May be my voice, once again fantasy Tan Li's reason, he stopped and took me to his arms.

"Tam Li, Tam Li, calm down. Let's find a place where you can vent all your extra strength, so that you can recover." I think of the only way I can think of, nervously looking at Tan Li, hoping to get his response.

But hearing what I said, Tan Li didn't respond to me. He frowned and wanted to say something. He felt the restless power in his body and couldn't speak.

"Tanli, what are we going to do?" I noticed the abnormality of Tan Li. I frowned and said softly, "it's OK. We'll go back to this forest later, and then you'll come back to me full of vitality."

Hearing what I said, Tan Li touched the back of my head and said softly, "you really know how to do it. We can't afford it."

When I suddenly thought about it, I felt a little tired and wanted to do something else. Then I heard Tan Li's light laughter.

"Don't worry, I won't make you sad." Tan Li gave me a gentle smile and quickly put me aside. Then he turned around and came to the stage where the elder sister of Taoist priest Qingyun had been.

Like to understand what I want to toward Tan Li Chong, but found that he has fixed me in place.

"Tanli, I won't allow you to do that!" I looked at the sudden strength of the array and wanted to say something more. I saw Tan Li close his eyes and float in the seal.

"It's OK, believe me." Tan Li gave me a little smile, then there was no sound.

Looking at Tan Li, I didn't speak any more. I sat on the ground powerlessly, looking at the dark blue Dharma array which started slowly in front of me.

"Mom, why is Dad locked up again?" Tan Feng felt the fluctuation of my mood, frowned tightly, and wanted to say something else, so he heard the roar of Tan Li, "Mom, what's wrong with dad?"

Hearing the words, I was just like a grasshopper crushed by the last straw. I no longer had the ability to resist. I looked at the front in despair.

"Don't cry." Do not know when, the recovery of Tan Li, hard to reach out to me.

"Tan Li! It's great that you're OK. I thought you would... " I want to say something else, but because of his gradually transparent body, the body is even more tight, staggering to his side.

Worried that I would be injured, Tan Feng followed me carefully, protecting me like falling down every step.

"Tan Li, you can't do anything. Tan Feng hasn't completely mastered the power. I still..." The next thing I can't say, I can only hold Tan Li's hand, the face with painful expression under the pain.

"It's OK. Tan Feng's power is very good. It's you. I don't want you to be alone." Tan Li held my hand tightly and whispered.

Immersed in pain, I didn't hear Tan Li's words clearly. I just bowed my head in more pain and didn't know how to treat him.

"Romantic, I've wanted to tell you something for a long time, but I haven't said it because of my identity, but now it's different. I'm afraid it's really late if I don't say it again." Tan Li said that this hand suddenly became transparent, directly from holding my hand, fell to the ground.

"That's enough. Now don't say anything. Just hold this for me." I threw Tan Ligang's spiritual crystal into his arms and rushed to the sealed room.

Looking at the firm gate, I tried my best to install it directly on the border.

"Ah Feeling the pain, I opened my eyes carefully and saw myself lying on the ground. I quickly got up and hit the door again.

"Romantic!" But Tan Feng helped him. I didn't want to hear his voice.

Aware of this, I immediately stood up and looked at the closed door.

"Wait, tanli. I'll open the door right away." I smile at the other end and rush to the door again.

Because Tan Li lost his strength, he couldn't even speak now, so he just looked at me.

When I was thrown away by the border once again, I suddenly remembered a very critical word. I quickly pushed aside the lamp post beside me and took the jade pendant in my hand.

Tan Li, who didn't understand why I did this, frowned tightly and wanted to say something. He saw that I was simple, and then he opened the door which had knocked me away several times and left so easily.

"Tan Li, wait. I'll find something that can save you in a minute!" I said, quickly rushed into the room, looking for something that can help Tan Li.

See all the things in the room, I frown tightly, still OK, say something, see the magic weapon in the center of the room.

"Zhenhunzhong, he left it here." I was surprised to see the spirit of the town, the symbol of Tan Li ran quickly, and then said softly: "Tan Li, it's OK."

Tan Li's body slowly recovered under the golden light, but when he wanted to come out, his first hand became transparent again."How could that be?" I pushed Tan Li back into it and looked at him nervously.

"It's OK. It means I'm destined. Don't be busy." Tan Li accumulated good strength, grabbed my hand, forced me to stay around, "don't waste time, OK?"

Hearing what Tan Li said, I frowned slightly. I wanted to say something more, but I found that he had fallen to the ground powerlessly.

"Tan Li, Tan Li, how are you? Are you uncomfortable? You wait for me to go to those treasures again." I got rid of kaitanli's hand, rushed back to the room, holding several spirit tools, rushed to tanli's face, "don't worry, I will change you back to the original shape!"

Tan Li looked at me and raised his head. He gave me a comforting smile, but the smile froze on his face and didn't move for a long time.

"This is zhenhun, and this is to add aura to you. All these can be used. Tan Li holds them well." I put everything in Tan Li's arms, and then I went back to my room.

So back and forth for several times, he was finally caught by Tan Li.

"Well, that's enough, romantic. Would you like to have a chat with me?" Tan Li smiles at me and pulls me to his arms.

"Tan Li, I don't think you will have an accident, so let me go now, OK?" I feel that Tan Li's body is getting colder and colder, and he is struggling hard.

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