Away from the Knights and reunited with Sid for the first time in roughly five years. To save three people, including Sid, I thought it was the first time I had changed the development of portrayals in the original work of my own free will.

They intervened in the Battle of the Bertis Forest, where they were supposed to die, and as a result Harold was put in a collar by Justus, Cody no longer quit the Knights, and Harold instead launched the Frieri.

It was exactly the watershed of destiny, but one with an extra-large death flag that couldn't have been saved otherwise. It was Harold's untrue mood that the reunion itself had a bad feeling about what would please him.

"Hi, it's been a while, Harold..."

Because in this city there was not only Sid, but also Irene. Very rude story, but from Harold's point of view, it just seemed like the death flag that I thought had broken had suddenly grown a bit.

After the stuffiness subsided, Harold decided to face Sid again that night at a liquor store near the inn, when he was also distressed to be asked if Sid seemed quite awkward to have time to hinder him.

And on such a spot, it was Irene who appeared alongside Sid as he once was.

"I didn't know you were here."

"Ugh... oh, sorry"

It was so shriveled that there was no shadow to see that winning personality. This is true for Sid, but I am concerned that these two are not doing very well.

Well, I'm sure it wasn't a shitty way to break up, but Harold didn't remember being constricted so far. Things are going crazy.

"Don't you have that big one"

"Oh, oh... Robinson's going to a place called Travis right now"

These two are in Burston, and the big man Robinson on the strong side is in Travis. Both will be in a town with a large crowd of monsters nearby pushing over. I got a bigger and worse feeling.

Harold keeps the conversation going without putting it on his face.

"I mean, you're the only ones who come to this place. Why are you here in the first place?

"It's my job as a Knights. I can't tell you the details."

"Well, it's a bit of a mess."

A report that Elle sent to the Knights. If you were sent here in response to that, the first thing you will undoubtedly hear is that a large group of monsters are lurking in the basement of this town.

Neither Sid nor Eileen seem inexperienced enough to give it a bite. but it would be difficult to say if anything could be done.

"Fair enough. So what's the story? If you're gonna say something nasty, be prepared."

"No, that's what I'm talking about... say something to you that I wanted to apologize for..."


Sid vomits utterly unexpected words with some fuss. I'm sure that Irene's silence next to it is for the same reason.

But from Harold's point of view, I really didn't know anything.

I can still tell if you'll give up a hundred steps and thank me. Rather, it is a natural position to be questioned at that time as to why he betrayed him.

"What's the joke?

"I'm not kidding!

"Then what are you going to apologize to the man who betrayed this country?"

Yes, for Sid and the others... rather than for most Rebel kingdoms humans, Harold should be like that.

If you were in the Knights, all sorts of rumors would be in your ears to some extent, and most importantly, the two of you see Harold wearing an Imperial Army uniform then. Though it had defeated the enemy general, it was eventually also made up as a lame reason for trying to kill him after his broken allies, etc.

Even for unfortunate reasons, no confirmation can be obtained, and that is true for the public if the Council has given such a ruling.

"... Harold, they say you betrayed the Knights. But I can't believe it."


"No... you're not. I wanted to believe you weren't that guy... but I couldn't believe it"

Sid continues his words as if to confess his sins.

From Harold's point of view, it was natural that he could not believe this one, etc., and was rather surprised just by the fact that he was trying to believe in his innocence.

"It doesn't matter to me, then why did you change your mind?

"I heard it from him. I was attacked by monsters on a mission, and people told me they helped me where I was going to be wiped out."

That happened, Harold digs up memories of the past. That was definitely some time after I became a handkerchief for Justus.

I encountered a place where the Knights, who were about ten, were on the verge of being wiped out, and only two of them, although they intervened, were able to help, and both of them had badly discharged from service with the after-effects of their injuries. I guess that's either Sid listened.

"He used to bake me care when I was a rookie... so I went to visit him because he said he was hurt badly. That's when you tell me everything."

Sid looks up and shoots through Harold's eyes.

"'Harold Stokes saved my life,' he said."

Harold's face and name are not strange to know. And in fact, Harold moved to help them out of good intentions.

But I still think Harold is weak as a reason to decide he's not a traitor. A person who can easily be believed in the existence of the possibility that it happens would not be distressed so far in the first place.

"Since I heard that story, I've been losing track of you..."

I don't want to think of him as a betrayer. But according to the sight I saw with its eyes and the judgment of the Council, an unquestionable traitor. Yet after I left the Knights, they saved my benefactor.

It's not hard to imagine Sid's emotional amplitude screwed up if you think about it that way. But there was more to his story.

"Then the troubling day went on, and I went to visit him again... so I was noticed. Maybe you got caught up in something..."

"What do you mean?

"When I went to visit you again, I couldn't remember being helped by you from that guy. The monster attacked me and I passed out, and when I found out, I was supposed to be transported to the hospital."

If the memory manipulation was performed, it was probably Justus' work. But I don't know what you meant by that.

"I won't let you down. You must have seen it in hallucinations where your life isn't in danger anyway."

"No! That's definitely not it!

"Why would you say that if you're not a doctor?"

"'Cause you're crazy! Harold Stokes isn't the only memory he lost that you helped him with, he even completely forgot he existed!?

It's not the same as amnesia, if not the cloudiness of memory. Incredible events that only lose certain human memories. If it was alone, it might have been flushed.

But I guess the forgotten opponent was too pinpoint for the Sids.

"As soon as a verdict was handed down to you, Cody Squad Leader told me, 'It's not if I can believe Harold, it's if I can believe myself. But I thought you were innocent. I couldn't believe myself......!

"I'm the same. You keep saying things you don't like, but you knew you weren't a bad guy... and you still pierced your will."

So much regret comes from the two of us that we don't like it. The tears in his eyes were also well seen in the store of the dim liquor store.

I'm sure Robinson, who's not here, feels burdened by the fact that he couldn't believe Harold's innocence, just like these two. Even during the short time I was in the Knights, I knew full well, but they are still very heartfelt.

So Harold came up with the words with the sentiment of not caring.

"What do you think... you idiots?"

"Ha!? You know, I'm really sorry about this one!

"That's why I'm saying it's stupid. Where were the elements you had to apologize for?

"Of course I want to believe you..."

"Suppose, assuming I'm innocent and you claim it loudly... so what changes? What did you change about that verdict?

That's what Harold asks. Sid and Irene push silence.

Yes, it didn't change the outcome from trying to believe Harold or his feelings. The will and thoughts that had intervened there could not be helped, even if the Knights had all disputed, because it had been established from the outset that a sentence of extreme imprisonment would be handed down.

"Then I'll make you a seed. That's when the verdict and what it covered were woven from the beginning."

"" Ha!?

Sid and Irene react exactly the way they wanted.

Of course this is a lie. It's a series of unexpected things from the battle in the Bertis Forest in the first place. But still...

"I'm alive. Even you fools can understand that it's more evidence than anything else, right?

Laugh at them like they're stupid. I'm used to it. So laugh.

To hide that the more I regret for years, the more I apologize to you like this, the more I worry about a helpless human being named Harold Stokes and thank you for the kindness that was breaking my heart.

It is not Harold Stokes who shows an attitude of gratitude here. Being Harold as usual is the way to reward their kindness.

"Yes, but it's a lot more arrogant that we might have been able to change that situation by moving."

"I don't want you to just be arrogant!?

"Arrogance means arrogance. I'm not arrogant, I'm just behaving as I deserve."

"No, I'm very arrogant about the idea of a lie."

So this is fine. There's no need for them to feel burdened.

Harold, the arrogant Harold, is alive and well and insists with this figure that worrying is pointless.

"You high prick! High flying!"

"Ha... where can I throw up the emotions that accumulate in this accumulation of our worries and regrets..."

"I'll drink when this happens, Sid! I'll make all the payments go to Harold!

"Hey, do something casual..."

"You know what? You're a nobleman, so pay as much as that!

"... so is that! All right, let's drink to Harold's treat today!

"... you're quite a man, too."

Well, it was easier as Harold to be making noise like this if you still had a dark face. I want you to live with a smile because I turned my hands around a lot and saved my life, and I want you to forgive me as much as I think.

The timing of the reunion was disturbing, but he wanted me to live in peace without any more death flags...

"Oh, yeah, Harold! Actually, we're getting married when we're done with our current assignment! Where am I supposed to send an invitation?

"It's my senior wedding, so definitely come, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous, motherfucker."

That curse that popped up naturally never meant I didn't like being invited to the wedding.

It is somewhat an outrage at the very act of marriage.

("Me, I'm getting married when this battle is over..." What a vicious death flag!

Apparently, I had a bad feeling about it. Body loved by Sid and Irene's death flag, which in a way is no less than Harold's.

It was the moment when further work came relentlessly to Harold, who was already in an overworked mood.

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