My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

I can only assume he's hanging on to the kill.

When I went to the shrine in the other world where Huang Hua was waiting for me on the transfer, I was guided to the Huang Hua who was picking me up and passed me through the company.

"Go ahead."

Huang Hua puts a cup of water with tea on top of a round shabu table for me as I sat and waited.

I put my share of the water down, and Huang Hua is sipping tea in front of me and taking a whopping breath, but I was driven by irresistible discomfort.

"What's wrong with you?

"No, this is what happened in the main hall of the shrine, and I thought..."

Huang Hua puts his neck on me when things are strange.

With such yellow flowers in the room, I look around lightly even as I am taken aback.

Would the main hall of the shrine have been such a living space?

The floor is tatami, pushed into old-fashioned tans and obstacles, and a shabu table in front of you.

I'm in a space that makes me feel awesome.

You can hear the little foxes playing from the outside, but who will believe you when you say this is inside the main shrine hall?

"My predecessors thought it would be better to have a cozy environment anyway. They changed it one after the other."

Huang Hua says that these are souvenirs of the previous generations?

I'm satisfied with the explanation, and I take a sip of tea.

"So, what are we talking about? Another demon out there?

I didn't come here for a separate cup of tea today.

Cutting to the point, Huang Hua clouded his face as soon as possible.

"Do you say consultation or every favor......"

It's hard to say, I have a very bad tooth cut.

Yellow flowers worried about how to say it, but I slowly talked about how my thoughts were coming together.

"Actually... I found out"

"Found out? What?"

"that I serve the Night Rabbit......"

"To whom?

"It's to other monsters......"

The subject was missing, but as I listened back, apparently the other monsters found out that Huang Hua was being used by me.

Yellow flowers talking in an impatient manner, staring at the hot drink held by both hands, but I didn't really understand the seriousness.

"Is it also a big deal if other monsters find out?

"Most monsters don't have good feelings for humans. If you find out about the Night Raven from that monster to the other monsters - various monsters may push you to defeat the Night Raven. I don't know how widespread it is, but it's only a matter of time."

What the fuck?

I turn to a bitter look at the words of yellow flowers emanating from a heavy tone.

Don't hate monsters pushing over or just imagining it.

"Monsters have a strong sense of companionship."

I can't believe I'm going that far for one monster just because I hate humans.

Is it because of the small number, or because the other person is the monster common enemy again? Either way, the binding is different.

"Uh.... well, that's the place"

I'm impressed, but I'm not sure why Huanghua's attitude toward it is.

Was there something wrong?

It bothered me, but now I thought it was more important to find out, so I put the story back together.

"In the first place, why did you find out?

"That's what I don't even know..."

A yellow flower to twist my head and think about, but I really don't seem to remember myself.

Did someone even see me and Huang Hua together?

If so, is it possible to exorcise the demons during the summer vacation or when the Heavenly Senate and the others return?

"But Master Nightingale. Possible lines may be the work of those who have accidentally struck me and Master Nightingale in the battle against the demons. At least, I think you know about Night Rabbit."

I couldn't follow Huanghua's reasoning for a moment, but I immediately remembered.

When the demons fought, they interrupted the seal and almost got a blow from behind.

I completely forgot now, but you still didn't know who did it.

Listen to me, that unintentional hitter is likely the culprit, but either way, if we just find out, we can still deal with it.

"Then let's erase the memories of the monsters who found out about me. Then you'll figure it out."

Information spreads infinitely once it is spread.

Then once you reset it, there's nothing wrong with it.

I thought this would be okay, but the anxious look on Huang Hua's face did not change.

"But then we still don't know what caused it. If they find out the same way again, there's no kiri."

You can tell me that.

To Huang Hua's credit, I thought I made sense.

If the cause remains unknown, we may find out again. Even if I erase my memories from there again, I end up being a jerk.

Back to the shake out again, I was twisting my head wondering what was going on, and suddenly Huang Hua dropped his gaze in a leaning mood.

"Even if it spread a little, if they were just monsters, it wouldn't have been a problem. Worst case scenario, if you find out, just look for Teng himself who sealed his mouth and spread the word."

Yellow flowers that speak in contemplation, but what you are saying is radical in the middle.

Were you going to go out and exercise your strength?

"But if you don't find out who you are..."

Huang Hua's mouth stopped there.

"Who the hell is that?

I'm concerned. When I urge him to continue, Huang Hua reveals who he is.

"He is the head of the monster, Kurohime, who still secretly binds us to live in the other world."

"The head of the monster? I mean, a king."

To my interpretation, Huang Hua nodded, "Yes."

That's what monsters had.

I'm not least surprised that there was a monster king, but at the same time I could see why he was hesitant about yellow flowers.

Well, there's no way you can seal a king's mouth.

"Isn't it true that the black princess was the cause of the discovery?

"Maybe that's unlikely. He's the one with the big bowl that puts us monsters first, and I was wondering if there was any kind of surveillance without permission. Even when the demon came out, he cared a lot."

Huang Hua also trusted their leader, the Black Princess, and the line denied it.

Apparently, the trust from the other monsters is thick.

I can only deny that. I'm convinced of Huang Hua, but I found one word to hook him up with.

"Wait, what were they doing when the demon came out? You didn't give me backup or anything?

If you think so much about fellowship, you're going to do as much as help.

In doubt, Huang Hua shook his head quietly beside him.

"Actually, this wasn't the only place the demon was raging back then."

"Isn't this the only place? Was there anything else?"

To the stunner fact, Huang Hua nodded with a serious face.

"Once upon a time, the monsters slaughtered by humans were killed and turned into demons by family and friends. The monsters, who knew it wasn't the demons that were bad, but the humans, couldn't kill the demons and sealed them one after the other. That's when the seal was broken everywhere, so the Black Princess and the other monsters went everywhere to deal with the demons. That's why I had to do it alone at my place."

Was there such a situation?

I never imagined that would have happened all over Japan.

"So it's probably more likely that the other monsters snitched on the Black Princess"

I'm done listening, and I'll be satisfied.

"And here's the real deal"

With that said, Huang Hua took out a single letter with marks of opening from his nostalgia.

"The Black Princess sent me a message."


Did the preaching order come down?

Wondering what it is, Huang Hua starts talking about its contents.

"The decree said to bring the night rabbit to the castle."


"If you don't come, it says here that the harm will be done to those around you."

Listen to that, I accidentally wrinkle between my eyebrows.

People around you mean family and friends?

You've been in a different world isolated from humans for a long time, and then you seem to want to see me.

It seems like a relief not to target him, but it's an effective hand mentally.

"I'm not sure of my sincerity, but it's impossible to call a human to a castle. There must be something."

Without expecting anything to happen, Huang Hua looks at me anxiously.

Sure, Huang Hua is right, I don't know the other side's sincerity.

If you simply want to help Huang Hua, you can come and kill me.

What the hell do you want with me?

A monster who hates humans deliberately calls us to their realm and what......

Suddenly Huang Hua began to correct her posture as she leaned down for a while and thought about it.

"I don't know what will happen to Lady Nightingale if I go. But if you do, you may also know what caused this discovery. So, please. Please go with me to the castle. Please!

Sitting upright with his hands on both knees, Huang Hua lowers his head to the shabudai sleigh.

There's always something if you go. That's obvious.

But if you go, you'll get some kind of information. First, you have to come with me to the castle to meet the Black Princess.

Knowing that you are talking impotent, or desperation comes from its behavior with a hint.

"I would never let someone dear to Lady Night Rabbit get hurt. Because of this, I knew people like Nightingale and Summer Lotus. I would never let someone dear to Lady Nightingale get hurt. In the castle, I will do everything I can to help. So please!

Truthfully, I just want to be friends with us, Huang Hua.

My first human acquaintance, originally made into a yellow flower that was a lover of humans.

Of the yellow flowers, it must be particularly important.

However, I still don't know the facts about the yellow flower, but only one thing first, my feelings hardened.

"Don't you dare, think after you go"

I don't think I have the ingredients to judge anymore.

When she made the decision without getting lost, Huang Hua looked up and looked me in the eye.

"Are you sure?

"Without rare things, you'll be fine. Besides, I gotta go, I gotta go, and that's rarely the case. 'Cause if you might know what's causing it, you're gonna have to go."

As long as it crushes there, we'll figure it out later.

I'll run away if I have to, and a half-trap won't do what you do to me.

More importantly, if it could harm them, you'd have to go even further.

"Worst case scenario, stop that black princess. But let's hear it."

If you hadn't told me, maybe you'd be quicker that way.

To a word I said with a mild intent to joke, my expression hardened whether it sounded real to Huang Hua.

"Ugh, don't accidentally kill me, do you?

"Exactly it doesn't"

What do you think people are?

I look at the yellow flower with a bitter laugh all the time.

Seeing the look on my face, Huang Hua laughs with couscous as soon as possible "It's a joke".

I didn't expect to be jokingly returned to the joke.

It seems to have made me feel a little lighter, and Huanghua is more relaxed than earlier.

Once she laughed, Huang Hua turned this way again and corrected her posture.

"Thank you, Lady Nightingale."

Now slowly, politely, Huang Hua bows his head.

"He said not to bow your head so much. It's for each other."

To Yellow Flower, who bows his head again, I drink a cup of tea that cools completely in a light position.

I heard what you were ready for. Then you have to answer that.

"Speaking of which, where's the castle?

"That's a lot further west than here."

Once you know where it is, there's no problem with me being able to get there in a flash with a transfer.

"What kind of place is that?

"It's a big city, with a lot of monsters of all kinds living there. Even so, the only decent city is there, and later there are a few smaller villages."

The capital of the so-called kingdom of monsters?

I wonder what the hell it's like.

"The name of the capital is [Edge Capital]."

"Then let's go quickly. in its marginal capital."

Talk is all wrapped up, and I drink up the little tea I have left at once, and then I get up.

Across the street is the nest of numerous monsters, the Edge Capital.

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