"Tan Li?" I held Tan Li's hand tightly and looked at his brow nervously, trying to get him to give me an answer.

Tan Li, who was not sure, just frowned and didn't say a word for a long time.

Just when we were still thinking about something, Tan Feng at that end suddenly heard something.

"Dad? mom? I have nothing to do? " Before the light on Tan Feng disappeared, he reached out to me, hoping that I could hold him.

But I forgot to reach out because I saw something incredible.

"Mom?" Tan Feng seems to feel aggrieved, flat mouth, that should have been thorough brown eyes, so full of tears, dissatisfied with looking at me.

"Tan Feng? What's the matter? " I held Tan Feng's hand in disbelief and touched it carefully. Only then did I find that the hands that should have been cold had temperature. "What's the matter, Tan Li? Is Tan Feng a human or..."

Tan Li was not sure. After trying again and again, he frowned slightly, as if he was struggling with something.

"What on earth?" I grabbed Tan Li's hand impatiently and shook it vigorously.

May be my action to shake up, Tan Li frowned tightly, for a long time just said softly: "should be regarded as, sandwiched between two creatures."

Hearing what Tan Li said, I frowned slightly. I didn't speak for a long time. I just looked around with doubts on my face.

"What's wrong with the destruction of the array?" I puzzling frown, also want to say what, hear belong to the voice of Tan Feng.

"Just heard a lot of children's voices, they are calling my name." Tan Feng said, smiling to the children beside him. Then he said softly, "Mom, can I play with them in the future?"

Hearing this, I suddenly stopped for a while and wanted to say something, but I heard Tan Li's voice.

"It's OK. I'll teach him to control his power, so that he won't be cheated so easily." Tan Li frowned and looked at Tan Feng who was still thinking about me. Then he said softly, "I don't want this little guy to rob you with me all the time."

Hearing what Tan Feng said, I felt helpless and wanted to say something, but I heard the voice coming from the cave.

"Land police!"

"Xiaolu, where are you? Are you hurt?" Qian Zhiyong frowned and wanted to say something, but he was covered up by the screams of the people beside him.

I was worried that they would be hurt by something here, but I frowned because of Tan Feng in my arms.

"Don't worry, mom." After Tan Feng said this, he began to be transparent and slowly restored to Tan Li's state, "so there's no problem, right?"

"Well, Tan Feng is really powerful." I smile at Tan Feng, and then I send him to Tan Li.

Finally, I turned around and found all the people lost in the cave.

"You're really powerful. You're in a coma and you're lost." It took me more than half an hour to find a large number of people

"I'm sorry. I told them to spread out and look for someone." Li also knew that they couldn't run away because of him. He could only apologize to me and anxiously contacted people with his mobile phone.

After waiting for a while, after confirming that some people could not be found, I reluctantly looked at Tan Li.

"Help find them." After I say this to Tan Li, I can take Tan Feng and look around for other people.

Another hour later, I finally found all the people and sighed. Then I took them to the other end.

"I think you all know that now if you have any questions, I hope you can accept them." I thought of the grotesque places in the cave, sighed heavily, and then looked at them helplessly.

"Don't worry, after we see something inside, do you think I'll be surprised at anything else?" When Li said this, it was like he had exhausted all his strength, sighed and moved slowly towards the inside.

I thought they were psychologically prepared. I just brought them into the stone room, but I heard the roar of rage.

"Damn, who dares to turn these children to such a strange place!" Police officer Li yelled angrily. After seeing that other people didn't move, one of his men tried to hold up a child. Then he yelled, "what are you looking at? Hurry up and take the child out! If one of you is ill, you can explain to your parents by yourself. "

Finally, the people who responded quickly picked up the children on the ground and strode out.

And follow them to go out of me, to the side of Tan Li helpless smile, softly said: "still be solved."

"Hard work." Tan Li nodded and sat beside me.

"Sorry, it's not enough. Squeeze." Qian Zhiyong frowned tightly and shook his head helplessly. Then he looked at the other side helplessly, trying to squeeze himself into a ball and keep away from me."It's OK. You can relax." I helplessly shook my head, but after seeing Qian Zhiyong's appearance, I gave up the resistance, "if you want to be kind, just like it."

Maybe it was too crowded. People drove very fast. It was supposed to be 20 minutes, so they drove there.

"I'll go and take your statements later. Now I want to send all the children to the hospital for examination, but Dior has no problem. You are informing the parents so that they won't be too nervous." I'll take you to a rest place.

People also know the parents of the fierce, are serious nodded, quickly toward the hospital.

When all the work was finished, people would like me to ask about this time.

"What, I know." After listening to my description, police Li recalled the situation at that time. In the end, everything in his heart turned into helplessness. "There's no way to say it. I guess it can only be regarded as abduction."

I heard Li police say so of me, helplessly shook his head, even if it is to respond to his words.

"Then I'll write the report. If you have any questions, can you help me add them?" Li police is very helpless, finally will report to my side, so write the report.

I looked at the more and more reports, sighed, grabbed the reports directly, and wrote those reports skillfully.

"You are so skilled." Li police to see my rapid action, the corners of the mouth kept twitching up.

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