"Call me either way!

You're trying to provoke me, Scala says confidently.

You can't ride like that.

In contrast, I try to calmly [appraise] Scala first, silently.

However, even if I try to see it in [Appraisal], for some reason, I don't see the status of Scala.

What's going on? Why don't you have a status?)

Scala advises me if she finds out that she put on an [appraisal] when I am deeply surprised by this situation without changing my complexion.

"You're trying to see my status, but it's no use. Because that doesn't work for God."

"What the hell........"

You don't need such a temple......

I look bitter when it comes to proof or unexpected or what I didn't want the most.

If you could see the status, you were going to erase your skills with [DeleteMagic], but your plans went crazy early.

I gave up on erasing my skills, and when I tried to keep fighting like this, Scala moved first, either short tempered or paralyzed.

"If you're not coming, we're going this way!

With that said, Scala jumps out at me.

At this time, I couldn't help but take my eyes off Scala.

I didn't look away, I didn't blink.

I was on good alert.

Yet the moment I said that, Scala was right in front of me (...).


How fast is that?

Could he use a metastasis too!?

I couldn't react to the impending scala, and I was just hardened.

If I noticed, Scala's fist was about to reach my belly.



Scala's fist hits me straight in the belly, along with the voice of a mood that doesn't seem beautiful.

Fist is heavy.

A bone builds a smudge and sound from the belly

To an unprecedented pain, I raise a voice that does not speak, and blows up behind me.

No way, can he use metastases, too?

In the midst of being blown away, I manage to use [wind magic] to kill the momentum that blows away.

And when I managed to stop using [wind magic], I distort my face while suppressing my battered belly.

Damn, maybe the bones are getting hit a little.

With my hands on my belly, I raise my face trying to figure out where Scala is.

But Scala wasn't in the first place, and she was here.


With a battle frenzy rounded out pleasant grin, Scala tries to add a pursuit to me.

It doesn't taste good to eat a second shot like this.

I swerve my impending fist with a staggering transfer.


The lowered fist ends empty-handed and Scala looks surprised that I'm suddenly gone.

You can't keep getting hit like this.

In return, I'm going to hit Scala from behind.

"Wind Fist (Van Knuckle)"

The fist wrapped around the wind stretched straight through the back of Scala's head, but the fist never reached Scala.

Shortly after trying to hit Scala directly, Scala twists her body and fists Hilary as if she knew.

No way, I didn't think they'd turn on me. I give a surprise look, but I don't have time to think that.

Keep the momentum twisted. Scala tries to kick it in against my belly again.

"It's late!


Scala kicks my belly up, teasing my spare mouth.

I didn't think I would get carried away. I delayed my reaction and took a short shallow kick and took a distance once with the transfer.

Even though it's shallow, it hurts pretty bad because I got hit in the bone with an earlier punch.

I heal my wounds with good magic while I prepare my disturbed breath.

Then, at the end of his gaze, Scala was somehow nodding satisfactorily from this series of streams.

"No, you guys are strong. I can't believe you took it in my fist."

Don't worry about it.

I got a little crack in my bone because of you.

I say slightly angrily to Scala, who says happily.

Is this the power of God, the strongest God next to the King of God?

This is pretty bad.

Now to the power of the mysterious Scala, I scratch an unpleasant sweat on my back.

What to do, how to win......

Contrary to me, who thinks about all sorts of things, Scala still feels better.

"Still, do you have metastatic skills too? That's quite a hassle."

"You're using it, too."

With disgust, I say, but I just leaned my neck that Scala didn't quite understand my words.

"What are you talking about? You, I can't transfer."

"....... what?

I couldn't hide my surprise from Scala, who took it for granted.

It felt like the thought circuit had solidified for a moment, but it immediately went back to normal.

Oh, hey, wait a minute......

"Isn't that metastasis?

"You bet. It just worked normally."

What is normal about that?

I'm stunned by the fact that it's too shocking.

Dude, seriously......

Honestly, this was too much of a shock for me.

Thanks to everything I've been through, my level is rising.

That's why I thought it wouldn't be so easy to lose, but I can't believe there's a guy who can't be seen.

Was it a waste of time, Scala gradually raises one hand up.

Then a small light appeared over its hand, from which came a giant sword.

Will the length be about the same size as the scalar?

Scala giggles, wielding a sword the same size as herself with one hand.

"We're going up a tempo from here on out."

Are you serious......

If I still do this, will I raise it even further?

They take the lead in the battle completely, and I get my word for it.

But a weapon......

Looking at the sword to be wielded, I thought for a moment, and I realized something.

"Fine. If you can do it, do it."


Scala rides easily on my cheap provocation and comes in with her sword swung up.

I can see a slight scalar movement because my eyes are tamed and because I have a great sword.


Just a lunatic rather than the earliest battle freak.

Screaming far from the beautiful appearance.

Scala lightly manipulates the sword and hangs me to the slash, but avoids the metastasis repeatedly with a single piece of paper.

I can't chase back a fight.

It's time to avoid the metastasis.

I can't fight back anything. I'm just trying to get away and ask when.

Not yet, not yet.

"Dude, you're just avoiding it -!!

I can hear the provocation coming from Scala wielding the great sword, but it's none of my business now.

I keep avoiding the timing.

As the magic continues to dwindle with successive metastases, I wait for the time to come.

And the timing finally came.


The moment I was aiming, when my opponent was coming down the sword directly from the front.

Now I won't avoid it with the metastasis, and I'll wait for Scala.

"Eat it!!

I realized I wouldn't avoid it. Scala descends the Great Sword as much as she wants.

Without being frightened by the great sword to be lowered, I stared straight at Scala and shouted the words of victory.

"Get lost!!

Shortly after he screamed, Scala's sword disappeared without sound.

Now we have a gap.

Suddenly the great sword he had disappears, and the surprised Scala breaks the balance.

I turn my hands on Scala's belly to make a big blow to Scala, who made a big gap when the sword disappeared.

"Must-Have Binding (Target)"

A magic formation appears in front of Scala's belly where a gap has been formed.

Then, suddenly, Scala stopped moving as if solidified.

"What the hell!? Your body doesn't move!?

Scala is immobile and upset.

Well, I guess so.

Because that's the magic.

I can't move anymore, Scala, but I don't know how long I'll have this either.

I'm going to be forced to break it one day.

Let's make a decision.

That's what I think, I put my fist against the magic team that made it appear with both Scala's hands.

"You know what? This magic isn't just about stopping the movement."

When I say that, I slap a full blow into the magic team.

"Blow it up!!

The moment I punched my fist into the magic formation, the tornado of flames and winds sprayed with momentum so that I could be knocked out of the magic formation.

"Wow!? Grrr!......... Grrr!!!

The tornado of flames and winds wraps around the scales, so that they can be taken, and blows up into the mountains.

In the mountains, Scala falls and doggone!! The falling sound echoes in the mountains.

Many trees are broken and soot smoke is raised.

Oh, I broke the mountain.

Seeing Scala blow away, I thought I'd done a little.

I didn't really want to break it, okay?

I can't believe I won this.

At the end of the battle, I get hot and calm.

I still don't know if I fell (...).

At this time, I will be reminded of how stupid my thoughts are right now.

The moment I took a sigh of relief, I got goosebumps all over my body.


It feels like I've never felt my hair before.

It's like they're poking a blade out the back, that's what it feels like.

No way..........

I have a bad feeling, and I look slowly at the mountain where Scala was blown away.

In the mountains quiet as you raise the earthen smoke.

The silence vanished in an instant.

Suddenly, from where the soil smoke was raised, a similar impact occurs to the explosion, which raises the soil smoke even more massively.

My body is dirty from inside, but I don't see any scratches. Scala slowly headed this way.

"That one worked inside."

To my satisfaction, Scala, I wondered what kind of joke it was.

Dude, what's going on.........

Even if you can't take it down, you're not intact.


This development is too irrational.

I squeal unexpectedly, too, of boulders.

Feeling a mild sense of despair, Scala asked with her face on.

"Hey, how old are you?

I was temporarily silent on the abrupt question, but I responded concisely with increased vigilance.

"....... 318"

"Seriously!? You can do this far on that level!

Scala gets even more upset about how unexpected my level was in many ways.

Levels were recently seen and noticed.

I haven't seen it since the Red Dragon Battle, so I was surprised to see it a long time ago, but now I don't care.

I wonder if there's any other way to put a good mood for Scala on my ass.

You were in a good mood to tell me, and Scala told me her level.

"My level is 523. That's how you got here on that level. It's amazing enough."

"You're lying......."

I stop thinking to the level that Scala's mouth tells me is too standard.

The level was different. Dimensions were different.

It wasn't a battle you could win because of.

To my surprise level difference, I couldn't say anything, but when I was stunned, suddenly things started to change around Scala.

"Did you notice that? I haven't used a single skill move in this fight yet, have I?

I can't stand the words of Scala, who turns her hair back.

Sure, in retrospect, so far Scala has only beaten him with his fist or slashed him with his sword.

Never before have I used magic or skills.

What to do, how to get through this place......

Though I almost gave up once, I don't give up until the end and think of a way to open up again.

Seeing it, the sagging around Scala gradually increases, and in proportion to that, the hair becomes more and more inverted.

"What am I gonna admit to losing?

"You've decided without"

That's right.

My words, uttered with some hope, are scattered miserably by Scala.

What do we do, fight back?

No, if it comes straight from the front, it's dangerous to return it.

From a distance by magic?

No, if I get my hands on you badly right now and piss you off, you're out.

My impending time limit has caused me a gradual impatience, and my thoughts have become dull.

(Rest in peace.......)

Without thinking of anything, I was solidified, and suddenly Leena came out of the side and stood in front of me.

"Dear Scala! Please don't do this anymore! If we do more than that, we will cause tremendous damage to this world!

Did Leena also feel the danger brewing from this scala, and Leena calls to stop.

I don't have a hitter anymore. For me, I wanted you to stop at this Leena call, but now Scala isn't sweet enough to stop at about words.

"Whatever you say, it's no use anymore!!

At that moment, Scala's body, which was making her feel horrible signs, suddenly emits light.

At the same time that I saw a glimmer of light, my instinct inside me signaled a red light and hugged Leena in a daze.


I jumped on Leena, and I left the scene on a transfer.

Immediately after the transfer, a few kilometers of the radius of the location disappeared.

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