"Mr. Qin, read the script again before shooting, and carefully guess the character's psychology." Mo Yu asked someone to pass the script.

Other staff enter the room and unfold the layout.

Qin Baobao nodded. In the novel, this paragraph is one of the most touching fragments, which is tearful and interspersed with many psychological activities and memories of the female owner.

Qin Baobao also contributed a lot of tears to this period.

Qin Ze went to the kitchen to wash the apple himself, cut it into pieces and brought it to his sister. And cut three sets for the staff and two actors in the room, and everyone was flattered. Playing Chu's father and mother are two old opera bones. The audience knows each other at a glance, but they can't name them.

My sister likes to eat apples and grapes for simple reasons. Apples beautify skin and grapes resist aging. In a way, women are very tired, and beautiful women are even more tired (manual funny).

Qin Baobao eats his brother's love apple, ponders the script, reads it, closes his eyes, and incubates his emotions in his mind for about ten minutes. "Director, you can start."


Mo CHENFENG left in a hurry. Even if he was cold, he couldn't accept such a terrible reality. No one knew what he would do, or vent his emotions, or maybe find a place to lick his wounds.

Anyway, he left.

Chu's father did ideological work carefully and chattered endlessly. Seeing his daughter dumbfounded and silent, he finally sighed and said, "well, maybe what you need is silence."

Chu Xiangxiang walks to the room dejectedly, and the camera slides over her face and falls behind her. Her back is depressed and lonely.

In the room, Chu Xiangxiang opened her diary and began to write it.

Since falling in love, she will record the details of getting along with Mo CHENFENG in her diary and put their good times into writing.

The pen couldn't fall down for a long time, and I was in a daze at my desk. In Chu Xiangxiang's mind, the time they got along passed like a lantern.

For a long time, she tore off a page of paper and tore it into pieces.

Page 2, page 3

Every bit of good times turned into pieces of paper scattered like butterflies, fragmented.

The furthest distance in the world is not between birds and fish, but between sisters and brothers.

Tear the paper, tears come, first a line of tears slide down, and then tears surge out.


After crying for a while, Mo Yu shouted Ka!

Immediately, a staff member handed over a paper towel. Qin Baobao wiped his tears and looked at the director.

Others also watch the director.

Mo Yu frowned, "no, I owe something. President Qin, what do you think."

Qin Ze touched his chin and mused, "isn't the strength enough? No, it's not this... There's too little emotion. The crying is very flat, without that kind of, that kind of heart rending feeling."

Mo Yu nodded: "yes, maybe more emotional input is needed. When writing this paragraph in the book, the emotion is very full. This emotion expressed in words can be used as a memory through clips, and it can also be replaced by music, but the most important point is that the emotional input of actors is the highlight."

Qin Baobao wiped away his tears. "How do you cry?"

"Don't read the script for a while?"

"I think I can find some sad movie clips."

"Sad music? Let's leave the room and let president Qin brew alone."

The deputy director, director and screenwriter talked about it one after another.

Qin Ze sat next to his sister, thought for a while, and hesitated: "otherwise, you try to jump out of this role."

Jump out of this role?

Qin Baobao was stunned and thoughtful.

Jump out of this role.

Jump out of this role.

Qin Baobao tried, well, jumped out, but what next? What should I do after jumping out?

In fact, her crying scene just now is not bad. Although it won't be praised for the explosion of acting skills, it can also be considered above the horizontal line. Mo Yu is a senior filmmaker. He clearly understands that this kind of youth love film sells feelings and acting skills.

He is perfect in small details. The plot of a few highlights needs to be explosive and tear jerking. Otherwise, what is the selling point of this play?

Qin Baobao sat at her desk and thought carefully. She just substituted herself into the role of Chu Xiangxiang, imitating her sadness and her despair. Naturally, he cried, but even so, the director still felt lack of emotion.

So... How do you jump out of this role?

Unable to figure it out, Qin Baobao casually opened the book on the table. The house was rented from relatives of the crew, because there are Wutong trees outside the community, which is in line with the scene in the novel.

The room is the boudoir of the relative's daughter. Now the family is sent to a grand hotel for three days.

The book in hand, with cartoon men and women on the cover, is very tall and cute. The boy holds an umbrella and the girl holds him. They walk in the season of cherry blossoms falling.

It's a romantic novel.

Qin Baobao opened the cover and saw that in the introduction, there was such a passage: love that does not love will never go bad. Therefore, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love each other.

She read this sentence carefully, and her heart ached inexplicably.

Jump out of this role... Is that what he means?

At this moment, memory surged like a tide.

"Sister, I wet my bed. Don't tell Ma Ma."

"Two long nosed kings, or I'll sue."


"Sister, this problem is so difficult that I can't do it."

"Two lollipops, I'll help you write."


"Sister, your ass is bleeding."

"Get out of here, this is my aunt. Please help her."


In childhood, Qin Baobao liked to bully his brother and take advantage of him. Like a little queen dominating her pony. Playfully walked through childhood.

In their youth, Qin Baobao's round face faded and became more and more charming. The bosses of grade two and grade three often fought for the first beauty of the school. They often set off a bloody storm on the lawn behind the school. If they win, they invite the beauty to eat KFC. If they lose, they will be their sister-in-law. If they dare to think about her, the rules of the Jianghu are three knives and six holes.

After seeing the old fool, it must be out of control. The bosses feel that to mix in the Jianghu, there must be a woman standing behind. The boss without a girlfriend can't lift his head in front of his younger brother.

The first beauty of the school, of course, is the woman of the school bully, so it is said in the Jianghu that those who get Qin Baobao win the world.

Then, one day, on the first day of junior high school, a little fart boy, known as Qin Baobao's little boyfriend, jumped out.

This little boyfriend, with a strong head, wandered into the Jianghu alone, from south to north. He was beaten by groups, beaten by thugs, and beaten by others. He lost and won, but he didn't admit defeat.

Until the result is too poor, junior high school promoted to high school, failed, left school.

Qin Baobao's mouth slightly cocked up.

Mo Yu waved and asked the cameraman to fill the seat quickly. He felt that Qin Baobao was brewing emotions. The smile just now... Was so sweet that his teeth fell out.

If you can cry next, it will be perfect.

When staring at the notebook in a daze, you should laugh first, because at this time, your mind is recalling bits of the past.

The staff in the room quickly entered the state.

From childhood to youth, there was a period of estrangement. Qin Baobao went to college and moved to her small home. Qin Zeze lived with her parents. Although they met every weekend, they no longer seemed to be as intimate as before. The sister whose strength is declining has changed her strategy and turned into a strange person. The effect is very good.

Later, Qin Ze went to university and changed to another four years.

Up to now, in the twenty-six years of Qin Baobao and the twenty-four years of Qin Ze, there are traces of each other that are too deep to erase or forget.

But an important turning point in life, whether to come or not, such as marriage, such as getting married and starting a family.

Love without love will never go bad. Therefore, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love each other.

This sentence can also be said as follows: a love that is not Frank will never go bad, not embarrassed, not contradictory, not hysterical. We can go through the first half of our lives together, but also the second half of our lives in silence.

This is bitter, humble and ridiculous love.

At this moment, Qin Baobao jumped out of the role of Chu Xiangxiang and returned to the role again.

Tears burst into my eyes, and in an instant, it was like a dam that burst.

Her crying shoulders trembled and she cried hysterically.

Under the camera, Qin Baobao's bitterness is not good-looking at all, ugly, but in this cry, the cameraman is also silent. He has been silent, but unlike the silence without speaking, it is now the silence of expression and mood.

He can't distinguish between inside and outside the play.

The room was quiet and echoed with a cry.

The atmosphere was inexplicably depressed, and everyone couldn't tell whether Qin Baobao was in the play or out of the play.

Mo Yu turned silently and walked out of the room. This part of the play is over, but there is no need to stop. Sometimes we need to consider the mentality of the actors. Since we cry, we will cry happily.

The screenwriter is the second, and the deputy director is the third.

Seven or eight people came out one after another.

Qin Zezhao waved, and the cameraman also went out. The lens was enough, but the director couldn't leave without shouting Ka, which made him feel very broken.

Finally, Qin Ze was left in the room.

He stood, Qin Baobao sat, he was silent, and she was crying.

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