Physiological pain, this matter, men will never be able to understand, because a man will not understand it if he does not experience it.Under normal logic, Pani’s state of pain during his menstrual period must be a call to Taeyeon. After all, all women understand how to cure.If you ask a man like Zhang Pingan, his answer will be very official,'Drink more hot water!'

Drink plenty of hot water to cure all diseases.Cold and fever, drink plenty of hot water.Women have physical pains, drink more hot water.Well, Doctor Hua Xia said that anyway.However, there is no such thing as a physical pain of drinking hot water overseas.What should I do if I have physical pain?What can I do, get through it.What to do if the pain is too much, painkiller!

Zhang Pingan, who was asleep, deliberately didn't turn his mobile phone into silent mode when he slept today.This is because this place is always someone else's home for the two of them. This is not a hotel. In case they need any help, they can't go down and communicate with Aunt Li.It was also that Zhang Ping'an did not adjust the silent mode, and received a call from Pani at about 3:30. Hearing her painful voice on the phone, Zhang Ping'an ran out of his room quickly in fright.

Zhang Ping'an quickly came to Pani's room and looked at Pani who was curled up on the bed, her hair scattered, and the whole person moaning in pain.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Ping'an was a little panicked. He came to Pani's side in a few strides and opened her hair to show her face, but his hand was touching Pani's forehead. At that time, the sweat on her forehead... the hands that made him lick his hair were wet.

Pani's head was full of sweat, and his face was extremely pale. Zhang Ping'an was really frightened: "Pani, are you okay? Wait, I call an ambulance. Do you have any food allergies?"

The painful appearance of Pani really frightened Zhang Ping An.Seeing her pale and feeble appearance, Zhang Ping'an couldn't touch her head except panic.The first thing that is certain is not food poisoning, because he himself does not have any unsuitable symptoms. The only possibility is what symptoms are caused by food allergy?And he is not a doctor, so he can only call an ambulance for Pani.

Listening to Zhang Pingan about to call an ambulance, Pani said strenuously, "No, no, I am in physical pain."

"Physiological pain?" Zhang Ping'an didn't even think of what the word meant for a while, because Hua Xia habitually used'dysmenorrhea' to describe such problems.He tilted his head and muttered, his menstrual pain, his menstrual period... Zhang Ping'an finally woke up, ah~~ it turned out to be this.

He looked at Pani who was pale and said, "Wait, I'll pour you a cup of hot water." Yes, the treatment of physical pain in China is to drink hot water.After speaking, Zhang Ping'an turned around and walked out of Pani's room and walked towards his room. There was no water dispenser in the room, only his room.

Zhang Ping'an flushed some cold water with boiling water in his room to make it milder, then he went to Pani's room again with the water glass, and looked at Pani who was still curled up, he asked inexplicably: "feel better now?"

Didn’t this ask knowingly?If she got better, would she still be so motionless?

As for Pani, he was so painful that he ignored Zhang Ping’an. He came to Pani’s side with the hot water, put the water on the bedside table first, and then wanted to help Pani sit up and drink water: "Get up and drink. Some water."

Just when Zhang Pingan was about to reach out to help her, Pani said in pain, "Pain, pain..."

People habitually shrink into a ball when their stomach hurts to relieve the pain.The same was true for Pani. She curled herself up into a ball, which made Zhang Ping'an who was reaching out to help her feel helpless.Because he couldn't hurt her, it would be neither standing nor sitting, so he could only guard Pani so quietly.

Looking at Pani's appearance, he asked: "This...what do you do when it hurts?"

Pani's face was still pale, and she replied in a low voice: "I don't know, I don't usually have any severe pain this time, so I can bear it. It hurts, so don't talk to me."

"Okay, okay, okay, I don't speak, don't speak, just stay here." After saying this, Zhang Pingan found out that Pani didn't cover the quilt?So he stood up and prepared to go back to his room and hug the quilt. Just when he was about to go out, Pani called, "Where are you going?"

Zhang Ping’an responded softly: “I’ll get the quilt. If you press the quilt like this, can’t it be covered? It’s okay. If it hurts, talk less. The water is on the bedside. I will get the quilt.

Zhang Ping'an is really helpless with physical pain.As he walked towards his room, he took out his mobile phone and searched for'how to relieve dysmenorrhea?'

Answer: Drink plenty of hot water, massage properly, and keep warm.

Holding the quilt, Zhang Ping'an came to Pani's room again, and he gently put the quilt on her.At this time, Pani said sullenly: "The water is hot, I drink ice water."

"No..." I wanted to persuade her to drink more hot water, but thinking that this is China's way, foreigners have been drinking ice water all the time, so he can only nod and say: "Okay, okay, okay, drink ice , I'll get it for you."

After Zhang Pingan covered her with the quilt, he went back to his room again and took out a bottle of iced mineral water from the refrigerator.

Returning again with iced mineral water, looking at Pani, who has not moved, he changed the water in the glass to ice water: "Drink some."

Pani replied feebly: "Yeah."

Looking at Pani, who was pale, Zhang Ping'an also said in a weak voice, "I searched just now and saw the Internet saying that'rubbing your stomach' can relieve pain symptoms. You can rub it yourself."

"Weak," Pani said weakly.

"I will rub it for you?" After Zhang Ping'an said this sentence, he felt wrong, and immediately changed his words and said, "Forget it, I'll call Taeyeon, lest I eat your tofu."

Penny replied weakly: "Don't bother her, give me a hand, and I will drink."

No way, Zhang Pingan had to sit on the side of the bed and helped Pani sit up, let her lean on herself, and then brought the water to her to drink.Now I can only wait on it, what else can I do?

After Pani drank the water, Zhang Ping'an carefully helped her to lie down, and he just sat next to her and looked at her.Pani slightly raised his head to look at Zhang Pingan: "I'm better, go and rest."

"I see, when you fall asleep, I will leave."

It was the first time that a man took care of his menstrual period, and Pani felt warm in his heart inexplicably.It turns out that this guy with more "rich" emotions has only this shortcoming!Thinking, thinking, the pain eased, Penny fell asleep again.


After falling asleep this time, she didn't have any dreams, and the painful symptoms slowly dissipated during sleep.

The next day, early in the morning, Taeyeon, who was accustomed to getting up early, came to Pani’s room after she woke up. This is not a dormitory or a hotel, and Korean Spring Festival has the custom of getting up early, so Taeyeon wanted to come and call Penny got up.

After she opened the door and entered the room, she watched Zhang Pingan lying on the sofa at the end of Pani's bed. The sofa in Pani's room was different from the sofa in her room. Her room was slightly larger and the sofa was long.On the other hand, the sofa in Pani’s room is two separate sofas. Zhang Ping’an is lying on the sofa with his head resting on one armrest and his feet hanging on the other armrest.

Taeyeon's eyes widened and went to Zhang Ping'an's side and patted Zhang Ping'an gently.

After Zhang Pingan opened his eyes and saw Taeyeon in front of him, he said, "My feet are weak. I don't know if I am hanging on my bloodline. Help me lift it."

Taeyeon curled her mouth to help Zhang Ping’an lift his leg, allowing him to sit up smoothly, and fell asleep on the sideways, pains all over the body, but fortunately, he raised the floor heating temperature when he slept last night Some, it didn't make him catch a cold.

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Ping An and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Pingan rubbed his eyes and said to Taeyeon: "Last night, Pani called me and said that my stomach hurts. The pain was so painful that I was scared to stay here all night."

Taeyeon looked at Pani who was still sleeping, and she turned her head and asked: "Tummy hurts? Did you eat your stomach?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "In her menstrual period. Let's go, let's go out and leave her to rest."

As a woman, Taeyeon certainly understands how intense the pain during her menstrual period is.She nodded and went out of the room with Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan did not go back to his room, but came to Taeyeon’s room, then went directly to her bed and lay down, pulling the quilt she had covered and putting it up. On my own body.

Then Zhang Ping'an began to say: "She turned pale with pain last night, and was so scared that I almost called an emergency call."

"It hurts? Didn't you take medicine?"

Zhang Pingan looked at Taeyeon sitting on the sofa and said, "What medicine?"

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and said, "Pain killers. Except for painkillers, what other medicine can cure the pain?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "I didn't see her taking the medicine, so she resisted. The sofa made me feel pain all over. Give me a massage?

"Huh~~" Although she hummed dissatisfiedly, Taeyeon got up from the sofa and walked over to the bed.Zhang Ping An moved her position and let Taeyeon sit by her side, and she began to beat Zhang Ping An on the back.

Taeyeon beat Zhang Ping an and rubbed, she said, "Don't you go downstairs?"

Zhang Ping'an asked doubtfully: "Go downstairs? Are you hungry?"

Taeyeon said, "No, isn't it the New Year today? Isn't China offering sacrifices?"

Zhang Ping’an said: “Sacrifice matters.. depends on the place? Different regional cultures have different customs. In some places, you have to go to the temple for blessing on the first day of the new year. Don’t go out. Anyway, we don’t make sacrifices on the first year of my home."

Taeyeon knows that Huaxia is too big and there are so many ethnic groups. According to ethnic and geographical differences, customs become different.

She nodded and said, "Well, then you mean that when Pani gets up, shall we go out to catch the temple fair? You said yesterday, go out and go around?"

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