140 – Shiny Golden Hour #5

140 – Shining Golden Hour #5

Headquarters where Ilgwang Ascension Island is located.

Children were often abandoned before the first step up the mountain.

sick orphan.

family crest.

A child with a deformed body.

children born of unwanted pregnancies, etc.

There was a story that various kinds of children were abandoned, and those children were saved by venerable monks and lived as monks on top of that high mountain.

Yes, because at the top of the mountain there was a nun who was so virtuous that he was called Daejongsa. Everyone must have thought that she would do something for the children.

This man was also abandoned in front of the stairs at the same time as he was born.

Surprisingly, however, he had memories of his childhood, which were neither dreams nor fantasies.

– Because of you, my life has failed. you are the failure of my life

It was not something a mother would say to a newborn child.

The man, who was only a year old at the time, couldn’t understand what that meant, but he vaguely sensed that his mother wouldn’t hold him anymore.


That was the young man’s name.

Luckily or unluckily, he was picked up by a monk from the main mountain and raised in a temple located on the top of a high mountain.

He was a man who could easily copy and learn everything.

Everyone said that if you knew one, a child prodigy would appear, but the man’s heart was always unmoved.

A 6-year-old who grew up like that.

On a dark moonless night, a man was attacked by a giant snake behind a temple wall.

The snake attacked the man, coiled around him, and opened his mouth wide like a cave.

But the man was not eaten.

ㅡ Bindo has swallowed many children, but it is the first time that there is no fear like you. Aren’t you afraid of being swallowed up by frequency?

That day, the man pondered.

Death was not afraid either.

Rather, for him, being alive was anguish.

A life abandoned as soon as it was born.

What were you born for?

I even had the strangely self-destructive thought that maybe being eaten by a giant snake would mean something to me if I became a part of great nature.

– Frequency has failed to eat you. Ah, from now on, call your name Mara. You will grow up to be a man worthy of that name.

The man became Mara.

After that, Mara’s life was full of failures, although she went through many things and struggled and sought a way.

It was like that even now.

Beep, beep, beep-.

An alarm sounded from the ground.

A magic circle full of the smell of blood.

There was a terrible smell of failure.

“Is my life meaningless?”

Mara asked the other person.

The other person was taking care of young children, but there was a very light and humorous part in his attitude. The children hid behind the man and the man-Judah replied lightly.

“How do I know? But now that it’s like this, it must have been fate that you and I couldn’t avoid fighting in the end. Mara, you are too evil and strong to let me live like this.”

evil and strong -.

Hearing those words from the person in front of her, Mara was a little taken aback and seemed to be laughing. But it was as he said.

Mara was evil and strong.

I wanted to.


overwhelming power.

It was the truth that Mara thought could solve all problems.

At that thought, hatred began to seep into Mara’s heart and mind like a gooey furnace.

His head stood on end and his eyes were bleeding.

It felt like all the pores in my body were opening, but it felt like my heart was tightening.


That made Mara even stronger.

He had many things to hate.

A mother who abandoned her child.

A snake that tried to eat it.

A lover who ran away with another man despite promising love for a thousand years.


A world where nothing but pain exists.

All of that boosted Mara’s strength.

“Uhhh… . ugh… .”

He is now a speechless beast.

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Judas said, looking at the appearance.

“It’s a power-up by raising evil karma. I think Sabrnak did something like that too. Shall I try it too?”

oh oh oh oh-.

Soon, black karma began to rise from Judas’ body. It was hate and resentment itself that was so vivid and ugly that it was visible.

Mara, who had lost her sanity halfway, was surprised to see that such great resentment and hatred were overturning Judas’ body.

Surely this is the malice that man can harbor?

“hehehehe… ! Sue, it’s that I can’t breathe… !”

“vicious… malice… .”

Even the daughters of Judah, who were trembling even when they were kidnapped by Mara, were disgusted by that intense and violent momentum.

What is the malice towards?

What is the hatred and anger toward?

Mara had no doubt that that man, Judas, was thinking of something more disastrous and terrible than her own life.

And his thoughts were roughly correct.

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Judas was furious that the Gromische bananas he had been saving for the night before were gone.

Added to this was the anger that Sifnoy had woken up from his sleep by making noise every morning from a few days ago.

In addition, as for the mosquitoes which become summer and increase -.

It was hatred and malice that shook heaven and earth.

Of course, Mara didn’t know that.

I am just grateful that I have a good opponent in front of me.

“Judas, in the end, no matter what, I am the strongest if I defeat you.”

* * *


Damn, I wanted to eat a banana.

Even for me, Gromische bananas are hard to find.

Because production was limited to 100 per year.

Money wasn’t the problem, scarcity was.

The bananas he tried to eat alone, not giving them to his daughters, disappeared because of a strange butterfly.

It was clear that this anger and resentment would go on for more than 100 years.

“You’re so damn angry.”

I raised my malice to the fullest.

Because I was thinking of ending the fight with Mara in the shortest possible time.

The reason was simple.

Mara was stronger than I thought.

It was clear that if they engaged in a long-term battle with this guy who was stronger than the demon lord Sabrenak, the whole of Freesia would be ruined, and Cecily and Hina, who couldn’t escape, would get caught up in it.

One-hit kill.

That was good.

Fortunately, among my remaining talents, there was a skill that deserves to be called that.


Most of my skills are one-hit kills.


I was unusually excited.

At the same time, I kicked the ground with all my strength.


There was a huge aftershock on the land I kicked.

Now my hand, which has advanced like a black flash, will be forged sharper than any dagger and pierce the man’s chest.

I was like a bullet fired, and now I couldn’t stop moving myself.

“—One Island Ahriman.”

Chow ah-!

I felt my hand pierce the man’s chest.

「Ilseom Ahriman」 is an S-class skill that is an application of ‘Heart Piercing’.

It was truly a cutthroat.

However, I also sensed a strange sensation in my fingertips.

“The heart… doesn’t exist?”

“… All of my organs are located opposite. A terrible deformity from birth. I was abandoned and failed… That’s why.”


My body, unable to pierce my heart, was tightly gripped by Mara. To my surprise, he held my arm tightly with his pierced chest.

Only then can you escape.

“Judas, I feel you in my body! yes, it was this! I will become one with you! That’s the way I’m going to be the strongest, the pinnacle! Become one with me!”

“Ouch, fuck!”

I didn’t even consider that the children were listening and I ended up swearing. That’s why I couldn’t stand it because I heard such terrible words physiologically.

Mara hugged me and was bleeding from her mouth while laughing, and it was really scary.

That’s more reason to kill him quickly.

“I will not let you go! We will become one like this!”

“I don’t want to hug a guy!!!”

However, Mara’s bondage was stronger than expected. The monks of Ilgwang Ascension are all said to have indestructible bodies, and my arm, deeply embedded in his body, was firmly fixed and did not come off.

… Should I cut off my arm too?

I couldn’t have been unaware of how much it meant to lose an arm to a thief, but my instincts were calling out.

Go ahead and get away from him.

“Damn it.”


Reluctantly, I moved my hand to free my arm from Mara’s chest.

Along with the pain in my shoulder, I felt that one side of my body was getting lighter.

“… Oh, Dad… !”

At the same time, I heard someone screaming loudly.

it’s probably hina

“this… receive… !”


I felt Hina throwing something at me.

It was the rope I gave Hina.

I wrapped it around my shoulder to stop the bleeding.

“… … .”

to lose an arm

The cut surface was neat, so it was clear that if I just put it back together quickly, it would work somehow.

There are even saints in this city.

But can I get that arm back?

My arm remained lodged in Mara’s chest.

It looked like a stake driven into the heart of a vampire, or like the spear of a Roman soldier who is said to have pierced the side of the son of the gods and pierced the heart.

The problem was that it seemed to give more power to the guy, rather than slashing his vitality.

My body gives him strength?

Hina murmured.

“… The experiment was a success… . An experiment to raise the level by absorbing parts of the demon’s body… . Although imperfect, it cannot be called a failure… .”

I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I could tell that it was messed up in many ways.

After all, the atmosphere around Mara started to vibrate like a super-massive speaker turned up, and everything on the ground, walls, and ceiling started cracking.

what am i supposed to do now

Of course you have to stop Mara.

I want to get my arm back that was taken away.

But my body didn’t move like that.

I just looked back.

Hina and Cecily.

The guys were my daughters.

It was a face that you don’t know when you’ll see it in the future if you don’t look at it now.

Truly the shining golden hour of my life.

A moment worth more than any treasure I’ve ever stolen.

Now that I think about it, the last few months of my children’s visit from the future have been as fun as all the moments I’ve lived.

So I saw the faces of the children at least once.

In this strange world, my family is connected by blood.

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