My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

I feel like I've lost something important.

Fight me and Scala.

[Tension Magic] So I lowered Scala's mood, or the battle was my advantage.

"Blast Fist (Frey Knuckle)"


A fist wrapped around a red flame pierces Scala.

On the fist released from me, Scala crossed her hands aggressively and took the guard position, but couldn't stand the fist explosion and retreated behind her.

"Oh, shit!! Why can't I help you!?

I can't help it as much as I think, and while I'm wrapped up in a blast, Scala is pernicious.

You look good enough to say that.

I look a little tired when I see Scala with a frustrating look on her face.

(how tough.......)

I've been eating quite a bit of it since just now, but I often seem to be fine with it.

[Tension magic] and it's decreasing in power, but you're saying it doesn't work on that bullshit flesh of yours originally?

This one gets tired because of you.

Don't get concerned the other way through surprises.

(But I can do this)

In silence, I grip my fist.

I felt a definite response to this situation, which was not the same as the previous unilateral development.

Besides, he looks fine, but it doesn't mean Scala's safe either.

The trauma isn't, but it's definitely breathing up.

That's all they're doing.

Naturally there is damage.

"I'll never take it off next time!!

Scala stirs up in a battle that is the opposite of the beginning.

Then, all of a sudden, there was some sort of red and black aura stuck around Scala's body.

"What's that?"

"I don't have a name, especially for this guy, because it's a hassle, but if you hit him with this guy, you can destroy him from the inside out"

Scala talks pale as she wraps a red and black aura around her body.

Aren't you willing to kill me when I say battle or something?

That's what I thought when I heard Scala explain, and I'll be on my guard.

I thought I could, but this looks like a pain in the ass.

"It's like not dying with precision!

"Then don't use it."

I twist and twist my flying fists at Scala, who sticks straight into me while wrapping a red and black aura around me.

The tension is lowered and the movement is very dull.

I can avoid this enough.

I keep avoiding the fists that are rolled out many times after I avoid a single shot.

"Damn it! Why don't you hit it!?

Not a single punch of his own hit, and Scala shows a gradual rush.

I cut it off calmly and let go of my fist with Scala's belly hanging like a counter to Scala's fist.


My fist wouldn't be that damaging right now to Scala, who has a tough flesh by the original level, but it was a little mellow.

That made a few gaps, but for me, that's a big chance.

As soon as the rush stopped slightly, I pulled my fist backwards behind Scala with a metastasis.

"Blast Fist (Freivan Knuckle)"

That's how I squealed, and at the same time, a flame burned by the rough on my arm snarls around.

You're supposed to be wrapped up in fists alone until now. It passes to my arms, sets up a fire column, and pierces Scala at a speed that can't be captured by the naked eye.


Shortly after his fist struck directly at Scala, he had an explosion incomparable to that of an explosion fist, and Scala flew in momentum and penetrated towards the mountain.

At the same time the scala fell, a large amount of earthen smoke rose from the ground and quiet time flowed for a little while.

Blast Fist (Freivan Knuckle) is a technique that combines blast fist with disease fist. It overlaps the power of blast fist with the speed of the disease fist, creating something like this, but can it be defeated with this?

You knocked him down?

I was concerned about Scala's safety, and when I went down to where Scala had fallen, there was a sight there as if the meteorite had fallen.

The surrounding trees are swept down, and the ground is cratered.

As I watched the fallen place for a while, I saw a figure from inside.

"Uh, that worked inside."

Out of the earthen smoke, there was a figure of a scala that was dirty with dirt but sounded like she was cheerful and throbbing her neck.

"Dude, you're lying........"

Eat that decent. Why are you so fine.......

I have a dry grin on the boulder for this too, but it didn't make me laugh properly and it made my face shine.

"Why are you doing so well........."

"No, you're not. It still hurts a lot all over my body."

Doesn't look very much like it.

To check your body, or to spin your arm around Scala.

Is this the difference in level?

I've dealt with guys above me before, but I've never made a terrible difference so far.

I know he's different, but is that it?.....

As I glanced at Scala, Scala shrugged happily after checking her body.

"Even so, I can't believe I'm hurting so much. How long has it been like this?"

Glad to hear it, and when Scala muttered with pleasure, she stared at me as soon as she could.

"Thanks to you - you haven't burned in a long time"

The moment I squealed like that, the same change came around Scala as then.

Your hair will stand upside down and make you feel unusual signs.

I saw it and was just upset that it was impossible.

Hey, wait a minute!? Why is that working!?

Now Scala is lowering her tension with [Tension Magic].

But why can I use that?

I opened my eyes and was upset, but I arrived at one hypothesis and gave the look of no way.

(Did you magically regain the amount of tension you lowered?)

Scala is happy to have someone who has done so much damage to herself now.

Is it that the joy exceeded what was lowered in the tension down?

(Totally, this is why the cheats are.........)

Boomerang has something to say, but I have to say, I can't do it.

I didn't think it was a good idea, and I put [tension magic] on Scala again.

"Tension down"

Speaking quietly, a pale blue light clustered around the scala.

Wrapped in a pale blue light, Scala looked slightly painful, but quickly returned to normal.

"That doesn't work!!

Was Scala's tension unusually high right now, or even if she lowered it, it would go right back to normal.

How tense are you?

"Haha!! Now I can give you my usual strength!!

I'll put my hair on it. I'll stand back even more, and Scala, who regains her strength, screams in a high mood.

Is there such a strategy?

Forced breakthroughs are also abundant.

Forced to attack [Tension Magic], I twist my head about what to do, but it's not like I don't have any hands.

Then why don't you use it, because I'm sure I don't like this.

But that's not why I don't use it.

Scala will definitely kill me as it is.

(Do I have to........)

When I was ready, I gave one piece of advice to Scala before I used it.

"Scala, from now on, I will defeat you, but if you surrender, surrender at all costs."


"Maybe I won't stop until I do."

To my sudden profound remarks, Scala tilted her neck, but she seemed to know that she was going to do something, making her face look even happier.

"Funny! What else do you have!! Let me see it!!

"How much of a war freak are you?"

What do you think people's advice is?

I sigh at Scala's insane battle madness.

It doesn't taste good, I don't want to do it anymore.

Look at the tense scala, I'm starting to think so, but I'm gonna have to do what I said.

A little, I'm not quite comfortable with it, but I've never used my last resort.

"Tension Conversion (Change)"

At that moment, a pale green light appears around me and Scala.

Unlike the blue light earlier, the green light gently enveloped me and Scala, and I felt something hot from the depths of my body.

Hot, burning minds.

Mood boosting, uplifting emotions.

I don't know, this feeling. Soon my face will burn.

I don't care about everything, I just want to stay focused on the fight in front of me.

"Ha....... haha!!

If you realize it, you have a high laugh similar to joy.

I can't think from what I've been calm about, myself as if I were someone else.

There's only one thing this audacious feeling wants me to do.

It's about defeating the enemy in front of you.

When I was sure how I felt, Scala was surprised in the opposite sense.

"Hey, what!? Also, I can't help it!!..... plus what is this unmotivated emotion!?

Scala is bewildered by emotions she has never felt at all, unusual.

If you look at it, there are no more unusual signs, and the hair that was upside down is back.

I look around at my body, and it feels like what's going on with Scala, but right now I'm not rational enough to wait for it.

"What are you so depressed about? Let's get started."

"Huh? Wait a minute!?

"Who waits!

I can't do anything about this suppressed reason anymore.

I hit Scala with beastly momentum.

I'm confused by the sudden situation, Scala, but when I set myself up in my attack and adopted a system of vigilance, I watched my movements and was stunned.

"It's late!"


Scala in preparation for my attack and institutionalized defense, but I use a metastasis in the feint to turn behind Scala and hit him in the back of the head.

Scala's about to fall forward on an unexpected move, but now I'm instantly moving forward and kicking Scala up.

By being kicked up, Scala's jaw faces up and floats above.

From there, I wind up in my fist with a pleasant grin.

"Wind Fist (Van Knuckle)"

A fist over the speed of sound that cannot be captured by the naked eye pierces the scala.


A fist over the speed of sound strikes directly at Scala, who flies through the mountains as she bends her body.

The tree that is flying is broken and gradually Scala disappears from my sight.

Seeing a flying scala, I sprout feelings similar to comfort and look up to feel good.

I feel good. Why is such a body so hot to burn and the power boiling?

(Well, you know what?)

This is when I finally realized how I really felt.

How could I not have noticed?

I can't believe the battle I thought was ever unhappy was such a fun one.

This happened to me, of course, because of earlier magic.

The tension conversion I just did (change).

It's magic that switches your tension with your opponent.

At that time, I had negative feelings that the battle was troublesome, that I wanted to go home, that I didn't want to use magic.

By contrast, Scala was overflowing with joy for someone named me.

I changed this sentiment, but the effect is more than I expected.

[Tension Magic] The more tense you get, the more powerful your moves become.

Because of this tension in Scala, I was able to make a powerful wind fist earlier.

(more, more........!!)

I want to taste more.

I want to defeat more enemies.

I can't forget the beating feeling and the intensity of the battle earlier, and I'm driven by the desire to fight fast.

The more I think about it, the more my desire increases, and I head in the direction that Scala flies unconsciously.

Going somewhat closer with the metastasis, Scala seemed to have stopped hitting several tenths of trees along the way, shaking her head like a pain.

"Oh, shit. What the hell? Why is he so empowered........"

'Cause I feel good.'

I'm in the mood for a strange Scala.

Suddenly he spoke to me, and when he saw me, Scala stood up in a panic.

The damage is definitely there, but he still looks fine.

I usually look disgusted, but this time I just happened to look happy.

Good. You still look good.

Then you'll be fine with using that one.

I'm so happy to see Scala, who still seems to be able to do it.

"Hey, what's that face? Disgusting."

"Never mind. I just feel good now."

I say in a little bounced voice.

My face is burning all the time now.

I didn't know fighting was such a fun thing.

I can't help but have fun now.

I'm the one who thinks it's fun and I can't help it, but there are still limits to my magic and strength.

There are limits to what can still be done, and I don't want to do that incomplete burning thing about falling all the way down.

Then I thought I'd end up adding one last shot that was de flashy.

"Next. I'll make it my last blow next time. It's like not dying."

With my index finger in front of me, I tell Scala.

Scala flashed for a moment at my warning, but she laughs all the time when it's funny.

"Funny. If you can do it, do it!

With that being said, Scala struck a red and black aura all over her body again.

However, the amount of aura is also small as the power is reduced by [Tension Magic].

While wrapping the red and black aura around me, Scala sticks it into me.

"It's simple from earlier!!

I scream like that, and at the same time I make a wall appear in front of me made of [dirt magic].

The moment the wall came out, Scala reacted piquely, but kept pushing the momentum without killing it, crushing the wall.

I don't even think of the dust stopping like this.


The wall broke and what Scala saw was me already moving into my own pocket and fisting.

The walls were just dazzling.

It's just something to make you invisible for just a moment.

In my nostalgia, I unleash my skills to unleash the biggest blow.

"Full Blast"

At that moment, my fist brings unprecedented orange light.

It's as if it condenses its forces and builds up inside, the orange light increases in intensity that way.

Eventually, the light reached its peak, and I swung through Scala's belly.



The fist swung through with his temperamental voice struck directly at Scala, who showed an unprecedented painful face and flew diagonally up.

Full Blast.

It was built as a hidden ball before the rematch with Scala.

The effect, as you can guess, is releasing all the power you can put out on your fist, such a skill.

However, as a price, if you use this, you will not be able to move for about enough time, and you will not be able to use your skills in addition to being lazy.

Be careful when using it, but the skills built in [Skill Creation (Restricted)] disappear once they are used, so they are no longer in my Skills section.

Exactly, it was a one-shot special skill, but you're really done with that now.

Finished busting Scala, and I was drunk with the feel of my current moves.

"Ah, this is why I can't stop the fight!!

Let your face loosen as it feels good, and I'll scream for the sky.

This feeling, this refreshment, the only thing that makes me so hot is fighting.

"More, more fought!?......."

It's me with a hot heart and body, but all of a sudden my body was wrapped up in green light there again.

Apparently, the tension conversion (change) time has expired.

Suddenly I was wrapped in light, and when my words were wrapped in light without interruption or resistance, the light eventually disappeared.

From there I solidified silently and thought it would be quiet.

(I want to die..........)

Keep looking up, I just think.

Because of the blow all over me (full blast), my body doesn't move as much as I think it does, but if I can, I want to get in the hole right now.

Oh, my God. The tension just now!

I can't stop the fight because what is this!! I can stop it, I can stop it!!

Though I can't win without using that one, I feel it was too early to throw my pride away.

Though I could win, I can't deny the feeling that I've lost something important, I spend a while in silence.

(Let's take a break........)

Heal your wounded heart more than this body.

If I don't, I don't feel like I can get back on my feet.

In silence, secretly, I swore so. That's when the mighty signs stabbed my body.


I turn in that direction unexpectedly to the mighty signs that have suddenly emerged.

Scala must have flown in this direction.

When I recognized that I did, I suddenly scratched a lot of sweat and had a bad feeling about it.

"How dare you do that earlier......."

I stared in the direction I saw signs, and there was a Scala who looked worn out.

Everyone is scratched, I'm sure it's serious, but I didn't know it was still working.

Tough ones too.

I couldn't say anything about that toughness that was too monstrous, I just stared at Scala.

"I can't believe I got this far. I've never been born like this before. There's still someone out there hunting me down this far."

My body is worn out, but my face is definitely laughing.

And as Scala laughed, the signs grew as big as they were unusual.

The effect of the tension conversion (change) has expired and is reversing over there.

It doesn't taste good like this.

When I was stunned by Scala's survival, I returned to me before the mighty signs of Scala, trying to move to escape, but my body couldn't move because of the recoil.

(Damn! I can't move my body!!)

Before there's any sign that I'm getting stronger, I'm in a hurry.

There's nothing I can do now that I can't use my skills with recoil.

I try desperately to die, but my body never moves.

"Now I win!!

Scala screams big fat as she releases signs of becoming mighty.

Damn, that's it or.........

Intuitive of my own death, I meditate my eyes like I gave up.

Are you going to die like this, me.....

That's what I thought, but here comes one of the intruders.

Both sides, that's it.

A sharp, mind-blowing voice like I've heard somewhere before.

I wonder what the hell, I open my eyes and there was the figure of Sarah the Angel, a colleague of Leena's, who I met on an island built previously by Metron.

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