Episode 13. Legacy of the First Hero (Complete)

“Can I take a look at the other weapons?”

“…… Do it.”

I picked up the shield in front of the tombstone. Holograms do not come out like all things.

I also listen to the cane. It was the same.

The fact that it didn’t appear as a relic weapon in the game means that it’s not treated as a relic here either.

I put down my shield and staff and turned around. It’s a pity, but it seemed like I’d have to be content with just getting Mare and Mare.

“Aren’t you taking anything else?”

“That is useless.”

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From my point of view, non-relic equipment was nothing more than a useless piece of iron.

“If the sword was still usable after hundreds of years, would anything else be fine?”

“The equipment itself might be useful. But it is of no use to me.”

“Is that because you are a player?”

“…… No way.”

I was taken aback by Naiad’s quick question, but I accepted it as calmly as possible.

“I see. If so, I can’t help it.”

Naiad seemed to be able to say that it was a useful weapon even in his own eyes, and he agreed silently.

“Come to think of it, I’ve only heard the first request yet. What is your second request?”

Originally, the second request was to sign a contract with Iris, but since he had already done so, the second request was obtained unintentionally.

But he had no intention of revealing it.

It’s like we’ve got one thing we can ask for, so it’s a shame to give it up.



“Where is the place you said? And what was written about the player?”

Even when I asked, I was guessing to some extent.

However, in order to know for sure, I had to ask.

At my question, he shook his head leisurely.

“Tell that to Ariel. Didn’t you mean to ask Ariel anyway?”

“… ….”

“Seeing that you don’t deny it, it must have been real.”

Niad laughs softly. Sheesh, I heard you.

“But I also have a question. I told the Sword Saint that the water attribute doesn’t suit him, but what attribute is he going to make a contract with?”

Look at the message that you do not answer yourself, but ask others to answer. It’s a sheep.

“…… It’s phoenix But I have no intention of signing a contract right now—”

“Let’s do it!”

I heard Tina’s voice cut me off. She turns her head to see where the voice came from. There, Tina stood in front of Phoenix, holding out her hand.

Looking at Tina’s face and her hands, Phoenix burst out laughing.

“…… What are you doing all of a sudden?”

“A contract! I can’t lose to Iris!”

“No… A contract is not a competition…….”

“Does the spirit king need the strength of a hero? Do! I am strong.”

“… It’s not like I’m saying I’m strong.”

“Then… hmm… …. I’ll ask the master to cook a delicious dish! So delicious? You haven’t eaten?!”

After thinking for a moment, Tina clenched her fists, revealing her confidence. Putting aside her unfounded confidence, is that a suggestion?

Iris and Maria were also smiling wryly at Tina’s runaway.

“A contract is not something you can do lightly.”

“But… Will it be delicious?”

“…… I’ve been living for hundreds of years already. You can’t even name a tolerable food.”

“I am confident!”

No, that’s not what you’re doing.

“Hey, how dare you… ….”

“Will you do it?!”

“…… What?”


He sighed at the young look in her eyes.

She’s still thirteen, so I understand she’s immature, but doing things on her own is another matter.

When she later had to fight in a man-horse battle, she could cause actions such as not following instructions.

That’s why I needed to say something sharp here.

“Tina, who told you to do your own thing?”

“But master is thinking of making me a contract with Phoenix-sama, right? Having already met, isn’t it better to do it now?”

Did you just eavesdrop on it and throw it away because you wanted an opportunity?

Single cell. This guy

I put honey balm on Tina’s hair.


Eomsal-eun. While not sick

Tina, who wrapped her hair with her crying expression, appealed enthusiastically.

“I-I want to be stroked, not honey balm… ! I want to be hugged like Iris!”

“As Phoenix said, signing a contract is not something you can do lightly.”

“Ummm. Guardians definitely understand. Contracts aren’t something you do lightly like that.”

Phoenix nods in sympathy with me.

“But are you that good at cooking?”

“…… I manage to do it.”

“Listening to it, I became a little interested. Especially this evening, I’ll give you a chance to cook for me. If it’s delicious, you might consider signing a contract. How is it?”

He had the attitude that he had nothing to regret.

Where did the gentleman who just said that contracts aren’t light-hearted…….

“Huh, that sounds delicious! For sure!”

Why do I have to come all the way here to cook? ….

* * *

“mmm! What is this?! Try this delicious food for the first time! Sweet yet spicy! Why is this stretchy cheese so delicious!”

Phoenix, who mixed rice cake and cheese into his mouth, mumbled with a face that had everything in the world.

What she did for her was one of her favorite dishes, tteokbokki.

Hurrup! Chomp!

“Crazy… …. Naiad, try yours too!”

Every time he picks up a piece of rice cake and eats it, he makes a loud noise.

“Eat yourself.”

From the point of view of the cook, it would be nice to eat it deliciously like that, but it seemed like he was overdoing it, so I wondered if he was serious or not.

I was in the middle of watching a phoenix with swollen lips constantly forking.

Kung. Thud.

When I turned my head at the noise coming from the side, the lower spirits were huddled near Phoenix.

The lower spirits, who had been watching Phoenix’s gourmet scene, began to stomp their feet.

“Wow… I’m also a 10-year-old!”

“Me too… ….”

I sighed as I watched the lower spirits oozing liquid that I couldn’t tell whether it was saliva or water.

“…… Wait a moment. Please do it soon.”

I’m watching you like that, how can you not do it?

It’s hard to season well if you try to cook a lot at once, but I had no choice but to try.

I never thought I would feel the hardships of eating sick after coming to this world.

“Your first impression is different than I thought. Prause. It seemed like there wouldn’t be even a hint of affection.”

At Naiad’s words, I flicked my hand like a fly.

‘If you’re not going to help me, go away.’

“Noisy. If you’re not going to help me, get out of here.”

“Of all humans, you are the only one who can tell the King of Spirits to quit.”

When do you think you heard that?

Ignoring Naiad’s words, I picked up a cooking utensil from which I don’t know where it came from.

* * *

I was able to rest only after dealing with dozens of people.

In the meantime, I wanted to hit the face of the phoenix who shamelessly asked for another bowl, but I had no choice but to hold it in.

“We will do the dishes!”

“Let us do it!”

Low-level spirits play pranks and clean the dishes they ate with water.

I wondered while cooking, but why do spirits have utensils used by humans? Do you have a background of being a gourmet?

“How are you, Phoenix! If you sign a contract with me, you can eat this delicious dish every day?!”

“Okay! Let’s do it right now!”

“Hey! Phoenix!”

Niad dissuades her.

“It’s okay! It’s not just about cooking. The condition of the contract between the spirit king and the hero is whether or not the peace of the spirit realm and the stability of the world tree can be achieved. From my point of view, Tina is strong enough to sign a contract with me.”

“That’s not all that bad… ….”

“It’s not rough. If you can eat such delicious dishes, you deserve it.”

First of all, the food you ate was made by me, not Tina. You know that?

It was around the time I swallowed the words that almost came out of my mouth. I found Ariel going somewhere alone.

I glanced at the warriors and spirit kings.

We were still bickering over the contract. In this state, I thought it would be okay to leave it alone for a while.

I sneaked out using the noisy atmosphere as bait.

As I moved toward the entrance I had been led into by Nympha, the iceberg area reappeared.

Ariel was standing in the middle of it, looking up at the sky. The sky was dyed orange before I knew it, and most of the iceberg area that had been shining blue was turning purple.

“…… What are you doing?”

“Ah…… Prause.”

It’s as if they waited for me to come out.

“Tteokbokki was delicious.”

She said that when I stood next to her. I nodded moderately.

“But why are you here? Are you worried about me?”

“Why am I worried about you?”

“Ah~ He says things that really fall in love casually.”

“I’m being honest.”

“No. It’s not cheap.”

“… ….”

I couldn’t refute it. Ariel burst out laughing as I scratched her head awkwardly.

“Puha! Ha ha ha! Really~ Say no at that time. Normally, he speaks shamelessly.”

He slapped me on the back and said.

It hurts. It seemed that he had suffered internal injuries.

“So what did you come out for?”

“…… I have something to ask you.”

“Oh, what the naiad said? The place where it is written about the player… Was it?”

If you remember, the story was fast. I nodded.

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“That is where the being who made me, Naiad, Phoenix, and Orient into the spirit kings is located.”

She looked at me and then looked up at the sky and said as if talking to herself in the air.

A place where there is a being created by the King of Spirits.

There was only one place like that.

“Is it the world tree?”

“Correct answer. I thought Prause would know.”

The word player is written on the world tree.

This gives me the possibility that the World Tree may be a medium connecting this world and the other world I came from.

I guess I should go to the spirit realm…….

“Honestly, I never thought Prause would be a player. If I asked you to tell me what happened, you wouldn’t?”

I was silent. She shrugged her shoulders indifferently, as if she knew it.

“…… What does it say about players there?”

Ariel turned her body to face me directly. She had a serious face with no hint of laughter.

“The player is the only being outside of ‘causation’. If a player appears in this world, you should hope that the player is a good person. Otherwise, this world will be destroyed. …… It says.”

Is it the only existence that escapes causality?

Somehow, it seems that the narrative is regarded as a divine being.

In reality, they are beings that cannot do anything without borrowing the power of others or borrowing the power of artifacts.

Also, I said I was a player myself, but I don’t know if it’s okay to call myself a player now that I’m possessed by Prause.

I am now a person in this world.

Even though I knew how this world would flow, I couldn’t tell if everything would go my way, unlike the player’s point of view.

Can I still be called a player?

When the accident reached that point, I realized one thing.

“…… Is it.”

It’s not about solving what’s going to happen, it’s about knowing what’s going to happen.

If you know what will happen in the future, it is no different from a ‘player who has cleared the game’.

Solving the problem is something even warriors can do, but only the players know what will happen in the future.

Even if you become possessed by a person, the essence is not different.

“So, I want to ask from you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Is Prause really a player? As a player, is it possible to deviate from cause and effect? If…… Really, if anything outside of causation is possible. If possible… ….”

She faces me, trying to calm her trembling voice.

“Can you save Phasma?”

The emotion in Ariel’s eyes was a thrill of sadness.

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