After I made them apologize, I first told the Heavenly Senate that I still didn't understand the situation.

Because somehow I got a mysterious misunderstanding. Now we need to make sure there is no misunderstanding.

I don't want them to think I'm weirder or anything than those guys.

I think so, and I teach the Heavenly House slowly.

"I can't believe God was such a child...."

"The voice did sound like it, but I can't believe it really is..."

"Don't let the look fool you. Because I'm over a hundred years old."

To Heavenly House and Miki, who look at the front-seat Metron and Colora with interest, I add.

After listening, the Heavenly Senate and the others reacted differently when they found out the truth.

Heavenly Senate and Miki are relatively calm, but some of them are discouraged by "mistakes....." and "the meaning of what we were doing....."

Seems like the end is too cheeky and frightened through anger.

Especially the ones who were kidnapping me. "I'm glad I failed..." on the contrary.

You did get your hands on a misguided raise, a crime, and you don't seem to regret it.

That's funny to watch.

As I watched them, Leena slapped me on the shoulder with a ton.

"How long are you going to keep the Metrons in the front seat? Come on, can we just let it go?

"That's it. That's it!

"Let go -!

"You guys aren't reflecting,"

Metron and Colora making noise about Leena as a shield.

Shall I put you down again, these guys?

That's how I feel elsewhere, Metron and Colola are friendly and bickering, "I bought you a souvenir so I'll give it to you later" and "Wow, thanks."

Where was the fight just now?

And lose your temper. When I sighed, Metron urged me to come back.

"You can go now - If we don't get home soon, Lene will throw away my precious treasure."

You want to go home soon, Metron says, looking softened.

There's nothing special about letting this guy do it anymore.

Even if I stay here, I'm just in the way, so let me go home now.

"Before you do that, prepare a magic formation to return to the world where these guys were, and then go home"

Anyway, it's easier that way than I send it.

When I say that, Metron asks Colola to "Colola, please" quickly.

On the other hand, Colora admitted, "Okay -" and fished her nostrils with gossip.

Then, what was taken out is like rounded paper, spreading it to the ground a little further away.

When I widened it, the magic formation was drawn there, and when I finished widening it, the magic formation was the light, and its light grew all at once.

"What the....."

"That is a magic guide that can be installed anywhere by placing a magic formation on paper. It can be handled by anyone, but it is also a consumable that disappears once used"

Leena explained to me that I was surprised.

That's a handy magic trick. In short, do you mean disposable magic formations?

"That's easy."

"The magic guide is evolving every day."

When Leena and I were having such a conversation watching the unfolding magic formation, Heavenly House, who had tried to shut up, called out.

"Kamiya, what the hell is this......"

"It's a magic formation for transworld metastases. Now everyone go home."

"!? Now you can go home!?

"So that's what you're saying"

To the words of the House of Heaven I nodded, the House of Heaven trembling with joy, "I will inform you all! I said," Let everyone know.

Then I'll go home now.

At the same time that the magic formation was finished installing, Metron tried to leave the place - - a different magic formation appeared elsewhere.

"Okay, nice landing with me."

When all of a sudden the magic formation appeared, one person came down to jump out of it.

Red and black hair, bikini armor. Just looking at that, my brain is setting an alarm.

As soon as I saw the person, I distorted my face.

"Is that it? Scala"

"Oh, [God of Destruction]."

"You were both here, I looked for you."

Tilt Metron and Corolla to their necks at the sudden appearance of Scala, but found no or Scala held them aside.

"All right, let's go."

"Oh, hey, wait a minute, Scala! What is it all of a sudden? Explain it!!

Metron hastily asks for an explanation for this flow, which is likely to be taken out.

"Don't get violent," Scala said to Metron, who bursts beside herself, stopping her.

"You skipped work and went somewhere, didn't you? That's what the god king found out, so he said he'd punish you. And I was asked to catch him."

"Uh..... seriously?

"Seriously. You said you skipped too much. They set up moxibustion."

"Well, then, why are you taking me with you?

Elsewhere, Corolla raises her hand as she is held, desperate to find out "why..." while being held aside by Scala.

"You got your hands on someone else's world, so that's the punishment."

"Er! Why -!

"Why not! I know it's the rules! Follow the rules properly!!

"No, you don't."

I accidentally opened my mouth to a horrible boomerang remark.

Which mouth will say the rules or something?

Scala smiled happily at me for some reason.

"Hey, Night Rabbit! I missed you!

"I didn't want to see you."

I say it in a cold way to Scala, who greets me with a full smile.

Nothing busy happens when I see this guy.

From the experience I've had, I've been quietly in battle, and that's what Scala said to me with a smile on her face.

"Don't be so vigilant. I'm just here for work today. I'll see you later."

"You don't have to come forever."

I'll never forgive you for that again.

But Scatter, even if I refused, Scala didn't take it seriously and didn't smile, "Don't be shy," he said.

Who would want to treat such a dying eye?

At the end of the conversation, Scala turned her back and looked at the magic formation that remained unfolding.

"See you later."

After saying goodbye to me, Scala walked into the magic formation that had just come out with Metron and Colora.

When you enter the magic formation, the magic formation eventually disappears, and only the magic formation for your return remains there.

I can't believe he's coming. I forgot from my corner memory.

At the end of the day I met a guy I didn't like, and I held my head down and sighed, and next door Leena had a sympathetic, dry grin on me.

And at the same time that Scala was gone, the Heavenly House called to see if she was ready.

"Kamiya, I'm done telling everyone, so I'm going home now..... is that it? What about those gods?

"I'm home. Half-strong, though."

That's all I'm saying because I'm not willing to explain much, and the Heavenly House continues to talk with a little wonder, but convinced that it's "so-so".

"We're going now. I'm worried about him."

"Right. Well, like not dying over there."

"Yeah, I will. So what...."

I'm telling you, I'm not going anywhere else.

Before the Heavenly House, which tries to tell you something, I say, is it a picture star or the Heavenly House laughs bitterly, "You understand well."

Somehow, it felt that way.

Besides, I'd rather relax here than go to another world.

"Well, I thought you'd say that......"

"If you know what I mean, just go."

"Right. Everybody, get inside!

Ending his greeting briefly, Heavenly House guides everyone into the magic formation.

Chilling, but Maxis was also put in the magic formation with him properly. While being dragged.

"Oh, that!

Along the way, I heard a weak voice from behind.

Looking back, he stood there in a manner where the nine weights tended to lean over.

"Oh, thank you, thank you. Please help me, Domoto."

"It wasn't me who helped, it was this way. Besides, I'm glad you told me."

"Yes, no! Bye."

With that said, Kyoue bowed once to Leena, then ran to Sosa and everyone.

When they all go inside, the magic team starts or gradually glows.

Leena and I are looking at it, and Leena opens her mouth as she looks at Kyou.

"Is that the guy who gave us the information?

"That's right. Thanks to him, I could have known beforehand. Well, it was useless in a way."

I didn't think you two would fail.

Leena looks slightly out of my sight when she says "uhh..." because my words have stuck in her heart.

And you thought, Leena, I whined casually.

"Nevertheless, you have ties to women among yourselves. Even though I don't have many men friends."

"What are you trying to say?

Are you trying to tell me I don't have many men friends, this guy? There is.

Leena turns a blind eye again to me when I try to look her in the eye and talk to her.

When I was interacting like that, I could hear someone screaming from the magic team.


They call me by name, and I turn around and the Heavenly House screams out of the magic formation.

"Sorry for all the inconvenience!! And thanks!! I won't lose next time!!

Expressing apologies and gratitude, Heavenly House smiles satisfactorily.

How dare you, well, say such a dialogue in grandeur.

I feel a little embarrassed in the Heavenly House waving towards me.

Oh, speaking of which, you didn't say that one yet.

I remember what I forgot to say here, and I gave the person a finger and a voice.

"You there"

"Huh? Me?

All of a sudden Miki is surprised, but I don't mind continuing.

"[Metastatic magic] If you can use it, train more. If you work out, you'll be able to travel to and from different worlds. Like me."

"Huh? What do you mean?

Suddenly Miki was leaning her neck, but apparently the time had come.

The magic formations in which the Heavenly House and the others entered, at once their brilliance increases.

"Anyway, because that's what I'm talking about. Masterful."

The moment I said that, the light of the magic formation enveloped the Heavenly House of Lords - it vanished in an instant.

Have you been there? The heavenly houses disappear and the landscape spreads with killing scenery in front of them.

"You're finally back."

"Now I can finally send a peaceful time"

You're no longer worried about being targeted for your life, and now you're feeling better.

I want to go home and take a nap.

I stretch my arms up and stretch gently.

"Go home."

"When you get home, it's their favor now."

As I felt refreshed, Leena put in a cross spear.

Listen to that, I keep stretching and stopping the pitch.

Speaking of which, you talked about that.

"Well, it doesn't matter there"

I'm not fighting anyone.

Think easy around there.

Change my mind, I turn my back off the spot.

"I guess I'll go to bed once I get home"

"Are you going to sleep again?"

"Today or so."

Me and Leena go back together on a transfer, having a conversation without other love.

When I looked up at the sky the moment I returned, the sky felt bluer and clearer than usual.

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