My Darling Is Pampered and Wild

Chapter 601: This guy is really sick

Chapter 601 This Man Is Really Sick

Lu Qingqiao, who came out of the conference room, heard Lin Xu tell her that Liang Zhijie was still waiting for her in the lobby downstairs.

Lu Qingqiao looked at the time, it was already off work time, she only had twenty minutes to eat, and there was a meeting to be held later.

"Don't worry about it." She said lightly and returned to the office.

Lin Xu also went back to the office, looking at the two meals she brought back on the table, she thanked her and planned to bring it to Lu Yuqiao's office to eat with him, but was stopped.

"Sister Xu, do we care about Miss Liang's side? It's off-duty time, and she's still downstairs. Many employees in the company see her, and many employees in the group are discussing." The assistant is a likable person, the company She is in many department groups, and some small groups in private have also added her.

She just swiped around, and many people in the group were discussing.

The employees wondered what was going on with Liang Zhijie sitting in the lounge area in the lobby. She praised Liang Zhijie for her beautiful temperament, and said that Liang Zhijie took the initiative to greet them and said she had a good personality. She was full of greetings.

She discussed it with her little sister, and felt that Liang Zhijie must be talking with others.

I don't know what her purpose is, but I think she has bad intentions.

Lin Xu understood the situation and knocked on the door of Lu Qingqiao's office first. After entering, she saw that she was having dinner with Qin Xun. The meal was brought over by Qin Xun from the Beijing Hotel.

Qin Xun was rolling roast duck with spring cakes. When Lin Xu told Lu Qingqiao, he was rolling one and handing it to Lu Qingqiao. Lu Qingqiao naturally took it and ate it.

"Well, don't worry about her, you can go to dinner, my brother is still waiting for you." Lu Qingqiao replied unsurprisingly.

"Okay." Lin Xu walked out of the president's office and went to Lu Yuqiao's office with two meals to look for him. She saw several dishes on the table in the rest area of ​​his office, the same as what she saw in Lu Qingqiao's office just now. Exactly the same, apparently Qin Xun also gave a copy to the future brother-in-law.

Had dinner.

Lu Qingqiao hurried to the meeting again, Qin Xun packed up all the rubbish, and went downstairs to go back to the school to live.

When she got out of the elevator on the first floor, she didn't expect Liang Zhijie to leave.

Qin Xunshuang searched his pockets and walked out. When he went out, Liang Zhijie, who had been waiting at the front desk, even got up.

The front desk felt bad, and deliberately stopped Liang Zhijie: "Miss Liang, I'm really sorry to keep you sitting for so long. Next time you want to come over, it would be better to make an appointment first. Our company recently had a big project because of a big project. Many departments are working overtime, and Mr. Lu is keeping an eye on him and is also busy. Today, we held several meetings in a row, and they are still..."

The front desk deliberately talked a lot, so that Liang Zhijie interrupted her impatiently, carrying her bag and stepping on high heels to go out in a hurry.

The front desk looked at her back and muttered, "I've been sitting for so long and I haven't seen you leave. I'm leaving when I see Mr. Lu's boyfriend. Who is that?"

"After dragging her for a while, Mr. Lu's boyfriend should have already driven away."

Qin Xun originally thought that he could go out to eat with Lu Qingqiao, so the car that drove over did not park in the underground parking lot, but parked in the parking lot on the park road on the right side of the door.

After eating dinner with Lu Qingqiao, it was just getting dark. When he was driving to the gate, he saw a figure appearing in front of him, and he put out his arm to stop him pretending to be graceful.

He scolded the man in his heart that he was sick. He was not a taxi, so he turned the steering wheel and went around to the side, leaving the gate of the Lu Group's campus.

(End of this chapter)

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