150 – My name is Taeho Ha. And I… # 1

150 – My name is Ha Tae-ho. And I… # 1

Brigitte calmly contemplated the world.

Brigitte, who had just learned the “Walpurgis Breathing Method,” was so excellent that it covered all of Phrygia.

And it felt like a large boulder was disappearing from Brigitte’s sensor net.

“The Demon King has fallen.”

The shadow of the Demon King Sabrnak who fled from this underground.

Brigitte was really relieved that it had fallen.

The most terrifying among the shadows was the Demon Lord Sabrnak.

Brigitte wanted to chase him down right away, but couldn’t.

Brigitte was spreading a barrier around the huge anvil, and this barrier was a barrier that even the demon lord could not easily escape from.

The name of the joint barrier created by combining with Saint Iris is 「Jericho」.

With the magic that Brigitte just developed, it was safe to say that it had an absolute effect on preventing things from escaping from the inside.

“Who casts the demon king’s shadow… ?”

Brigitte wondered.

Could it be that someone strong enough to defeat the Demon King was still staying in Phrygia? Of course, there were a few faces that came to mind.

Saint Iris spoke about it.

“It will be Garot. Garot, because she has a trump card that can defeat any demon. of course… .”

Of course, after using it, he died.

Because the inner hem of the Four King Dragons was not something that a human body could endure.

But Iris just swallowed the thought in her mouth.

I didn’t even have time to talk about it in the first place.

“It’s great… !”

Iris spurted blood.

The palms spread wide toward the barrier felt as if they were burning.

Whoops, whoops-.

Inside the barrier, shocks continued to run, like a thick iron pillar shaking the ground. Is the big anvil too painful? . and made a sick sound.

“As expected, he’s dyed black, but he’s a good kid.”

Iris couldn’t imagine how much pain Morumoru, which became the prison that imprisoned Nocturne, must be suffering.

Wouldn’t it feel like swallowing a hot fire in your stomach? It must even be the pain that the fire is rampaging relentlessly like a gentleman.

– Miyao Ong… .

Morumoru today could be called ‘God’, but it was ‘Nocturn’ that was imprisoned in the first place.

Nocturne is a being so powerful that the over-heated gods can barely defeat it by joining forces.

The fact that such an existence was barely prevented was itself a miracle comparable to creation.

“… If it wasn’t for the Anvil Anvil, it would have been a real disaster.”

Iris, the saintess, felt her fate like a well-fitted puzzle. Words could not explain it, but there was still hope in her heart.

“Die, you bastard… !”


At that time, a huge shock ran like a meteorite colliding with the moon. Queen gave the final blow to Alcatraz, the swordsman of regret.

After the demon lord Sabrnak fell, Alcatraz paused for a moment and the queen leaped several meters high and swung her greatsword down to the ground.

“Meteor Sword”.

As the name suggests, it was a skill with the power of a meteor.

Originally during the Old War, Alcatraz withstood this technique with one shot, but this time it did not.

“Did you see it! My growing skills! So, who’s next?”

cried the queen excitedly.

Something caught in the ears of such a queen.

-Queen… . grow… . I’m stuck here… . What is this black space… ? scary… ! I’m scared… ! save your father… ! Hey, this is hell… !

It was my father’s voice.

Quinn didn’t know why her father’s voice could be heard from within that barrier and from within the black anvil.

“My father can’t be there!”

– Qi, Queen… ! Save my father… ! This place is hell… ! Preta, preta is biting me… ! Quiiyin… ! four years… ! You abandoned your hometown and now you ignore the pain of your father… !

Quinn was a hearty woman.

However, hearing the sound of the father who gave birth to her crying like that made her heart tingle and she wanted to cover her ears.

The problem was that I could hear it even if I covered my ears.

– Yohan, save my mother! It’s too hot here! ahhhhh… !

ㅡDad… ! Daddy… ! Save Miloni… !

“uh… mother… !”

“My daughter… ! My daughter Miloney is in there… !”

The paladins were greatly astonished.

An extremely precious being to them cried out in pain from within that barrier, and the voice was very vivid and seemed to pierce their hearts.

Of course, everyone knew it was a ‘fake’.

Because the people in the heart of this apocalypse were not low enough to be fooled by such ghostly hallucinations.

Still, it was very painful.


Enkidus roared like a ferocious lion.

The thunder-like noise made people hear tinnitus in their ears, and they soon gained courage.

“All calm down! The hallucinations just now are one of Judas’ techniques!”

Enkidus was a man who knew the art of Judas closely.

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Judas was a sly man and did not tell anyone about his skills or limitations, but Enkidus was the only friend he considered and told him a lot.

Enkidus thinks that the technology just now was named “Six Paths – Satan”.

Satan was, according to Judas, a terrible demon.

-After killing the Demon King, all of my skills have turned into terrible demons. It can never be used by ordinary people. Probably sealed for life.

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Judas gave his craft the names of hideous and terrifying demons.

This is also said to be considerate of others.

-It’s a kind of warning. It’s a scary skill, so don’t think about dealing with it and run away.

Enkidus laughed it off, thinking it was an arrogant remark like Judas, but now Enkidus had no choice but to admit that it was not a lie.

– Enkidus, it hurts so much… ! This is hell… ! Burning dogs are biting me… ! ahhh… !

There was a constant whisper in Enkidus’ ear. It was the voice of Saint Iris.

Even though Enkidus could see her creating a barrier right next to her, Enkidus felt a strong urge to break through the barrier and jump into the black hair to rescue the saintess.


Enkidus recited the mantra again to make the barrier strong.

The barrier created by the saintess, Enkidus, and Brigitte was so strong that no being could escape.

… … … .

Finally everything settled into silence.

The noise that had been whispering until just now had completely disappeared.

People were relieved and thankful that the voice that tempted them was gone.


They felt another uneasiness in this silence.

‘It’s not too quiet… ?’

It was so quiet.

It is as if the world of nothingness was like this before the creation of heaven and earth.

That silence had a knack for making people’s hearts more anxious than the riotous temptation just before.

Yes, because this was a sign that ‘something’ was about to happen.


At that time, a voice was heard from inside Morumoru.

It was not an hallucination, nor was it a tempting voice.

It was the voice of Judas.

“Release me. Too many things have already changed. It’s late. you guys can’t beat me It is only a matter of time.”

“… Judah.”

“However, if you keep me locked up like this, when I free myself, I will kill you in the most painful way in the world. you can’t even imagine Nocturne’s nightmare.”

Everyone was terrified.

Mortals’ brains were too small to imagine Nocturne’s nightmares.

“But I love you. If you let me go, even now, I’ll let you go without pain. Or send the children inside the barrier. I want to see their faces.”

It was a very flat voice.

But Brigitte was not fooled.

“I mean Judas. Even if I’m good at telling other lies, I don’t carelessly say that I love you, even if it’s a dirty word. He never said that to the kids or to me. You are no longer Judas.”

“… … .”

At Brigitte’s words, Juda—or something covered in that shell—silenced.

Then he said

“You’re right, wizard. As you said. But now it really is only a matter of time. Judas, do you think that man can stop me with his mortal body?”

“… … .”

“Do you think this little hairball can save you? No, only I am your salvation. Your life is hard and there is only pain. Do you think there can be salvation as easy and simple as turning everything to nothing? Truth is such a simple thing.”

That was Nocturne’s truth.

What Nocturne pursued was a terrible nothingness.

“This world full of creatures is all lies. The essence of this world lies in nothing. Even your god, Demiurge, is nothing more than a vassal who created a false and imperfect world. They were weak because they called themselves gods, and the world they created resembled them, so they were weak and stupid, causing problems. However, the salvation I will give you is a true immortality and will last forever. Am I not the only truth and worthy of being called God?”

People didn’t answer.

His story was sophistry, but those whose hearts were filled with tension like iron could not rack their brains to refute it.

At that time, Naru, who was trembling, said.

“If the world disappears, even strawberries… Peach is gone… ?”

“Little girl, don’t make fun of your mouth. I… I… . I… . I… .”

As if the Nocturne was broken, I muttered——. And finally, as if really angry, he shouted with a high-pitched voice.

『I will slaughter all of you three sisters for an eternity!』

“Ow, shack… ! Naruto likes butchering too!”

oh oh oh oh-.

The ground shook violently.

Only then did Brigitte realize what Nocturne was up to.

He seemed to be about to break the ground and bury it all in the soil. People like Brigitte and Enkidus won’t die buried in the soil, but then the barrier won’t be maintained.

“Evacuate the children! Nocturne is targeting children!”

Brigitte could sense that Nocturne hated those children very much. It was unclear exactly what the reason was, but Brigitte felt that the children had to be saved at all costs.

“I’m going to open the dimensional gate! Everyone run away! Protect the children!”

Brigitte decided to open the dimensional portal.

However, in order to do so, the barriers could be loosened for a while.

But there was no way.

Nocturne told the truth.

The truth that this barrier cannot last forever——.

“queen! Take care of my children! Cut the space!”

Brigitte shouted.


The space opened like a zipper.

It was on the way to Brigitte’s house, the “Miscellaneous Mansion”.

“Dad… !”

Naru struggled.

It was because I didn’t want to leave this place.

Cecily was sad too.

“Dad… !”

Squeezing the courage, he said.

Although he was neither aristocratic nor princely, he was Cecily’s father.

However, only Hina had a grim face.

“I have to go now. now we have to go There is only now. We must go now.”

Quinn soon ran away with the children, and the dimensional gate immediately closed.


At that moment, the inside of the barrier exploded.

Everyone was blown away by the shock and crashed to the ground, but only Morumoru – Kreureung… ! and endured with a savage noise.

How much can Morumoru endure?

A truly hopeless situation.


Then something came down from the sky.

One had a rope tied around his waist, and the other was floating in the air without a foothold.

said the blonde beauty with a rope tied around her waist.

“Finally gone. When we run into each other, we merge into one. right? It’s all good, but putting them together is a bit annoying.”

To the above words, a beautiful woman in a pink robe, floating in the air as if by magic, answered.

“… It is. Still, good timing… .”

They were like goddesses descending on this battlefield.

In this hopeless situation, their faces shone as if enveloped in brilliance.

“Has Naru not come yet? Well, since Naru can use a dimensional gate, he will join on his own. Hina, you can’t.”

“… isn’t that what you can’t do? So you came late because you lost your way even though you had a compass.”

“It’s not that I’m late, I had something to do.”

The women giggled and laughed.

Seeing that, Saint Iris lost her temper.

Even though I couldn’t see it, I just knew that something amazing had arrived.

“all… Who are you?”

The saintess asked cautiously.

Then two women who seemed to look alike but were completely different from each other looked at each other’s faces and said at the same time.

“The three sisters of revenge, Erinies… .”

“—I’ll let you say that. Although one hasn’t arrived yet… ! From now on, this place will be under our command… !”

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