My double is steve

Chapter 102 Hahahaha, the decisive battle is coming

I have to say, the custom Steve mod is really fun.

This mod doesn't add extra items to the game, not even features that assist the game.

Its only function is to change a texture or 3D model for Steve, so that it is no longer a square man with sharp edges and corners.

In the game, this mod is actually very restrictive, because you have to find a suitable MMD model, that is, a model whose suffix name is PMX or PMD mode, and this mod also conflicts with many other mods, Like some HD restoration or something.

For example, if you want to load a model of Jotaro Kujo, you must first have this model on the market, right? Then if the model is too rigid, the various movements will look uncoordinated, and you have to find a way to solve it.

To be honest, unless you are a big boss, it is really too difficult for ordinary people to understand these things.

However, all of the above mentioned are actually problems in the game, but now Fang Mo's stand-in Steve has awakened this module, so the situation of the two cannot be generalized.

I said it before.

Custom Steve is a lightweight mod like the Oversized Backpack.

After Fang Mo unlocked the oversized backpack, not only Steve, but even himself had an extra space in his mind.

And it is the same now, Fang Mo found that both he and Steve have the ability to replace the 'model', and this so-called 3D model does not need to be found on the Internet, as long as he can build a corresponding model in his mind. Model, then myself and Steve can do almost kaleidoscopic changes.

Seriously, customizing the Steve mod is so much fun.

Fang Mo played with Steve all night...

Uh, no.

Fang Mo punished Steve all night...

Tsk, that's not true either.

It should be that Fang Mo and Steve have been testing for a whole night, ahem, this time it is absolutely right.

In short, after a night of experimentation, Fang Mo has also mastered a lot of tricks. He found that his modeling can actually bring his own clothes, but the clothes are also a part of his body, and he can't take them off. .

This is actually very similar to Mystique Ruiwen, or the torture of Brother A in the original form, transforming and changing clothes together.

Then this is so convenient.

Fang Mo said that he finally didn't need to rot his crotch when carrying rockets with his body.

It's just that when Fang Mo had been tossing around all night and had just fallen asleep in bed for no more than five minutes, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"No... who the hell doesn't sleep in the morning?"

Fang Mo sat up from the bed, and waved at the door with a displeased face.

However, probably because Fang Mo just woke up, there was a slight deviation in the force controlling the gravitational field. As a result, there was only a bang in the next second, and the entire door was roughly torn off from the door frame.

Outside the door frame, Charles was maintaining the posture of knocking on the door, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Uh, sorry..."

Charles said subconsciously: "I don't know that you are so angry when you get up, maybe I should ask Emma to wake you up, so that I can save a lot of money for repairing the door."

"It's okay, I'll change the iron door for you later."

Fang Mo rubbed his temples with a headache: "You usually don't bother me, so tell me, what's wrong?"

"The Soviet Union moved ahead of schedule under Sebastian's bewitchment."

Charles made a long story short: "When we captured him before, the military over there was alarmed, and the Soviets, under Sebastian's bewitching, thought that the United States dared to invade their territory, so they decided to deploy missiles in Cuba in advance. base……"

"That's it?"

Hearing this, Fang Mo lay down again: "Go and solve it yourself, I'll sleep later."

"But Sebastian took a hydrogen bomb with him."

Charles said.

"Cunning villain!" Fang Moteng sat up from the bed at once: "Guys like Sebastian can be punished by everyone, the wheelchair man attacks! Justice is with me!"


Charles also wanted to complain about Fang Mo, but he didn't dare.

After all, the little wooden stick was still on Fang Mo's bedside. Even when Emma came over to chat a few days ago, Fang Mo joked that this thing was for Charles' treasure, so he must not dare to talk nonsense. .

In short, driven by the hydrogen bomb.

Or threatened.

This group of mutants also quickly made preparations, and they all went to Hank's laboratory together to get their uniforms.

However, when they arrived, they found that the place was in a mess for some reason. Various beakers, test tubes, or instruments were broken all over the place, and Hank was also missing.

In the end, Charles still used telepathy, only to find that Hank ran into a warehouse.

So everyone decided to put on their uniforms first and look for him.

"We really have to wear this?" Alex couldn't help but said when he saw the strange yellow and black uniform: "This thing is too ugly..."

"Since we can't stand super-gravity and can't block bullets, we'd better put on some insurance."

Charles shrugged, he didn't mind it very much, it would be better to say that it made everyone look like a whole, and he liked this kind of team feeling very much.

But of course, there will never be a shortage of thorns in this world.

"Sorry, I can resist both supergravity and bullets."

Fang Mo directly raised his hand and said: "So which one of you likes to wear this ghost thing, I don't wear it anyway, so it's no wonder you are not Sebastian's opponent, this coquettish style is almost gone, okay? "


Charles nodded helplessly.

There is no way, after all, the strong can do whatever they want.

In short, after putting on the uniform, everyone met up on the tarmac, and then Charles found Hank alone.

When Hank came to the tarmac, everyone was taken aback by his current appearance.

Yes, Hank used to be a tall, thin, shy boy with a handsome face, and he looked like a scientist with a pair of glasses.

As a result, for some reason, he has now turned into a real humanoid beast. His whole face is like that of an ape or a baboon. His slender arms and legs have become extremely thick and full of solid muscles. In addition, he is covered with blue spots all over his body. Mao, it looks very ominous.

"Fuck, isn't Chen Dong in his later years?"

Seeing this, Fang Mo couldn't help complaining: "I still bought a skin, good guy, classic Dream Blue, right?"


Hank roared a little irritable, but he didn't dare to get angry at Fang Mo directly, but directly punched the wall next to him, smashing a small hole in the wall.

"What... what's going on here?"

Seeing this, Darwin couldn't help asking with concern: "Dude, what's wrong with you?"

"I created a mutant serum to try to eliminate the distortion in appearance." Hank scratched his head with both hands and said, "But the serum didn't attack those cells, but instead strengthened them. My research failed..."

"No, quite the opposite."

Fang Mo touched his chin suddenly and said, "I think your research is very successful."

"It's about this time, can you stop adding fuel to the flames?" Seeing this, Logan raised his forehead with a headache: "Can't you see that he is very sad?"

"But I'm telling the truth."

Fang Mo spread his hands: "If you deduce it in reverse, the serum did not erase the mutant factor, but the mutant factor was enhanced. If you think about it carefully, could Hank punch a hole in the wall before? He The thing that was researched is simply a product of a cross-age era, it can increase the combat power of mutants dramatically, and then it will take effect permanently, isn’t it amazing?”


When Eric heard this, he seemed to have come to his senses: "So, he does seem to be a genius..."

However, when the sensitive Hank heard this, he finally couldn't help it, and suddenly pinched Eric's neck: "Hey! Don't make fun of me!"

"Hank, what are you doing! Let him go!"

Seeing this, Charles hurriedly shouted: "Calm down, calm down, he didn't mean to laugh at you!"


When Hank heard this, he gritted his teeth and let go of Eric, who immediately coughed violently while clutching his neck.

"Man, you look really special now." Seeing this, Sean the Sea Demon couldn't help but said: "No offense, but I just want to know, can you still drive this plane away? ?”


Hank roared violently, and then seemed to feel that this was not good, so he subconsciously suppressed his instincts, and said as calmly as possible: "I made this plane..."

In short, although there were some episodes during this period, everyone still got on the plane and flew towards the Cuban embargo line.

During this period, Charles also explained the information to everyone.

The first is the Red Devil's side. After witnessing Fang Mo's strength, this guy rebelled without hesitation.

Although everyone handed him over to the CIA for interrogation, don't forget that the Red Devil can teleport. It's only 1962, and ordinary people don't know how to deal with mutants like later generations, so he slipped out soon.

After escaping, the Red Devil managed to get in touch with Sebastian, and learned that the other party was going to execute the plan in advance and got a more powerful weapon, so he notified Emma about it.

As for the other side.

Emma is also a powerful telepath.

Beast Hank made a temporary version of the brain wave amplifier. Originally, Charles could not drive the machine alone, but now with Emma's help, he directly obtained the confidential information from the Soviet army, indicating that the hydrogen bomb was stolen.

Combined with the information from the two sides, it is obvious that the hydrogen bomb is in Sebastian's hands.

But judging from the current situation, everyone does not know whether Sebastian wants to use this thing as a weapon, or whether he is trying to absorb the energy of the hydrogen bomb, but no matter what, everyone must stop it, otherwise this war lunatic will definitely set off an explosion. Nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the Allies.

It has to be said that the scientist talent of this beast is still very high.

The plane he designed was very fast, and it didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the scene of the incident, which is over the sea near the Cuban embargo line.

At this moment, the fleets of the United States and the Soviet Union had already confronted each other. The distance between the two sides was about twelve nautical miles, and all kinds of naval guns were activated.

And right in the middle of the two fleets, a huge cargo ship was slowly driving. This cargo ship was carrying a large amount of strategic materials such as missiles. According to the order received earlier, it was preparing to go to Cuba to deploy missile bases.

Just looking at the posture of the two sides, everyone can clearly feel that the smell of gunpowder is very strong.

If it is not stopped, the war will break out immediately.

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