My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

I think it's the villain's exclusive patent to escape.

The Battle of the Brave vs. the Villain.

Each other, rather than the Heavenly House, lay up their weapons with a tense face, and the tense air is pouring out.

I have one thing to protect in this fight.

That is not to erase the weapons and skills of the Heavenly Senate.

Those guys still have demon king exorcisms over there.

Here, skills and weapons cannot be erased.

So you can say that [DeleteMagic] is almost unusable this time.

The results won't change, though.

With those little handfuls on, it was the brave ones who moved first.

"Magic shoot!!

Numerous chants are spun from the rear guard group by the decree of the House of Heaven to the point of echoing throughout the junction.

"Flame!" "Gaillance!" "Water Barrett!" "Ice Block!" Is that about what I heard properly?

There are other magics of light, darkness, and thunder, but I couldn't hear them very well.

Fire spheres, earth spears, wind tornadoes, ice debris, chunks of water, and all sorts of other magic fly towards me.

The colors are beautiful, but if you hit them, they're going to be devastating.

If I hit it, I'd talk about it.

"It's not like I wish I had a number"

I squeal inorganically, with nothing to do.

I don't even need to erase it with this stuff [deletion magic].

I don't see anything to act on, I just keep staring at the magic that flies.

"Well, then, it won't reach me"

The moment I whined so, I made sure that the magic that flew in was inhibited by something one after the other, and it collided.

The magic keeps disappearing, even though I'm not showing anything.

The heavenly houses opened their eyes and expressed their surprise at the sight of the flying magic disappearing in front of me.

Well, I'll do something bouldering.

All the magic was extinguished, and by that time, the Heavenly House finally found out who had inhibited the magic.


Someone whispered among the Heavenly House.

Isn't it like a magic barrier over there? He looks surprised.

This is also an application of [light magic] for once. Though it's improved.

At my feet is a magic formation centered around me, where a thin film of light, in a dome-like fashion, surrounds me in such a way that it protects me.

All I did was put this up right before they shot me with magic, that's all.

No matter how many there are, it makes no sense if individual powers are weak.

With this much, I can normally prevent it.

By playing all the magic, the barrier that finished the role disappears sooooooooo.

"Unfortunately, I don't recommend magic from the front"

"Well, how about this one?"

As you can afford, I advise the House of Heaven.

But right after the barrier disappeared, I suddenly hear voices from behind and feel signs.

When I turned around to the signs I suddenly felt, another magic was flying from behind.

Magic of soil and water.

In the two imminent magics, I do not fear to create a wall from the ground in front of me.

Magic hits the dirt wall to prevent a direct hit and is offset.

I see, is that what you mean?

The wall of dirt collapsed due to the offsetting, and I am convinced that there will be a slight amount of dirt smoke around me.

Behind him was a guy named Miki, the two guards who would have unleashed the magic and the transfer wizard I just saw grabbing those two shoulders.

I mean, he said he transferred the two of them and aimed them from behind.

"That was a shame."

You're taking advantage of what you're good at.

Miki's eyes are not surprised at all, both of whom are prevented and upset.

At that time, something came in with great momentum from the Heavenly House.

"Got it!

Speed skills?

Instantly packed with distance from that time, the man waves his sword from the top.

Admittedly, that courage to challenge on a single ride.




I could move faster than that.

The blow of the wielded body ends in emptiness and [neck tonne] is decided on the man.

The knife hit his neck and the man fell to the ground with a slight scream.

One first.

As opposed to me, the Heavenly House raised a mixed voice of haste.

"You can't do this alone! The avant-garde attacked from all sides without breaking the link! Guards watch the timing and cover me!!

The people whose companions were instantly killed and stunned returned to me in the voice of the Heavenly House, all of them retightening their minds.

"Everyone, spare no effort and I will fully develop my skills!!

"" "" Ooh!!

While activating their own skills, the Heavenly Senate and others try to surround me and come towards me.

They show all sorts of changes: wrapping flames around the sword, muscles in the body getting mucky, and the body turning into a beast.

Everyone, including me, has gained their own skills from Metron. Exactly, that's a wide variety.

"Let's go!!

"Fuck you!!

A man in a low profile and a beast, a man of flaming swords from above, sets each at the same time.

A man with a flaming sword swings his sword horizontally first, and from there a man in a beast goes to tear me apart with his nails.

If you avoid the top, you will attack from the bottom, if you avoid from the bottom.

Not bad, but don't forget.

I don't care how many people you call, your attacks will never hit you.

"That's simple."


"Huh!? Hey!?

I avoid the blazing sword as I retreat behind me and kick up a man in a beast from there.

He kicked up and fell in as his face turned straight up and involved a man with a blazing sword.

The man in the kicked beast has a shaky brain and a blurred consciousness.

The other one caught up because of it, couldn't get up inside.

Now the three of us.

Quiet in my heart. I'm counting, and now another guy stands in front of me.

"Even this!!

The stood up lightly dressed man suddenly breathed fire out of his mouth as he breathed heavily.

Now the skill of blowing fire?

"That's an interesting skill"


Easily avoiding the fire that is emitted, the fire blowing man gets a fist in his belly as he hears my whisper in his ear.

When he received his fist and turned to the letter of the body of the fire-blowing man, he collapsed to the ground and silenced.

Now the four of us.

Again, the Heavenly House won't try to move with me surrounded because my people are hit and the boulders won't stop upsetting me.

But at that time, I heard a wild voice from a little far away.

"Everybody away!!

When I saw it, a man whose muscles had become mucky decided the ground by hand, and the huge ground was lifting.

From the ground lifted leaves traces like a decision, blood vessels floating on the forehead of a mucky man.

Oh, something's awesome.


With the dozen screams, the determined ground is BOWN! and was thrown.

Due to the throw, the guys who were near me leave instantly.

With a genuine willingness to kill. I stare at it swallowing.

Drawing a few parabolas, on the flying ground, I don't run away, I predict the timing.

To make them give up, it's important to show the difference in overwhelming power.

Even in situations like this, we can cut through without using metastases.

On the ground slowly approaching I get in shape and wrap a flame around my right fist.

"Blast Fist (Frey Knuckle)"

Flame-wrapped fists explode and shatter immediately after touching the ground.

Parallax and pebbles poured down and the ground smashed causing earthen smoke to fall around me.

This is an easy win. I think so, me, but I hear shriveled voices from around me saying "You're lying......" and "It can't be......"

Apparently, we've come to understand a little bit of the difference in power over there.

I thought this was giving up on me, but Heavenly House has hit me here.


Calling people names, Heavenly House slashes me.


Avoiding the sword being lowered with a single piece of paper, I suddenly began to shine light on my sword as I tried to stick my fist in the face of the Heavenly House.


Seeing a sword that suddenly began to shine, I instinctively left the scene.

At the same time I left, a blade of light stretched from the tip of my sword towards where I was.

Oh, my God, that sounds like a light-over. If it had stayed that way, you'd have stabbed me.

When the blade of light was turned, suddenly the Heavenly House shouted at us.

"You have this power and how can you not use it for the world!!

I'm still telling you, this guy.

Heavenly House stares at me as I clench my lighted sword with both hands.

No, I really don't.

"You don't need to use it"

The only time I use it is when it's in my interest or when I have to.

Well, that may connect for the world, but magic is not for you in this world of peace.

Even without someone like me, the planet has been safely turned.

How my answer was perceived, the Heavenly House made the tone rough and sharp.

I think there's been some further misunderstanding. Why.

When I tilted my neck at the inexplicable Heavenly House reaction, the magic suddenly flew this way.

"We'll take you down."

Avoiding it at the critical point, when I thought Miki had attacked again in the same way as earlier, I returned to my original place.

He's a pain in the ass.

If you feel that way, the outraged Heavenly House tells me.

"I don't care what you think. [M] We will defeat you. That's all."

"If you can."

I give it back to the Heavenly House in a way that I can afford.

Then, all of a sudden, Miki raised her voice to Heavenly House.

"Heavenly House! I'm ready!

Hearing that voice, Heavenly House said, "Okay!" and make faces like that as per the operation.

Oh, could this have been, could this have been a time buyer?

Now I understood the intent of the operation, and suddenly the Heavenly House of Lords stood as some rear guard took the shape of a circle as they retreated to open my front.

"We've all fought before. I have learned of defeat many times and have repeatedly suffered setbacks. But that's why I got some."

The magic of each of the guards standing in position gathers in the center of the circle.

"Kamiya, let's show it here and now"

At that moment, a disastrous magic mix of various colors emerged from the centre.

Combined magic?

Look at that, and I stare at it with interest.

Are you saying that if you can't do it alone, we can all do it? That sounds awesome in there.

I thought so. Me, but this had one flaw.

That's a long pile.

After a few seconds, no magic has been fired yet.

I'm not going to go out of my way to hit it, and I can avoid this right away.

watching the accumulating magic, but I tried to escape,

"I won't let you get away with it"


Suddenly there was a chain of light wrapped around my body.

I wonder what the hell it is. When I follow the chain first, a man with glasses has the chain. Did he do it?

I thought I was gonna get out, but it wasn't over.

"Not yet!

"Stay with me."

Now the chains flew in from another direction, wrapped around my legs and body.

It's hard to move. When your body is doubly wound and you can even do it to your feet, it's hard to stand up honestly.

Have you been detained? Don't panic, I'll calmly analyze.

I don't know about this level, but this could be an opportunity.

Looking at the chain, I think. While I was thinking about it, I was ready for the other side.

"That's it! Kamiya!!"


At the same time as that voice, the magic that was rallying fired and struck me brilliantly straight.

At the moment of a direct hit, earth-smoke erupts in space with the sound of an explosion, and shocks run around.

Did you defeat him with this?

All the heavenly houses stare at me breathlessly.

"Ya did......"

Who would have said that?

I said in my invisible sight to a dialogue that I shouldn't fight and say.

You can't say that.

Suddenly, the Heavenly House appeared upset at the look on my face.

Eventually the earthen smoke cleared and what showed up there was my appearance with chains wrapped around it but flat.

"Kamiya, duh, how....."

Did you find this unharmed strange on the boulder, the Heavenly House pointing at me with its trembling hands?

Well, I know what the Heavenly House is trying to say, but before that, this chain is too much in the way.

"Take it off"

That's what I say, I put my strength into my body.

Putting a lot of effort into it, the chains are easy to pack with intent! and scattered as he built the sound.



"What's going on!?

They're surprised they broke a thousand chains and tied me up, but there's no such thing as fabrication.

If I wanted to take it off, I could have taken it off as much as I wanted, but I didn't dare.

I've tried to wonder if this is also necessary to show off the difference in power, but apparently it worked.

"I'm sorry to hear that. That won't get to me."

I tell the abrupt Heavenly House.

No matter how they told me to avoid it, I didn't.

It's just that you did your best to defend yourself.

"Magic is convenient. It strengthens your body."

You heard and understood my words, and you have the face that Heavenly House is unlikely.

How much, strengthening your body makes it almost impossible to withstand explosions and shocks.

But if the magic enhancement goes up above the power of explosions and shocks, it's different.

I can't do it without a good deal of difference.

When I was satisfied with the Heavenly House's reaction, I wondered if I could get around here and decided to move to sweep it away.

It's time I got tired of the villain. It's time to end this battle.

"I know what you guys are capable of. I know you do, but I'll tell you on top of that."

In the middle of words, I slowly raise one leg.

"You'll never beat me"

Don! and slammed one of his raised legs to the ground, a huge purple magic formation appeared at his feet.

All the Heavenly Gardens look down on the magic formations that cover me and all the Heavenly Gardens.

Breathtaking them to see what happens.

At that moment, the change happened.

"!? What!?

"Or my body.....!!"


Suddenly he feels weighed as if he has been riding heavily on his body, and Heavenly House kneels on the ground.

The rest of them are equally unopposed to gravity and on their knees, some of them falling in.

It looks like gravity magic at first glance, but it's not.

This is simply a curse that makes your body heavier.

Even so, it seems to be used around there because it can only be used within the magic formation.

"For once, this is an improved version of the application of [dark magic]. Remember."

Listen to me, all the guys who were upset look at me, too.

"You said it first, didn't you? I'll tell you the difference in character."

No anger, no sarcasm, I just pale out.

What will the Heavenly House look like now?

It wouldn't be fear, hatred, or respect either way.

"I'll prove it now."

I even smile to the point, and then I go up in the air.

When I go to a height where I can look down to some extent, six colors of magic blow out of my body.

Let's finish off flashy at the end.

The magic of 'fire', 'water', 'earth', 'wind', 'light' and 'darkness' blowing from the body gradually increased its strength and reached a critical point.

In return, I haven't used it in a long time.

At that moment, around me, red, blue, yellow, green, tea, and black spears appear, trying to draw hexagons and surround the Heavenly House.

Spears pierced to the ground in such a way as to encircle each tied with a line, shaping a hexagon.

"Rest assured, the power is contained. I'm not going to die."

Above the center of the shaped hexagon, the magic that flows out of the spear converges, creating a great mass of magic.

How much that drives the fears of the Heavenly House.

They can't move. They're only allowed to be attacked mighty right now.

There will be no such calm as magically preventing it.

"Oh, hey! Wouldn't this suck!!

"Duh, what are you doing!!

The brave men, who have lost their calm, make noise as if they were trembling.

I just said that, and no one can stop me.

"Six Shots Blocked."


A merciless hammer is sent down upon the trembling braves.

A mass of magic gathered in the sky was released at once towards the immobile Heavenly Gardens.

Even though the power has been suppressed, the earth suffers a shake similar to a tremor earthquake.

Soil smoke fell all over the junction, and I slowly descended to the ground.

Would this have cleaned them all up?

I think so, and I think about the next.

On second thought, would there be enough magic to send 38 people to different worlds?

[Space-Time Transfer Magic] consumes magic only for minutes of distance. I don't know how long it will take if it's a different world.

Worried about what I would do if I couldn't send them all, the earthquake just cleared up.

When the smoke clears, the warriors fall.

But there were quite a few guys who seemed to have a slight breath and remained conscious.

Would it have curtailed the power too much? Well, but is it any different that I still can't move?

When you're optimistic that you don't think it's a problem,


I heard a voice in front of me.

Suddenly I thought I heard voices, and there stood the Heavenly House and Miki, who still seemed fine.

"Surprised. Can you still stand?"

"Thanks to Miki, I saved your life."

Uh, you know what?

I understood what the Heavenly House said.

At that moment, did Miki escape with Heavenly House on the transfer?

Looks like you can handle it calmly.

I honestly admire the attack.

"Kamiya, you...!"

Miki enters the Heavenly House, where he gets hit by his people and gives them an atmosphere that still seems to hit him.

"Heavenly Senate, this is..."

"I know."

Do you understand what Miki is trying to say, there was another light in the sword of the Heavenly House.

Come on, what are you doing next?

I stand by the Heavenly House attack, but the next moment something unexpected happens.

Kamiya, we'll take care of the battle first.


"Everyone matters now. Now let me run away!!

At the same time I said that, suddenly a strong light emanated from the sword of the House of Heaven.

I didn't think I was gonna run away, and I get poked at and I get a decent glare.

"Everyone, leave!!! Use your teleport bracelet!!!

Heavenly House shouts out to reach everyone while their vision is dazzling.

The voice seemed to have arrived, and the conscious classmates simultaneously touched the bracelet they were wearing on their arms and cast a spell.

"Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!" "Teleport!

The brave men cast a spell like chains and disappear from the spot.

Oh, this, no way........

I'm surprised to hear the brave men one after the other.

Shit, I can get away with it.

I panic and try to stop, but I never open my eyes.

"Oh, hey, don't run away!

I scream in agony, but no one listens.

After a while, my eyes finally opened, but by then, the heavenly houses had disappeared.

When I stood alone in the vast space where no one was anymore, I said, "Yep....." a dismayed voice.

"Is that so...."

What about a brave man running away....

No, I know you're worried about your buddies being cheap, but come on......

That's what villains do.

Plus, teleport bracelets are.... you assumed you'd get away with it entirely. Those guys.

Soon the junction has disappeared and the fainted ones have been recovered.

No, you don't think I'm running away.

There's no way to stop them on the side of a boulder.

Who are you talking to, I take excuses.

I don't know, it feels incomplete burning.

With this unspeakable feeling, I was staring into a space where there was one fool but no one.

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