My double is steve

Chapter 159 No one can stop me from drawing cards!

After saying goodbye to Frigg.

Fang Mo quickly returned to his residence.

After solving the dark elves, the plot of Thor 2 is officially over.

Fang Mo didn't go out to soak in the hot spring this time, but took a comfortable hot bath in his bedroom. By the way, he didn't forget to check the timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If I remember correctly, the original book should be in the order of Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, Guardians of the Galaxy 1, and Avengers 2 after that.

Avengers 2 Stark used the Mind Stone to create an artificial intelligence and wanted to use it to protect the world.

In the end, the big villain Ultron was unexpectedly produced.

When Ultron was just born, it was originally a very naive artificial intelligence. However, after a little browsing on the human Internet for a while, it immediately became black. I don’t know if it’s because I watched too many hell jokes or was scolded by trolls. After breaking the defense, or seeing some abyss-like obsession, in short, he immediately made up his mind to destroy the world.

Actually speaking normally.

Fang Mo just finished following the plot of Thor 2.

The next step should be to go back to Earth and deal with the mess of the Snake Shield Bureau with Mare Falkxia.

But when Fang Mo came to the Marvel world before, he happened to meet Nick Fury, and the other party said that Hydra had been killed by him. This is obviously the butterfly effect he created.

But that's not all.

Because the soul gem is currently in his hands.

Obviously Stark can't use this thing to create artificial intelligence.

This means that the entire plot of Avengers 2 is gone, and Sokovia will not be destroyed.

Then this impact will be huge, it is like snowballing, because the Sokovia agreement has not been born, then naturally there will be no drama of the US team 3 civil war, and it will even affect the length of Infinity War, then This collapse is a bit big.

But to be honest...

Fang Mo didn't care much about it.

Avengers 2’s Ultron was originally a cerebral palsy and possessed the technology to manipulate the entire Internet. You said that you could destroy the world by simply influencing the financial field, but in the end you insisted on letting Sokovia spiral into the sky. Isn’t that sick?

In the end, a phantom came up.

To be honest, this guy is also being blown up in various ways, such as the phantom god of the reunion.

However, during the actual war, this guy actually topped the "Infinity War Most Hip Ranking" together with Xingjue. Then you say this is too exciting, and you can't paddle like that, okay?

What Fang Mo thought was actually very simple.

He came to the Marvel world for only two things.

The first is to collect infinite gems, and the second is to destroy the tyrant.

At present, Fang Mo already has three infinite gems in his hand. As for where the remaining infinite gems are, he basically knows in his heart, so there is no need to follow any plot.

Ever since he was affected by the Mind Stone once, Fang Mo has realized that his current mental state is probably really something wrong, so he must get the Infinity Stone as soon as possible, and snap his fingers to see if he can go back, or he can go back with his family. People say a few words or something.

If it really doesn't work, just snap your fingers and make yourself a mod that can read the synthesis table.

In short, take advantage of this time while taking a bath.

Fang Mo also made a future plan for himself.

After coming out of the bathroom, Fang Mo casually snapped his fingers, and with a snap, his naked body was instantly changed into a golden and white robe.

After changing his clothes, Fang Mo lit a few more candles, worshiped the Creator God of Notch through the endless void, and then summoned his substitute Steve, and controlled him to take out the three colorful lucky box.


Fang Mo took a deep breath nervously.

Then control Steve to open the first lucky box.

A familiar white light flashed, and an orange-red gem suddenly appeared in Steve's inventory.


Fang Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately controlled Steve to observe the prop.

It was an orange-red round gemstone with a strange texture like lava flowing inside. There was no extra introduction on the item, only the words 'refined flint' were written.

"Refined flint?"

After Fang Mo saw this thing, he also frowned and thought for a while.

He had a vague impression of this thing, as if it was something in a large industrial module, but he didn't use it many times, so his memory was a little fuzzy.

But after a little recollection, Fang Mo also remembered.

Refined Flint, this thing comes from the items in the railway module. The railway module comes with a series of railway automated logistics systems, as well as very retro steam power. This flint is an item in this module.

Flint was originally an ore.

This kind of ore is extremely precious, and it is only generated at the bottom of the large magma lake in hell, under the action of extremely high temperature and pressure.

When flint ore is crushed, it will drop a piece of natural flint.

And just holding this natural flint in your hand or putting it in your backpack, its energy will continue to spread and expand around, and everything centered on the player will be burned to nothing.

In the game, natural flint cannot be used normally.

If you want to control the energy of the nether world, the player must put this thing on the workbench together with four diamond pickaxes, and cut the natural flint into a round gemstone as regular as possible.

Every time a piece of flint is cut, four complete and durable diamond pickaxes will be consumed.

But that's not all there is to it.

The cut flint has a regular shape, but the internal energy is often out of control, so players need to use four barrels of magma and four pieces of redstone to completely stabilize the cut flint and turn it into a refined flint.

As for refining flint.

Then this thing is a bit powerful.

Refined flint can hold quite a staggering amount of thermal energy inside.

In the game, players can throw the just-made refined flint into the magma lake, and then the refined flint will float into the air, absorb all the heat energy, and convert the magma into obsidian.

The magma lake in the main world can't satisfy the appetite of this thing at all.

Only the super-large magma lake in hell can fill the heat storage structure inside the refined flint.

However, this setting is so obvious, but in fact the railway module is an industrial logistics module, the refined flint that has absorbed the heat energy of magma, its ultimate fate is to be used to boil water.


Fang Mo stared at the refined flint in Steve's hand, and fell into deep thought for a while.

In fact, there are many items like "refined flint" in the MC world, all of which are very powerful in setting, but the actual performance in the game is very awkward.

Fang Mo also used refined flint as coal before, and baked potato steaks in the furnace.

It is also known as saving coal or something.

Obviously, the use of refined flint in the MC world is not great, so this is another thing that needs to be realized, but Fang Mo already has the Arcane Ring, and he actually does not lack the means to create high temperature.

However, considering that the ancient winter coffin can recharge the arcane ring, maybe this refined flint has a similar effect. After all, this is Asgard, the holy land of metaphysics. In theory, I should not get garbage, right?

Thinking of this, Fang Mo also controlled Steve to open the second lucky cube.

Fang Mo's thoughts moved, white light flashed, and a familiar amulet appeared in Steve's hand.

When drawing cards in the X-Men world before, Fang Mo drew out the Arcane Ring and Tidal Amulet because of the sacrifice... because he saved a lot of creatures.

But now, Fang Mo has drawn another little magic weapon that was exchanged at equal value.

Another talisman that is the opposite of the Tidal Amulet.

The scorching red flame swallows everything.

Amulet of Molten Flame.

The use of this thing is basically the same as the tidal talisman, immune to lava damage, turning rainy days into sunny days, making magma as you like, and melting everything.

Good guy, Admiral Akainu, right?

Or maybe Gulardo?


Seeing the Molten Flame Talisman in Steve's hand, Fang Mo fell into deep thought again.

To be honest, the equivalent exchange artifacts are indeed very useful, but what is going on with me today, why did I open two props related to fire and lava? This is to let yourself open a crematorium... crematorium?

Send all the villain's mothers, and this factory will keep them cooked?

"By the way, can't you give me a transformation table, brother?" Fang Mo raised his forehead with a headache, he only had the last lucky cube left: "If you don't want to give a transformation table, give me a module tool that can view the synthesis list That’s fine too, can I eat fast and chant Buddha’s name to thank you?”

Speaking of this, Fang Mo directly opened the third lucky cube with a thought.

As a result, white light flashed.

A book actually appeared in Steve's hand.

Yesterday, the day before yesterday, the explosion was too brain-intensive. Today I slept until dark and didn’t get up. I’m sorry, the next chapter will be posted later. Everyone, please wait until you wake up tomorrow. I originally wanted to ask for leave, but I can’t think about it. Sorry Everyone, it's better to update later at night, I'm really sorry.

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