
I frown upon the disturbing words emanating from the yellow flowers.

Since entering this mountain there has been no particular difference and I have felt nothing.

It didn't look like there was anything there.

Huang Hua told me why he looked so strange.

"Hundreds of years ago, there was a catastrophe in that mountain that we were covering. The name of the disaster is - Fucking Ghost. He's an evil demon who ruled many ghosts."

"Demons? Not monsters?

"The demon is about a state in which those who were formerly monsters were ruled by evil minds and their self collapsed. It is impossible to cure once. The force swells a few times, and if it is fully resurrected, it is no longer within your control"

Huang Hua speaks in a heavy tone.

"Fucking ghosts are demons who are good at manipulating ghosts. The demonized fucker left him dead, independent of humans and monsters, and continued to kill him. To avoid further damage, we and our ancestors have made many sacrifices and finally succeeded in sealing it."

"The ghost is about to come back to life again."

Huang Hua nods "yes" to my words.

"But why is he suddenly about to come back?

"That's what I don't know why. I go to the seal periodically to check, because there were signs of resurrection at that time."

I don't know why it stinks, but I haven't heard the key thing.

"Listen to that and tell me what to do."

I can see the story somewhat, but I ask Huang Hua just in case.

Huang Hua tried to say it a little hard, but said it to me with a determined look.

"I want you to protect me while I re-seal the demon."

I'm surprised you asked for the yellow flower.

Just protect it? I thought they were gonna want me to take him down with them or something.

Difference I expected, I clapped it out, but there's something about not falling into the province here.

"Why do I need to protect you? You don't need anything if you just want to seal it."

"To re-seal it, you can't seal it unless it's in the stage before it's resurrected. Fucking ghosts are the rulers of ghosts. It will always get in the way, even if it is not fully resurrected. I'm re-sealing it. I can't move in the middle. We can fight back, but some of that is unforgivable. So I'd like to ask you to have a common sense away from spiritual power."

"When will you be resurrected?"

It's the night after tomorrow.

The night after tomorrow. You'll still be in this country then.

But a demon? You're getting into trouble again.

Huang Hua has bowed his head even further to me, wondering if I would take it or not.

"Please. Please help me."

He lowered his head and looked at Xia Lian as to what I would do. Xia Lian is also staring at me again.

Apparently, you left the decision to me.

Looking at the yellow flowers lowering my head, I twisted my neck, meditated my eyes and thought, eventually giving the answer.

I'm sorry, but let me say no.

"Wait a minute."

But on my way to say the answer, Xia Lian was blocked.

"Hey, come here."

"Oh, hey, what's all of a sudden"


A little stronger, Summer Lotus pulls my arm so I can turn my back on the yellow flower and take a little distance.

What is it all of a sudden?

Suddenly pulled and confused me, Xia Lian bowed herself and whispered.

"Take this story."

Xia Lian whispers and strongly.

Why try to make me take it?

Even though I doubt it, I disagree with Xia Lian as I shake my head to the side.

"No, no, it doesn't have to be me. You're gonna be okay this time."

With that said, I pointed my face at the yellow flower and sneaked [appraisal].

Yellow Flower Fox Race LV 103

Health 6520/6520

Magic 6720/6720


Change Thunder's Extreme Signs Detection Jun Min

Look, this guy's pretty strong.

So, the level isn't old anyway? Does the monster not have the concept of age?

I'm surprised you're not old, but to a much stronger status than I thought I'd tell Xia Lian this would be fine.

"I just saw the yellow flower status, but it's pretty strong. I can handle this if I don't do it. Believe me, we have to do this. Isn't that rude?

I'll line up an excuse I don't want to go far.

But Xia Lian was just scared that she didn't know anything about me.

"I read Lanobe everyday and I don't even know that......"

"I don't know, what are you talking about?

I ask Summer Lotus, who waves his head at me for Christ's sake, and Summer Lotus adds, "Yi," on his front mouth, stating it as a matter of course.

"This flow promises to fail"

"You are rude....."

What is this guy saying with a serious face?

That's a worse idea than me.

I'm stunned by a word of Summer Lotus whining in the face, but Summer Lotus says, "Think about it" and tries to convince me.

"Have you ever said that and tried it off your promise?


I recall past events in the words of Lotus this summer.

Terrorists, the emergence of monsters, angels, fallen gods, uninhabited islands, and destructive gods, would there have been anything in this that went away from the promise?

Yaya has been abducted, dragons have emerged in Las Boss, tentacles on deserted islands in the summer, too many thoughts to be willing to deny them at the earliest.

Reflecting on the past, I make my face bitter.

I remember not to like it.

I tried to erase it from memory so I wouldn't remember.

I asked Xia Lian again, "Do you have any? When asked," I couldn't answer "er" and turned away, "Xia Lian pursues me further."

"If we don't do it here, it's definitely going to be a hassle later. So you should do it within the moment."

I don't know, it sounded like that step by step.

This is an occasion where I could say otherwise, but I find it strangely convincing to Kako's Summer Lotus words from previous experience.

I helped them, too!

Then Rowga comes to my feet and begs me to see if I'd heard it at some point.

Do we have to do this anymore?

Summer Lotus let go of a stopping word to me, reluctantly resisting in vain, wondering if I still had other hands.

"You want to fight the massive ghosts pushing you from the mountains?

"I got that story."

Shortly after hearing a word of Lotus that summer, I turn around and tell Huang Hua Bishi.

You thought you were going to say no, and the yellow flower, who looked anxious, said in my reply, "Huh?" He solidified his body and gradually took confirmation that it was a mistake to hear.

"Ho, are you sure?

"Oh, this mountain is thoughtful. Help."

Summer Lotus said something beside her, not to think of it as the words of a man who was very reluctant until just now. She had eyes, but I respond without hesitation.

In fact, I'm not lying.

You were impressed by my words, Huang Hua was extremely impressed and bowed his head again.



I say with a smile to yellow flowers with my head down.

"You haven't introduced yourself yet. I'm Kamiya Nightingale. This is my sister's summer lotus."

"Say hello."

"Yes, I'm Yellow Flower. I'm the head of this place."

"Let's keep up the good work"


With that said, me and Huanghua shake hands.

Will this happen in the end.......

I sigh inside, laughing all the time looking "haha".

Somebody give me some peace.

Shaking my hand, I was staring at the distance with half a laugh.

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