132 – You can’t have it all! but… # 2

132 – You can’t have it all! but… # 2

I liked to choose.

For example, the Pokémon I enjoyed as a child.

One of my favorite parts about Pokemon is that you can choose one of 3 Pokemon at the beginning.

water, grass and fire.

You can choose one of the three and go.

In most games, not just Pokemon, there were a lot of choices.

For example, I liked the ‘moment of job change’ in RPGs.

Wouldn’t it be better to be a warrior than a thief?

If I were to raise a thief, would it be better to be a dagger thief or a sword thief?

I think I quite liked the process.

It’s a pity that if you gain one, you have no choice but to lose the other.

The joy of putting what’s left behind and using what’s in hand to move forward.

That’s what choice is.

I liked that.

What would Cecil, Hina, and Naru think?

I said to the children I called.

“It’s an item you’ll use to find the treasure. These are the few things I have. There is only one thing to choose from. You only have one chance to choose, so you better choose wisely.”

Snip, snip-.

I reached into my shadow and took out the object I had stored.

Each was a compass, a pickaxe, and a rope that could be called a rope.


As the items were laid out on the floor, Garot was the first to show interest.

“A broken compass… . A rope that is all cut off by an old pickaxe.”

Garot holding a compass.

He frowned as he watched the compass needle spin endlessly.

“How can you find treasure with this?”

Garot didn’t seem to understand.

However, Salome, who had been watching this situation, widened her eyes.

“I hope this is—”


As Salome was about to say something, Sifnoi, who was watching the judge of this treasure hunt contest, exclaimed in surprise.

He put his palms to his cheeks and shouted.

“These are all great treasures… ! Truly, what all grave robbers and thieves envy… ! As for this compass… It is the “sparrow’s compass”… !”

Sifnoy guy.

Oddly enough, I wondered if there were many magazines, but it seemed that I recognized these treasures at a glance.

“”The Sparrow’s Compass”… . The famous pirate’s treasure… ! A compass that doesn’t point north… . There is a legend that points to what the owner’s heart desires… !”

Sifnoy was right.

The “Sparrow’s Compass” was a mysterious object that indicated the object the owner’s heart desired. After that, Sifnoi was even more shocked when he saw the pickaxe next to the compass.

“This is the [Sergeant’s Pickaxe]… ! A sergeant who is said to have dug up several mountains in the past… . Its name is not passed down, but it can break any stone or rock… !”

It was as Sifnoi said.

It was a pickaxe that could be sold anywhere.

It took me a while to save myself.

“And finally, this… . Is it “Gleipnir”? It is a magical rope that can be stretched and shortened at will… ! The length of the extension is quite a few kilos… !”

“I know.”

All three were great things.

All of the treasures I had kept in the shadows, as I did not own private property, could be called treasures of thieves.

“Now, pick one. Once you choose, you can’t change it, so it’s better to choose carefully. It will be a companion tool that will be with you guys in the future.”

In order to find the jewel of the Imoogi I hid, it was better to properly use the items below.

Of course, I didn’t say what and how to use it.

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Just watch what you choose.

“Cecily, I think the compass is better. Knowing the direction is important.”

“Hinaya, choose a pickaxe! That pickaxe, it’s made of admant steel!”

Garrot and Salome were forcing their child to choose a particular treasure. When the children hesitated slightly, Brigitte asked Naru.

“Naru, what do you like best?”

“I don’t know!”


It seemed that Naruto didn’t know.

At that time, Cecily was the first to move her hand.

“It seems difficult to carry anything else. But this compass looks good in a pocket or bag. I, Cecily, would choose this one.”

Cecily chose the compass.

There are now two items left.

It was Hina who moved her hand first.


What Hina picked up was a rope.

A rope that stretches everywhere.

“Hina, pick out a pickaxe!”

Of course, Salome didn’t like it.

However, Hina was greatly surprised as she pulled or shortened the rope in her hand.

“Nice rope… . If you tie a shuriken and throw it… . It could be a weapon as it is… . You can jump rope… . It is useful in many ways… .”

It was a story that made sense.

A rope is useful.

In the end, all that was left was the pickaxe.

Naru raised a pickaxe the size of her height with both hands high.

“Naru, I got a pickaxe! Heavier than I thought!”

Naruto seemed to have no idea.


With that feeling, the treasure hunt started again.

I watched it from a chair in the garden when Salome came up to me and asked.

“What do you mean? Judas, sharing your treasures with your children.”

“I think it’s just an early inheritance of property.”

hehehehe- I said it like a joke with a feeling of awkwardness. Actually, if you look at it, it was literal. I just passed on the property to my daughters.

“Even if I had it, it’s useless now.”

I didn’t have much time left.

Right now, I thought it would be better to just enjoy the peaceful daily life as much as possible.

“… Are you giving up?”

asked Salome.

“Have you given up now because the experiment failed?”

“No, I was determined. And, I don’t think my method is wrong now. look at the kids you are laughing It is proof that our future is still connected.”

If the future had changed, the images of the children would have disappeared.

But the children were still here.

The future in which children are born has not yet changed.

The children playing in the garden were proof of that.

* * *

Cecily picked up her compass and walked through the garden.

A compass that turns round and round.

What stopped… , in front of a large rock located in the garden.

“… It looks like it is here!”

Cecily said.

Soon after, Garot, who had been looking around, approached the rock and pushed it with his hand.


However, even with Garot’s strength, the rock did not budge.

“It is a very hard rock. I might have to bring a bomb to break this boulder. It looks like a good ten tons.”

The size of the rock was like a large wagon.

Garrot and Cecily tried to push together, but they didn’t budge. Only then did Garot admit that he was regretful about his choice.

“If I had known it would be like this, I would have brought a pickaxe. No, if that was the case, the location of the treasure would not have been discovered after all. I can’t. I have no choice but to talk to Naru.”

With the pickaxe Naru had, it was clear that he could break this huge boulder. But you will have to share half of the treasure you found with Naru.

Cecily was trying to make a nice tiara using jewels, but it was a bit disappointing that if Naru and the jewel were split in half, she could only make a small bracelet.

However, if I stay like this, I won’t be able to get anything, let alone a bracelet.

“Naruya, come here!”

Cecily called out to Naru.

Soon, Naru waddled with a pickaxe as big as her body.

“Why did you call me?”

Cecily used Cecily Biggie chatter——to explain the situation. It was a story that the treasure was under this rock, borrowed power from the naru, and divided the treasure in half.

Naruto nodded as if he understood.

“great! Then break it!”

Naru lifted the pickaxe with all her might.

“Naru Smash!”

Whoa, ppaang-!

When the pickaxe was struck, the rock began to shatter like the shell of an egg with a bang. A few seconds after he worked so hard to break the rock, Naru’s eyes lit up.

“Ow, shack… ! It’s an underground cave… !”

Beneath the rock was the entrance to an underground cave!

It was so deep that I couldn’t tell how deep it was. Garot dropped a lighted match and it disappeared like a dot.

“It is very deep. Cecily, are you sure the treasure is down here?”

Cecily nodded at Garot’s question.

“I’m sure it’s down here! The compass is pointing to the bottom!”

“Right. I guess I’d better go in and see for myself. The entrance or passage of the cave is too narrow. If I tried to widen the entrance, I would get stuck in the middle.”

The aisle is wide enough for small children to enter.

endless depth.

The rock was removed, but the treasure hunt ran into trouble again.

Then Naru said.

“Why don’t you ask Hina for help? Hina has a rope! We can tie a rope around our bodies and go underground!”

It was the right story.

However, if that happened, it was clear that Cecily and Naru would have to share the treasure with Hina as well. Then, Cecily’s plan to make a bracelet out of jewels would go awry.

If the jewels were shared by three people, the only accessories that could be made would be a ring… .

‘A ring would be difficult to show off at an Ordor ball… .’

However, if you stay like this, you won’t even get that ring.

Cecily and Naru had no choice but to ask Hina for help.


Naru explained well to Hina what had just happened.

Hina was a smart girl, so she quickly figured out the situation.

Finally, the children tied their waists to Hina’s rope and descended toward the deep cave.

The inside of the cave was deeper and more winding than expected.

It was to the extent that they had to use Cecily’s compass to find their way or use Naru’s pickaxe to pierce the path.

Soon, Naru shouted.

“If we don’t work together, we won’t find the treasure!”

Then Cecily asked.

“But where is this… ?”

Cecily felt her senses go numb as she continued walking through the cave.

front and back.

Even the top and bottom felt confused.

Round and round -.

Even the compass in Cecily’s hand turned like it was broken.

What you see in front of you is a three-pronged road.

A difficult situation in many ways.

“Naru, let’s go to the center first! If something happens, I’ll shout, so pull the rope tied around Naru’s waist!”


Naru proceeded towards the center of the three-pronged road as if he were not afraid. Seeing that, Cecily was a little scared, but there was no other way.

How many minutes had passed?


“… Naru.”

Cecily and Hina asked Naru, who headed towards the center.

But no answer is heard.

“Let’s go too.”

Cecily moved forward slowly with Hina.

The road where Naru disappeared was incredibly winding and complicated.

“Naruya, where are you?”

Cecily asked.

However, the answer did not come back either.

“Naru is gone… ?”

It was when Hina muttered in a slightly trembling voice.

Palak, palak-.

Something with shiny wings flew over Cecily and Hina’s heads. It was a butterfly with two white wings.

“Hina, can you see that? beautiful.”

“… Luminous Butterfly… ? If there are butterflies… There might be an exit… .”

Hina’s thoughts were always reasonable.

If there was an exit, Naru might have escaped through it.

Hina and Cecily walked around the cave chasing butterflies that fluttered somewhere.

After crawling through the winding cave for about 10 minutes, I found what I could call a ‘door’.

“… door… ? Hina, can you see it too?”

“… yes… . door… . Suspicious… . Why is there a door in this cave… .”

It was a very suspicious door.

However, in Cecily’s opinion, there was no answer other than opening that door in the current situation.

So that was when I opened the door.

“Cecily, hold on—”


Whoa ah-.

Cecily closed her eyes tightly as the warm wind blew in an instant.

Maybe 5 seconds passed?

When she opened her eyes slowly, Cecily noticed that she was in an unfamiliar yet warm room. It was a room where the curtains fluttered and the warm sunlight penetrated.

“here is… ? Why is there a room like this in the cave… ?”

It was like a bedroom on a spring morning, after waking up late.

Soon someone in the room spotted Cecily and asked,

“Are you lost? You don’t remember inviting a kid to today’s tea party?”

Are you the owner of the room?

She was a woman with long hair as white as snow and black as ebony.

It was like a white sugar princess.

Thinking of throwing a tea party?

Cecily said with a slightly blushing face.

“I-I… . I wasn’t invited to the tea party… . I’m lost, but I’m looking for my sister… I arrived here after walking through a cave… .”

“cave? sisters?”

“Treasure hunt… . Follow this compass… . And I followed the butterfly… .”

Cecily looked at the compass, wondering why there was such a room in the cave.

The needle of the compass, which had been spinning until just now, stopped silently, pointing at the woman in front of him.

Seeing that, a woman who looked like a princess from a distant kingdom smiled.

“Take a treasure hunt—. like that. You said you were chasing a butterfly? Did a butterfly ever look like this?”

The woman in white gloves moved her fingers around.

Then, a sparkling butterfly appeared out of the air and circled in front of Cecily.

“Yes… ! It’s that butterfly… !”

“This is called a guide butterfly. It is a butterfly that guides those who are lost. I kept a bunch of them, but it looks like one of them slipped out. Are you lost because of me? sorry.”

“The guide butterfly… ?”

“Catch the butterfly. I will show you the way back.”

The woman pushed Cecily on the back.

Cecily followed the butterfly into the closet in the room.

It was a dark closet.

The inside of the closet is long.

But, strangely, a voice was heard from inside the closet.

– Cecily, where are you!

– Cecily… .

It was Hina and Naru’s voice.

Will I be able to meet my sisters if I go into this closet?

Before going back to her sisters, Cecily had something she wanted to ask.

“… Maybe, that… , Are you a princess? In this wonderland… .”


The woman asked, slightly surprised.

Then, he nodded his head.

“that’s right.”


At that moment, he felt something pulling Cecily’s body. The rope tied around her waist was pulled tight.

“oh… !”

“I found Cecily!”

“Relief… .”

Before she knew it, Cecily was lying in the dark cave.

Seeing Naru and Hina looking at Cecily, Cecily asked in surprise.

“What, what? What about the princess?”

Cecily looked around.

However, neither the view of the drowsy room I had just seen nor the image of my older sister, who was as pretty as a princess, was nowhere to be seen.

“What princess? Cecily, did you have a dream?”

It was Naru who looked around.

Cecily also said, “Was it a dream… As I looked around, something fluttered and flew around the dark cave.

It was a butterfly with shiny wings.

“Guide Butterfly!”

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