126 – My aunt loves her nephew! #3

126 – Aunt loves her nephew! #3

“Beast King Garum is a half-man, half-horse monster that rules the border area near Ordor. Of course, it’s more than enough to defeat you, but there are many loyal subordinates.”

Because he has a lot of subordinates, he said that if he gets caught, the work will be difficult because of the endless supply offensive.

So the point is to go around the forest as undetected as possible?

“Cecily, you must have brought the slingshot, right?”

Garot asked.

Then Cecily rummaged through her bag and took out a slingshot and showed it to him.

“I brought it.”

“Did you keep it in your bag? It’s a bad habit. If you come to the hunting ground, it is basic to hold it so that you can shoot it at any time. I’ll deduct points from my snack score tomorrow.”

“… eww… .”

Cecily puffed out her cheeks and pursed her lips, perhaps because Garot was scolded.

By the way, snack points are a system that Garot earned while training Cecily.

It was a system that gave a shop if they did well and deducted points if they did poorly so that they could eat snacks accordingly.

“Childrakes are said to be moving plants. And they say it’s cowardly and ferocious. Even if you find it at best, it will be meaningless if you don’t guess. Be mindful.”

“Heh, I know.”

It was Cecily who shook her head coldly.

Is this what learning to hunt from a mother feels like?

I don’t know.

Come to think of it, I didn’t seem to have any particular experience of learning something from my dad and mom. In a world where schools and kindergartens are not developed, this is probably the norm.

– Kerr!

– Kheung!

Then a wolf came out of the bush.

Perhaps because he was exposed to the karma of evil lurking in Pandaemonium, it was Marang Orthor, which had been mutated to have two tails and two mouths.

It was much smaller than the objects I dealt with in the lab, but Cecily was terrified as she stood on her head.

“hehehehe… ! A monster has popped out—”


Garrot closed Cecily’s mouth with the palm of her hand.

Perhaps because Garot acted quickly, Marang Ortor looked around without spotting us.

Are you following our scent?

Garot looked at the situation through the bushes and said.

“Good. Cecily, I’ll loosen up my hands before hunting the children’s lakes. Shoot him with your slingshot and hit him.”

“I… Do you want to see me? That terrifying monster?”

“yes. Load up. Hurry.”

In a hurry.

Cecily took out an iron ball about the size of her thumb from her pocket. Then he put it on the cloth part of the slingshot and pulled the rubber tight.

“Aim for the head.”

“head… .”

Guggets -.

Cecily frowned.

When Cecily finally let go of her hand, the iron orb cut through the nettle-wind.

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But the iron ball deflected from Orthor’s head, grazed him and hit a tree.


– Orrr-!

Because of that, Marang with two heads noticed our existence hiding in the bush and took a wild leap.

A situation where its claws and fangs glow terrifyingly.

“Moonlight Hunt.”


Chuak, chuak-!

Garot took a step ahead and drew a small sword and drew the crescent moon twice in the dark.

Marang’s heads fell to the floor with that beautiful sword, and they couldn’t cry or growl anymore.

“Why did you miss it?”

Garot asked Cecily.

Cecily only trembled as if she was frightened by the blood-spurting monster’s neck and the situation she had just encountered. Then, as if he mustered up the courage, he said.

“No, I thought it would hurt if I got hit… .”

That’s right.

Cecily missed it on purpose—I knew it too.

It’s so big, there’s no way you can’t hit it.

But looking at it now, it seemed that Cecily was feeling repulsive at the very act of hitting a creature.

A child who is only in the first grade of elementary school.

Garot clicked his tongue when I nodded that I could do that.

“If you don’t get it right, you die. It’s a deduction. two deductions. No snack tomorrow. Those who do not succeed in hunting must starve. Reflect.”

“… … .”


Cecily drooped her shoulders in an understandable way.

Seeing that, Astarosa laughed.

“Teaching meticulously is the same as it was in the past and now.”

* * *

Cecily and Garrot’s hunt continued after that.

When Garot found a target, he let Cecily aim, and in the end Cecily couldn’t hit it, and so on.

“You can hit something like a can easily.”

Cecily showed a knack for hitting all the tin cans I had erected with her slingshot.

However, when the target becomes a real creature, it seems that it becomes difficult to hit it.

“… … .”

Cecily, who had always roared with confidence, was lying limp outside today like a kitty caught in the rain.

Even though it was past midnight, he couldn’t sleep, and he couldn’t help but be depressed because he heard voices like “It’s a deduction” from his mother, Garrot, all night long.

“I found a cave. Let’s take a short break nearby.”

Of course, Garot calmly grasped the situation.

There was a cave nearby, and it was a perfect place for us to hide for about 10 minutes.

“There are many monsters with good senses around, so don’t light a fire. I will scout the surroundings and come back.”

When Garot went out of the cave, Cecily finally let out a sigh. After being scolded all day, did you feel relieved when your mother disappeared?

“I want to go home. After all, I shouldn’t have come to a place like this!”

That’s right.

Would bringing Naru be better for both of them?

“Tomorrow’s snack was a lemon meringue tart. It means I can’t eat it.”

Cecily was terribly depressed at not being able to eat snacks.

Eating a delicious dessert while raising one’s dignity was also a good thing to increase one’s princess power, so I was also disappointed.


Then Garot returned.

In Garot’s hand, a black animal was caught and struggling, but it must have been a rabbit, judging by the long ears.

A soft and fluffy rabbit.

When he handed it to Cecily, Cecily’s expression suddenly brightened.

“Is it a rabbit? Be cute!”

Did he catch the rabbit to lighten Cecily’s mood?

Cecily held the rabbit she had received from Garrot in her arms.

“Oh my God, it’s warm and fluffy… !”

The image of a child holding a rabbit is more stable than you think.

Astarosa was greatly impressed by that appearance.

“Isn’t that guy a “night rabbit”? He’s a hard guy to catch, but he did a good job. It’s a type of “Mana Rabbit” that grew up eating evil karma in this Pandaemonium. he’s a cute guy They steal things and eat them.”

That’s right.

It’s cute.

I never thought Garot would present something like that to Cecily.

Even though Garot looks stiff, she’s a woman with a big heart and soft heart——As she thought, Garot drew a dagger from her waist and held it out to Cecily, saying,

“Cecily, you kill me.”

“What… What did you say?”

“To be a hunter, you have to get used to killing all kinds of creatures. Stabbing a stationary animal with a knife is something anyone can do. If you can’t do this, you will starve until the day after tomorrow.”

Garot’s expression was stern.


Garot to urge.

Soon after, Cecily accepted the dagger with trembling eyes.

“Ooooh… .”

To begin with, Cecily couldn’t kill the rabbit.

It must have been difficult.


Garot clicked his tongue as if he was sorry.

Is the education of the Barbarians all this strict?

“The hunt failed, so starve until the day after tomorrow.”

“Huh… .”

Of course, Cecily, who couldn’t keep up with the education, felt depressed and shriveled up.

Seeing Cecily downcast made me feel a little pity, so I had no choice but to say something to Garot.

“Isn’t killing a rabbit a very difficult task for a child who is only in first grade?”

“I did. my dad did too My father’s father must have done it too. we’ve been living like this Cecily has to do the same. Otherwise, you will not survive and you will die.”

to die

I thought it was too exaggerated, but Garot’s expression was very serious. I had nothing more to say because I left the education of the children to the mothers.

Since they will be children who will grow up in this world, I thought the method of education for mothers in this world would be correct.

“Cecily’s condition is such that hunting for children would be impossible.”

After saying that, Garot twisted the rabbit’s neck in his hand.

A chestnut rabbit that dies after doing it.

“Deal with the rabbit and come back.”

Garot vacated his seat outside the cave again.

* * *

Cecily was very downcast.

He was so depressed that he would not respond when I poked a finger in his side.

“Isn’t it tickling?”

“Hee hee… ! Stop it… ! Before biting your finger… !”

no, it responds

It doesn’t look like it’s that dead.

I said to comfort Cecily.

“it’s okay. I couldn’t even kill a rabbit when I was your age.”

“… … .”

Cecily glanced at me.

Then he asked a small question.

“Is that real?”

“yes. But now it’s a complete killing machine. Cecily, when you grow up, you’ll naturally be able to slaughter this and that, so don’t worry too much.”

“… huh!”

At my words, Cecily frowned and turned her head around.

If it were Naru, at my words, “Oh, shh…” ! Naru will be able to become the slayer of the night rabbits someday… !”, but Cecily’s sensibility was different from Naru’s.

woo woo woo-.

Cecily’s stomach rumbled softly. It had been a long time since we had dinner, and it seemed that we were already hungry.


Then Astarosa held out something to Cecily.

“Hey Kid. Open your palms.”

“… what is it?”

Cecily didn’t seem to trust Astarosa.

When Cecily opened her palm, doubting what the devil was trying to do to her, three thumbnail-sized yellow berries fell into Cecily’s hand.

It looked like a cherry tomato, but it was yellow.

“What is this?”

“Eat it. Because you eat.”

Saying that, Astarosa put a fruit into her mouth. Was it an act to show that there is no poison?

Seeing that, Cecily looked at the fruit and Astarosa’s face alternately with narrow eyes. Then he finally put one of the berries into his mouth.

Soon, the crumpled impression will be released.

“Is it sweet and sour? It’s like an apricot.”

“Well, it’s similar. A drop apricot that grows in Pandaemonium. I picked up a few while walking earlier. Keep it a secret from your mother.”

Cecily, who had failed in the hunt, was told not to feed anything, but it seemed that the devil did not abide by that rule and enticed the child into evil.

Astarosa said.

“I hate hunting too. I did it on purpose and did it wrong. Because I didn’t want to be a hunter. I liked listening to my mother more than hunting.”

“What is your mother telling you?”

“Prom in a dress. Princesses and princes from distant countries. shining chandelier. It’s like a banquet that lasts until late at night. Actually, I wanted to go to the city and become an aristocratic lady like my mother.”

That’s right.

… Looking back, it was a moment that reminded me that Astarosa was also the daughter of Rione von Regdol, the daughter of the Regdol family.

But looking at what you’re talking about now, doesn’t it seem like Astarosa remembers everything when she was still an ordinary human?

“One day, I mean. My mother went to a ball, and the sons of the sultan came from the distant land of Ishmael. They had three treasures, one with a flying carpet… .”

“The three treasures of Ishmael Sultan! Even I, Cecily, have heard of it!”

Astarosa talked about Cecily and Doran.

I felt like I hadn’t listened to the story here, so I came out of the cave for a while and saw Garot standing still at the entrance of the cave, leaning his back against the wall.

“Did you hear everything?”

“I can hear everything within a kilometer without even bothering to listen.”

It is.

I said, scratching the back of my head to hide my embarrassment.

“Your sister, you seem to remember everything.”

“I know. That guy is probably mad at me. maybe even more It could be that he no longer thinks of me as his family.”

is it?

In my opinion… It seems the opposite.

But I didn’t talk like that.

No, I didn’t have time to do it.


Because something huge appeared before us.

The one who jumped from the tree was a bipedal wolf with silver fur.

Its size is about 2 meters.

He was wearing armor made of leather and iron plates, like a seasoned warrior, and he was carrying a greatsword the size of his height on his shoulder.

top demons.


The three pillars of Pandaemonium?

No, it wasn’t to the extent of the swordsman Alcatraz or the wizard Valdes.

one level lower than that.

However, when I was nervous against an opponent who could never let my guard down, Garot pulled out his sword.

“Are you the king of the beasts that rule this area?”

“Yes, I am Beast King Jan-Orbolt. you must be a hunter A lofty hunter who kills beasts on a moonlit night. Even among the residents of Pandaemonium, you are quite famous.”

“… … .”

“Do you remember the wolf you killed in the old city, hunter? It must have been the name of Jan-Mith, the King of Beasts. He is the twin brother of me, Jan-Orbolt.”

At the wolf’s question, Garot gave more strength to the hand holding the sword.

It is a famous story that at the time of the war, Garrot worked with a saintess to defeat the king of beasts in the “Old City”.

To think that the beast king had a twin brother.

From Garot’s point of view, there’s no choice but to be nervous.

“Don’t worry. My brother and I weren’t even good enough to talk about revenge. He died because his brother was weak. That’s it. I’m not here to talk about it.”

“Then why did you show up? Are you going to fight?”

Garot asked.

In many ways, living and counting come and go.

The werewolf looked at Garrot’s face with golden eyes and shook his shoulders.

did you laugh?

“I’m not stupid enough to bet the man who killed the demon king next to me. That would have been the case with my older brother Jan-Mit. I prefer to use my brain over my strength when possible.”

The werewolf Orvolt tapped his forehead with his sharp claws.

the guy said

“I have good ears. So I heard your stories. Are you looking for a childrake? don’t help In this forest, there is only one childrake root.”

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