Not long after the investigation was opened.

We finally identified the location where the person we were looking for would be.

"Is this it?

"Looks like it."

When I get confirmation from the old man, the old man nods as he looks at the place.

Are you sure it's here?

I look at the same building as an old man, even though I doubt it.

Zero popularity around obsolete walls and roofs.

Abandoned as seen entirely in detective drama.

"Hey, what's the guy the old man's looking for? Are you even doing Yakuza? This is the kind of place they use when they torture you."

"No, I heard it had something to do with it, but he should be different"

You're out at some point in your relationship.

An old man bothering his head with the face that it's crazy.

This is definitely happening.

Speaking of iron plate stories, it's the pattern of people we've been looking for being abducted in here.

When I was sure next to the old man I was thinking, me and Scala, who was behind the old man, talked to me.

"Hey, is there something here?

You definitely don't understand anything about this guy.

Look at Scala raising questions, I think.

Did it really make sense that this guy came with me?

Thinking back to the past, I gently distort my face.

I try to break the neighborhood because it's troublesome when deciding what to look for,

When the old man tries to listen in, he helps and he kills off.

I'm going somewhere because I'm free, and you just took care of me for nothing.

I'm glad I kept it invisible to others while I was searching.

Otherwise a pile of corpses would have been made by now.

The worst damage could be avoided, and I decided, with a little hunch, to get back on my mind and explore the ruins.

"Let's find out."

With that said, I meditate my eyes and turn my consciousness to ruin.

This kind of thing can be seen immediately by using [spatial magic (extra large effect range)].

Nothing [sign detection] is fine, but if you want to know more accurately, [spatial magic (extra large effect range)] is better.

[Signal detection] does not require concentration, can be activated immediately, but does not know until fine operation, so it is not suitable at this time.

The advantage is that it's easy to use.

Focusing my consciousness, I looked through the ruins and I laughed lightly at the obvious situation inside.

Twenty-three in total. Everyone has some kind of weapon.

And only one of them has his hands and legs tied.

Wow, seriously, he's been abducted.

"Don't be."

"What!? There you are!!

"I don't know about your face, but there's one guy tied up. Maybe that's him."

The old man shouts surprise at my results as I probed inside.

I didn't know you were really abducted.

You shouldn't have been involved with a light knoll.

I know how the ruins are, and I wonder how I can help them out, and Scala set them up somehow.

"All right, all right. Then break that building and we'll figure it out!


Suddenly the old man turns to Scala in surprise at the flashing remark and puts a little distance.

When I saw it, Scala was already in shape, and I saw it and stopped.


I'll stop quietly while I keep Scala's arm in check.

Looks loose but the power is serious. Otherwise I won't stop.

Now my hands are pushed back a little bit.

"Why are you stopping me?"

"You've decided to stop it."

"That's right, Scala! Please stop that!!

"That's faster than that."

What are you talking about, this guy?

He gets stopped and Scala looks unhappy, but there's no way he's gonna let that happen.

Scala starts to loosen her arms reluctantly to desperate appeals from us, especially the old man, and I say in dismay.

"Why would you think that?"

"If you break every one of them, you'll kill the guy inside in an instant."

"Then you'll die with me until the guy we were looking for. I mean, don't kill me."

"If he dies, he'll be the one until then."

You don't know what this guy is doing here.

I think I'll make too much of a statement.

"Anyway, there's nothing to destroy. All right?"

Scala still feels dissatisfied when she mentions me, but she seems convinced at first.

Scala's destruction will be spared, and me and my old man will be relieved.

The old man also seems to have understood the dangers of Scala in his investigations so far, whispering, "Thank goodness....."

"Well, how can I help you, Night Rabbit?"

"It's quicker to go directly..... I knew it"

I just have to breathe and walk to the ruins to get my mind back on the old man.

Let's get this over with.

With that in mind I walked, but along the way I forgot to warn Scala and looked back at Scala.

"Scala, you're a big man here.... Is that it?

I looked back to pay attention, but there was no sign of Scala there.

"Where have you been? That guy."

"That? When?"

The old man doesn't know where Scala is either, or he looks around in a chirp.

I thought about where the hell he went, but I got an idea where he was right away, and he hardens his face.

You noticed the old man at the same time as me, solidifying his face the same way, slowly looking at each other.

No way...........


Then at that moment, I heard a man screaming from the ruins.

I don't know whose scream it is, but I know exactly who woke it up.

"....... sucks"

I hear screams and I rush into ruins.

I just took a moment's attention, how could this happen?

The lives of the kidnapped man and his group of killers are in danger.

We have to stop the ruins before they stain the blood.

When I rushed into the ruins with the transfer, there were tough men surrounding me around Scala and one man rolling in front of Scala with his arms under his control as he rolled to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

When I saw Scala surrounded, Scala casually said that I would immediately move back to Scala with a transfer.

"Nah, I thought I was gonna go help the guy in there right away, but the minute something came, I paid him because this guy was reaching out to me with a disgusting grin.... something happened"

I see, did you finally get your hands on Scala and your bones crushed?

Well, a guy wearing a highly exposed bikini armor might look like a crazy bitch if all of a sudden, but what an unlucky guy.

Sending sympathy to the man rolling in front of me, now the yakuza around me started to look at me and blurt.

"Oh dude, now suddenly a guy shows up....."

"Besides, do you know that crazy guy?

"Doh, what to do......"

Apparently, all of a sudden, I show up with a metastasis and you're upset.

Well, isn't it impossible to be like that? I'll erase my memory later.

There was a man sitting in a chair and tied up in the back as I looked elsewhere for the yakuzas.

That's him.

My mouth is blocked, but my eyes are visible.

You know perfectly well how to look at this one and ask for some help.

I discovered who you were looking for, and I couldn't help but negotiate with the Yakuzas.

"Give me the guy there now and we won't do anything. So give it to me."

I tell him, pointing to the guy tied to the chair.

If you don't hurry up, you'll lose your lives, by Scala's hands.

I was hoping you'd give it to me honestly, and suddenly a man with a wooden knife sucked and attacked me.

"Heh, you're kidding me!!

I tried to move to deal with a man who shouted up a wooden knife, but before I did, Scala was about to come forward and hit me the other way around.

"If you can do it, do it!!

No, what are you doing?

Scala tries to beat the wooden knife man to the counter, but to stop, I'm in between the two of them.

As soon as Scala's counter enters, I [neck tongue] to the wooden knife man with one hand and kick Scala's hand to the ground with one leg.

[Neck Ton] caused the man to pass out, Scala's fist deviated to the ground, dogon on the ground!! And there was a big hole.

"I don't know, what the hell! Nightingale."

"That's the dialogue over here. Don't kill me. I told you."

If it stayed that way, he'd be dead for sure.

"We've added and subtracted properly!

"Liar. Look, there's a hole in the ground."

"The ground was just soft!

You're too tyrannical. That.

Seeing Scala say while rubbing her hand kicked by me with her other hand, I think.

That would make the whole planet softer.

I felt a little uncomfortable when I looked like an asshole in Scala's words.

It's kind of quiet.

I thought so. I look at the Yakuzas.

Then, because the ground had fallen, the yakuzas who saw it were stunned with their mouths open.

Well, you can't even do it.

It's not a comic book, and this can't happen in real life.

While I take the Yakuza reaction for granted, I'll tell them again.

"Now you're willing to give it to me?

Yakuza and the others set up a weapon in their possession and alerted me to it.

"You guys be careful! I don't know what you did, but I don't know how to fight in numbers!!

He also hears a leader from somewhere, and Yakuza and the others become more alert.

Come on, aren't you willing to stop yet?

Contrary to what I think of the Yakuzas, who are stupid enough, Scala looks happy.

"I didn't know there were so many guys trying to get this far to me...... The Earth is amazing, Night Rabbit."

"You're just stupid."

I look cold to the delightful Scala.

[God of Destruction] It would be about here, albeit in a different world, to go so bravely or more recklessly towards the target.

I don't even know the power of others.

Well, I don't know what to do.

When I was worried about how to wipe these guys out without letting Scala get her hands on me, the guy in front of the diagonal suddenly took something from his nostalgia and stuck it at us.

"Die and do it!!

with a wild dirty scream. It was pulled the trigger, Pavan!! and sound.

A pistol. I made sure what the other guy had was a pistol. I don't care. I'm just standing there.

The released bullet passed in front of me and hit Scala directly in the head.

"Hmm? Did you just hit something?

However, there is no way that such a thing could have worked on this guy, and it reacts as if even the fly had stopped.

We were all surprised that the pistol didn't work at all, and the less fearful shooter began to ramble the gun as it was directed at Scala.

"Ha ha ha ha!!

Pampa and many shooting sounds echo in ruins, but all of that is helpless for Scala.

Eventually, I ran out of pistol bullets, and all I could hear was the chirp pulling the trigger.

Looks like you're done shooting.

I was sure when I saw the man who was relieved with his pistol, but at the same time I wondered one thing.

Scala's got a lot on his mind.

I was so happy earlier and I haven't even gotten my hands on myself yet.

I wondered what the hell was going on, and I looked at Scala, and Scala was bowing her face down and shaking her puffy shoulders.

Of course that's not fear or anything. I'm trembling with joy.

"What's going on? Scala."

When I spoke to Scala, who shook her shoulder, Scala said with a slight trembling voice.

"No way, I can't believe they were still in different worlds so far away from me......."

"Shh, Scala?

Something was wrong. I didn't think I was going to, and when I spoke in horror, Scala thought up the face she was letting down.

"I can't be happier!!

Through joy, a full grin that can be considered the earliest anomaly.

Scala seems happy because she has had no enemies coming at her for a long time or with all the gratitude.

And at the same time, there was Scala's hair. She stood upside down and gave off unusual signs.

I've felt this sign before.

I stung my face at the unusual signs emanating from Scala.

This is the same guy I felt when I fought Scala or when Gemma destroyed the lurking island.

I mean, this place is going to blow up soon from now on.

"Calm down, Scala, think calmly. Human beings in this world are dozens of times weaker than me. It's just like a bug. It's a bug, bug. Can I be that emotional to them?"

"I've heard of battles a long time ago. That's it this time!

No, you're not. Absolutely not.

Maybe you can't win with all mankind but me.

Besides, where did you learn that word? That's the exact word.

I'm Tukkom for the convenience of Scala's remarks, but the moment and time limit are imminent.

What do we do? We can't let the Yakuzas get away now.

Even if [Tension Magic] is used, it is ineffective for Scala today.

What to do, what to do.......

I'll think about it, but we don't have time for this anymore.

The signs culminated elsewhere in Yakuzas confused about what was happening when they saw me and Scala talking.

"Come on, it's the beginning of the battle!


At the same time that a glimmer of light appeared around Scala, I put my hand on Scala and let it move upwards.

The light stops only for a moment by letting it transfer, and when it's free for a little while, now the ground sounds.

Yakuza and the others scream at the sudden sound of the earth, but will see further sights at the next moment.

There was a shiny crack in the ceiling and suddenly the ceiling collapsed.

When the ceiling collapses and everyone looks up, there's the dazzling light, the ceiling that turns into dust, and the scala at its center.

Shit. I should have flown more up there.

Though the damage is zero, you're too critical to be afraid of anything.

Whatever I'm used to seeing, Yakuza hasn't even moved with his mouth open.

Eventually the light disappeared, and only the dusty ceiling and tranquility remained on the spot.

I asked the Yakuzas again after a while.

"Will you give it to me?

"" "" ""........ yes "" ""

In my words, the Yakuzas show their willingness to surrender with their hands up.

Seeing it, it looks like the guy who was caught had passed out for a while, but well, didn't he just die?

Now we can get the person we want, and then we can erase these guys' memories and we're done.

I erased these guys' memories with [deletion magic] to end the aftermath.

"Then first let me erase your memories here."

All of a sudden, my words say, "Huh?" but no questions asked, I activate [Delete Magic].

When activated, the yakuzas fell flabby at the same time and eventually all fell.

Finally, he slept with his memory.

You're as usual after what happened with this.

After I finished doing what I did, I exhaled softly, and Scala just came back.

"No, I didn't think you'd get out there........ that, why are these guys down?

"Because it's all over."

I say it like I'm tired, and Scala says, "Seriously!?" and look surprised.

"Oh, my God. Well, give me back this motivation."

"Know what? Do something for yourself."

I don't have the strength to put this guy up here anymore.

Go home honestly.

I treat him like I can't, but I want to do something about this audacious mood. Scala moved the opponent of the fight from Yakuza to me.

"Then you fight me!!

"No, why would that be?"

I'd like to go home soon or have sushi with my old man's luxury.

I try to say no to Scala's offer to fight, but Scala doesn't care to start.

"All right, there you go!

"Huh!? Hey, wait!!

I try to wait in a hurry for the battle to start all of a sudden, but Scala doesn't stop.

In the midst of a battle that was about to begin, Scala shook her fist up against me.

"Fuck you." Hey, Scala!! Why are you going to my world on your own?

But along the way, he suddenly heard Metron yelling from Scala's right wrist, and Scala stopped moving pitterly.

Suddenly I hear voices, what am I? Thinking so, Scala distorted her face geezy and reluctantly touched something like the bracelet she was wearing on her right wrist.

Then a small footage was shown from there in front of Scala, and inside the footage was a metron with an angry expression.

"Hey, Metron. What's the matter, suddenly?"

"What's wrong with you!! What are you doing throwing out your job? Besides, you go into people's world on your own and what if something happens!!

Metron tells me that Scala looks away at first.

Something just happened.

I stare at the ceiling and ground that Scala just broke.

Metron wonders if Scala's distraction led him to guess, staring at Scala and asking.

"Scala, maybe you've broken something already?

"Yes, no, I didn't do anything."


Scala looks away at Metron with suspicious eyes.

You're a bad liar. As I watched the conversation, Metron said, suspiciously to Scala.

"....... let me move the screen for a second"

"Come on!! I wonder if I'm going home already!!

Scala shouts out to block Metron's suggestion.

"Nightingale! Thanks for today!! I'll be back!!

"Hey, Scala! Not yet!


If so, early on Scala took the ball for transfer from somewhere, threw it to the ground and left.

Leaving like a storm, I was a little flabbergasted, but I look around and think.

"What am I supposed to do with this........"

"Apparently it's over."

This tragedy made me squeal and at the same time an old man came out of somewhere.

Maybe I've been hiding all this time asking about opportunities.

It's all over, the old man sees this guy, and "Hiya" gives him more admiration.

This is amazing.

"Scala did it all."

The ruins are all the more worn out because you left roughing them up.

I think maybe angels can fix this, too, but, well, people don't originally come here without healing.

Either way.

"Let's go too."

"What are we gonna do with these guys?

I try to go. My old man tells me as he looks at the sleeping yakuza.

Right, let me move it for once.

I thought so, and I put my hands on each and every one of them and left them in the right place.

The guy who was tied up is the old man's responsibility, and we'll leave the ruins behind.

"Come on! Let's go home!

"Don't forget your promise."

"Leave it to me!! I'll take advantage of it!!

The old man responds with a smile to his good mood.

Let's leave it to the angels.

I was so optimistic at this time, but later Leena emailed me a caged letter saying 'Don't get too much work.......' and I felt a little sorry for her.

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