at the smoke rising into the blue sky with dead eyes.

“lily! Le Mans Street you’re talking about, it looks like there’s a fire over there… .”

“… Drive faster.”

At the cool answer, the coachman shut his mouth and increased the speed of the wagon. It’s getting closer. The screams of people, the crackling of wood, and the roar of collapsing. As the carriage reached the entrance to the Rue Le Mans, Emile shouted at the driver to stop. The coachman immediately stopped the carriage with a frightened expression. Judging from Emile Bordain’s reaction, he must have realized that the owner of that burning house was his guest.

The carriage, in which Emile Bordain was dropped off, left the alley without looking back. As soon as Emil got off the carriage and stepped on the ground, he ran frantically toward the mansion. All sorts of people were gathering to watch or trying to extinguish the fire.

“… Ruel, Jean, Marion.”

Muttering the children’s names, Emile Bordain approached the door of the house. The guards fighting the fire stopped Emil from staggering towards the mansion like a madman.

“Leave this! my children… !”

“Calm down! Baron Borden! Your servants got the children out safely!”

Emil, who had been pushing the guards away like crazy, asked the guards again with all his well-groomed hair gone. The guard continued to answer Emil’s question while nodding his head, still holding him by the collar.

“safely… You said you got out?”

“Yes. The children were all taken to the hospital.”

“Where did you get hurt? Is everyone all right?”

“First and second sons are all right, but the youngest daughter… .”

Emil’s heart sank a second time. When the guards were speechless, Emile did not ask any further questions about Marion’s condition.

“Where is the hospital?”

“It’s a hospital two blocks away. now… .”

Emil stopped listening to the guard and ran frantically to catch the carriage again. The guards clicked their tongues as they watched Emil run away.

“A court noble? That person is too bad. The house is on fire.”

“If you had told me how my youngest daughter was, I don’t think I would have been safe.”

The guard touched his collar and looked at Emile Bordain, who stopped the carriage. The guard looked at him in pity and shook his head.

“I can’t even imagine how you feel.”

“Go ahead and help with the fire.”

The wagon running down the road at a speed close to its top speed just felt stuffy. Emile continued to urge the coachman with his mouth. The coachman couldn’t even get angry at Emil’s appearance and just ran his horse fast. He must have felt that it was best to just drop him off quickly.

“Nari-I’m here… ?”

Before the coachman could finish his words, Emile slammed the carriage door open and ran out. The hospital, located along the main road, seemed to be busy.


Emile pushed the people beside him and reached the reception desk. The nurse in charge shrank in shock at the sight of Emil running toward her.

“What, what are you doing?”

“Didn’t the children come along? Because of the fire, injured children… .”

Emil exhaled heavily and asked, as the nurse waved her hand and stretched out toward the stairs.

“It’s in room 302 on the third floor.”

Emile ran straight to the stairs. Be safe, stay alive.

Emil reached the third floor, repeating endlessly. The soldier’s words kept playing in my head.

‘The first and second sons are all right, but the youngest daughter… .’

If Marion ever got into a precarious situation, it seemed that she would never be able to forgive herself. Reaching the hospital room on the third floor, Emil threw open the door. Then, Emile encountered an unexpected figure sitting in a chair in the hospital room.

“You are late.”

Why, now, can I hear that person’s voice? Emile looked at Leon Benning, who was sitting next to Marion with a completely frozen expression on his face. The Count looked down at Marion, who was casually wrapped in bandages, and smiled. Hostility was evident in Emil’s voice.

“… Why is the Count here?”

“I’m sorry, Emil. I can’t thank you for coming all the way here to look after your children.”

Emile didn’t show his expression. He was still glaring at the Count, who brushed Marion’s hair in a voice full of adversity.

“Please put your hand away.”

“Your daughter is very sad. I have never seen a child with such a brilliant future in my life.”

Marion was asleep, unconscious. With her whole body wrapped in bandages, it was impossible to confirm whether she was alive or breathing properly. Emile moved on. Leon Benning was still staring at himself inorganically.

“Emil, you told me that you would do your best to cooperate with me, and I did my best to help you get a place in the palace as I promised you. It was disappointing to see you refusing my request and breaking the promise you made to me.”

Emile looked down at Leon Benning. If the entrance of the bottomless pit were foggy, would it look like that? Leon Benning’s eyes were so emotionless and deep. As Emile’s hand trembled and turned to Leon Benning, the Count casually grabbed it.

“Your daughter is in danger. Maybe the moment you show up in society, you’ll be the star of society for the next 30 years, no, 40 years. And it can feel a little awkward for a person who is not my daughter to do such a splendid performance. My daughter is close to a knight, so she won’t be able to influence court politics as much as your daughter.”

aww Power went into the hands of Leon Benning. Emile Bordain growled desperately. In fact, the figure of declaring that the person responsible for the fire in the mansion was himself was disgusting.

“count… !”

“But, unfortunately, I still need you. The other court nobles aren’t as smart as you. And, maybe you will need me even if you don’t want to.”

Leon Benning shook Emile’s hand and rose from his seat.

“I hate to use it any other way, Emil. This is the last warning I can give you. Your daughter will be useless now.”

“You’d better keep talking nonsense.”

“Emil, I really appreciate that courage, but you’re not the only one who’s angry right now. I told you, this is the last warning I can give you.”

Leon Benning looked down at Marion.

“Forget about treating your daughter. Don’t even think about putting your daughter’s face in the social world, and you’d better keep it out of my sight. Well, I understand that you care for and love your daughter, but if you really acted with that heart… .”

Leon Benning did not go back. The temperature in the hospital room was dropping. Emil had no choice but to grit his teeth and resist the chilling deaths erupting from Leon Benning.

“I am disappointed in you, but unfortunately I still need you. And I’m not very good at teasing and placating people. But I am confident in making others listen.”

Leon Benning slowly approached Emile Bordain.

“If there is something I want to protect, Emil. It’s better to behave well. Now I will always keep my eyes on you.”

After saying that, the Count invited the servant who was waiting outside the hospital room inside.

“I’m sorry you lost your house in the fire, Emil. I will prepare a mansion and servants in my new capital, so it would be nice to move there.”

Saying that, the Count closed the door and left the hospital room. Emil gritted her teeth as she looked down at her daughter. The gaze of the servant the Count had left behind stuck.

“sorry… That’s right.”

Emile knelt beside Marion’s hospital bed. The servant’s eyes looked down at him coldly, but Emile had to kneel in front of his still unconscious daughter and beg for forgiveness.

“… because i can’t go I’m sorry for letting you have an ugly father.”

So that Leon Benning couldn’t hear, Emile bit his teeth and wept. How much this child would suffer in the future, Emile Bordin himself could not even imagine.

Marion woke up after three days had passed. Emile Bordain became a monstrous father who abandoned his daughter. I had to secretly take care of my daughter so that she would not be noticed while walking on a tightrope on the blade prepared by Leon Benning.

When he saw his daughter staring out the window with dead eyes, Emile Bordain’s own heart also died. Every time I spoke a cold, cold word to my daughter, and every time she blamed herself for her father’s coldness, rather than Emil’s, something in her heart was shattered.

The wife risked taking care of her daughter secretly. I hired a tutor and pretended not to see my daughter tending the garden from time to time. The servants sent by Leon Benning had reported to him whenever that happened, but Emil said he knew and only pretended to listen.

The Count never touched him again. However, the Count began to place Emil by his side almost always and act as his right-hand man. It was one day, eight years after that, that Marion’s name was mentioned again in Leon Benning’s mouth.

“engagement… You mean?”

Was it because the days of brainwashing himself as the count’s dog were too long? When Emile Bordain mentioned his daughter again, the feeling of anger creeping up inside him was unfamiliar.

“I told you not to show your face to the social world, but you can’t just leave it like that forever. I’ve prepared a good match for you this time, so let’s just meet.”

Leon Benning was not vigilant until the end. And the place where Leon Benning took himself was an academy that trains knights.

A man named Maxime Appart had a corner like him somewhere. He had been held hostage by the Count, had no strength, and had a broken will. I thought it was fortunate that I wasn’t some greedy aristocrat, but that didn’t mean that Emile Bordain liked Maxime Apparte as a fiancé for his daughter.

He didn’t have a heart for his daughter, and he didn’t have the strength to protect his daughter. Even if he asked if he could set his daughter free, even less so. Because he was also a knight bound under Benning’s shackles.

However, the daughter with such Maxim Appart seemed happy. Even though he knew that he didn’t deserve it, he was confident that he didn’t deserve it.

“Isn’t there a title you should call me if you’re a ‘preliminary son-in-law’?”

To be honest, I hated being called father-in-law by a guy like Maxim, but I knew very well that he didn’t like being called that either.

“This is a warning not to make trouble by making fun of your mouth unnecessarily.”

This was advice that would have been fine without having to convey it. It was because if he acted out of emotion, the only outcome that the young knight would face would be destruction.

Even if it wasn’t an order from the count, it was hard to treat a guy like that kindly. However, at the bottom of his heart, he also had a desire to put his hopes on Maxim. A very small expectation that I could set my daughter free.

After the engagement ceremony, when Baron Appart asked if it would be all right for him to take his daughter to the east, Emile Bordain almost smiled happily, but he had to act reluctantly. So the daughter was half-free. He had a much more lively expression than living under this goddamn father.

“… Marion is back?”

And, when the servant who was watching over Princess 1 told him the news, he couldn’t help but doubt his ears. Emil let out a deep sigh at the fact that he was helping the first princess along with those of Count Agon in the east.

Really, did you really like a bastard called Maxim? Was the guy who abandoned you and foolishly risked his life that good?

Is it for the revenge of Maxime Apart? Although she herself was unable to stand up to the count, her daughter was already standing proudly on the other side of the count, pointing her sword at him.

I wanted to dissuade him for being dangerous. The Count didn’t seem to care much about Marion, but it was unknown when the count’s beast would turn toward Princess 1 and Marion. And, he was a criminal who had already given the political power to make this possible into the hands of the Count.

From a distance, I saw the daughter who was walking while talking to Princess 1. The culprit who ruined her life, her father, had no choice but to look at it blankly. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t apologize. It was even more impossible to tell him to stop fighting against the Count.

Until the end, Emile was being tested to see if he would remain the count’s dog. And there was only one thing left for her to do for her daughter.

The night after a week since Marion returned. The watchers disguised as servants fell asleep by the difficultly airlifted sleeping incense. Emile Bordin took advantage of the dawn to visit the king. Under pressure from the commander of the escort knights, Emile Bordain declared the revenge he had been waiting for for nine years. After being confirmed again and again that he was not a double agent, the king accepted his cooperation.

“I will be Your Majesty’s eyes and ears.”

In exchange for betrayal, Emile Bordin was guaranteed the safety of his wife and children. and Marion’s treatment. However, his own safety was not included in it.

that’s what happened

Emile Bordain opened his closed eyes. In the empty screening room, only Emile Borden was sitting in his seat. Arsene Bern. No, Maxim Appart. Emile Bordain kept repeating in his head what he should never have said.

Could that article really bring victory? Will he be able to bring salvation to his daughter and a fair judgment on the count?

Emile Bordain blindly pursued the disappearing Arsene Berne. Then, he muttered into the air with a voice that he didn’t like at all.

“When you give it a chance, do your best, son-in-law.”

I don’t like to place expectations on others.

Emile Bordain’s sigh hung in the air. He didn’t seem to notice that he had unwittingly called that bastard his son-in-law.

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