My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

Something tells me the expansion is similar.

I'm depressed right now.

Summer break ends in the next three days.

Those days when I slept as much as I wanted, those times when I wouldn't be pissed off no matter how lazy I was, come to an end.

"The next three days......"

"I'm kind of not well, Master"

Mel calls out to me, sighing on the bed.

"Why aren't you so energetic?

"I'm disgusted with the future to come...."

Even if I know, I feel terribly heavy when the various due dates are approaching.

You don't understand what I'm saying, Mel tilts her neck and says, "Yes!" and made a suggestion to me.

"I have good information for such a master!!


What the hell do you think, I turn to my phone?

There was a page on the net opened by Mel.

'I recommend it to those who feel kind of tired and have a mysterious pot to heal if you watch!

"They say it's a good deal now!!

"Mel, you have to delete that information now."

As soon as I saw the page headline, I told Mel first.

How dare you bring me something betta.

You've often found something like this. I've only seen this in comics.

"Why is that? That's half the price now, right?

"And it doesn't work. All I have is a taste of despair and regret when I buy it."

Hearing my words, Mel asked if it was the first time she understood "Did you!" I'm surprised.

Oh, man, you're going to be really fooled by something someday, Mel.

When I was a little worried about Mel looking at the site on her mobile screen, a yellow flower's voice now echoed in my brain.

“Oh, Lady Nightingale."

Huang Hua, what's wrong?

“Um, a little favor......”

I listen to what kind of favor I do to Huang Hua, who asks in such a way as to be afraid.

When I heard the story, apparently there were a few things on the road that bothered me that I was escorting Xia Lian, and I couldn't help but notice there.

So he wants me to follow him around the place.

♪ I see, in short, you want to see the city ♪

“Yes, can't you.....”

Yellow flowers that make you slightly whisper, even if you think it's an unpleasant favor.

Honestly, I've been thinking about living a lazy life for the remaining three days, but it's hard to say no when you put it that way.

Speaking of which, I was going to show Huanghua around the city once so he wouldn't be like before.

The rest of the day is almost over, and maybe it's a good opportunity to do it.

........ Can't help it.

“That's good. Do you want to come with me?"

Are you sure?

Huang Hua brightens his voice as soon as he takes credit from me for his weakness.

Well, I could still spend a couple of days full of this, so it's a good time to make a move.

If that's what you decide, let's move quickly.

Otherwise, I'm going to be late for laziness.

“But are the kids better? Without you."

“Lately, people like Vegetable Sprouts have come to take care of themselves, so it's okay to keep your eyes open for a little while."

If that's the case, is there a problem?

We talked, so I get out of bed, I get up.

Uh, because I was asleep earlier. My body's weird.

Turning my shoulders around, I stretched out mmm lightly and exhaled haha.

“Well, I suppose I'll go, but I'll call you back when I get there just in case, so stay with the kids until then. It's safer, right?"

“Dear Night Rabbit......”

You were happy with my attention, Huang Hua leaks a voice of gratitude.

Yes, I will.

♪ Well, when we get there again ♪

Finish the conversation with that, and I'll get my phone to go out.

Then Mel asked me if I cared about the conversation earlier.

"Who were you talking to? Master."

"Huang Hua asked me to guide the city. I'm going out now."

"What about that yellow flower?

"I decided to call him when I got there. You'll be worried about the kids."

Yellow Flower's voice won't be heard by Mel, so I'll briefly convey the thrust.

Mel, hearing that, nodded emotionally, yeah, for some reason.

"Masters are also treating women better."

"Why does that happen"

That's a natural consideration.

I thought so, and I tried to say it back, but Mel told me, "When I was someone, I felt like they did something wrong," and I shut up.

When they say that, you can't deny it.

Being dug into the past, "You've grown, Master," I respond to Mel with a nickel and a smile without resisting "Yes....."

I don't know, it's just like there's been a disturbance in this subordination right now...

Maybe I still have it in my roots.

In the future, this hand story is good for a while....

Even with that in mind, I left my room behind.


"Well, where are we going first"

When you get to your destination, call Huang Hua and I'll take your request.

There are shops in the street, clothes, food, groceries, and more.

The landscape is stylish and popular with young people.

"Wherever they say, where do I go first....."

Next to me, Huang Hua is looking at me like I'm in trouble.

Well, isn't it impossible to do that with all this?

I know in advance what place Huang Hua wants to go.

So I wish I could just roll over there, but I'm not that familiar with this place either.

"Do you want to go in order from what you find"


The street is the main road.

There will be no losing sight of it.

Me and Huang Hua decide to do that and walk down the street.

Fortunately, because the summer vacation is almost over already, people aren't that many.

It's easy to look around without having to because of you.

"Oh, that was quick."

A little after I walked, I found one of the things that was in Yellow Flower's request as early as possible.

Huang Hua also looked at it and said, "That's it! That's it!" Tense.

One of the stores that Huanghua wanted to go to, it's a crepe shop.

If you're a girl, you seem to like him.

Huang Hua said that he had never smelled like this at his place before, and he seems to want to try it once.

It does smell sweet from inside the store, and Yellow Flower stares at it with her eyes shining.

"Then do you want to buy it quickly? What, there's hope?

"Okay, let's see that bean on it."

Huang Hua chooses what he wants most to eat to me as I ask him pointing to the menu that's sticking out there.

When I heard the hope, and I said yes, I placed an order with the clerk.

"One number five."

"Thank you. Please wait."

Give the menu number and the clerk takes it before making it politely.

What do you care about crepes?

Even with that in mind, I pay the price and take the crepe.

"Please wait."

When I gave the crepe to the yellow flower waiting behind me, the yellow flower said, "Thank you!," he stares gladly.

If you can react like that, it's worth buying this one.

Looking at the yellow flowers, I smiled, and I felt a gaze from the clerk there.

When I think back, the clerk stares at this one with a grudge.

Is something wrong?

But that's not only with the clerks, it's with the passers-by passing by.

I don't know why they all have eyes on the crepe that Yellow Flower has.

"What's that? A trick?"

"It's floating, isn't it?

"What's going on?

And watching that crepe, the passers-by are talking about things they don't really understand with hissohisso.

Floating? What do you mean?

Looking at the crepe, I twisted my head and came to a conclusion.

"Oh, you know what?"

Having come so far, I finally got the answer.

Huanghua is a monster. The monster is invisible except to humans with more than a certain amount of magic.

This means that no one in general is seeing yellow flowers.

That means that people around now look like crepes are floating.

This is not good.

"Yellow Flower, we're moving."

"Oh, no, Lady Nightingale?

"I'll keep this until you calm down."

"Oh, no."

He took my first bite from now on, and Huang Hua looks sorry, but he can't even say so.

I'm sorry to get noticeable here.

Grab Huang Hua's hand and I'll take Huang Hua to a place where people don't seem to see me.

There's a sidewalk just down the street, and me and Huang Hua go in there and settle down once.

Is everything okay here?

I look around to see if I've been seen while checking the street.

"Um, Lady Nightingale?

"Oh, bad. Suddenly take me out. Here."

I apologize and return the crepe to Huang Hua, who is still unable to grasp the situation.

The yellow flower I was wondering about, but the crepe returns and makes my eyes shine with joy again.

"You don't look like a normal person, so that's when the crepe seemed to float."

"Was it? I'm sorry I didn't notice."

Listen to me. Huang Hua bows his head, but I say, "Never mind" and turn my gaze towards the street.

Behind me, yellow flowers look delicious eating crepes.

Until we're done, are we watching here?

I thought so, and when I looked down the street from the sidewalk, I thought there was something.

Something happened before this deployment.

This development waits for someone to finish and thus spare a little time.

I feel similar to when I used to go shopping with the Xia Lians.

Colora came out then, but Metron came out next.


To the same development, I shake my head to the left and right, thinking I didn't.

Something seems to flag me by saying it myself, but the world isn't that sweet.

First of all, how do you get here when you're in custody?

I think so, but the promise really doesn't betray me.

At that moment, as I looked down the street, the face I saw entered my sight.

Golden hair and eyes. The outfit belongs to Earth, but the face is two melons with that hateful guy.

At this point, I thought.

You definitely have a flag.

"No, it feels good."

Metron with a successful escape and a clear face.

It's like a prisoner who came out to the old lady with a sunny face.

Dude, what hand did you use.....

(Why this happens......)

Watching Metron from afar, I resented what I said.

Don't say anything strange about the detour.

Don't get involved, try not to get involved. You might leave me like this.

From a distance I looked and suddenly a strange gray-haired woman approached me from behind the metron.

"Master Metron."

"Huh!? Oh, Lene!?

"I'm up to pick you up"

To the sublime Metron, a woman called Lene responds with an unchallenged voice.

Apparently, he's like an angel.

From the current exchange of conversations, I guess.

"How could this be.... No, not faster than that, to find it?

"Dear Metron, if you're going to run away, you should check your body first."

Taking Lene's word for it, Metron explores his body thinking no way.

Then, you find something. Metron puts his trembling hand in his nose and takes it out.

"Ko, this is......"

Something removed from the nostalgia, it's a chicken and a flashing little crystal ball.

From the shape, is it a transmitter?

"Ya got hit........"

Dropping the crystal balls to the ground, Metron held his face down with his hands... and he looks like he's doing something.

Don't think inside, and the angel over there.

"Come on, I'll be back. Dear Metron,"

Lene walked over saying that, and Metron didn't give up, "Wait!" and control Lehne.

"If you get any closer, I'll raise my voice here and now."

"? What are you saying all of a sudden....."

"In times like this, what a child says is more trustworthy."

You could understand what Metron was trying to say, and Lene stops silently.

Principle, God cannot interfere in the world.

An example of breaking the rules, you can't make a scene here. I guess that's what Lene thinks.

Totally, what are you doing in trouble, that guy?

I walk out to Metron, who keeps resisting, even though I'm disgusted.

"Huang Hua, I'm sorry, but we're leaving for a little while."

"Ho heh? Ya ho?

Turn back the yellow flower that talks with the crepe in your mouth, and I approach Metron from behind.

"Pfft. I still can't get caught..."

"Look, you're going too far, boy."

Blocking the words, I lift the Metron with both hands as I say it in a bar-reading mood.

Suddenly lifted, Metron was delayed in responding to "Huh?" and make a loose voice between them.

"Don't piss off your sister too much."

"Hey, what all of a sudden!? Let go of me!

Metron is not a good speaker because he panics a lot and can't chase his head off.

Ignore Metron like that and I'll get this guy under the lane.

It's dangerous to leave a guy like this alone. Send it back.

When Metron saw my face, he panicked.

"Oh, hey, why are you here!?

"Don't bother people too much."

With a surprising Metron, I will continue to perform with a stick reading.

Now we can hand him over to nature in a discreet way.

Metron, lifted by me, said, "Get off me!" and jittery rumbling.

From around you, it'll just look like a kid is wasting his time.

I feel a little gaze, but I am definitely distracted by the feeling of what I know around me.

Your acting is working.

Metron resisted when I grabbed him and handed him over safely to Lane.

"Look, keep an eye on him next time."

"Thank you for your cooperation. Kamiya Nightingale."

Reine to thank you as you receive the Metron.

"You know me?

"Yes, at work, somewhat."

That's all Lene responds to.

At work. Well, that's fine with me.

"Next time, why don't you tie me to a chair so I don't run away. With chains and stuff."

"That's not terrible for boulders!?

"I intend to do better than I did."

Lene agrees with me and snorts.

Besides, Metron just says he can't believe it. "Uh, seriously...." asks Lene's face, but he doesn't get a response.

"Oh, that's a lie, isn't it? I wouldn't even go that far to my husband, right......"

I can't say enough to the end. Metron sees the fearful Lehne, but there's only one word back from Lehne.

"Dear Metron, Regards on your work"

Think about it as soon as you can. It doesn't even seem to do it.

To that merciless word, Metron gagged down his head as if he had noticed or lost his power.

"So long, Kamiya. We're done here."

"Don't let them get away next time."

With a farewell greeting, Lene walked down the street with Metron lifted.

You poor thing, the shackles get heavier because you run away.

Sigh slightly as you drop me off.

It's called Colora, it's called Metron, and there's no such thing as God.

Is it okay to leave the world to these people?

Anxious as it may be, I shall return to the sidewalk with the yellow flowers.

"Ah, Master Nightingale. What's wrong with you?

"No, a little...."

The contents are difficult to explain, and I tease them appropriately.

Huang Hua leans his neck strangely at me like that.

You're also kind of an asshole to say you were catching the escaped god.

"Besides, if you're done eating, do you want to go next?"

"Ah, yes. Right."

Cut off the story, me and Huang Hua walk down the street again.

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